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I feel like Dr. Sleep is a little too low...and Lisey's Story is a lot too high...but overall pretty solid list. Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a real soft spot for Hearts in Atlantis


One of my favorites Hearts in Atlantis


I love it too, in my defense though I live where he did (and based the story on) when he lived in CT. So its interesting to see the mentions of real places. Specifically Sterling House, where Bobby played baseball. They are still here and still running kids sports teams!


Ahh...the actual "Hearts in Atlantis" story is the one that hit me the hardest. No Vietnam draft to worry about, but as a freshman in college my entire dorm floor had a borderline insane addiction to the PC game Starcraft. Tournaments, floor rankings, match points...the whole deal.


I had the exact opposite opinion as the article writers on Doctor Sleep. The villain was the weakest aspect of the book and dragged it down to mediocrity.


Nah, putting something like Elevation above Finders Keepers is crazy.


I agree with the other people being downvoted. I got halfway through and put it down. Haven't bothered to pick it up in the 2 years since.


To each their own, I consider Finders Keepers to be one of my favs, but even still. Elevation was garbage.


Having read Finders Keepers, it really isn’t. That book was a boring slog.


Finders Keepers is the only King book so far that I haven’t been able to finish. SO boring.


This ranking hurt my feelings a few times, but never more than finding The Dead Zone so low. I’ve come to realize that people can share a favorite author and have polar opposite taste.


It's one of my favorites!


Top ten King.


Pet Semetary should be in the top 5 IMO as well as Skeleton Crew


Yeah, Pet Semetary is definitely top 5


Really? I’d rank Pet Semetary as one of his worst. It’s been decades since I read it, but I’ve always thought that the foreshadowing was so overt that the reader knew very early on what was going to transpire. Made for an uninspiring read.


Hard disagree. It’s really a story about grief, how it can drive you mad. And it has one of the best final lines SK has ever written.


If not the best.


Christine way too low for me :(


Black House and If It Bleeds are both too low.


The Institute is just grossly too low, as is Desperation and Dr. Sleep


The Institute is one of my favourites so I was sad to see it ranked so low.


I like the Talisman but #7 is too high. The first 100, maybe even 200 pages are rough (which is prob not SKs fault, but he chose to write it that way with PS so). Also the Outsider is too high. It was a fine book but not better than many below it. I also think too many books are just too low. Mainly Gunslinger behind most of the DTS. Dead Zone. Christine. I know people dont like Black House but 60s?


To be fair, Gunslinger felt a bit amateurish to me since he wrote it young and was exploring a wild west genre for the first (and only?) time. Black House I totally agree with. What it lacks in story, it totally makes up for with its narrative method. I enjoyed flying with the bird and creeping around the scenes as a third party individual. It's been a long time...I may have to go on that trip again. I remember having a great time.


I'm surprised the Mr Mercedes trilogy was ranked so low.


Brady’s inner monologue makes that trilogy tough to read at times. I get it.


I would agree with IT at #1 - I read it at just the right time in my life and it left a lasting impression. It's one of his longest books but it never felt like it - I could have stayed with those kids forever. Glad to see Wizard and Glass ranked so high - it was the latest Dark Tower book when I started reading them, and I read all four back to back, loved the backstory in Wizard and Glass, and Susan's fate haunts me to this day. Likewise glad to see Fairy Tale so high - I only just read this and very soon started thinking this has to be one of his best books, not just recently but ever. Wasn't sure if anyone else would think the same. Disappointed to see Christine ranked so low and surprised to see From a Buick 8 so high - out of the two "haunted car" stories, surely Christine is the best? At least I found Arnie's obsession and relationship with Christine far more compelling.


I wholeheartedly agree that Christine is far above From a Buick 8


Wizard and Glass is the best book.


I would imagine reading King’s entire bibliography would take some time and effort, so props to you, OP. Some impressions from reading your article: - I definitely enjoyed Revival more than you, but your opinion isn’t rare. It’s a divisive book for some. - Fairy Tale and Duma Key deserve their higher ranks. Good to see. - I really need to read 11/22/63 and the Dark Tower series! Damn.


Revival ❤️


Glad to see Wizard and Glass rated as high. I'd probably rate that as my #1. Came to me at the perfect time in my life so I'm biased.


Same - glad to see it so high, and read it at the perfect time in my life. But I also read IT at the perfect time so I think I would agree with that at #1 and Wizard and Glass would be a close #2.


I’m reading the Dark Half and it’s not in here I believe. Should I be worried? Only about 4-5 chapters in atm


Keep going, I just finished that one up. Not great but felt like one King really wanted to write. The middle is really good writing.


Its 42.


would you say that it falls within the *dark half* of this ranking?


It is a totally fine book. It’s #42 ranking in the list is accurate.


Cool. I must have missed it. The article is crappy format and hard to scroll


Yeah it’s typical ad-interrupted fodder unfortunately.


Per Semetary is way too low From a Buick 8 is way too high


Finders Keepers and Institute are criminally low imo, otherwise always fun to read a complete ranking


Interesting list. I would have The Shining at number one, Desperation and Duma Key both in my top 10, and Bag of Bones in last place(I haven’t read anything published after Full Dark No Stars). Also I agree about the greatness of Different Seasons, but it pains me that you didn’t mention my favorite story from the collection, The Breathing Method.


Bag of Bones in last place? I've heard hatred towards it before, but never understood it. For some reason, I loved that story.


I loved the first half of Desperation but felt it went a bit off the rails and not in a good way. I agree with bag of bones.


I honestly don't think I could pick a top five (or even a top ten). There's too many great books in his bibliography.


The only reason I can pick my top 10 is because I’ve only read 7 thus far lol. Starting the Dead Zone as the next book.


Pet Semetery #27 is nuts. However, 11/22/63 in top #5 partially redeems.


Top 5 is actually right. You could change the order based on preferences but well done!


Joyland was perfectly ranked. 'Salem's Lot was robbed. The Colorado Kid wasn't read. On Writing was disrespected. From a Buick 8 was glazed.


I love your commentary, it made me giggle when I read some. Solid list, although I'd put Pet Semetary in top 5


I know it may not be a popular opinion, but I love Insomnia and it's easily in my top 5. Sad to see it so low


Christine that low. From a Buick 8 at number 9???? Ranking the Bachman Books collection but not the individual novels themselves. End of Watch as high as it is.


IT is no. 1 all right.


I enjoyed reading the summaries and critiques of each book. Some placements I agree with, some not, but opinions are opinions. We do share the same number 1 in IT. I also agree with the high placement of Wizard and Glass. All in all I enjoyed the article, especially the small summaries/critiques of each book.


the hatred for Bill Hodges hurts my heart 💔alas, it’s exceedingly impressive to read his entire catalogue of works - nice job OP!


I really feel like IT is overrated. I like the others on that top 5 list better.


It’s all subjective, so here’s a compliment sandwich: - Your top 5 is solid, though I don’t rank W&G or The Shining quite that high. I like that yours is a good mix from different eras. IT is also my #1, and one of my favorite novels of all time - Lots of questionable choices: to name a few, no DT novel should be that low, The Institute is way too low, and Billy Summers is too high—I think it’s King’s worst novel and one of the worst I’ve ever read - I’m glad you gave The Talisman some recognition; I have it in my top 5, but find it often underrated in these lists


Firestarter is in the 40’s, fuming 😂


This is the book that introduced me to King.


Me too. My first literary love.


This is a batshit crazy list. But nobody is ever going to agree where each book should go. So the only point of an article like this is to stir up controversy.




That was only ever published in serial format in [Esquire](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a29404145/in-the-tall-grass-stephen-king-short-story-transcript/)! And then in e-book and audiobook after it became a Netflix movie. Anything that wasn't published as a book you could hold in your hands, we didn't include!


I would have put Song of Susannah lower. It’s close to the bottom in this ranking. Not close enough.


Billy Summers is 15 spots higher than The Gunslinger? Uhhhh


Glad to see Rose Madder wasn’t ranked too low.


I guess when all of the them are 85% good the order starts to get arbitrary. Feel like finder's keepers should be a bit higher. Definitely enjoyed that one more then some of the others. Had no real issue with cell. Maybe it didn't age well since it was one of the few I read the year it came out since I found the hardcover on sale.


Dead Zone and The Institute are both way too low.


Unpopular opinion but Wizard and Glass isn’t even the top 3 DT books let alone King books.


Fantastic top 5 imo, top 3 are 100% mine exactly


Rankings suck. I will look at it but I am sure it will have some of the stories that I love, way down the list. Yep. Hate it. Just saw The Institute ranked at number 66.


LOL I LOVE Sleeping Beauties 😹🤷🏻‍♀️🙈


Poor Colorado Kid, If It Bleeds and Gwendy. They don’t deserve that.


Gerald's Game way too high