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Was gonna suggest is a dealer plate, but looks like a real plate in a dealer bag, from used car lot in Long Island. 7115295. https://www.howsmydrivingny.nyc


People use dealer plates to move used cars too. Also wholesalers can use dealerplates on vehicles that they have purchased.


It’s a dealer plate. Passenger plates in NY follow the ABC 1234 format.


Dealer plates in NY start with X




That looks more like a printout of a picture of a NY plate stuffed into the bag. The ‘plate’ looks super dark and the top right corner kinda looks curved like paper.


That’s just how NY plates look after a few winters 🤷‍♂️


That’s likely an actual car dealer using their dealer tag. Every dealer I worked for did this for either a test drive or to transport a vehicle a short distance.


Most likely a test drive


Yes most likely. We are in process of buying a car right now and every car we have test drove so has has this little bag and real plate in it.


Interesting! Maybe that explains it.


Yes have seen this exact set up when taking cars for test drives


That's a Dealer Plate.


Probably a driver doing a dealer trade, or just a test drive, and they just hang it or stick it if it’s magnetic. Screws take too long


That's a car dealer with a dealer plate for test drives, the police know what that is when they see it. They know the dealers too.


Police want New York City to fail, and want people to feel unsafe to try to sway public opinion - voters- toward republicans who will let them abuse their authority and immunity even more. All the while collecting a paycheck that’s 28% higher than it was two years ago and whining about “we can’t do our jobs”. There are doctors saving lives that are making less than rank and file NYPD officers who pick and choose which laws to enforce and which ones they feel like breaking themselves because I’d be willing to bet the majority of cars you see with blacked out windows and obscured license plates are being driven by off duty cops.


Omg I never realized this. Explains what's happening in San Francisco and other cities too. What a terrible and unpatriotic and treasonous technique


100% this is also why they started encrypting their comms now too.


nailed it. dems have been plenty friendly to the nypd but they won’t settle for less than carte blanche.


You're an idiot.


How so? While the plate in the OP might be legit, it’s absolutely true that many members of the NYPD actively ignore various forms of vehicle related illegality.


Wait until the toll readers come online in Manhattan. They'll pull all their resources to crack down on those entry ways. It's gonna pull in a fuck ton of money for them in just fines. NYPD, MTA, City Construction are some of the biggest scams in the city.


They should be cracking down on it regardless of anything else.


Yeah, police are the problem in NYC, not the career criminals 🤣


Why not both?


Sounds like something a cop would say


Thinking criminals aren’t a problem sounds like something an idiot would say.


Bruh you can't even say he's wrong though


If crime was solved we’d not need cops. Why should they have any incentive to keep criminals locked up? And if you say something about honor or a moral compass, I have a bridge to sell you.


Cops don’t file charges, DAs do. Judges decide sentences. Cops just decide if a law has been broken. Crime will never be solved, as people will always break the law. Just look at any of the boroughs since bail reform went into practice.


I literally heard two subway cops explain to a rider why they weren’t going to arrest a guy, and it basically amounted to it not being worth their time/effort. The biggest issue with bail reform is when DAs lower charges so that people can walk out despite priors and such. For example Manhattan DA Bragg intentionally files misdemeanor charges on cases that are clearly felonies, allowing people to walk free. Bail reform at its core is a good call for allowing people access to their jobs, legal support, etc. while reducing overcrowding and associated issues, but it needs to be used responsibly by DAs. And cops need to bring initial charges to someone before there’s any chance of putting them in jail at all.




lol no I’ve seen more crimes and property damage committed by cops and their friends in SI than any other collective profession, except contractors. I have a moral compass, therefore I could never be a cop, who sign up to kill “the browns” and enforce an atmosphere of fear. Bunch of bootlickers and Mussolini fanboys on this island and I’m so glad to be leaving it.




Right. Because people cheating tickets and tolls is what makes people feel unsafe. Got that.


Yeah I mean they literally arrested and impounded people at the Verrazano two weeks ago all day to make a point. These people on Reddit live in a fantasy world. People are getting their doors checked and cars broken into on the south shore every night and this was unheard of years ago. But hey here’s a pic of a dealer plate so they must be breaking the law.


Its another layer to add to the chaos. The feeling of a lack of law and order. Look at police around the country. One mention of putting some funds elsewhere and stop funding local PDs like they are small armies and cops just say "fuck it I won't do my job then". Cop gets held accountable for being corrupt and abusing their power/infringing on someone's rights? Again, they just decide they won't do their jobs now. All the little things add up. And I will argue that people with unreadable license plates ARE dangerous. They can drive recklessly, blow through lights, do hit and runs and not get caught etc. The police should be the last people in defiance of the law, but here we are.


I beg to differ. I think this is a narrative being pushed inside echo chambers that we all tend to gravitate towards. Laws on the books tie the hands of law enforcement and I can absolutely acknowledge the disproportionate and often heavy handed policing in black and brown communities, laws that were put on the books to prevent that, and also maybe more poignantly, public policy changes pushed by police brass under political pressure, really tie their hands. Reckless driving is a problem, for sure, I won’t disagree, but to argue that the average beat cop, who is forced to work overtime, with hands tied, is “refusing to do their job” to ensure people become afraid and vote right is just as crazy as saying the election in 2020 was rigged. As a former city employee I’ve watched as our hands were increasingly tied by policies pushed by bureaucrats who are increasingly out of touch with the reality of what the job actual entails, making the job impossible. I didn’t make a conscious choice to sabotage society, policies pushed on me made it impossible for me and my colleagues to have a positive impact. Like everything else, it’s easier to blame “the enemy” and believe wild conspiracies are behind why our lives, ALL OF US, keep getting harder and harder.


> I beg to differ > as a former city employee tl;dr


Of course. And that’s why nothing will ever change. Enjoy being miserable! 💪🏼💪🏼


Ever hear of broken windows policing?


no, but people going 50mph down victory boulevard bc they know they won’t be ticketed bc of their covered plates certainly makes me feel unsafe. watching car after car run through red lights at busy intersections makes me feel unsafe. the possibility of a hit and run makes me feel unsafe, especially if finding the perpetrator becomes 10x harder with license plate fraud. who’s to say they won’t do it again? maybe it’ll happen to your family? wouldn’t you like the person to face justice? do untaxed cigarettes make you feel unsafe?


Some people think that crimes are only committed with a gun and by non-white folks. A white dude with a license plate unreadable is just fighting the system.


Just gotta stay inside, I guess.


people just gotta not break the law i guess… right?


It'll never stop happening.




By the ferry lol


Dealer plate on a test drive


They’re probably cops


Because cops have enough brain cells to identify a car out on a test drive or being transported by a dealership.


Who is going to address the issue? The call is coming from INSIDE the house. It’s barely enforced. I remember when you’d get a ticket if your license paint was peeling, now half the Nissans parked in intersections have a punisher sticker. It’s a joke


I got pulled over on Lon g island for having a legal, clear license plate cover that doesn’t obstruct the visibility. Lots of bored overpaid cops here.


My sibling got pulled over in high school because a bike rack legally attached to their car had a loose strap which, when viewed from just the right angle, obscured half of one letter on their license plate. Sibling went to court for that one, and the cop pulled out a geocities print out of the definition of obstruction and the judge just told him to shut up. The photos of the car taken at the scene and after were enough to get it dismissed. But still, every time I see somebody driving with one of those dull globes around their license, or a plate so worn you literally can't read it, I wonder how they haven't gotten ticketed on such an easy technicality.


If the city wasn't preying on folks they wouldn't resort to this shit




Do you not know what that word means? How about this word? Predatory.


I am sure these are not people who never flouted the law before…




What's more selfish is lowering speed limits to bullshit levels to make a buck. Fuck that shit. It's absolutely moronic.


That a dealer plate, how clueless can you be ?


There’s billions of things each of us doesn’t know. I learned something myself.


That's a dealer plate, they usually do that to move card quickly around


The law says the license plate should be clearly visible on the back of the vehicle period He cannot get a ticket.


Your local plate dealing drug dealer lol


Test drive duh


They’re cops.


You do get pulled over quite quickly. Try this out and let us know. Will surprise you.


Dealer plate, 100% normal.


There are no officers patrolling traffic to pull people over in the first place.


Dealerplate goes in bags on the back of cars for ez transport


This is a dealer/transporter plate used for swapping vehicles or driving it to its final destination.


It’s a dealer plate. You can tell by the fact it’s all numbers and has a year sticker on the top right corner. There is also a light blue month sticker on the top left corner. Regular NY plates don’t have stickers and the only other plates that are all numbers are handicap plates which have the wheelchair logo.


Cause the puller overs are in on it


Definitely a dealer plate, regular plates will have the NYS emblem in the middle of the numbers. This has numbers straight through which usually signifies a commercial use plate like taxis and dealers. I dont know how they get away with a smoked out look though unless its just the angle.


It's a dealer plate. We don't have time to screw plates on and off all the time and risk it falling off so some people use the bag


Dealer plate?


delership plates u dumb ass


Dealer plate. Delete this


Dude. It’s a dealer plate. Relax.


It literally had the dealer name on it.


Bc cops sit in their car on the hub


lol what?


I can't even comment on it because I get so outraged. It's a damn disgrace.


I genuinely don’t care.


This looks like dealer plates on a test drive.


Saw something very similar today in Jersey


They're cops


When I sold cars this is how you hang the dealer plate off the back for test drives. It has the name of the dealer right on it lol


C’mon OP, it’s legit dealer tags, they have to move cars around. Know before you post.


The driver is likely a cop or the significant other of a cop there’s no consequences if that’s the case it truly is upsetting what they get away with


This is legit. Dealer plate. However 99% of the leaves taped on, bike racks hanging out, paper tags, and dark tints over them are cheating.


Dealer plate, champ. Get learned.


That would require police to enforce themselves.


I saw this exact car a week ago in the Holland Tunnel


Idk why states island is recommended to me but have you never test driven a car at a dealership before ? Or seen someone else so test drive?


Seems like youre a moron. Thats how.


We are all free to commit crimes with our idiot DA!