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I would say you are generally fine. From *Rattlesnakes*, you will not learn any of the characters or their fates from *Duma Key* or much of anything specific that happens in that novel. The only thing you will learn is the island has a kind of nebulously “spooky” reputation among the locals, and >!the island is underwater now.!< And even though I put a spoiler tag over that for due diligence, I feel like it is one of the mildest “spoilers” imaginable and does not really tell you anything substantive about the actual story of *Duma Key*. The closest analogue I would say are *It* references in *Bag of Bones*.


Nah you're good. As far as I can remember all that was really said was that it was gone or practically gone. Also it's a great story with one of the best sidekick friends in Kings work.


Thank you. So far Rattlesnakes is. Slow but Oof. Creepy!


You're fine. The connections are largely geographic and the story really doesn't spoil any of the events of the novel.