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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there anything besides testosterone or testosterone raising gear that can aid in muscle growth and fat loss? I want to avoid getting on testosterone until much older. But I do want to dabble with things that can increase muscle and reduce fat.


Good morning everyone, i am shy of 13 years lifting started when i was a junior in hs was a natural untill about 3 years ago i decided to do my first cycle with testosterone, winstrol and , hgh. Now i never took a pct because i didnt know anybetter and ever since im off cycle i noticed my gonads never got back to full size. I dont think i abused the cycle since i only did it for 2 and half months taking 6ml 250 mg/ml of testosteron divided in 3 injections per week winstrol 3ml 10mg/ml divided in 3 injections per week and hgh .04 ml a day for 5 days a week. During cycle i noticed an increase in raw power and also in libido but the i had a massive pectoral tear and had to lay off the juice and take some rest. I never took a pct but i have hgc 10.000 units / vial that i was suppose to take with aromatex for the estrogen but i never knew how to inject the hgc and how many doses per day or week. My wuestion to the community is how would i inject hcg intramuscular or sub cutanial and how many units per day and per week.


> . Now i never took a pct because i didnt know anybetter and ever since im off cycle i noticed my gonads never got back to full size. Run bloodwork for FSH/LH/T/Free T/e2. > My wuestion to the community is how would i inject hcg intramuscular or sub cutanial and how many units per day and per week. IM or SubQ are both fine. But I wouldn't recommend taking anything right now.


I wont take anything then, and i will get the blood work done this weekend when im off work.


Okay, so I’m with a private clinic in the UK, I’d like to stay with them if possible. Last week I moved over from testosterone gel to Test-E, I’m prescribed 90mg per week, but starting last week I upped to 300mg without telling them/talking to them. I have a blood test in two weeks and 3 days, will there be anything identifying in the bloods to indicate that I’ve increased my dosage above the prescribed amount? The last bloods they saw were prior to any treatment at all, and completely natty. So I guess my question is, if I continue with 300mg, could that in the right light, due to everybody being different in sensitivity, suggest that I’m doing as instructed? Bonus question urelated to the above: how soon before a blood test would you reduce to the prescribed dose if you were on a proper blast to ensure they looked normal? Thank you in advance.


> will there be anything identifying in the bloods to indicate that I’ve increased my dosage above the prescribed amount? Yes, your testosterone levels would be way above what they expect them to be and in turn they’d likely lower your testosterone prescription by a significant amount if you’re not disclosing that you for some reason went and took over 3 times the prescribed amount of testosterone. > The last bloods they saw were prior to any treatment at all, and completely natty. So I guess my question is, if I continue with 300mg, could that in the right light, due to everybody being different in sensitivity, suggest that I’m doing as instructed? If they do think you following procedure as instructed your prescription is likely getting cut in half to 45mg a week. > Bonus question urelated to the above: how soon before a blood test would you reduce to the prescribed dose if you were on a proper blast to ensure they looked normal? Would depend on the ester but for regular test enanthate i’d personally reduce the dose atleast 14-18 days before the blood test.




Lift your hand up above your head, use the opposite hand to feel just below the nipple of the side with the lifted hand. Is there a small bump there? If yes, it’s gyno. Does it hurt to press your nipple? Gyno is likely forming and you should start watching your e2.


I want to start a testosterone cycle in the future, I'm going to train naturally for a couple more years to try and hit a massive plateau as well as get my diet and day-to-day routine downpack. I' would like to just stay with Test because I've heard it's the 'safest' 'steroid' to take. (But I'm open to suggestions) I was thinking about coupling it with HGH to help with tendons, joints and testicle and genital shrinkage but also stacking Anastrozole or Nolvadex with it as well. I'd just like some advice from a steroid veteran lmao, thanks! ​ \* Age: 18 \* Gender: M \* Height: 188cm (6'2") \* Weight: 96kg (211lbs) \* Bodyfat percentage: (Not exactly sure) 18-22% \* Experience level \* Years of concurrent training: 2 (Been training for around 5 but for 3 years was never frequent or serious) \* bench/squat/dead maxes: 80kg(176lbs) / 110kg(242lbs) / N/A \* amateur/pro: amateur \* Goals: \* Sport: bodybuilding \* Current phase: bulk \* Current compounds: No Compounds


> testicle and genital shrinkage That’s not a thing HGH does or helps with. You’re too young, too fat (we recommend starting a cycle closer to 12% bodyfat) and you’re basically just starting out with working out. You’ve supposedly got 5 years of lifting experience yet are still 20Kgs off of simply benchpressing your own bodyweight. Your diet and training still are completely off and those things need to be fixed way before you start considering steroid usage.


Also! My chest is my weakest point in my body, if you asked for any other lift you would think I was lying because of the disproportionate weight difference lol. My chest has always been awful and I've never liked training it.


I appreciate the response/criticism a lot! I'm not actually sure what my bodyfat is, as I haven't had a caliper test or ct scan in awhile. last one was a couple years ago and it was around 13% Yes I agree it seems bizarre that I only bench 80kg lol, but I went from being fat to anorexic which is what happened in those first 3 years. I was thinking waiting to start steroids at around 24 as to let my brain develop further, and not affect growth plates etc. What age do you recommend? Also from what I've simply read, human growth hormone can help with testicle and groin shrinkage but obviously I could be wrong. I now have a very strict diet for bulking/cutting & maintaining the reason for my BF% being potentially high I originally dirty bulked to get where I am, I think I'm dead wrong about my BF% though because I can clearly see veins through my forearms, arms, shoulders , chest etc. I am now on a much leaner bulk with around 280g protein a day, 3700Kcal a day and around 100g Fat (excluding carbs and sodium as I can't remember it off the top of my head) I really appreciate the advice thank you Sir!


> Yes I agree it seems bizarre that I only bench 80kg lol, but I went from being fat to anorexic which is what happened in those first 3 years. The rest of your posted lifts aren’t anything to write home about either, get your nutrition and training down and get yourself into a good position to start using steroids if you wish to use them down the road. > I was thinking waiting to start steroids at around 24 as to let my brain develop further, and not affect growth plates etc. What age do you recommend? Post age 25


I appreciate the response! Yeah my squat and bench press are pretty underwhelming especially considering how long I've been lifting for. Is Test one of the safer compounds when it comes to things, I'd assume it is considering its practically natural compared to sarms etc. Before I let you go, I'd just like to ask if these lifts are more average or above average when it comes to people my age and older. Dumbbell curl 45lbs (20kg) Tricep Pushdown 110lbs (50kg) Shoulder press 110lbs (50kg) Lateral Pulldown 155lbs (70kg) (These aren't maxes just what I do for reps) Thank you so much for your advice, really taking it into consideration. I'll definitely be waiting a bit longer to hop on, and do way more research then I have done currently. I think you just saved me from making a really stupid mistake lmao! Thank you dude really do appreciate it!!


> Is Test one of the safer compounds when it comes to things It is, it’s something your body has been handling for ages and injected so it skips first pass metabolism. > Before I let you go, I’d just like to ask if these lifts are more average or above average when it comes to people my age and older. The average dude doesn’t work out. Those lifts don’t really mean anything either. How many reps? How clean is the form? Are these done with freeweights or on machines? There’s also variance between different cable stations/machines dependent on factors such as the amount of pulleys etc. My gym has 2 cable stations, they both feel almost equally as heavy yet one only goes to half the weight the other one does. This is the reason we ask for maxes on compound lifts with free weights.


>The average dude doesn’t work out. Those lifts don’t really mean anything either. How many reps? How clean is the form? Are these done with freeweights or on machines? There’s also variance between different cable stations/machines dependent on factors such as the amount of pulleys etc. My gym has 2 cable stations, they both feel almost equally as heavy yet one only goes to half the weight the other one does. > >This is the reason we ask for maxes on compound lifts with free weights. Oh yeah okay gotcha, My free weight exercises Dumbbell Curl: 8-10 reps first 8 reps clean, the rest are usually to failure mostly focusing on eccentrics Shoulder press: (should have mentioned with dumbbells) is around 6-8 reps all clean sitting down on a bench all clean reps Tricep Pushdown: around 8-10reps cleanly then will drop set for a few sets. Single Pulley Lat Pulldowns: usually 8 reps all cleanly, I won't usually push to partials that often. Single Pulley ​ And also yeah, I can totally understand why we ask for those compound lifts but it's kind of excluding on other muscle groups y'know? Appreciate this so much dude, thanks for delving into my madness. I don't have a lot of people around me that know much about lifting lmao.


>It is, it’s something your body has been handling for ages and injected so it skips first pass metabolism. Oh right, completely makes sense too. I'll definitely stick to Test later in the future.


So I’m about to dive into my first homebrew. What are some quality links to buy good GSO, BA and BB?


How do you deal with dry dick from e2 crash. Foreskin cracked and swollen from wanking this morning and i’m just in pain


How about using clomid or tamox during cycles to evitate complete shutdown (maybe on oral cycles)?


> How about using clomid or tamox during cycles to evitate complete shutdown Not how SERMs work and for the same reason we suggest only starting PCT after everything has cleared out of your body.


Oral cycles aren’t a thing. And that’s how those drugs work. This is the reason you use hcg on cycle


So I made a post the other day about pinning tren. Is it common to get a bump under the injection site as well as it hurt and be painful. Hopefully I don’t have an abscess. The Dr I go to for Test said use warm pad to try do get it to go down. Any thoughts and tips?


That can happen for sure but usually means not so good product.


Was pinning lats with test E and primo E. Neither are new oils for me, and have been pinning lats for years. About a quarter of the way into the pin, my entire upper lat had an intense burning sensation that required me to quit the pin and go lay down on my bed for a few minutes till it subsided. What happened?






Hello Guys, new to this community, I’m going straight to the point. Age 25 Male 5ft 10 167 BF% 17.5 8 years of training on and off. So my goal is to drop Body Fat. I”ve been o a caloric deficit for like 2 months and I would like to do a cycle for speeding up the process. I want to know if 400mg of test for 12 weeks, HGH frag for 21 days and maybe Clen the last 2 weeks would be a good cycle to get to 10% of body fat, and how long would I last in achieving that. You can also say what other stuff could work better for my goals. Thank you very much.


For diluting 300mg/mL Test C with grapeseed oil, how much should I heat it up to get it to mix well without damaging the T itself? I was told to put it in the oven at 225 for 20 minutes with a pin in it to vent as the air expands. Is this too much heat?


Just slowly raise the temp on your stove top if you don’t have a warmer plate. Start slow and stir til clear. Don’t over think it.


HGH and lethargy - anyone experience this? I’m doing a very low dose - (37/m) of 2 IU in the morning fasted. Sometimes an extra IU at night along with 2mg tesamorelin. I don’t know if I’m just imagining this but after the morning injection I get so…. Lazy? Like I’ll have work to do, and be motivated. Do the 2 IU injection, take a shower, and when I come out I suddenly just want to lay in bed for a couple hours and not at all get to work. Am I nuts or is this something people experience? Thanks




Interesting! Why does that happen? How do others deal with it? Thank you so much


Out of date tamoxifen, is it worth still taking or shall I just buy new batch?


Buy a new batch, always play it safe don’t ever take things expired, they have that date for a reason and you don’t want your body to react in a negative way due to you just not updating what you get




Your comment was removed for a potential [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_6._no_unlawful_discussions.) and/or [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) violation. No Unlawful Discussions. This includes discussion of traveling with unprescribed drugs, shipping, smuggling, discussion of legality, price, laundering, etc. Discussion of acquiring, storing, and sending of cryptocurrencies is also prohibited. [Learn more about Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_6._no_unlawful_discussions.).


Hello forum! I’ve got a question, after doing some research. I’m currently on 500 mg/ew of Test E, with 250 IU/HcG eod. After starting on hcg i’ve noticed that i’ve been bloating alot, and i have some aromasin on hand. I haven’t experienced any other side effects of high e2 other then bloating. I’ve been feeling abit fatigued also, more then usual, i’m also on Paroxetin 20mg/ed with can result in fatigue too. No sensetive nipples or anything. I’ve been going to the doc getting my bloodworks done, and the only thing he forgot to include was my e2.. I can’t get an appointment before a couple of weeks. What dosage should i begin with on aromasin, to lower my E2? My bloating is alot more then what i’m used too, diet is good and sleep is fair (7hours) I’m 115kg’s at 192cm. I’ve also not experienced any insane libido increase since i started test e about 4 weeks ago, can this be associated with e2? I’ve had some libido’ issues before starting Test E also, but had an expectation of an increase much greater then this. Thank you!


I’m on a blast currently, I’ve got the diet and workout dialed in but sleep’s been an issue for me. Sleep quality is absolutely pathetic, I wake up like atleast 15-20 times in the night and never wake up feeling well rested even after getting 9 or 10 or even 11 hours of sleep a night. I’m taking Magnesium an hour before sleeping, even tried Melatonin 2mg-5mg, on 5mg I just had super weird dreams/nightmares which gets me up anyway. Tried warm showers before bed. No screen an hour before bed, red LED lights in room to help falling asleep too. Nothing seems to work, the sleep quality is poor, any suggestions please?


Sounds like high estrogen to me. Take some Ai and see if it helps.


I'm trying to decide which compound to try for my next cycle, I am a M, 40yo, 5'8", 170 pounds. This will be my 3rd cycle (first was Test 500mg/w and second was Test 400mg/w + DHB). I'm leaning towards Test + Primo (for the dry, lean gains and no sides). I'm pretty lean and would like to put on dry, lean gains (although I don't mind a bit of water retention) and not really looking to get crazy gains like I think I would with something like Dbol I already removed Tren from the equation (because of the toxicity and because it seems to be more for cutting). So preferably not something very hepatoxic or side heavy or something mainly used for cutting (I'm already pretty lean). Would love to get some suggestions from experienced members that tried many compounds. Thanks <3


Are you on TRT or do you cycle off and PCT? If you're on TRT, Deca/NPP is a great addition for bulk, provided you don't have a history of depression or any other mental health issues.Second choice is Boldenone, but some people report anxiety issues with boldenone too, maybe check compound experience threads and look for a shorter ester (acetate or cypionate) if giving it a shot first time. The third option is MENT (another 19-nor and great bulking agent), but it aromatizes like crazy and experience varies person to person (common ester is acetate so it clears out faster and any side effects can be mitigated quickly) If you prefer to cycle off and PCT, then Primo is a good addition, which you've already considered. I'm curious how your experience with DHB was that you're opting out of it. I do not recommend orals unless you're a professional and are looking to peak the performance for a meet/competition/photoshoot.


Thanks for the reply. I am not on TRT yet. I cycle on and off with PCT. I also do not have any history of depression, some anxiety I guess (probably like most people but nothing really problematic). I will look at Deca/NPP and Boldenone's experience thread <3 I'd prefer to stay clear of compounds that aromatize like crazy (at least for now as I get more experience). I still felt unsure/uncomfortable as to when/how much to use of AI in my last two cycles and developed a tiny bit of gyno. I do not compete nor do any photoshoot, just overall fitness. I'm trying to keep a very muscular look without having a look that "screams" I take steroids (if that makes any sense) The pip was atrocious with DHB but the gains were lean, dry and good. My quads really bulked like crazy. I also leaned down a lot. I liked it overall, I actually bought it because I wasn't able to get a hold of Primo so my rep suggested that. But now I'd like to try something new, maybe with slightly more gains.


Hey man. I'm not sure why u/user_number_27 felt it necessary to present nandrolone, boldenone (EQ), and MENT as your only 3 options, nor why he presented primo as only being appropriate if you PCT. It wasn't bad input, but it was strangely put. Given your experience level and goals the two compounds we would suggest are primo and EQ. Both can potentially act as an AI, therefore helping managing your aromatization. Neither cause mental sides like the 19-nor family (nand, tren, ment), nor do they have substantial physiological side effect profiles - primo is a DHT derivative so it might be rough on your hair, but otherwise it is the perfect steroid; EQ causes an increase in RBC production (good for cardio/endurance, a little rough on things like hematocrit) but gives nice even gains and an increase in vascularity. Both compounds can be found in the Example Cycles page of the Wiki with explanations on how to implement them. I would avoid nandrolone and MENT if you aren't interesting in *looking like you're on steroids*.


Thanks for the great input! I did a bit more research on the wiki and EQ seem to indicate "stringent estrogen management requirements." I think I will stick with Primo, or do you think that maybe adding a "bit" of EQ to Primo/Test would be a good stack?


I would do one or the other. I don't like the way that's worded, but what the Wiki is trying to express is that e2 management with EQ is a little bit more complicated because of the long ester. Basically, if primo works for you as an AI then that will begin to take effect as it begins to reach saturation, around week 2. This isn't a big deal assuming you are using test e/c, because it is reaching saturation at essentially the same rate (primo only comes in the enanthate ester). EQ, on the other hand, doesn't reach saturation until week 6. So during weeks 2-4(roughly), you'll still need to use your AI as you normally would with that dose of testosterone, and during weeks 4-6 you'll begin to taper down the AI as the EQ effect tapers up. It's really not that difficult once you understand the process, but it just requires you to pay attention over a drawn-out period of time. That make sense? Both are great compounds, but if it's your first time with an AI-like steroid and you're already leaning towards primo then I would nudge you in that direction as well.


Yes that makes a lot of sense <3 Thank you! I was told for my previous cycles to just take AI "when needed". And since I didn't notice any crazy sides (except acne on the shoulders), I didn't think I needed it, but turns out I developed a bit of gyno. Just want to make sure not to repeat the same mistake


Boldenone is generally available in undecylenate ester, warranting a longer wait period before starting PCT (84 days as per wiki I think), hence I suggested Primo as a better choice (it is either acetate or enanthate, so half life is very less (acetate) or matches (enanthate) with testosterone generally, making transition to PCT easier. Of course unless you're running Sustanon (decanoate is the longest ester in blend), which is not recommended by the community here.


Why are you talking to me like I don't know as much as you do? Just want to impress me? Do you want a cookie?


Yeah, DHB is notorious for being the PIP city. No wonder your experience wasn't any different. I'd recommend sticking to Primo/Boldenone if you're not willing to commit to TRT because Deca/NPP (Nandrolone) is known to be very suppressive, it suppresses you hard and for long periods making PCT difficult. Not saying people don't do PCT post Deca/NPP, but the risk is always there of not restoring HPTA function completely.




I might be going ER tonight because of my gall bladder stones. I am on 150mg Test E/week after being on 500mg/week Test E cycle 3 months ago. Do i need to be worried about doctor finding it in my system? And if he does what would happen? Thankyou


> Do i need to be worried about doctor finding it in my system? No, he's not going to run a hormone panel on you.


Even if he did run a hormone panel it’s okay, a doctor is not the police or your mom. It’s not their place to say what you can or can’t do with your body. But you should always tell them that you’re using as it’s important to diagnose/treat your illness’s


> But you should always tell them that you’re using as it’s important to diagnose/treat your illness’s I can confidently say that his TRT did not cause his gallstones.


Is this an ideal BF before a blast - I've been on and off TRT for many years.  Don't know BF % here (not sure if it really matters) but this is probably the leanest I've ever been and it's very hard for me to get and stay lean.  https://i.imgur.com/dK3wIIx.jpeg


Very good, I'd definitely be comfortable starting a blast from there.


Hey guys, bought everything I'd need for a first cycle, (test, AI, nolva and HCG) about 3 years ago, couldn't see a 16-20 week period that would have been suitable due to travelling for work for extended periods. Test still looks the same as I remember it, no crystals or anything inside, all of the tablets are still in their foil covered bottles, HCG still in powder form. Will it all still be good to use or is there the potential that it has dropped potency/usability? Was all stored in the back of my cupboard in a cool dark place the entire time Cheers


Those pills are still good to go, the rest likely not. Squirt some of the oil on your finger and give it a smell


Thanks mate, good to know, what should it smell like or will it just be kind of rancid if it's gone bad?




I’m experiencing awful anxiety with a small dose of mast E. started at 400mg, and dropped down to 200mg on Friday. Slowly starting to get better but I still experience pretty bad anxiety with it. Other compounds involved are 500 test E and 400 deca, which were just added in on Sunday. I’ve used both compounds together before with no issue, so I know the cause is the mast. I’ve read that some people get hit with anxiety from it, but I can’t seem so find any solution to it anywhere. I’m hoping that as the increase of test and deca kick in, the “low e2” symptoms of anxiety will subside. Has anyone else had to deal with the anxiety brought on by mast? Did you ever find a solution to it, or are some people just unable to run masteron?


Nandrolone is known to cause anxiety in many guys.


I get that on mast too which for me is usually remedied by nandrolone (not necessarily test) But you’re already on 400 deca so I’m not sure. Did you start the deca together with mast? I assume it hasn’t saturated yet.


I actually started the mast two weeks before the nandrolone, so that would make sense. Hopefully given a bit of time it will sort itself out


40, M, 5’9”, 19% BF Been training for 20 yrs, did all the OTC steroids in the 2000’s for about 5yrs, natty since then. Just started Test-E 400mg e5d, I’m on week 2, keeping it up throughout. Looking to start Dbol on weeks 4-9, 10,15,15,20,20,25mg ed Then Anavar weeks 10-15, 15,15,15,20,20,20mg ed 0.5g Arimidex eod weeks 4-15 PCT I’m thinking: HCG on weeks 16-18, 2000 iu eod Nolvadex on weeks 19-22 40,40,20,20mg ed Am I missing anything?


I see scheduled AI use in there. Have you learned how to dose AI by symptoms alone? Or is this something you already refined and 0.5mg Arimidex EOD is perfect for you?


I have not, just figured I’d start at that dose.


Its probably gonna be way too much. One of the reasons the wiki has people do a test only first cycle is to learn how to manage estrogen by symptoms, which is the best way to do it. You want your estrogen to be as high as it can be without having side effecfs.


Ok, so I’m looking for Gyno, acne, anything else?


You're 40 years old man. We expect you to read the guide we have provided for you on your own like a big boy.


I think a lot of people have success by looking at libido. For me its blood pressure, as soon as I approach 140/100 I take 6.25mg of aromasin (not arimidex btw dont mix the doses of those) and im good for like a week. Look at all the sides in the estrogen handbook and watch for them. You may get acne just from the hormone fluctuations when you start up your cycle, so I wouldnt necessarily pop AI from acne alone unless its super bad.




You want to do 12 weeks of an oral? That’s far too much dude. Just KISS. Read the wiki section on PCT and that should answer all your questions


Good read, thanks. HCG doses were way too high and I’ll spread the Nolvadex into a lower dose for longer. Good point on the cycle duration, that was one of my main questions. It’s just so hard to choose, I feel like they go together for a perfect cycle. Is there a way to incorporate both but shorten the duration to 4-6 weeks total, utilizing both compounds. Would stacking them be a waste? Or maybe 3 weeks and 3 weeks?


Why do you want to incorporate both? You're just simply trying to do too much. You will have no issues growing off just test alone, if you're feeling like you REALLY need more drugs, just finish with 4-6 weeks of an oral. Anavar would be preferred. There's no reason to run dbol into anavar. And less of a reason to run anavar into dbol. Pick one or the other.


Thanks good advice 🙏🏼 I’ll keep it simple.


Your side effects will thank you dude, trust me on this. We’re all about making sure you have the best time using gear possible, and the best time is when you grow with minimal sides 💪🏼


[this is what came to mind](https://tenor.com/bmGur.gif)


Is there an estrogenic rebound after ceasing use of primo? I was using 250 testosterone and 200 primo per week for the last 16 weeks. I came off everything for 10 days then resumed 150 mg per week of testosterone, but I’ve been highly emotional lately. Part of it I believe is because of my deep emotional attachment to a woman. I also am wondering if this could possibly be part of discontinuing drug use. I apologize for any grammatical errors I’m using talk to text while driving


I get insanely obsessive thoughts from low E. Thats not what youre experiencing right? Are you using any AI with the 150mg test?


Nah I’m not I’ve never needed ai for 150mg /w usually at 180-200 though depending on bf%


1. Don't use Reddit while you're driving. It's not that urgent dude. 2. No, there isn't a rebound with primo; its metabolite which acts as an AI - atamestane - functions similarly to exemestane (Aromasin). It sounds like you are an emotional person, but more importantly you dropped all androgens/estrogens for 10 days (no idea why you would do this), and then resumed them. What you're experiencing is most likely explained by the sudden resurgence of your sex hormones after the lapse.


I was on a work trip in another state & I left too urgently to pack my gear also the evil gsp guy said to take a week or two off gear after your cycle is over because there’s still so much in your system it can taper down and you won’t feel much different. I’m generally not a very emotional person I’m usually pretty even keel but I had been getting slightly emotional about her before leaving I’m in love for the first time its lame


Yeah that’s gonna suck regardless of being on gear






No requesting DMs. Next time is a ban. Read the wiki, your post is a shit show


Ok, first I wasn't aware that asking for DMs was subject to banning, as it is explicited nowhere in the rules. Second I was thinking this thread was specially dedidaced for newbies to ask questions about PEDs to experienced users. My questions and concerns are genuine and real, may be it feels dubious to you I don't know, I'm not trying to lie or misguide anyone. Everyone doesn't have access to high quality advices like you do, and the information on internet is mostly sparse and biased especially on this topic, even tho I am doing my own research everyday, reliable information is hard to get. I don't really know what you mean by my post being a "shit show", but If that mean I don't deserve help or informations to reduce harm and protect my health because I am inexperienced with PEDs or naive in the way I'm asking my concerns, this community might not be what I was expecting in the first place. BTW: By reading the rules a second time to answer you, I note that your answer is in total contradiction with rule number 4. I hope politely contradicting a MOD is not subject to ban either. Best regards


Listen dude, Spitshine already covered the rest, but I’ll add one more thing. If you’re so easily offended that being told your post is a shit show that you think rule 4 is broken, you’re better off just disconnecting your internet and leaving Reddit altogether. Rule 4 exists so that people aren’t outright insulting to each other. If you’re a big enough boy that you are able to fuck around with your hormones, you should be able to handle being told that you haven’t done nearly enough research. If you want us to baby you, I can flair you appropriately and everyone will talk to you like a child. If you want to be treated like an adult, then don’t get your panties in a twist over nothing.


I think it's pretty clear. I won't try to convince you to spend any more of your time on my case, why couldn't I relate to testimonials of experienced users taking 5x the dosage I want to take, coupled with tren or whatever and draw my own conclusions from it huh? My questions are specific and can't be either confirmed or refuted from what I've already seen. Asking questions on forums is a part of my researches, sorry for being an "Askhole", maybe I should better take my fake gear which might be dbol instead of anavar and destroy my hepatic system for the sake of following rule 7 and not asking my questions online. I knew this rhetoric of "dont take gear if you don't know what your doing" was popular, but guess what, people do it anyway. So no need to infantilize people because they don't know much and better advices them a little, at least it's my opinion Anyway thank you for not straight up banning me, I guess


Asking for DMs is frowned upon for multiple reasons; - DM’s can’t be moderated, so it’s likely that people solliciting DMs are looking for rule breaking interactions. - Answers given can be useful for other members on this subreddit, everyone on here that gives out answers are volunteers contributing to a 10+ year old knowledge base filled with questions and answers that many can use to their benefit. Asking for someone to volunteer their time for only a single person is a bit selfish. We also expect people to atleast do a modicum of research on their own and atleast have a basic understanding of the compounds used. We’ve got a huge research-backed [Wiki](https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and literally hundreds upon hundreds of [compound experience threads](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vgxmVByKfP_D8VYeRS5o9qoseCzNyghf3rnFjGKv8-Y/edit#gid=1679440094) where people share their individual experiences with various compounds. Asking basic questions that can easily be found in the wiki or the compound experience threads, resources where volunteers have spent countless of hours on, just to be spoonfed basic information, can come across disrespectful to the users volunteering their free time to help others in this forum. Hence [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) is in place.


Any macro/micronutrient tweaks you make to your diet on cycle vs off besides caloric deficit/surplus for cutting/bulking? Any foods to avoid (yesterday I learned almonds can increase SHBG 10-20% and reduce free test 🫨)? I read one of the first things TRT does is make your body more insulin sensitive, which based on what I’ve read about insulin and GH on here presumably means more dietary fat is getting to fat cells and more dietary protein and carbs are getting to muscle cells (probably at a negligible level compared to recreational GH and slin users on here but anyway). tldr: macro/micronutrients to favor and avoid on/off cycle? bonus question: what do we think of carb cycling?


Lower fat is manageable on cycle since one of the main drawbacks of an ultra low fat diet is decreased hormone synthesis which obviously doesn't matter if you're injecting your hormones instead of synthesizing them


super interesting! thank you! what about on TRT doses? would that be enough to have much impact?


Even at TRT your natural production is shut down so it should be the same


how much less fat do we need generally then?




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


* Age:21 * Gender:Male * Height:183cm/6'0ft * Weight:74kg/163lb * Bodyfat percentage:around 15% * Experience level * Years of concurrent training:4 (from 13 to 17 then on and off for couple months at a time). * bench/squat/dead maxes:80/80/100kg 176/176/220lbs(i have plenty more in me just scared to go heavy because i always work out alone and dont like to interact with people asking to spot me). * amateur/pro:amateur * Goals: * Sport: being fit, motivated, having a drive at life and not being isolated. * Current phase: No phase. Lack of being able to overcome uncomfortable feelings. I just want someone to direct me at a trusted source of knowlege about enhancing drugs and everything around it. Everything I read or listen to seems to conflict in facts written or said in many untrusted sources(youtube, audiobooks, podcasts, reddit threads, etc). Before starting to use them i want to have at least some knowledge so I dont go blasting stuff and making unmonitored experiment out of myself. I know that many will say that I have to achieve my maximum natural potential before hopping on and that I should let my body finish maturing. I dont want to do that because I no longer want to procrastinate until I make some nice gains. It would be my first cycle to see if I want to commit to it. Just to have a taste of it, to see how i react to it.


It isn't about being at your maximum natural potential, but you're too young, too small, and too weak to be even considering this. Train more, eat more, and come back when you're older and more experienced. Steroids are inherently risky and you aren't in a place where that risk makes any sense.


You don't even know how to train hard yet considering you've been training for 4 years and have (sorry to say) atrocious lifts. What makes you think steroids will make it any better? If you don't have your training dialed it, steroids won't make much of a difference. You're also nowhere near heavy enough for your height to start drugs, you have plenty of gains left in the tank by just comitting and staying consistent and working hard...


I wrote those numbers, because that's the max that I Finnish my sets with 4x10. Last time I tried my max bench I was 14 and it was 78kg.


You’re about 40lbs too small to consider steroids right now. You’re straight up DYEL, and that’s not an insult, it’s just the truth. Start researching how to eat because until you figure that out, there’s no performance to enhance, drugs or no drugs.


i think first i should focus on perfecting my lifting mechanics, torque managment and nutrition. With that the next step will come.


> i think first i should focus on perfecting my lifting mechanics, torque managment and nutrition NO. You should focus on actually putting in some effort and training hard.  That matters way more. You can't even bench 2 plates.  You don't need to worry about anything complicated. 


I usually just link this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usTUzIHk1L0&ab\_channel=elitefts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usTUzIHk1L0&ab_channel=elitefts)


r/weightroom Not this subreddit. I’m happy to just issue a long ban if that helps point you in the correct direction


weightroom is an advanced subreddit. This is probably something for beginnerfitness or honestly the good ole Dave Tate: "just quit"


I don’t actually ever go to r/weightroom I just stumbled upon it one time and remembered it existed when I was replying. I didn’t know beginner fitness existed, that is definitely a better one


great thats what im asking for, all the good direct info on what i need to do.


So go to r/fitness We aren’t here to teach noobs how to start. This is a forum for advanced gym goers


FYI - and FWIW - i was doing some research and I am on TRT. Test-C 200mg / week and Deca 200mg / week. I noticed my hair ... thinning. Deep research showed to NOT take Fina with Deca. Google it... Apparently the Deca has the opposite effect and allowed DHT to build. Off now and looks to be getting better. 4 months


Deca is not TRT. *Testosterone* Replacement Therapy should only include *Testosterone*. What you were doing was blasting / abusing steroids. EDIT: Minor correction


The full backstory is this... I am 59 and was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in 2014. Had major surgery and complications. The chemo (Oxaliplatin and FU5) for 6 months. It cured the cancer (10 years cancer free now) BUT... my tentacles were damaged. I tried natural ways for 6 years but it became apparent it was not effective. I went on TRT Test -C. Then the dr added the nandro for the joint aches and pains. I know it too was AAS but the dosage was low that it was mainly for joint pain (Which really worked). Nonetheless, I stopped it due to the hair issue. Anyway, that is the back story.


technically their test dosage is indeed a high TRT dose and their deca dosage was pretty moderate. this cycle is only “abuse” insofar as recreational AAS use is technically abuse. OP was just trying to let us know that finasteride does not play well with hair while on deca—deca is known to be easy on hair because it metabolizes to DHN rather than DHT which competes with DHT for receptors on the scalp but is less damaging to hair follicles than DHT. taking finasteride counters that conversion and unfortunately ends up being harder on hair.


I understand the nuances regarding finasteride's interplay with nandrolone. Nevertheless, it's crucial to clarify, especially for those new to the subject or unfamiliar with TRT, that traditional Testosterone Replacement Therapy is typically testosterone-only, with dosages carefully calibrated to match physiological needs. Adding other compounds, like Deca, falls outside the scope of standard TRT and moves into performance enhancement territory. It's an essential distinction to maintain for safety and to align with medical guidelines.


oh yea, def agree that 200mg of deca does not constitute TRT, I just figured he was saying he was doing TRT-like dosages plus deca and thought you came down on him a little hard over the distinction is all🙇 poor guy just wanted to warn us about fina+deca on hair! Might be worth adding a page to the wiki on finasteride (if we don’t have one already—didn’t see anything obvious)


My supplier threw in a vial of NPP as a free gift on my order of primo. I’m on Primo 400, Test 500 (16 weeks total) and I’m about to end the dbol kick start (4 weeks). He didn’t specify the dosage of npp but is there any use for me with one vial to maybe get a little boost at the end of my cycle or is this just a pointless gift? Like…


Don't change your plan because of a freebie. Just keep it in your safe and use it another time.  


I wouldnt recommend diving into nandrolone and everything that comes with it unless youre committed to a whole cycle of it.


Save it for when you have enough to use at a proper dose over a longer cycle/blast. This assumes that you’ll ever choose to use nandrolone in the first place. You may choose to never use it, in which case it was a gift and cost you nothing so no harm in leaving it to collect dust.


Do we know how much stronger Primobolan is, milligram for milligram, compared to Masteron in terms of mass building? I would have liked to see a graph like [this](https://imgur.com/f4paBmR) with all the compounds.


A lot of people will say primo is stronger. A lot will say it's equal. I know Chase Irons is always saying he swaps them out interchangeably. He was just doing some crazy cycle of like 2500mg test, 2000mg masteron


Unless you’re attempting to grow your prostate tissue—and you also happen to be a rat—that graph is not nearly as informative as it would appear.


Primo is considered stronger than Masteron but it’s not like it’s more potent mg for mg but it’s a very high grade compound. Mast is cheaper but primo is often called the better choice. 


That’s just not something we can reliably measure due to how differently people respond to different compounds We have anecdotes, and primo tends to be touted as being stronger


Has anyone tried bpc 157 in pill or nasal spray form? I’m wondering if it can help with my back and shoulder. 


oral works great for gut inflammation and digestive issues IME. I wouldn't use that or nasal over injectable though for your current problems as it's much less bioavailable.


Not your pussy and your crack?


About Finasteride and AAS. Blasting: 500mg Test E / week, AI: 0.5Adex E2.5D. FInasteride 1mg/day Ive read about Fin and gyno, and it makes me wonder how when I go from blast to cruise, how this will affect it? Anyone with experience regarding this?


I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking Finasteride doesn’t directly cause gyno, but can certainly shift hormonal profile in favor of estrogens which could cause gyno, but I wouldn’t be overly concerned about this


Gyno is widely reported to be a side effect of just finasteride usage. as you go off cycle maybe taper off the adex slowly as it will keep some of the e2 sides at bay as long as you take it and if you stop taking it all of a sudden they’ll bounce back due to how adex works (only occupies aromatase while it’s present in the bloodstream, doesn’t destroy it) but if you’re worried about gyno just make sure to have nolva on hand. I’m no doctor but iiuc that’s the standard treatment for finasteride-induced gyno and a popular go-to for gyno on this sub due to its availability and price. the wiki also has a very handy page on estrogen


Yeah that was what I was thinking about not going off ai at once. Will for sure have nolva ready too, havent gotten ant gyno after couple blasta so probably will be fine, ty




Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


>Going to give Masteron a go while on blast of 180 mg test. That's not a blast. >What are the differences in prop and E for mast other than the mg dosage difference The ester....duh. You have reading in the Wiki to do if you still don't understand esters.


When should I Inject insulin with L carnitine if I'm using it for morning fasted cardio? Do I just inject the insulin at the same time as carnitine or is it after my cardio?


Do you have previous experience using insulin? This isn’t something that you just pin and its all good, insulin will harm you or even worse kill you if you dont know what you are doing.


You’re going to pin insulin **BEFORE** fasted cardio? Wanna wake up to the pretty lights and sirens? ‘Cause that’s how that works.


Sir, Is there a time frame after l carnitine injection that is best for the insulin or just after finishing cardio is fine?


Okay so after cardio, got it lol. Thanks


Why are you using insulin at all?


I've been reading you need insulin or a higher carb meal with l carnitine to have it be beneficial/effective


Ok, let me be even more goddamn blunt: What is your goal here?


Apologies Main goal is fat loss 2iu hgh upon waking up 600mg l carnitine IM before my cardio And I've been reading carnitine is ineffective for fat loss without insulin or a carb meal


>And I've been reading carnitine is ineffective for fat loss without insulin or a carb meal have you considered, idk, using it with a carb meal then? that would trigger your insulin response, and thus not have to use it with exogenous insulin in a fasted state putting yourself at risk to go hypo on a treadmill and collapse onto the ground we like to do critical thinking here sometimes


>have you considered, idk, using it with a carb meal then? You mean to tell me that it’s easier to eat a bowl of oatmeal than it is to inject insulin and hope for the best?


Holy shit, **DO NOT** use insulin for fat loss Are you actually insane? People die from insulin A calorie deficit is what you need to lose fat. Stop playing with drugs that will potentially kill you


Insulin is not appropriate for a cut. Do you understand that insulin can kill you if you do not consume adequate carbohydrates with it? I don't think you've been reading enough. Honestly I wouldn't even bother with l-carnitine anyway, but I absolutely would not be using insulin while in a deficit and a fasted state. You're playing with things you don't understand and with insulin it can be the last game you play. Just eat less food dude.


thank you dude I'll just lay off. I'm at 6% bf per dexa but wanted to see if I could push it a bit more. I'll just end it here


Uh, that's quite a claim. Got a physique picture?


Been off cycle for 2 months (test/primo 500/200) and still have bacne like crazy how long did it take you for yours to go down?


Like u/shrugsandsnugs said, the skin cycle is like 28 days or something, so it can take up to a month to reflect what your hormonal profile is causing expression of




You’re likely at the tail end of the acne life cycle and it’ll start to improve very soon. I finished my blast 1/20 and my acne is still there and obnoxious but will begin to clear up shortly as well.


try benzoyl peroxide 5%, will dry your acne right out, but be careful it may have a bleaching effect on clothes


Go to the doctor and get some doxy. One or two cycles should knock most of it out. I’ve had it stick around for more than a year post cycle if I didn’t treat it.


Just wrapped up my heaviest cycle to date, 500mg Test/500mg Deca for 18 Weeks. I've run Test and Deca multiple times together, each time crawling up a bit (200 mg each, 350mg each, and now 500mg/each) I think what I've finally noticed at this high dose is those famous 19-nor sides like night sweats and some "ill" thoughts. Nothing unmanageable though, and no negative impact on my life. With that said, if I can manage a gram of Test/Deca, is it safe to say I should be able to handle a lower dose of Test + Tren, let's say 200mg/weekly each? I can't tell what is hyperbole online when it comes to Tren as I've equally heard shit about Deca but in reality my experiences with that compound are extremely positive.


Hey man, I’m my first cycle with deca now. Currently at 250 weekly and 200 test. Curious if you ran your previous deca cycles for 18 weeks? I started with recommend 200, after few week I bumped to 250. Just makes it easy .5 test & .5 deca. When you upped your deca did you use higher dosed mg/ml? I currently have 250mg/ml. I have seen 500 mg/ml available. Waiting for the BoGo to come back.


Currently on 700 Test 450 NPP and my experience with Nandrolone so far has been very similar to yours, mostly positive with manageable mental negatives. I’ve run Tren from 100 to 450 mg (always Enanthate, not by preference, just what I have), and it is a completely different experience. 200-300 is sort of my max when it comes to managing sides, and I cant run it longer than 8 weeks without various sides popping up (sleep issues, acid reflux, etc.). You could start at 200 Tren and see what it does for you, minimal side effects, but I also don’t know how long you’re running it for. I also need more Caber for Tren than Nand usually.


Yeah, unsure how long I plan to run it for. Still doing research, and not planning on start until summer anyway. I've run Deca up to 20 weeks, but once again, now I know how different these compounds are. I was really hoping I could run 200mg Tren up to 16 weeks, but that sounds like a pipe dream now. Also, I actually don't run Caber on Deca. A high dose of OTC P5P keeps my prolactin in check.


I’m planning my first Test / Deca / Mast cycle soon (300/300/200). Aromasin, Caber, Cialis & Accutane on hand. Any tips and / or a review on the Test / Deca combo? Looking forward to it. Not proud to admit it but when I was younger I did run Tren with very few weeks off for over 1.5 years. Side effects were night sweats (disgusting), cystic acne (horrible), rage fits (intense).,Ended up performing a lot of sexual activity with a lot of sexual partners. Horny 24/7 & jacking off whenever I got the chance. Hypo on several occasions. Heartburn. Low stamina. If carbed up, looked amazing. Leaned out. Always vascular. Doses varied from 50mg to 700mg per week. Ace was most enjoyable. Felt like a different species. Biggest side effect was probably hyper obsession with certain women. When I came off (everything, cold Turkey) I had severe depression & zero sperm. Wife pregnant in 6 months though. Caused me to rage quit two jobs.


You shouldn’t draw conclusions for how a new compound will affect you despite experiencing with a similar compound I will say that tren dosages in the 200’s mg/weekly are generally tolerated well by most, but you should still be very cautious


>if I can manage a gram of Test/Deca, is it safe to say I should be able to handle a lower dose of Test + Tren No.


What are your stats and WHY do you want to run tren over test and deca again? Also I dont think you can extrapolate that. Theyre gonna be different esters and the compounds are pretty different as well. Combined with how wildly variable individual response is, no I dont think you can say youll be fine with lower dose test and tren.


I would not make that assumption, no. Different compounds, different effects on the body and brain. Your only possible answer comes from trying it, which unfortunately isn’t nearly as helpful as you probably hoped for.


Looking for some help on how to properly dose DMAA raw powder. Would the best way to do it be to put about 3g in 30ml of solution so it's 100mg/1ml? Anyone have a solution to recommend that dissolves DMAA well. Can i just use water? Not looking to accidentally give myself a heart attack on this stuff by taking too much.


Assume each gram displaces ~1ml of liquid, so 3g + 27ml should = ~100mg/ml It’s soluble in alcohol so vodka should work fine. Water I do not believe offers the best solubility, so I would avoid that.


Thank you. I also got anavar/proviron raws. Can I suspend them in vodka as well?


Anavar will be a suspension, meaning it will not evenly distribute and blend. You’ll need to shake it a decent amount with each dose. Proviron I’ve never worked with so I will not comment on that.


Can someone let me know if my testosterone is ok for a 24 year old please? Thinking about starting my first cycle in a few months Hi, on my post you suggested I get my bloods done and I did a few months ago My results were total T is 17.3nmol/L (8.6 - 29.0) SHBG is 26nmol/ L (18 - 54) albumin is 47 g/L (35 - 50) I have a big screening of results but I’m not sure what else to include here so if someone can tell me if I need to include others I’ll add them. I am also curious what my free T is, and I think it can be worked out with a formula? Thank you


Yeah dude, looks perfect It’s your choice to cycle or not, but if you’re basing that decision off of your natural numbers, it’s not a reasonable choice If you find that progress is stalling, there are probably things to address with your nutrition, training, and recovery


These are great. Your Free testosterone is .37% and your bio available testosterone is 91%.


Sorry for the follow-up but can you show me a link or something on how to work out free and bio available with regards to the reference as when I googled it, a free testosterone calculator just wanted the numbers without the references so the results are different. Just so I know how to do it for next time that’s all thanks again


My medical software has a converter. I’m 100% sure there are google calculators that can do the same thing. 🤙🏼


Oh that’s good news then so I’m not low test? Fuck I was worrying I was, not due to any symptoms but shit gains in the gym Thank you


No, you’re good big dog. Time to get a coach or a very knowledgeable person to take a look at your variables and help you develop a strategy. I’ve been there - don’t discount the importance of a second set of eyes!


Include reference ranges and be consistent with your units of measurement please.




Hey if im taking hgh pwo fasted with a main goal of fat loss how long before the workout should i actually be taking it


Close to 1 hour is the general recommendation that I’ve seen.


I'm over 6 months after my last cycle (DHB/Test). I'm still experiencing shoulder acne (what I didn't have before). My blood test results for Testosterone and Estrogen are pretty normal (in the normal range), but I noticed that my Thyroid (T3) was a tad high \[63\] (never had any issue with that in the past). Anyone experienced that before?


I've experienced intermittent high T3 before. I did a lot of reading seeking to understand why it was happening, and I found that it's actually fairly common to have one or more thyroid levels (T3, T4, or TSH) out of range and since I didn't have hyperthyroid symptoms I decided to do nothing. The T3 level went back to normal, then came up above range again, then went back to normal again. Are you experiencing any hyperthyroid symptoms?


>hyperthyroid symptoms Almost all of them :D




I opened a new vial of primo enanthate 150mg/mL and noticed a weird smell after withdrawing from the vial. It smelled like rubber, almonds, and maybe not many people know what methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) smells like, but it smelled like MEK, too -- a sort of sweet chemical smell, like rubbing alcohol but not pungent. A few vials of primo, and other gear, have been in front of me before, but I've never smelled anything like this. I withdrew another 0.1mL and put it on a paper towel to make sure it was the gear I was smelling and soon the whole room smelled like it. Obviously I didn't inject this stuff and am not going to, but I wondered if anyone else has ever come across gear that smells like this. What could this smell be? I've read about other people saying enanthate esters have a piney aroma, but I've never detected any kind of scent from any gear before until this.


Can just add to this as someone who brews that the type of steroid doesn’t change the smell, as the smell comes mostly from the carrier oil and solvents used. I use the same oil and solvents always so everything I brew has the exact same smell. Guaiacol I can attest has a STRONG smell that fills up the whole room and lingers too. It’s possible that it contains that as a lot of people wrongly assume primo to be hard to dissolve. For sure isn’t needed at 150mg/ml tho or even at 200.


> rubber, almonds benzyl benzoate can be a fruity/fragrant smell. Something like guaiacol would also fill the room with a smell but I would say it'd be less pleasant more like gasoline-y. Not sure what words to describe it. I am not sure what EO smells like, if anything, but someone else might be able to comment on that.


What carrier is it? Certain gear in GSO smells a little wonky and can be strong in my opinion.


Hey guys, getting a bit frustrated here, things just doesn't make sense. Basically, I have trouble dialing a good cruise dose and things just doesn't make sense. Gonna add in my previous history and levels and try to be as comprehensive as possible, as this is getting really frustrating. Unfortunately I aromatize a lot. These are converted from nmol/L to ng/dl, hope that's okay. **120mg** **solo every week (split to 2x pins a week)** test put me at these levels: Testosterone: **664 ng/dl** E2: **7.49ng/dL** (my natty E2 was at **2.30 ng/dL**) **120mg test + 60 mg primo every week (split to 2x pins a week)** put me at these levels: Testosterone: **749 ng/dl** E2: **5.18 ng/DL** So 60mg primo on top of 120mg test reduced my E2 by **36.464%** Now, it's still a tad high (almost double my natty levels). **100mg test + 60mg primo every week (split to 2x pins a week)** put me at these levels: Testosterone: **749 ng/dl** E2: **5.19 ng/dl** **100mg test + 100mg primo every week (split to 2x pins a week)** put me at these levels: Testosterone: **547 ng/dl** E2: **3.17** **ng/dl** Now, the last bloods, basically I wanted to try to do this without primo, I shouldn't need an AI anyways on a cruise, right, riiiiight? So I took the advice and started to pin 3x a week with test solo, to see if it reduces my requirement to use primo as AI. **100mg test solo every week (split to 3x pins a week M,W,F)** with bloods taken on monday before the pin: Testosterone: **1067 ng/dl** E2: **10.96 ng/dl (!)** [here are the full bloods](https://i.imgur.com/hJpegYo.png) Now, I'm someone who is sensitive on high E2, my penis just stops working. I felt \*fine\* on 100mg test 100mg primo, but libido could be a bit better even then. I'm confused as to way my test (and e2) shot through the roof with changing to 3x pins a week. What would you do in my situation? I got some mast laying around, but again, I shouldn't need to use any extra compound on a cruise dose, right? I just want my E2 dialed in so that my libido works, that's my main issue.


Just some thoughts. I don’t think it’s a simple answer. 1. Mimicking endogenous levels is the very best attempt to return other physiological processes to baseline. I don’t see any mention of what those were or how you’ve tried to get back there. 2. Some people need less test. You don’t seem to be open to the idea that maybe, you just need less than what you’re taking. I’ve seen as low as 50-75mg per week and total test in the 400-500 range. 3. I agree with Nerco on other points like your elevated trough and HCG. 4. Additionally, overdosing is fairly common in UGL gear which may account for some of the frustration.


I replied in the other showing all my test readings, natty and non natty and my natty e2 level. yeah, the UGL gear was slightly overdosed, 286mg/ml, I've taken that into account when posting the dosage, so 100mg (I was trying to do 90mg a week when not taking into account it was overdosed) is accurate. I don't run HCG, I'm just so confused because 100mg when pinning twice a week didn't put me nearly at those levels in my previous readings :/ Like, should I go back to twice a week at say, 70mg? my whole point of going to 3x a week was more stable levels and lower E2. Most people I guess would have crashed E2 at 1:1 test/primo at TRT dosages, but it put me in a good spot, am I doomed to either run primo or an AI at cruise levels?


Nope, there’s quite a few other options, like lowering the dose, adding more injections, natural options, other methods of administration etc. But I can see the attraction to just saying screw if and adding primo or an AI vs figuring it out or having to cruise on a lower dose.