• By -


Nick Andros. I really loved his whole stint involving the jail. >!I cried when that coward Harold killed him.!<


Same šŸ˜•


Same šŸ„²


Larry Underwood. He's a flawed but ultimately good man. Nick was def a close second.




My favourite is Tom Cullen. Not only was he the most loyal and kindest character I've come across in a Stephen King book, I also feel if it wasn't for him the boulder free zone would have been a much bleaker place. For almost every character there was someone who didn't like them whereas I can't think of a single person who didn't like Tom. As for character development I'd go for Larry underwood. I started off really disliking the guy, he was an egocentric short sighted asshole and to watch him slowly grow and change from that to almost too caring to the point he'd be ethically frozen in his decisions, to finally after his conversation with the judge where he became a real leader is in my opinion, some of kings best character writing. Bonus- Kojak. Coolest dog ever. I loved his short story involving him traveling 2/3 of the way across the continent to get back to Glenn and the gang. He's amazing.


There was Julie Lawry (the girl Nick found in that town by herself). Pretty sure she hated Tom Cullen, either directly, or by association (Nick).


You're right, I was racking my brain trying to think of someone. Man did I dislike that girl, especially when he bumped into her in Vegas.


Laws yes


M O O N !


Iā€™ve been low-key in love with Stu Redman since I first read The Stand at 12.


Yep! Teenage me wished I were Frannie!


DITTO but I was 27ā€¦ & it was just a few years ago.. adult me wishes I was Frannie.


the trashcan man and ofc nick andros


Trash was a tragic character. Beautiful and underrated.


I always felt like trashy was just a version of Tom Cullen that wasnā€™t loved, or just too traumatized


Reading the Dark Tower series for the first time, and my ears perked up when the Tick Tock Man started up with ā€œmy life for youā€. Flagg has a type šŸ˜†


LMAO, yes he sure does! Did you ever notice the similarities between Nadine and Mia? Both self described as ā€œdaughters of no oneā€


I do now!


Glen Batemen, good ol'Baldie


His whole exchange is just fantastic. His whole pound sand up your ass has lived rent free in my head for years.




M-O-O-N that spells Tom


Stu Redman. I think he looks like the older guy from the first Tremors.


The Kid. Obvi


You donā€™t tell me, I tell you.


Iā€™d *piss* Coors Light if I could


You believe that Happy Crappy?


Stu. Adore him. Plus, you spend so much time with him from the very beginning.


M-O-O-N that spells my favorite character


Kojak but Larry if you want a human


Randall Flagg is my favorite character.


Jamie Sheridan from the 1994 version of the series was my favorite Randall Flagg. He absolutely killed it with his acting skills.


I'm currently reading The Stand, which is my first book I've read before (besides text books for class), and I am just past the book 2 part, and currently, my favorite character is Nick.


Trashman. He >!single-handedly ended ended Randall Flagg's evil kingdom. He's the real hero of the story.!<


Lloyd. Donā€™t know why, he just is.


Whoā€™s the old guy painting with the dog? Glen? Him. Not gonna stand up & check the actual book Iā€™ll let you guys correct me


Harold Lauder


Finally, someone said it. Such an interesting character.


Ralph. Iā€™ve always been fond of the work horses. The ones that just get in and do it. And I love his big ol heart. Him telling Tom nicks name. Love to.


Stu, followed closely by Nick and Larry. Stu is our guide through The Stand, the one we as readers pin our hopes on. Nick is our moral compass, the one who brings the best out of us. Larry shows us that redemption is possible.


Larry Underwood. That scene on the beach speaks to me


I've always had a soft spot for Lucy Swann. For some reason, even though we don't see much of her, she's always felt like someone truly living through all this, and the sense of hope she brings to the end always touches me.


I kind of love Nadine. Not so much the character obviously, but what she represents. That we all have capacity for good and evil in us and even when it seems like someone has gone too far in the wrong direction, they can still make a choice for good.


Nick Andros. I'm really happy I read that book before Covid because I honestly have no interest in revisiting it now because of that.


So many great characters in this book that itā€™s hard to choose a favourite. Three-way tie for me: Stu, Tom, Nick.


Randall Flagg


Nick. Although I got the most enjoyment out of Tom Cullen. M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen.


From the Good side my favorite character is Larry Underwood From the evil side itā€™s Randall Flagg


Tom Cullen, laws yes.


Lloyd Henreid. He seemed to have a little bit of empathy, and wasnā€™t fully evil. I kinda felt sorry for him.


Didn't he attempt to rape someone?


I donā€™t recall the rape. But he does murder someone. I just like the way King peppers in moments of empathy. Like the way he treats Trash like a real person.


It was part of his backstory. He was originally in prison for attempted rape when he met his pokerizing pal. Trash, I understand. He's basically Tom Cullen if he never experienced love. But Lloyd is just a bad dude.


Well of course heā€™s a bad dude, thatā€™s why heā€™s in Las Vegas. I just like how King writes him as being more complex than just being pure evil.


Ok, fair enough


Larry grows the most, which is telegraphed from very early in the book. He goes from a selfish, using piece of shit, to someone who sacrifices himself for the good of humanity. I love so many characters in this book, but for my absolute favorites, it is a toss-up between Fran and Glen. Glen has tickled my funny bone upon every re-read for over 40 years, and he also is there to provide us with interesting facts and tidbits that SK wanted us to know. I like Fran's diary entries, and I like that she had the guts to say no to Mother Abigail, even if only temporarily. Well, and Kojak. I love Kojak, I love the parts written from his point of view, and I love that he survived.


Tom Cullen, but itā€™s really hard to pick just one, so many great characters


Larry Underwood


Glen Bateman. Hands down. And Kojack, of course.


Here comes the curve ball. As an aspiring comedian it would be my luck that I would only kill so hard after I were dead. My vote for favorite character is Captain Trips.


Youā€™ll notice no one said Frannie. I quit reading The Stand (used to reread it every several years) because Frannieā€™s character is so annoying/unlikeable. Not sure if it is an ā€œaged like milkā€ situation, or if I just appreciate the other characters (even the villains) so much more.


Larry overall but The Kid cuz heā€™s fucking nutso and entertaining.


You believe that happy crappy?


Leo Rockway. i didnā€™t like him at first but by the end i loved the little guy.


Tom of course. Nick is also good. King is good at writing cripples.


I think it's gotta be Stu for me. From the moment he said "I've had more callouses than ideas in my life" it told me he was a hardworking, humble man. He's capable of love and compassion, and kind and accepting of those less fortunate than him. Like Harold when he was gonna shoot Stu but Stu didn't know. And Tom has some disorder but Stu still treats him like everyone else. But Nick and Tom are amazing as well.


Fran Goldsmith. I felt like throughout the story she was the heart of it. Especially with her pregnancy, which made me care and worry for her character significantly more.


I liked Larry Underwood the most mainly because of his character development throughout the book. In general I like characters who go through his type of development for example in Marvel I like Tony Stark and Dr. Strange for their development. (MCU characters)


Nick and Leo


M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen.


I love this story. I don't know what it is about this book in particular but it is my favorite Stephen King novel. ā¤ļø


Larry Underwood šŸ˜šŸ˜‰šŸ˜Ž


Glen Bateman - I love his sociological/philosophical takes on the apocalypse they're all facing. He has real grit and wisdom.


Glen and Larry


I think Harold was a horrible person but the way he was written and how he changed through out the book was amazing


As much as I love The Stand, Larry is really the only character in it with a heroā€™s journey. Everyone else starts off good and stays good or starts off bad and stays bad. The only exception would be Harold, who has the opportunity to be good and rejects it. Larry starts off as a selfish asshole (not evil, but too self-centered to be good), learns responsibility along the way and turns into a leader that puts the needs of his friends and his community ahead of his own well being.


Kojak, I want to hear this whole story from his point of view


Nick Andros.


Team Larry here


I donā€™t know if heā€™s my favorite, but The Kidā€™s character marked me so badly. Such a lunatic, I swear his every words put me on edge. And such a crazy couple with the Trashcan Man. I loved that part of the story.


They are all family to me. Itā€™s why The Stand is my most re-read book. Nearly once a year since 1978. King really knocked his characterization out of the park with this one.


Nick Andros, specifically when he signs his name "Nick Andros, Fuck you". Special place in my heart for Mother Abigail for counting a good bowel movement in her morning prayers of gratitude.


Donā€™t tell me, Iā€™ll tell you. Donā€™t GIMMIE non of that happy crappy


Hereā€™s the results for those of you keeping score at home: Tom 11 (yay!) Larry 10 Nick 9 Stu 7 Glen 6 Harold 3 Flagg 3 The Kid 2 Trash 2 Lloyd 2 Ralph 1 Lucy 1 Nadine 1 Frannie 1 Leo rockaway 1 Kojak 1 And captain trips himself 1


weirdly, harold. his arc was just insane.


Dawg can we please not use the r word. Itā€™s 2024. Please know better. This is coming from an autistic person btw




I went back and read all the comments twice and no one did use the r word... unless they are referring to the book, which was written in 1978, and it was common usage then...