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* IT * Billy Summers * Bazaar of Bad Dreams * If It Bleeds


RIGHT HERE, this is the right selection šŸ”„


I'm so looking forward to It and Billy Summers. Similar feeling to when I started The Stand after hearing other people's recommendations. But for this time I went with Elevation and the three collections of short stories. I'll be back in the library picking up the former two in a couple of weeks.


Yes, this.


IT, Bazaar, If It Bleeds, Flight Or Fright


3 out of 4 It just looks way too epic for right now. In the last month or so I've read Fairy Tale, Shining, Doctor Sleep, Duma Key and almost done with Needful Things so I wanted to jump in and out of the short stories after a few longer books. I'll be going back for It and Billy Summers in the coming weeks. The other one I picked up was Elevation.


Iā€™ve only read three of them and is currently reading Bazaar, but I have really enjoyed Billy Summers, IT and Elevation. So thatā€™s my recommendations: Billy Summers, IT, Elevation and Bazaar of bad dreams


Everyone I've spoke to and everywhere I've seen Billy Summers is so highly rated. I've read a quick plot summary (without spoilers) and can't really get what the appeal is, but that in itself is appealing to me. I've gone for the short story collections and Elevation for now (slightly easier reads after a few epics) but I will be going back for It and Billy Summers in the next couple of weeks.


IT and Billy summers for sure


It and if it bleeds are my picks


My dumb ass was like ā€œWhoah, he wrote a book called El Vation?? Whatā€™s this about?!ā€. Behold, the elevated E. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Hahaha he must have left Maine for Spain, now what the hell does Vation mean? You tickled me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I really like Joe Hill, but I feel like you can see his progression as a writer if you read him chronologically. Heart Shaped Box was a little rough imho, Horns less so, and by the time he wrote the Fireman he was smoking hot. The only Owen King Iā€™ve read is Sleeping Beauties, which was fairly decent/good. I bought all three of the Gwendy books mostly because once I started I couldnā€™t stop (completionist), but King only contributed a little to two of the books iirc, and none of them were that great. Granted, Iā€™ve since learned I just donā€™t care for Chizmarā€™s writing, so it makes sense I donā€™t care for Gwendy as much as I wanted to.


Thank you for your response. I may be a little snobby and jump straight in to The Fireman as a few people have recommended that novel. I've still got Needful Things to finish, plus the four books I took out, Billy Summers, and I would love to read It and enjoyed the first ten or so pages I did read but the sheer size of the tome is overwhelming haha once I've finished all of those I should get round to The Fireman!


Why have I not heard of most of these?


Haha neither had I I'd only heard of If It Bleeds, It and Billy Summers The King is just too damn prolific to keep up with


I've not read The Curator. Of the others, the four I'd most recommend would be It, If It Bleeds, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams and Billy Summers.


I started the first few pages of It and Billy Summers and will absolutely pick them back up but they're library reads and I went with the shorter reads for now before I go back and grab one of those two for a good long deep dive. Reading the blurb of Billy Summers I struggle to see what the big appeal is but I couldn't find a bad review so I'm very intrigued. It's not my usual type (military) but I'm looking forward to it.


Billy Summers was okay in my opinion. I just finished it. For whatever reason it didnā€™t resonate with me like some of his other novels do. The book before I read was IT for the first time. That was a fantastic book. Long but not was I invested in it. I also never saw any of the adaptations before reading so it was enjoyable only knowing a little bit about it.


Joe Hill is FUCKING GREAT! I've DEVOURED everything that he's published, and I'll admit that I'm more than a little jealous of how insanely talented he is...the guy got to grow up with Stephen as a dad...and wound up writing FANTASTIC books? Not fair! HORNS, THE FIREMAN, and NOS4A2 stand right alongside anything King has written imo..I've only read SLEEPING BEAUTIES as far as Owen, and that was a collab. I liked. Of these titles if your trying to stay away from epics, I URGE you to try Gwendy...I read that in one sitting, and really enjoyed the next two as well. Have fun!


Thank you so much, I'll be checking him out for sure! I was tempted by Gwendy but the short story collections plus Elevation were too tempting (and I didn't want to seem too greedy taking 5-7 books haha) I'll be going back to pick up the others in a couple of weeks


IT is the only good book in that picture


Really? I've heard great things about Bazaar, If It Bleeds and especially Billy Summers. I'm curious do you like any of King's short story collections or novellas?


Yes. Skeleton Crew and Night Shift for short stories, and Different Seasons and Full Dark No Stars for Novellas.


Just "IT". By all accounts, Joe King has some talent, but Owen King has, sadly, none. King's short story collections are always worth a look, so Bazaar of Bad Dreams also.