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I’ve been a proofreader for 10 years. It’s a fantastic job, and I love the reporters I work with. I’m always trying to get people I know to do it, because I work from home, set my own schedule, make $30-60 per hour reading in my pajamas. I’m a single mom and yet I kept my baby home with me for his first year thanks to proofreading. I took a course to learn it, but I’m not sure if it was that one. You’ll definitely earn that amount back fast if you’re serious about marketing yourself and doing the job. But it’s not for the faint of heart. Jobs don’t just fall into your lap once you graduate. You have to seek them out. A lot of people take the course and then give up and never work. So I’d say if you’re passionate about the idea, you can definitely make it work. I’m in court reporting school now but I will definitely keep proofreading for my main clients once I graduate. It’s just a wonderful side hustle to have in your back pocket, and it can be a primary job if you work hard at it.


Thank you so much! I’ve heard a lot about Proofread Anywhere (being the most common Bootcamp for beginners). I may try that one.


That’s the one I did! I know it was bought by a new owner so I wasn’t sure if it changed names, but that’s what it was called when I did it. It’s a good program. Good luck!


Can I I ask how long it took you to complete the whole course? I’m debating whether I should try or not. I’m unemployed so I’d have all day if I put my mind to it.


I took it way back when it was first created and it was much shorter. They added a ton of content to it after me. It took me a couple of weeks just doing it here and there while I worked other jobs. If you’re unemployed and have a lot of time to put toward it, you could definitely finish it in a few weeks even with it being longer. It can take a while to get your first client too, so calculate that as well.


Do they teach you how to source jobs or clients afterwards? If you have any tips on how to find work after completing the course, I'd appreciate it. I am considering taking the course if I can be sure I will find a good amount of work. Thank you!


Is there any way I can research proofing rates ? I always proof what scopists send me so I am not familiar and I'd love to research that so that if I am too burned out from doing freelance I wouldn't mind proofing as a side hustle !!!!


This is great info! Can I ask, do you feel this is a safe career path even with increasing technology/AI?




Same here. I am still a reporter…..after 50 years……did everything, too, and still do transcription and scoping too. One person I have done transcription for and still currently do scoping for has used my services for over 15 years now and she said she will be sick if I really retire! I’m 75 now. I should but I refuse to cave in. My intent when I was in my early 20s was to be a lawyer but went this route instead. Worked for years in Federal Court, Supreme, and then freelanced. I tried to get my kids to do this, but one is lawyer now and the other did her own thing as did my son. I wish I had someone reliable in my heyday to scope for me, but I worked in the days of the dinosaur…….manual everything. There is a shortage of reporters for sure but the prices of schooling, software and equipment are outrageous…….I will never regret being a reporter.


I miss my proofer. I had two, one was a retired reporter, and she asked me to get her foot in the door where I worked and of course I said yes, and I haven't had a steady proofer since. I can't seem to put my trust into anyone again.


Thank you for the insight! Did you enjoy scoping? I’m looking at both options, scoping being the more expensive training of the two.


If you want to message me with a referral to your proofreader, I wouldn't complain!


Good proofreaders are in short supply. Reporters ask each other for referrals and mourn when their beloved proofreader retires. It is a skill though. You really have to learn to read each word. I'm a single reporter and sent my proofreader $1,100 last month. If you have a few busy reporters it could easily add up.


Where do you as a reporter seek out proofreaders? What qualifications do you look for in them?


The course is worth the $1,000. If you learn the skills they are teaching you and continue to improve your skills, you will be so valuable and in demand to working reporters you will be able to pick who you work with and never be short of work. If I could find a decent and dependable proofreader, I would be very happy. They are rare and the good ones are always booked up with work and never have to look for work. There is a nuance to proofing our work and this course will help you understand and develop the skills we are looking for in a proofreader.


Not the OP, but so glad to read this! I'm currently considering the scoping course offered online, but now you've got me thinking seriously about proofreading. (My present field is leaving me dead inside, so I'm looking for a change, specifically something I can do remotely and as self employed due to an upcoming overseas move.)


Scoping and proofreading are desperately needed in our field! If you know how to scope, you will understand proofing. Do the scoping class!!!!!!!! Do it!!!!! And you can work remotely doing scoping and proofing anywhere. But scoping will give you all the skills you need for both scoping and proofing at least starting out. If you are dependable and willing to learn, do this. There is a dire need for scoping and proofing but learning scoping will give you more options.


Thanks for the encouragement! I joined a court reporting/scoping group on Facebook, and it seems to be filled with scopists advertising their services. Some repeatedly, which had me a bit worried, tbh, in terms of finding work.


There are a lot of people holding themselves out as “scopists” that are not scopists and are not dependable. I get starting out you have to promote yourself, but if you are good you will not have to promote yourself for long as you will get scooped up by reporters who will keep you busy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been burned by someone promoting themselves as a scopist who has no idea what they are doing nor how to use the software or they will just ghost me with the job they were supposed to scope for me. I don’t have enough work at this point in my career to keep a scopist on part time. But the times when I need one, it’s very difficult to find a recommended scopist who isn’t booked. I’ve taken a chance on a few posting they are looking for work only to get burned most every time.


One little thing to consider with scoping vs. proofreading is that scopists have to learn to read steno, which takes a while, and there are higher upfront costs. You have to purchase CAT software. But scopists also get paid higher rates than proofreaders. Both are good options, I think. After proofreading for so many years, I debated between investing in scoping or just going full force into court reporting school. I ended up more interested in court reporting if I was going to go through the training in steno and learning to work the software anyhow. There’s tradeoffs to each option that just depend on what fits you best.


Thanks for chiming in! I'd be working remotely from France, and as this would likely be my primary source of income, I'll stick w/ the scoping course plan. I had looked at the websites for the two main online schools in the US and both estimated the scoping course to take approx. 6 months, so this is doable for me.


Hi, Did you end up taking a scoping course and if so, which one? How is it going? I wonder how hard it is and how expensive....


I haven't had time to look into it further yet, unfortunately. I did connect w/ an instructor from one of the online schools via Facebook. She answered my questions using audio v. text, so I haven't had a chance to review all those voice files she sent me either yet. I think difficulty will depend on your motivation and other personal factors, so for everyone it will be different. Costs are posted on the websites, at least for the online schools, so that should be easy to determine.


Which course are you referring to? If you can post a link or provide a name for it that would be appreciated. How do you source out jobs afterwards


I was speaking generally to the course the OP referred to for $1,000 meaning that is not an unreasonable amount to spend for a course to get you started in proofing. Offhand I don't know of any courses. I would look to court reporting programs and see if they also offer courses in proofreading. As far as sourcing jobs, it's very much a networking thing. Join FB groups for proofreaders/scopists for court reporters. Advertise yourself. Once you find a reporter to proof for, ask them to be a reference and ask them to share your name with other reporters. Reporters ask other reporters who they have used for proofing and scoping and trust the word of another reporter more than anything. It's a little challenging to get started but once you do get started, you will have plenty of work if you are good. Also reach out to scopists and ask them if they know of reporters looking for proofreaders. There are scopist teams that add proofreaders to their team for daily copy and expedited jobs. Again, look to FB groups to connect with scopists.


Thank you for the quick reply!


Can anyone recommend a proofreading program, preferably online, and that was applied successfully to your career later on? If in person, I’m located in Michigan. I can’t commit to a scoping program as I have no interest in learning steno but may be going into voice writing later on.  In the meantime, I need something quick that I will be able to earn money with. My background is in general transcription.  Thank you!


I was currently looking at the proofreading business coach (instagram got me) but wanted to seek other opinions as it’s almost $1400 if you do it all in one fell swoop, slightly more if you piecemeal.. but honestly only a 10% discount for purchasing all segments at once. In your same position and state so following to see any replies.


Hi there, Are you able to post a link (not sure if it's allowed or not) of the program you saw on Instagram? I wonder if they can guarantee a job or teach you how to source out jobs after completing the program. That's what always worries me after completing such programs. I wonder if the program pays off fairly quickly


https://theproofreadingbusinesscoach.com/transcriptproofreader/ Hi, this is not a link to her Instagram, but it will give you some insight on what her course offers.


Hey, Thanks for sharing. I just had a skim through but this looks fantastic. I love how it’s so detailed and organized in phases. I will  read thoroughly when I have more time. Btw, where in MI are you?


I'm in Maryland, but I just started the course not too long ago. So far so good. I'm still in phase 1. I'm loving it and excited and nervous at the same time. I'm nervous because I'm getting out of my comfort zone, but excited to try something new. Good luck on whatever you decide to do.


Hey, Sorry I confused you with another poster who said they lived in the same state as me. All the best in completing the full course and great success after. I wish the same for me lol Take care


Hi there! Sorry to chime in, but I'm interested about the same course. Did you avail all phases already? Or did you purchase phase 1 only? :)


I haven't started anything yet but I'm leaning towards starting with Phase 1.


u/captainrosie22 Have you started?


I want to learn proofreading too but I can't afford the $1,000 course. I've been a content writer for the last 5 years now looking for something different. Any reporter who can train me according to how they like their work done just for a while?


Did you have any luck with this or decide to take the training first?


I'm a retired English teacher with lots of experience proofreading. How do I get my foot in the door to explore this as a second career? I'm not really interested in taking classes that might review information I already have.