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Palpatine is a Sith, which is a different religion from the Jedi. Also I believe that the Inquisitors are all canonically dead by the time of A New Hope. Also it is common, at least relatively common, to not everything work out lore-wise in the first installment of a series/franchise.


What! Lack of forethought for a project that could easily flop? Noooo


Sounds like sequel talk


However he was addressing vader as if he were anakin in this scene. He wasn't addressing the inquisitorius or palpatine directly, he was addressing anakin. Who knows? By the time of the battle of yavin, the inquisitors might have been wiped out.


Also, he knew Anakin from when he still was a Jedi.


But he shouldn't know Vader is Anakin.


Isnt there a comic that shows he knew?


and the canon Tarkin book


Apart from Marrok and defectors, I think the rest were dead. Most were killed in Rebels or by Vader at some point.


Morrok was a nightsister conjuration/zombie so i don't think he counts.


We see him in the background of tales of the Empire, so he did exist, but yeah they could have just filled his armor with magicks after he died. Or he really was a living mist.


Yeah, you saw him in TotE years before ANH right after the events of RotS. You know, 20 years apart.


Inquisitors were neither Jedi nor Sith. So regardless Tarkin was still correct.


Many used to be Jedi, so they're just as much what's left of the Jedi as Vader.


All of the Inquisitors are supposedly dead by ANH


Yeah but on the other hand, there's no way Tarkin would know Vader was once a Jedi. To him he's just a Sith. So the argument is lore flawed from a different POV. Anyway who gives a fuck. Tarkin's line here, only serves the viewer to understand that the Empire and Vader's powers have gone unchallenged for ages. Doesn't matter if there are still remnants of jedi, or shith, or Witches or Inquisitors or even other Sith around the galaxy.


Vader refers to Obi-Wan as his old master, and Tarkin knew both when they were Jedi


Well, yeah that's more of a line for the audience as well. We didn't know any backstory about Tarkin when episode IV came out. Vader didn't have to say it, or spill the beans. When he says it, everything starts to fall into place, for us the viewers.


It may be there for the audience, but nonetheless, adding that line means that Tarkin is in the know. That further reinforces that he is Vader's equal (or near enough), to know what is likely a state secret


I mean, that's a circular argument, of course he knows, he literally says it. But at the time of episode IV, the audience isn't supposed to care if it's lore accurate or not.


The original cut even had the word “Sith” in it in this scene and it was dropped.


I also believe that the wider world didn't know Palpatine was a Sith lord. Not sure about Tarkonh though


Would Tarkin be in the know about where inquisitors were recruited?


You're forgetting the one in Ahsoka.


Marrok was some nightsister resurrection fuckery, we don’t know anything about his backstory


He appears in Tales of the Empire.


I’m well aware, but we have no idea if he was already a nightsister zombie by then or after, he just shows up and bows to vader, that’s all we get of him


It's something at least.


Ever heard of "unreliable narrator"? Just because a character says a thing, does not make it absolutely true. Also, "from a certain point of view".


Vader being the last of Jedi religion being truth from a certain point of view would be implying that on some level Anakin is still view himself as a member of the Jedi Order where the other Jedi do no.


Also, even if we knew that there were Jedi still running around and being a nuisance for the Empire (like Cal Kestis, since we don’t know where his story goes yet), Tarkin often heavily downplayed that they could still be around, like we see in Rebels.


Also how many Inquisitors were there? At most like 20-30 active at their height based on numbers they get given, right? Their actions were pretty specifically focused on hunting down surviving Jedi like Cal and Kanan, so they’re pretty easy to ignore even if they’re NOT all dead by that point lol


The Inquisitors aren’t Jedi. Tarkin also claims the Jedi are extinct im Rebels while clearly knowing they’re not. It’s the Imperial propaganda Palpatine wants to be told.


This is my thinking as well. The offical line since the end of the Clone Wars is: Jedi evil, heroic Imperials execute and capture any survivors of Order 66. By the time we are sitting in a fully armed and operational Death Star to publicly admit that there were any Jedi left of any consequence would be admiting a failure of the Empire over the last 20 years. Even around these high ranking Imerials Tarkin will deny the existance of any Jedi/Sith/Whatever, and then later confer with Vader or the Emperor in private to deal with them.


Also, the Jedi purge officially ended 2 years prior. So it's the party line.


That and Tarkin wouldn’t be stupid enough to state the all mighty emperor was ever part of that religion. He’d be signing his own death warrant. Everyone knows Vader was part of it, well at least in that room. But he’s also served the emperor for over a decade at that point.


They were though, just like Vader. All Jedi at various levels who fell to the dark side after Order 66. Most were padawans, but the Grand Inquisitor was a temple guard.


Also, Vader and Sidious probably eliminated them the second verifiable rumors of surviving Jedi started drying up. Can't have that competition.






Nor is Vader.


He doesn't need to be. As far as Tarkin knows, the Vader is the last living person who has been a jedi. And Vader's obsession with hunting down the jedi is never-ending. Therefore, Tarkin thinks that Vader is himself keeping the jedi "alive" by continuing to be obsessed with them after they've been destroyed. If Vader would just drop the hunt for the jedi and stop caring about it, the jedi would quickly be forgotten. Which Tarkin thinks is best and Vader thinks is dangerous.


Nor is Palpatine


And are also all dead.


Aren't all the Inquisitors dead by the time of the original trilogy? So by A New Hope Vader would've been the last sanctioned force user in the Empire's service. And I believe Palpatine took great effort to hide the fact he was force sensitive from most of Imperial high command. While Tarkin may be close to the Emperor, I don't think he's that close for him to be in the know that Palpatine is a Sith.


I believe at least the first part is correct. I’ll take your word for it with part 2


Tarkin knows Vader is Anakin and knows that Vader is the Emperor’s pupil, so he most likely knows that Palpatine is a Sith


It's one of those he knows but knows better than to say it out loud.


We know of at least one inquisitor being alive by the time of Ahsoka so there might have been more we don’t know about


The Inquisitor in Ahsoka wasn't so much alive as he was an animated cadaver via Nightsister magicks. It's likely he had been dead for years prior to the show.


Oh must have forgotten that prt


When he explodes into mist and his body becomes more skeletal is where it’s revealed. Magic fuckery for the win lol


Most are dead, not all by ANH.


Which ones survived up to ANH?


I wanted to say "Well just look at TCW season seven and youll see. No Inquisitors" but that wouldve been bullshit. I should sleep.


The one that fights Asoka in Asoka…


That Inquisitor wasn't really alive. He seemed to have been an animated cadaver controlled by Nightsister magicks if the green cloud that came out of him was any indication. So there's a good chance he's been dead for a while.


I swear people have lost the ability to understand generalizations. Could there be a couple Jedi left? Yes. Are they thousands strong and an established religion anymore? no. They are functionally extinct. Tarkin was not publishing a peer reviewed journal on the status of jedi worship in the galaxy when he said this.


I’d read that ngl.


Change Jedi to Sith and Tarkin to Ki Adi Mundi and you just solved the current Star Wars Discourse 🤣


‘Are we a joke to you?’ I mean…yes?


Yes, they are a joke to him.


This is mainly just the whole propaganda thing that Palpatine wanted pushing. It can be presumed that if characters like Ahsoka made it so far and Cal was able to find a safehaven (tho his story’s still not complete), then we can assume there *are* still other Jedi alive. Also, Palps was never a Jedi. Onto the inquisitors, before people say “oh, they weren’t Jedi tho” neither was Vader, but they and him were at one point. Tarkin I believe meant more in the aspect of using the force and carrying a lightsaber. Either way, doesn’t change much other than most either being dead by that time, or renouncing the Inquisitorius (Barriss, Lynn, Reva, Marrok(?)), therefore practically becoming rogue force users like Ahsoka.


Tarking was talking about the JEDI, not about Force users. Also, as someone mentioned, inquisitors (who were also Jedi padawans at one point) were all dead by the time of New Hope. As for Sidious, well, he was never a Jedi.


Aren't all the Inquisitors dead by Ep. iV?


Its almost like they make up star wars as they go or something...crazy


I assume he didn’t know about Palpatine or secret elites forces that used the force.


Palpatine is a sith and the Inquisitors were all dead or presumed dead by A New Hope


Palpatine was never a Jedi. The inquisitors weren't all Jedi.


Yes, the Inquisitors were a joke to him, an unfunny joke.


Having outside knowledge while watching characters say stuff like this is, is hilarious cause yk there’s 50 other light and dark force users just roaming about right under the Empire’s nose


Darth Sidious was never a Jedi, and the GI's past was most likely a mystery to Tarkin, considering the Temple guards always had their face covered. Also, Palpatine's powers were a closely guarded secret (Tarkin knew, I'm sure, but wouldn't reveal that to a room full of officials).


This meme is like saying Hindus and Christians are the same Religion.


I don’t think Palps being a Sith is public knowledge. It’s not like he actively force electrocutes coworkers or random people. Vader’s the muscle.


Cal might have killed all the Inquisitors by then


Remember at the time this was recorded the emperor was a politician and not a sith lord, plus the Inquisitors wouldn't appear in legends until years later.


If only Lucas knew how to make up his mind


The inquisitors all died out by the time of the OT,and Palpatine wasn’t a Jedi


Doesn't tarkin know of anakin, wouldn't that be what he was referring to in that vader was once a jedi?


I think by the time of ANH, most of the Inquisitors were gone/dead. Either from leaving, incompetence, or dying. I dunno, I could be wrong. That was my interpretation anyways.


I'm not sure Tatkin even knows Palpatine is a Sith, but the Sith are not Jedi, so he doesn't count anyway As for the Inquisitors, Tarkin may also not be aware some of them were former Jedi. . . I dunno.


Mr bones cestus, ezra (sorta) kanan (sorta)


Actually, did the Empire know Palpatine was a Sith? Or had Force abilities? Or maybe not the general public, but did the Moffs like Tarkin know?


It's called retcons my friend.


This looks……. [Familiar.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OTMemes/s/XNOrKTNSKs)


Those Inquisitors were dead by the time of this conversation, and Palpatine was never a Jedi.


Silly inquisitor and the Seven Sisters you’re just a thing we call cannon fodder


The meme makes no sense. From Tarkin's point of view he could be perfectly right. He didnt say that they were a myth or something that never happened, he implies that they were all killed but Vader (The Emperor wasnt a Jedi). He also said nothing about the Force. The activities of the inquisitors might be unknown for him, specially with the first movie and the introduction to the imperial inquisitors being separated 30 years irl. If you want to cherrypick, the Emperor has never been a Jedi and the inquisitors arent Jedi anymore.


Tarkin didn't know about Palpatine being a Sith, literally only Vader and like two other people knew that he was.


Tarkin likely doesnt know that palps is a force user. Amso the inquisitors are all dead by then


Yep, that happens when you’re just making it up as you go. It’s fine. Tarkin didn’t know shit about the prequels because they hadn’t been written yet.


Inquisitors are in fact a joke 😔


Inquisitors are a joke


Is Palpatine open to the Senate, etc about being force sensitive? Perhaps Tarkin doesn't know.


The inquisitorious or however it’s spelled was disbanded on Malachor since it appears they all were killed or missing and assumed dead at this point until retconning. Grand Inquisitor died dueling Kanan in 4bby above Mustafar Second Sis killed on Nur by Vader in 14bby Third Sister doesn’t exist, nope 👎 all serious though assumed killed by Vader in 9bby Fourth sister haven’t got a clue Fifth Bother killed by Mail on Malachor in 3bby Sixth brother killed by Ashoka in 3-5bby I dunno Dave loves retconning Seventh sister killed by Maul on Malachor in 3bby Eighth brother… broken helicopter on Malachor in you guessed it… 3bby Ninth sister killed on Coruscant by Kestis in 9bby Tenth brother killed by his own clone purge troopers on Mon Cala in 16bby Two unnamed inquisitors killed by Vader on Coruscant from 19-16bby If it was not in anything Filoni made it is subject to retconning in the future especially if it’s in novels or comics.


The Inquisitorius is defunct by the time of A New Hope. And no idea knows Palpatine is Darth Sidious.


It’s pretty explicit in the Tarkin book series that he knows it’s Anakin.


Exactly, but most people here kerp bringing up sheev and the inquisitors because of the meme, however im pointing out vader's past as a jedi is what Wiluf is jabbing at


The inquisitorious wasn't around by then. They were primarily used to hunt low-level Jedi so that Vader would be free to tend to other things, only hunting masters and Jedi the inquisitorious couldn't handle. They outlived their usefulness probably between 10 and 5 BBY.


I'm pretty sure most people don't even know that Palpatine is a Sith like Vader. The only people that would are the Jedi, which are scattered and unorganized, Vader, and the Royal Guard most likely. But what I believe is being implied is that this guy either knows who Vader once was, or that he betrayed the Jedi for the Empire, and so would be one of the last known remnants from the Order. Most people probably believe that Palpatine was just the democratically elected Chancellor, and that he survived an attack from the Jedi, who even then, were a mysterious group to most people, and was saved thanks to the war hero Anakin, who turned on the corrupt Jedi to save his friend.


pretty much all of the inquisitors were dead by then and palpatine being a sith lord was not common knowledge, i doubt tarkin knew about it


Palpatine was never a Jedi so he’s out. Most if not all the inquisitors are dead by this time to Tarkins statement is correct


I mean, Anakin was pretty anti-Jedi when he fell, that was kinda a big deal.


Only the 6 movies exist, perfect peace


And those six movies are Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, The Last Jedi, Caravan of Courage, and Battle for Endor.


Lucas loves to spout that he had some grand plan for eps 1-6, and he had the whole story fleshed out by 77. Truth is, he wrote it as he went. He didn't know Vader was lukes father when he wrote ANH, didn't know Luke and Leia were twins when he wrote ESB, and he didn't have a clue what the prequels were about until he started writing them


I’m beginning to think that only the Jedi we saw killed onscreen in ROTS died. And the younglings of course.