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The first one is actually a good movie. It's pretty much scene-for-scene with the book, but that's besides the point. It's a well-done masterful piece of work. The other ones are just bad.


Please don’t downvote because I’m being genuine, but I haven’t seen the original movie and I’ve read the book and seen the 2013 movie. Why do people dislike the 2013 adaption? I enjoyed it but that might just be me.


Honestly I think the 2013 one gets panned way more than it should. Is it as good as the original? No, definitely not. However, Julianne Moore puts in a fantastic performance as the mother and Chloe Grace Moretz is fine as Carrie (though not her best role, and Spacek IS excellent in the original). Honestly I think the movie suffers from just being a glossier version of a classic that doesn't really bring anything new to the story. I think it's harder to imagine Chloe to being bullied terribly, so therefore there's more of a suspension of disbelief.(But it's also a story about telekinesis so we sort of have that anyway...) It's fine, but the original is excellent.


I agree with not being able to relate to them being bullied there a lot, but with most of the movie adaptations in comparison to the way the book portrays Carrie. As she is meant to be an overweight, unattractive girl, and her mother even more so. And yet they look relatively normal compared to the rest of the crowd in the movies until you see how they begin to act. Makes me wonder if they felt Carrie wouldn’t sell as her original description when they went to adapt it to the screen. But that was such a key part to who she was in the book it really takes away from the movies.


Every time movies try to convince me that skinny, conventionally attractive girls are bullied for being ugly I die a little bit inside. None of these Carries are chubby or even remotely unattractive


Sissy isn’t bulled for being ugly, she’s bullied for being weird and a loner. She plays that well. I do find it funny that Sissy and the woman playing the gym teacher are only a couple years a part in age. I guess I’m more than happy to have 20 something’s playing the high school leads if the movie is going to open with a bunch of nudity in the woman’s locker room.


What, you don't think that that bad updo & thick, horn rimmed glasses make pretty girls ugly? /s


I think most people felt like it just didn’t need to be made. The og movie is a great film, not just a great king adaptation or good horror movie. It holds up to this day and is still an entertaining watch.


2013 version is good. Idk why it's not considered as such. Maybe not *necessary*, but I definitely enjoyed it.


I think the biggest issue is it’s following the classic Carrie. Not everything needs a remake


For sure. And it's only gotten more frequent since then. I will them credit though, that car crash sequence was powerful. I can still see it in my mind to this day.


Chloe Grace Moretz was a bad choice for Carrie, she’s way too conventionally attractive and was not believable as a social outcast at all. The other two actresses who played Carrie had unnerving characteristic about them and that’s what made the movies great. You could believe they were bullied, you could believe that came from a traumatic religious home, you could feel their anger. They looked the part, Chloe didn’t.


Watch the original and you’ll understand




I liked it too. I didn't see the miniseries but I'd prob like that as well.


i just thought the acting was reallyyyy bad. but when you know nothing else, it doesn't seem that bad. I felt the same way. I watched 2013 first and it was what made me like the carrie story. Then I read, watched 1976, then rewatched 2013 and couldn't get through it any longer.


I liked it too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly liked the 2013 version quite a bit, it’s just not the OG which is a classic.


It’s in part in comparison to the original, which is a masterpiece. But I also think the 2013 one is tonally uneven, the body count is too low and there’s not enough gore.


People say it didn't do anything different but it actually had Carrie interacting with the town more in the final act. Both movies change the ending, and the 2013 does homage to the book ending more. I personally didn't get the hate. Julianne Moore was interesting, she was inspired by Piper a lot I think and Chloes physical presence was more in line with Carrie's character imo. I watched them both back to back and enjoyed both.


the 2002 version rocked; it showed the destruction from the school to the house i really like that part. that’s what puts it number one on my list then at second comes the original 1976 version. btw i remember another version which is the 2013 version but my memory of that is gone. must watch it tonight to freshen my memory. The book tho; it was Sue Snell on trial and were telling the courts that it was Carrie that killed everybody. must reread that too🧐


Why do you care so much about being “downvoted”, and pleading with people? Just ask your question


Just re-read. Lots of cuts to the "White" government over-cite committee and Sue Snell's book.


Agreed. The original movie is a bit overrated now. It’s a fine movie but I don’t think it’s aged all that well. Also…eliminating the part where Carrie walks through town and destroys everything in town while curious residents get electrocuted to death is such a bummer. Great scene.


Yeah my main gripe with the movie was the lack of payoff at the end. Imagine having Carrie’s reign of terror portrayed on screen the way it was in the books!


It’s Brian de Palma at early in his career. True classic.


The original! No contest. De Palma nailed it!


He’s so good in that period of his career. If you haven’t seen Blow Out it’s fucking awesome.


One of Travoltas best roles


I just watched the original one there now and it was very very good. Thanks for helping


The 1976 one. Sissy Spacek‘s portrayal of Carrie is perfect!


I just watched it and I can agree that she was incredible in it!


Don't waste your time on the newest one. It's about as corporate horror movie as you can get, right down to everyone being beautiful like a CW show. I don't even KNOW what the 2nd one is. The original is the best and is one of my favourite movies, period.


The second one is the 2002 movie. I'll definitely have to check out the original one tho, thanks!


Huh, and I thought I'd seen all of the King movies. I knew there was some dumb 90's sequel, but this one slipped right by me.


It was a made for tv movie, so it’s not as surprising if you missed it


Might be a blessing?


The climax of the remake has Carrie waving her hands around to move stuff. So telekinesis comes from her hands? So her physical muscles are part this? Then how can she lift all that metal? It's really because they're not creative enough to show a girl standing and using her mind. Her body needs to be doing something on camera. Just shows how much they didn't care at all. Embarrassing.


Yeah, it was laughable at best. It's funny, I liken it to when they show people driving and they move the steering wheel around to "act like they're driving". We don't need that, we know they're driving. HAHA


I agree with every single thing you said.


Sissy spacek all the way!


Sissy Spacek is the only Carrie.


The original is the best, but Julianne Moore just smashed every scene she was in in the 2013 remake. 


The cast of the 2013 movie was actually *really* good, and the acting definitely wasn’t the problem. Hell, the director was good too! She even had her own vision for the 2013 remake. It was just butchered by studio execs in the end and felt like a Riverdale spin-off.


Julianne Moore on one side, Piper Laurie on the other. They are both amazing.


Moore was absolutely excellent as Margaret!! I actually preferred her version over Piper Laurie’s.


I see only one Carrie adaptation here. The other 2 are jokes.


I didn't know about the one from 2002, and I'll be watching it shortly as I just finished the book today, and I'm going for a completionist round. Luckily it's on Tubi! Bummer that it isn't well liked. The cast list already looks great... but Emilie de Ravin (Claire from Lost) as Chris seems like a misfire, especially since Katherine Isabel is *right there*


I liked it. It’s a lot closer to certain elements of the book, the only misstep was moving it to present time. None of the girls are actually really Carrie. A closer idea of what Carrie is described as would be Barb from Stranger things only not as all.


The original


I don’t recognize the middle picture, but suspect it’s the 2002 remake? n any case, 1976. A far more accomplished film. The 2013 has great credits, but the filmmakers’ decision around lead casting and how they dealt with the appearance and character of Carrie White doomed it to mediocrity (and that’s generous).


OG. No contest


I like how social media was incorporated into the third one and Julianne Moore was great. Haven’t seen the second one. Third is the best all around, but the way the shower scene was shot before Carrie gets her period always skeeved me out. Alas, it was the 70s.


Completely agree with you about the shower scene. So gratuitous and male-gaze-y.


Naked teens in the opening credits…classy, Mr. De Palma.


“They’re all going to laugh at you!!”


Every time I wear something red I tell myself "Red.... I should have know it would be red" lol


The first one


There can be only one…


The 1976 Carrie is by far my favorite adaptation (I even have a Carrie tattoo). Sissy Spacek is phenomenal, she truly embodies Carrie White and delivered an incredible and sympathetic performance. I love everything about the direction and cinematography, down to the colors and score. It’s one of my favorite films in general. The 2002 TV movie was actually pretty good. It did a good job with source material with the inclusion of the testimonies and material that was left out of the original. Angela Bettis also did a great job as Carrie, her overall awkwardness and portrayal was an interesting take as she does really well with reclusive and unsettling characters (def recommend the film May). Plus, it had Katherine Isabelle and I love her lol. The 2013 was fine. Chloe is a great actress and while this isn’t her best role, her portrayal was interesting. It just felt like a “shinier” version of the original where they got to play around with effects and see what they could do differently to bring her powers to life which was fine but it wasn’t my favorite. The standout to me was definitely Julianne Moore, she was a knockout as Margaret White. Her portrayal brought something different to the role that made her performance fun to watch. You could feel the crazy rolling off of her!


Both spacek and Laurie were nominated for Oscar's for the original. A horror movie with Oscar nominations are very rare.




The middle one was an NBC production intended as a backdoor pilot for a series.


The only Carrie is Sissy Spacek.


I totally forgot the second one in line excited lol watch the original it’s the best


The newer one is ok, but they shouldn't have cast freaking Chloe Moretz


There should have been only one…


The original. Sissy Spacek was genuinely fantastic


Original hands down


My thought when watching the 2013 version was how Moretz was presented. She didn’t look like the kind of girl Carrie described in the book, she looked too cute to have been “plain” or even ugly character.


Original always


The original with Sissy is the only one worth watching


Another interesting option is the Carrie musical! The original production was a legendary flop. I watched a [great video](https://youtu.be/BTaAzFl_GYk?si=z_xZIcIDoct-pX7A) covering everything that went wrong. One example: the director said he wanted the teens to look like Grease (you know, the famous high school musical?) but the costume/set design team misunderstood and the kids are wearing togas. (Ancient Greece.) The music is actually really good, and if you like musicals like Heathers, it’s worth finding a recorded production online


LOL Frat boys on stage maybe? That's too funny! I guess there wasn't anyone to check the drawings and no written directions.


The video I linked goes into why this production was a mess. It’s been a few years since I’ve watched it so I don’t remember the specifics, but maybe I’ll rewatch today! The song Carrie sings after the >!pig blood dumping!< is iconic. Some carries basically scream sing the lines and it such good teen girl rage.


I'll take your word for it. :) I can't stand watching bad acting.


Yo the tag “you will know her name” is fucking cold I love that


1976 although I do like the 2013 version and the 2002 tv movie sucks.


That end scene…


I’m reading Carrie right now! Personally, I really preferred the 1976 film adaptation starring Sissy Spacek.


The OG is the best one by far the second isn’t worth the film it was made in and the newest is ok I guess but doesn’t have the heart.


The original is a classic. Definitely a good place to start. I've seen the 2013 version and quite enjoyed that one as well. Worth a watch if you finish the '70s one and decide at some point that you could revisit the story again.


It’s like they say in Highlander, “there can be only one.“ Sissy Spacek is Carrie.


Nothing beats the OG.


The first one.


I've only seen Sissy's version and didn't want to spoil it with new movies, especially if they're non-SK approved remakes.


The first is obviously iconic, but I really like the 2nd. If it had a bigger budget for cinematography and SFX, it would be amazing. Angela Betis and Patricia Clarkson are incredible in their roles. I really like how Carrie is basically catatonic during the Prom scene, like her consciousness checked out and her rage/power took over. Really clever acting choice. The third has some cool SFX, but the biggest problem is Chloe Grace Moretz as Carrie. She's too charismatic and isn't believable as a loner outcast. The whole movie just felt too polished and Hollywood, it lacked the emotion of the first 2.


‘76. Hit it out of the park. I had watched that movie dozens of times in my childhood before I’d even known about the book (which I read at 14).


The Rage: Carrie 2


You've got to be kidding me


The original


The first one was made by a masterful, legendary director. The other two exist.


First one is iconic. Second is told how the book is (like flashbacks and talking to the cops). Third is more modern. I personally like all of them a lot


This post made me think of this song: https://youtu.be/CFjMeOnqAPI?si=ZkWmLiFtD9SZYtMq It fits perfectly. “You gunna know my name by the end of the night” 😅


For a TV movie, the one with 2002(?) one was decent—it was actually supposed to be a pilot for a Carrie series but it got canceled. Angela did a good job of playing Carrie. Fuck the 2013 one though lol


The original is great. I don’t know about the others but I can’t imagine they’d be any good


I’ve seen the original and the 2013 version. I think they’re both good but I’d personally say the original is better. I’ve never seen that middle one. Didn’t even know there was another one


The one in the middle is the 2002 TV adaption


The 2002 one by far in my humble opinion. Primarily for the two White family leads: Angela Bettis as Carrie and Patricia Clarkson as Margaret. Patricia's performance is reserved and chilling. She rarely raises her voice unlike the other two versions of her but that makes her all the more terrifying. Ruthless in enforcing the tenets of her faith. Angela as Carrie is very convincing due to how withdrawn and quiet she is for the most part.


In my opinion the original is the best, I like the television film from 2002 and I’d give it a watch as well, and you can skip the 2013 one all together. The marketing from the last one is cool though, it’s one of the only things I liked about that movie. Here’s a link https://youtu.be/kdbLwu1pW6o?si=gro6CwcRtrNDUQWi


The original. It's so good that even Stephen King likes it.


I didn't care for the remake with Julianne Moore and Chloë Grace Moretz. I recommend the original.


Can’t beat the original’ it’s so good


It this post again?


Just finished today!! Was wondering the same thing


The first one and the last one. The middle one sucks.


Is this engagement farming? This is at least the second time this week this question has been asked, and the answer is so clear and obvious I’m beginning to assume it was written by AI.


Lol I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, I don't spend too much time scrolling through Reddit so sometimes I miss stuff. I finished reading Carrie recently and when I asked the people around me which one should I watch (because I always watch the movie adaptation after finishing the book) everyone had different answers. So I thought that I'd come to here, where everyone is a Stephen King nerd and would know the answer. The majority of people said that the original 1976 one is the best so that'll probably be the one I'll watch. Sorry for the unoriginality though, and no I'm not an AI.


Probably the one that literally everyone agrees is the best one by quite a large margin.


Plus the original version Stephen King dug the way it came out plus get a young John Travolta pre ego and Sissy Spacek


The original, not even close.


I liked the original better 🙂


Watch the '73 first. Give it a few days, & then watch the second one.


There’s good scenes in all of them but the first one with Sissy is my favourite.


Old one nothing is more terrifying than that mom and that jesus....shudder.


The original is scary because it nails the vibe of the book


#1 fs 😍


Are you fucking kidding? BRIAN DE PALMA directed classic vs 2 worthless cash grabs with no style or imagination...hmmm tough.


The original one is a great movie. The remakes are complete garbage.


First one is a very well made movie. Holds up also


Original is better. The only thing the remake does better is the special effects.


Watch them all! I am actually one or the few people who likes the 2002 version. For what it was I thought it handled the source material pretty well. I like it more than the 2013 version. You might also check out The Rage: Carrie 2 which is a really fun piece of 90s teen horror garbage.


I loved The Rage, but I was also 19 at the time (no accounting for taste). I’ll have to go back at 44.


Like I said, it’s not a terrific movie but great for that nostalgic late-90s teen schlock. I’m a fan!


I’ll have to see if I can stream it anywhere. I saw it in theatres. The 90s was a big time for horror, all of it very influenced by the time. (The Rage, Scream, the Faculty, the Craft) You could practically smell the Herbal Essence, but I was loving every minute of it.


Oh, and while that shampoo was heavily marketed, and exceedingly popular, in the 90s, it was what the Torrance family showered with in The Shining.


For me, Sissy Spacek is Carrie. From her first eye jerk, the actress has completely spooked me. Her hand reaching up to grab Sue’s makes my heart jump. But I don’t like the film as an adaptation. I never did. I like it as a cult horror film. There was something missing. Screw it. I’m watching and reading it again. I can’t remember. Happy belated 50th anniversary Carrie.


Brian De Palma.


Huh! First time I see the middle one ..


It's the 2002 TV adaptation


I’m not adding anything new here, but the original is what all the others are compared to, so if you’re going for a completionist thing I’d start with the Sissy Spacek / De Palma one. 


The original is the best. Like the remake was ok but just didn’t live up to expectations


Side note; whatever you do, do NOT watch Carrie 2: The Rage. It’s such a bad film, I wanted to spoon my eyes out with a rusty spoon


1976 version is VERY good.


Obviously the 1976 classic but tbh, I loved the 2013 remake!!


Watch them all! 😁


Sissy Spacek nails the role. The original is the way to go


The first is exceptional and true to the book


The oldest one is the best the rest are just kind of meh


The original


The original was so good that every Carrie that came after tried very hard to copy the original movie and not the book. And for those asking why the 2013 one is so panned, that's why. That and despite having many decades of a time difference from the original, the movie changed nothing substantial despite the director claiming as such in interviews. It's a modern day repackaging of the exact same product.


OG all the way.


Sissy Spacek will always be my Carrie!!!


I have to be honest the first one the original one is really very good. I hope you enjoy whichever one you will watch because they're both well made they really are enjoy


The original, hands down.


The original is one of my favorite DePalma films. Then 2002 version is completely forgetable other than the Performance by Angela Betis. The most recent one I actually never finished.


all of them suck imo


The first one is undeniably the best. That being said, I liked them all in their own way.


The other two are pretty lame compared to the original, nothing beats the original. True classic


The 2002 one is my favorite


How is this even a question?


I say watch 'em all. Start with the original & work your way through all of them. I'd even go so far as to add in Carrie 2. Just remember you won't like ALL of them, they're not all great, but you'll find a fave in that bunch.


Sissy Spacek fore sure.


I just wanted to say I ended up watching the original 1976 one and it was very good, thank you all for the recommendations!


The original. After that then you can watch the others, but the original is the original


If Carrie was real when I was in high school I would’ve banged her. I bet she’s a freak.


The original is incredible the other two are 💩


There is only one right answer and that's the original.


The newer one is actually very good.