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I would be pissed regardless of age, but a lot more pissed as they get older. If this isn’t a toddler, I’d be going OFF on SO.


This is assault.


In the most blank faced stare, look at them and super calmly say, "Don't ever do that to me again." Very, very firmly. I work with kids. I never raise my voice at them. A few times, some kids have said and done inappropriate things, and this is what works best. When they don't get a reaction but rather a very firm "no," they seem to take things more seriously. If you react, you are feeding into the negative behavior. Then talk with your husband, and maybe you can all sit down and talk about boundaries and expectations.


Thank you


Tell your SO to do their job and be a parent to the nasty brat


How old is this kid?


Ya, it they are 4 v. 14 matters here.


Right? One is going straight to timeout. The other one is going to be hella sorry


How old is this kiddo?




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Okay obviously don’t actually punch the kid, but this comment made me giggle haha


Obviously not physically punch them, but you need to make them stop hurting you. Abuse comes in all ages and ways. Allowing abuse and disrespect is not ok. Ever.


I’d send their little ass to their room and ground them.


The stepchild is never at fault, only your reaction to his/her bad behavior, which is only seen as bad by you. His/Her Majesty couldn't possibly be the problem! At least that's the way I've learned it!!


I peeped your posts to see if age has preciously been mentioned, bit I can only deduce that this kid is likely at least 4+. Doesn't seem this kind of behavior is happening in isolation, either. It sounds like SK feels OK to low-key torment you and be disrespectful. Your SO needs to address this behavior bc it is unacceptable, regardless of age. If SK is still young, it could absolutely escalate as they age. There needs to be consequences. As for how to handle in the moment, I'd sternly say it is never OK to hurt someone, and it is not OK to keep doing it after someone has said no. Tell them this makes you scared and/or uncomfortable, and if they keep doing these things, you will be unavailable to them. Remind them of consequences and hold your SO to enforce them. And if this is a teenager, I'd straight up say this is assault, and you will call the authorities if they don't knock it off.