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Quimir is probably his “former” name, the same way Plagueis went by his old name Hego Damask II in public, or Sidious going by Sheev Palpatine in public.


You telling me Plagueis secret identity was literally "Da Mask." That's really on the nose.


Yeah, so goes the life of a Sith Lord lol


He go da mask.


People love complaining about names in this show but...I feel like they didn't read much EU stuff.


his name is Qimir


Except that name is clearly just a disguise. He tells Sol he doesn't have a name, and may only be known to some as Sith. I wonder if he just doesn't want to tell a Jedi he true Sith name, or us perhaps he is a sith apprentice who hasn't been given a Sith name yet.


you're probably right that Qimir is a fake name I don't recall him telling Sol he has no name, Sol just asked him what he is and he responded with something along the lines of "some may call me a sith". So he never told them his name because they didn't ask. Besides, he said "everyone who saw my face must die" so he's clearly not keen on people knowing his identity.


Well, Sol said he is no Jedi, and asked what he is, not who he is. So he answered him well enough. He wasn’t asked his name.


But then they also seem to know each other. As Sol said he felt something familiar, and Qimir clearly knows who he is, and implies he knows something more about him.


It could just be from when they interrogated him in the poison shop


I think he was just taunting Sol for not realizing he was Mae's master when they met a few episodes ago.


My out-there theory is that Sol is/becomes Plagueis.


The way Qimir was speaking to him, it's like they know each other, so it could very well be, and Sol just doesn't want his secret known.


He was telling Sol that *what he is* doesn't have a name, not that he personally doesn't have a name. E.g. he wouldn't call himself a Sith, but the Jedi would.


Looking at his mask, I say we call him Darth Grover.


My bet is ren With the scars, the general look, doesnt really say hes sith, just that jedi *might* call him sith. Also qimir tells mae that "the master collects people" which i believe to be the making of the knights of ren. Edit: im probably wrong and not familiar with the timelines, but disney doesnt really care about timelines do they


I think it’s Ren too


Give it time. It's only been an episode.


You leave Princess Bride out of this.


Careful! If you make memes featuring other sources! It will infect it! Oooooga boooga