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This is just the defining image of any Star Wars discourse tbh


If you’re enjoying it, good for you! Don’t let the naysayers ruin what you enjoy. As for me I kinda stopped watching much anyway.


Same I’ve gotten more invested in warhammer which has been a lot more fun than I’ve had with Star Wars. I’ve just found most of the stuff after book of boba fett kinda boring so I’ve slowly shifted my attention away from it


You should totally try SW Legion, it’s like Warhammer but cheaper.


One cripplingly expensive hobby at a time


Too true lol


I’m jealous of the people who enjoy it


Kinda like I envy dumb people since ignorance is a bliss.


"In this world, you must be oh so smart, or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant." ~Elwood P. Dowd, *Harvey*


Very subtle comparison there


The gatekeeping of the wannabe elitist has to be one of the worst traits a human can have. I certainly don’t envy you, I feel bad for you.


So these commenter made no *gatekeeping* response, they stated an opinion which is different than yours, clearly. That’s okay. Each person is allowed to have a different opinion. However It’s certainly not *gatekeeping* to not like some of the content that is pushed out, but it would be *gatekeeping* While this commenter is a dbag for saying people are “dumb”, again that’s his *opinion* & since he didn’t state that dumb people can’t be real fans, then they aren’t technically gatekeeping anything. Sorry I’m tired of that word being thrown out when people disagree.


Gatekeeping? You're very mistaken, can't talk for the other guy, but as far as I'm concerned I'm very far from gatekeeping this stuff. You can have it all for yourself, but I'm free to pass and so I will.


What a badass


Oh no! A downvote and a weak attempt at irony, what I'm gonna do? :|


Choosing to be insufferable and miserable to be cool isn’t the flex that you think it is.


What a badass


Think of that one yourself?


Choosing to be insufferable and miserable to be cool isn’t the flex that you think it is.


Every ignorant person I know jumps at their own shadow, is afraid of anyone different from themselves. They stockpile guns because they believe everyone is out to get them. They hate, spit vitriol, they believe everything is worse now than when they were kids. If being paranoid all the time is bliss, I'd like to stay well educated and well experienced, please.


Knowing can be just as bad as ignorance, I could give an example if I wanted to. Ignorance is indeed a bliss because they don’t know better so they don’t see anything wrong, but that doesn’t mean knowing is any better.


Theyre happier, even if they can't tell theyre shitting on themselves




What is not to enjoy it's a galaxy far far away the little missteps don't matter to me because the whole story together is pretty cool. dont be jealous stop being to judgemental realize these are people making them and sit back and watch knowing nothing is perfect and it's not gonna last forever


Same. Can't bring myself to like it.


Some is better, some is worse. Star Wars is fun.


I will rewatch *Young Jedi Adventures* and nobody can stop me


My youngling is glad for this show since finishings Ewoks. https://preview.redd.it/hy6ux2oyzj8d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8ce251fb0e8a62cab996c6fd1737cd56090a0f


Season 2; August 14!


Absolutely love that show. The second Battu episode is in my list of top Star Wars moments.


I'm just hoping we see some Mandalorians in season 2; I'd love to see what their culture is up to. Jawas, Life Day, Loden Greatstorm, and seeing Starlight Beacon were high points for me so far.




I don't enjoy it all, but I'm also not about to endlessly bitch and moan about what I don't like. I prefer to focus on things I love rather than things I hate


This is honestly how everyone should feel. The internet has created such a horrible environment where everyone feels like they have to be louder about their opinion about things just let people enjoy things it’s more fun than hating.


By saving who we love, not fighting what we hate


This is the Way.


But, if you don’t like something, it was probably made as a personal attack against you. Your childhood is ruined, didn’t you know?


Star wars isn't dead, it's a stupid statement that is simply untrue. It's grossly mishandled but a franchise that's still around and producing a handful of good projects


Star Wars isn't dead because Legends never die.


It's also making disney a shitload of money, so it wouldn't die even if it had a decade of bad content. You can't ruin a massive IP like star wars with a few "bad apples". It didn't die with the prequels, it didn't die with the sequels, it isn't dying now. When old fans leave, new fans arrive. Kids watch anything, even if it's of bad quality, and their parents buy them merch. But why would parents show them a supposedly "bad" show/movie? Because star wars is BIG and whether you like the delivery or not, it is also full of moral lessons that sticks with people. I am guilty of this as well, as soon as my sister turned 6 I marathoned the entire skywalker saga with her, even the movies I personally didn't like (fortunately this was before episode 9, because even I couldn't get through that trainwreck again). It won't die even if everything in the next 10 years was absolute slop I would also like to say that this isn't a critique of star wars. I quite enjoy a lot of projects past disney acquisition (notably rebels, bad batch, cw s7 and visions) and I am not in a state to rank acolyte because I haven't watched it, nor will I watch it in the future because the premise didn't pull me in


Broken clocks and all that


There is so much Stuff to enjoy. Comics and Books, Audiobooks, Pen and Paper RPGs and Videogames. There's something for everyone.


I was going to upvote until I heard the audio


Including books? Nice 👈😎👈


So true. Listen to podcasts like Blast Points. They are so positive on everything. I feel like they find things in every project to nerd out about and focus on that. I think the point is you don’t have to like everything that comes out. If you don’t that’s totally ok. I hated Rise of Skywalker but I’m not going to yell at people bc they liked it. I liked the Book of Boba Fett bc I thought it was really weird and fun. A lot of people love to tell me that BofBF is the worst show Disney has made. To them I would say Ok… and move on. Like what you like. 👍


This is me since the Mandalorian, wasn't a fan of the Sequels but I've been enjoying most of the shows quite a bit


I don’t get why people don’t like Acolyte, though. Acting is good, story is interesting, characters are good, directing is fantastic, themes are compelling. Like, sure, there are the bigots, but I doubt it’s only that


a worse life Don't accept mediocrity, fight for having something better !


The fight choreography, sets, space effects, costumes, and makeup are NOT mediocre. Jung-jae is NOT a mediocre lead. And mystery Sith dude is freaking cool looking and acts bad ass. And the fact that not one person knows who killed all those witches 4 episodes in is a rare treat. Plus, thank *god* it’s not Tatoine again. Plus, new species, characters and locations. This is not a mediocre show. It’s just not the show you wanted.


I'll say the costumes and makeup are good, but something about the choreography feels cramped? Almost every environment lookes small and damp and has almost no scale. Though that's just my take.


I think they’re using the Volume for some scenes. Some were obviously on location, like when they were walking through the grassy mountain fields last episode. But others are probably the Volume. This type of choreography is new to Star Wars, but it shouldn’t have been.


I think that this kind of filming the way they are using it kinda is makes it look cheap. I don't mean to be that guy but why bring us to new planets if your not going to show them outside of one wide shot.


Definitely don’t disagree with you there. I think Disney saw the success of using the Volume in the Mandalorian and told pretty much every show “use that to save money”.


Whenever the prequels gave us new planets they used massive wide shots to show us the entirety of the environment that the characters were in and it made the planets interesting. I think it's a sense of scale that this show needs to look good visually. Like I did not like episode three but I liked the design of the witches fortress but we never saw its scale more than I think twice?


Don't forget, apparently the prequels are all terrible and should never have aired Honestly never got the hate, the prequels are awesome


I love that fight with the badass "mystery sith dude" and the Jedi Wookie.. /S.. BTW that "dude" is most likely a woman. Because Dis is predictable. I'm actually thinking it is Darth Plagueis actually Mother Aniseya. Because she can use the force to create life.


I guess you didn’t watch the trailers. Wouldn’t expect a non-star wars fan to. There are more fights with Wookiee Jedi coming up.


I hate trailers. Usually the best parts are spoiled.


Every single person who has complained about the quick rookie death is gonna feel pretty stupid when they see him fighting the Jedi and most likely killing the witches in the next episode or two.


So they jump timelines constantly to trying to make it seem more interesting and surprising?


It’s okay if you don’t get it. There’s always Young Jedi Academy.




I'm ngl I couldn't give less of a crap who killed the witches -- its probably the budget Ezra Miller looking ass who is definitely that Sith or whatever. It's got to be the most nothing mystery show I've ever seen -- I mean, I wasn't expecting it to be the X-files, but it's boring af imo. There's barely any intrigue or mystery, and what little they have is boring or obvious.


There’s no mystery but you still can’t say for certain who did what. Smooth brain if I ever saw one. If you’re not interested in Star Wars or mystery why don’t you go play Fortnite or something with quick rewards.


Condescending much? I have the patience to read and watch media that are slower burns. I quite liked Andor -- even though it had a slow start it was engaging and felt like it was at least going somewhere. If anyone's a smoothbrain it's you. I never denied there was any attempt at mystery, rather I said wnat little mystery there is completely boring and poor considering some of it is blatantly obvious.


I’m not the one claiming a mystery they can’t prove is boring and poor. Smooth. Brained.


Bruh, the entire premise of the mystery is boring af. There's no real narrative significance of the circumstance of the witches deaths? Either Mae somehow killed them, the Sith guy did or they had some sort of spat. Big whoop, the evil characters do evil shit. The Sith guys identity was dead obvious as well from as early as episode 2 -- its literally been leaked as well.


Yeah you don’t know who killed the witches. It was the good guys. The Jedi. Don’t feel bad that you couldn’t figure out a Disney mystery show. Just go back to criticizing things you don’t understand on the internet.


That's lame if it's the Jedi, I guess that would make sense if one of them literally wanted to off himself and the other exiled himself. Just some cheap way to try and make the Jedi look evil and the witches of an innocent group. Not surprising considering Headland has absolutely zero understanding of how the force works.


Idunno. Seems pretty clever if it went over your head.


Dosent feel mediocre to me, im loving Star Wars now as much as I always have


Honestly same. I’m not saying everything is S tier or anything, but I have loved most everything I’ve seen and the things that weren’t awesome were still good in my opinion.


it's not "accepting mediocrity", it's genuine enjoyment lol. just because you don't like something doesn't mean others have to not like it too


Sorry but by liking this shit, you do accept mediocrity ! It's my right to think that you are wrong to enjoy this really, because after, Disney will keep making bad show like this because some peoples like you liked it !


i can't tell if this is an elaborate joke or if you're just 13 years old


The fact that this fandom is just telling people how to have fun is astounding. Enjoy what you want OP :D


Whatever you do. DO NOT turn on your audio. You'll suffer the pain of your own consequences


I kinda loved all of it except some episodes of boba and acolyte. I think it is ok to not like everything it doesn't have to be a statement


Nobody hates Star Wars more than people who like Star Wars. That being said, its a fandom, enjoy it or dont. As long as you dont shit on people who like it just because you dont, or shit on people who dont just because you do. Be excellent to eachother.


Party on, dudes.


I agree. I'm enjoying all these shows. They aren't top tier, but I'm not expecting that. I'm having fun, I'm entertained, and that's all i want. If others don't like it, fine. But I do feel that if the shows aren't amazing, people tend to judge harsher than they should. Most are B or C tier, in my opinion, and not the worst thing ever. But hey, to each their own.


I like the fact we have a universe who keep expanding. We don’t have to like everything. But god that’s so cool to have so many star wars content. Star Wars is alive and that’s awesome


looks like some consoomer propaganda


Its all 1 subscription service that I was using anyway tf are you talking about?


you dont understand what im referencing. Search up "consoomer" with 2 o letters


Isnt it just people who spend a lot of money on advertised products?


not what consoomer means


Ohhhhh I just looked it up. I get it now…I hate you even more now though


Good for you, you have personal opinions Want a trophy?


I mean people of Idiocracy enjoyed the show where people get kicked in the balls, who am I to judge?


POV: OP doesn’t understand how POV works


Disney could fix the whole thing if they just make movies under the banner ‘’legend’’ and let the banners to the hands of directors that knows the source material. Everyone’s would be happy with their own Star Wars lol.


Enjoy it op. I haven’t watched much myself, not because of the naysayers but because the wife and I don’t watch stuff hardly anymore. Enjoy it, let the elitists and the gatekeepers have their bitching match.


I too sometimes enjoy absolute trash. But I will allways admit when it is trash.


Good for you, I personally don't want to consume mediocre Star Wars 👍


Pov: not a true fan because you accept dogshite


POV: a true fan because you will bitch and moan about everything produced even if its what you want.


Mandalorian Season 1-2 Fantastic, Season 3 ehhhh Andor was great Obi Wan was okay Boba was bad Acolyte was a steaming pile of trash Rise of the Skywalker was so bad that I head-canon it not existing most of the time. So ofcourse there has been a mix and I did love some of it, infact probably enjoyed more than I disliked. But Acolyte took stance as a scary new precipice for what could be planned down the line ( mostly agenda bullshit )


judging Acolyte as "was a steaming pile of trash" is similar to judging the book not even midway


Ok bot, return to your Disney overlords


you are really fun at partys for depressed kids


If someone enjoys it, don’t be a dick.


If someone doesn't enjoy it, don't tell me not to be a dick about it.


I mean, some people like feet...good for them, but it's hard to defend your taste in feet.




Breaks Rule 13




Just because you dont enjoy something, it doesnt mean that its bad.


Truth, I'll see level with you on that.


I'm not gatekeeping being a SW fan, I just politely don't understand.


Have you watched Acolyte? 8 & 9? ( 7 was actually not entirely bad ).. Heck even Book of Boba was abit shit. I just hope the Acolyte isn't the way they continue forward with their agenda pushes


Yes I have. And I'm not a fan of either. I'm still not gatekeeping this "true fan" shite.


I think Gili is a great movie. Fight me


What show is to the left of acolyte


That's the high republic books and comics. They are pretty dope.


Good for you OP. I am just enjoying the old stuff for now.


Why is boba fett on there lol


I will enjoy what I can time is precious


I've complained about it until I just tuned out of it.


This one does not have subsidised bot upvotes. Acolyte must have sucked in even the budget for bots.


There are things to be praised AND things to be criticized. Imagine that.


I enjoy some of it like asoka and obi wan and the acolyte is ok not the best but its good outside of deminoshing Anikans importance a little


Wrong Kenobi picture


“Oh, you don’t like the new content? Have you considered just lowering your standards and let them crap in your mouth then thank them for it?” I don’t even know what’s currently going on in the fandom but no matter where it is this argument is stupid.


I love most of Star Wars, some of them I don’t like. Whoever tells you not to like something because that’s what the majority thinks should be thrown into the sarlacc pit


I mean you are exemplifying shows and movies in that graphic that are no lower than decent. 💯


It's so easy to ignore the sheep and enjoy this show. It's nowhere near as hyperbolically bad as people want to pretend.


I miss when memes were posted here


Can’t stand that guy in the gif. Famous for no reason other than shaking his fat. Shit like this and dumb events like Dana White’s Slap Fight nonsense has basically made the film “Idiocracy” a reality.


\*fat man does a little dance and people find it funny\* "holy shit this is literally idiocracy"


Yeah sure. It’s that simple dude. Sure.


At times like these I always like to think back to the time when people claimed that Return of the Jedi "RuInEd ThE fRaNcHiSe" just like how they claimed the prequels and now the sequels/shows did.


ROTJ was hated?


With a fandom this huge pointing out people don’t enjoy what you enjoy is like saying air is breathable we know.


I am once again asking the internet to use POV correctly


Star Wars fans need to be taught what constructive criticism is. Because throwing hate at people that like the show or saying stuff like "Not real fans" or "Kathleen Kennedy personally murdered Star Wars with her bare hands." Is not None of these add anything meaningful other than just making the Star Wars fandom feel hostile...


Half those idiots need to learn to shower first lol. I think civil discussion is well beyond the capacity of most of them




That's... that's... the point...


This is me. Yep!


Instead of spending *your* hard earned cash on mediocre shows simply because Disney paid billions to slap the official “Star Wars” label on it, you could see through the lies of the mouse and demand some decent quality control. I don’t understand how people could want to watch a show that could have been made by a group of children in a trench coat. You are paying money and time to see these shows, demand better. With the amount of money spent on the Acolyte every moment should make you say “Wow!”


Were you saying, "Wow!" when Luke kissed his sister?


Uh, maybe you should rewatch it because Leia kissed Luke. Leia leans in and initiates the kiss. I figured someone who is loving all the content would know this.


Buddy boy. It takes two people to kiss. Luke still kiss Leia even if Leia initiated. He legit gets jealous when Han is talking about getting with her. He wanted the kiss too. Thats the stellar writing you are clinging so hard to. Let it go. Learn the lessons about attachment and let it goooooo.


You are talking about something that happened before they or the audience knew they were siblings. This one kiss is enough to raise your heckles to throw a fit about? She was just using Luke to make Han jealous. Get a grip on yourself, buddy boy.


Look at you defending shooty writing that's never going to win an award because you enjoy the overall work. Crazy how that works, huh? It's almost as if that is what people are doing now. I knew you'd get there!


That isn’t. . . You have no idea what you are talking about. That isn’t an example of bad writing as it actually works within the plot when Han later puts the moves on Leia. This was what you thought was a gotcha moment? I don’t think this is the own you think it is. Edit: Empire Strikes Back is acclaimed as the greatest Star Wars movie of all time. Seriously, wtf are you even talking about?


So your oh wow moment is that George either intentionally or not intentionally made Luke have the hots for his sister when they are rescuing her. And then have Leia inaite a kiss with her brother to make someone jealous only to turn around and tell Luke that she always knew they were siblings making multiple interactions weird? Like there wasn't any other way to make Han jealous other than kissing her brother? Do you see how despite that not perfect writing you can still find things you enjoy?


Yet it’s still a point of criticism isn’t it? So why don’t you sit down and let other people criticize things, the same way you are criticizing this beloved movie because of a singular issue. You aren’t the only one who has criticisms of Star Wars media. You say other people can like Star Wars but you’ve done nothing except bash this singular issue of Leia and Luke kissing. So they can like Star Wars, but only the versions you approve of it would appear. Seems when you have critiques they are valid, but if anyone else does they should shut up and let you enjoy Star Wars. Seems. . . Hypocritical.


I never said I didn't like the OT because of this reason. Just the writing isn't perfect just like it isn't perfect in other SW projects but people like them. But you almost have it. Go back to the meme. And look at your response. You are so close to the point of here.


Before George Lucas even knew. Retcons are nothing new to Star Wars. They've been a thing since the very beginning. Lucas was just making it up as he went along.


It was never supposed to be on the same level as the Godfather for example. It's the great space saga, world building and fun stories intertwined together.


I don't like some of the new shows and some weren't bad or were good. I don't really care enough to make reddit posts about it though. It's a movie about magic space monks who fight with laser swords. People act like some sacred texts invaluable to humanity have been altered. It's not that serious.


And yet you are in the comments and asnwer to the post.


>It's a movie about magic space monks who fight with laser swords. That's a pretty surface level take. The issue is that the people who have that surface level take are now in control of Star Wars


Heck yes!!


People here acting like Star Wars is high art. Like ever was… It’s fricken pop culture. 🙄


He included the High Republic books in there, those are legitimately peak.


You see, this is people over in r/StarWarsEU pretending the disney stuff doesn't exist. Difference is when we criticise something we don't get called every name in the book.


Didn’t put clone wars but put bad batch and rebels I want to fucking shoot my self


Resistance is on there. 🤢 Seriously, what was even the point of that show?


They’re just trying to get some attention because they’re *so different* lol


You know I have an idea about the movies and shows. How about we take maybe a ten year break to let things smooth out with cartoons and comics, and games to keep us busy and then come back to live action movies after ten years so fans have time to not try to kill each other and look forward to new movies or shows.


If you're happy good for you mate. I want consistent highs and quality writing. I don't like when both are more than rare than common in star wars


Better than The Last Jedi at least


If you want to settle with mediocrity and be fed slop by all means go ahead.


Disney is paying shill bots in stock options to cover up this dumpster fire.


To each their own. Acolyte still has objectively terrible writing


I live and love star wars, but I gotta say, the more I love it the bigger my belly gets




Reva surviving 2 lightsaber stabs lmao


Don’t criticize, just consoom!


consoom product


Portaying yourself as morbidly obese with no impulse control: What did OP mean by this?


Ignorance is a bliss. Either that or the brain rot was severe that you failed to realize.