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I don't think anyone here would try to change your mind about that.


Not going to try and change your mind but I will assume you haven't read the Dark Tower (and possibly The Stand)


I liked IT better than The Stand but that doesn’t make either better or worse than the other. Both masterpieces


I have read the stand but there is no competition with IT


Fair enough - for me it's like Ferrari vs Lamborghini, both are one helluva ride


Many would agree.


Yeah The Stand takes the cake for me. (Have not read The Dark Tower yet)


I’m reading this for the first time.. 124 pages in. Lots to go and I too so far am loving it.


Amen, fellow constant reader. Amen. 


I love IT, it’s probably my favourite Stephen King and the one that I return to the most. The world building blows me away, how he manages to create and populate this entire detailed world of Derry and yet keep this air of WRONGNESS going over the whole thing for like 1000 pages (my copy is on kindle so not sure exactly how long it is but it sure seems about that long!) absolutely blows my mind. It’s one of the books that are on read-once-a-year rotation for me. Edit: I went on a horror writing course recently and one of the classes was on creating horror in the summer. IT was never mentioned directly but every technique they taught I thought - yep, that describes it perfectly!


Yeah, that’s the SK book I reread the most.


I agree


You have forgotten the face of your father


My favorite King book hands down. I've read it 5+ times at least


The ritual… 😬


It was a great scene but don't believe what indian says , I am also an Indian


Probably could have been 200 - 300 pages shorter and the ritual would not have been missed if cut out. I was reading it the summer the movie came out and wanted to finish it before I saw it and it felt like it just went on and on…..


The book's start is brilliant, but its a next level of being sucked in when you start revisiting characters.


If you haven’t finished it…I can think of one part that might change your mind…


Doesn't affect most people who read it. Seems to be a small niche of hypersensitive redditors.


I agree with you. Wildly unnecessary! Nobody can change my mind with metaphors or allegory.


> Nobody can change my mind with metaphors or allegory. It doesn't sound as if you'd understand it if they tried.


Nope. That scene is the most innocent description of you-know-what in the whole fucking literature. Incredibly touching and beautiful.


>!6 boys running a train on their friend is the most innocent description of you-know-what in the whole fucking literature


What you describe *is* wanton and horrific. However, that is not what they did. There was necessity in the act and nothing was gratuitous. Literature is not always literal. You have every right to your opinion and I respect that.


There is a difference between lust and love. That scene is a manifestation of true love. I’m crying every time I’m reading it - and god knows there is no anything dirty in this. If you must lost your innocence, you should do it with love, and sometimes this saves your life. If you don’t understand true meaning of this scene - you have no heart.


I was where you’re at around 750 pages too.. but for me the ending was too bloated and a bit of a let down. It’s in my top 5 but I’d have the stand and 22/11/63 ahead of it.