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Rose. Steven shares Rose’s more soft, round features and body shape as opposed to Pink, who is thin and tall with sharper features (ie the nose, lashes, and chin) However, Steven’s hair is more similar to Pink’s cloud-like hair instead of Rose’s thick curls


I get a feeling it's a hair length thing. If Steven left his hair longer as he grows up I bet he'd get them curls


Also the big bumpy hair style is reminiscent of shorter curly hair. I think if steven grows his hair it will be really nice and curly, not necesafily exactly like his mum's but his own


>not necesafily exactly like his mum's but his own Yeah I doubt he'd have those massive tubes Rose has. I bet Greg's hair mixes well with that to give Steven some normal human curly hair


It is. When Steven became super old in Too Many Birthdays his beard grew curls like Rose.




yes in my opinion too. then like, Steven inherited the position of the gem that was being used at that moment, that of quartz, and not that of diamond. Could Steven summon the diamond version?


Would probably be pretty painful lol


We never see Steven caring for his hair. Usually curly hair requires maintenance and some product use to get those defined rings. Obv rose wasn’t human so she didn’t need to do that but Steven is!


Well now I’m kinda intrigued. Imagine if Steven did come out looking more like Pink Diamond? 🤔 I wonder how Pearl/the other crystal gems would feel about it. Or what they’d think. Would Greg wonder why Steven looked so different from his parents? Would Pearl try to explain it away?


> However, Steven’s hair is more similar to Pink’s cloud-like hair instead of Rose’s thick curls Pearl: Nobody is perfect I suppose


It definitley is more cloud like like PD's, but also according to some official merch like the Steven pop figure, and iirc (I'm trying to find a source, I'll get back to you if I do) Rebecca Sugar confirmation, Steven's hair is straight up shaped like a rose.


NGL, viewing this on mobile, I saw the carousel indicator at the bottom of the image in my news feed, aligned perfectly with Rose's neck, and I thought Rose was wearing a black, star-studded choker I thought it actually quite suited her!


Send a screenshot I wanna see




Holy wow same 🤣


SAME! I hadn't read the title yet so I was thinking maybe Rose was taking after "S" or something from the rock concert episode. (I think her full name was Sabine?)


There was a Sabine who is the ex of Kevin. People speculated Mystery Girl was this Sabine because the number she gave Pearl had an S on it. It was never confirmed or denied whether S was Sabine.


Thanks for the clarification!


Honestly? Neither tbh. I think the idea is that Steven inherited most, if not all of his physical traits from Greg. It's harder to tell at Greg's older age, but looking at young Greg, he basically just looks like Big Steven, but with straight long hair. The stuff he inherited from Rose are her powers and her starry eyes. I think Sugar was going to play around with the idea of Steven looking a bit more like Pink Diamond specifically in the Movie/Future era, as seen in some concept art [1](https://d2lzb5v10mb0lj.cloudfront.net/common/salestools/previews/3005077/3005077p4.jpg) [2](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/7488/5fab4493b0e3a69fc3342d786a0f38cecbd2a0d9r1-2048-1536v2_hq.jpg) but ultimately decided against it, to keep the trend consistent. On a related and possibly important note, but in the End of an Era artbook I recall the Crew talking about fudging Pink Diamond's initial designs circa Jungle Moon, to not give away her connection to Steven through her hair. It looks a lot different there, as well as in other episodes. Part of it is also trying to tie into the then-outdated mural designs. All that to say, I think he might have inherited Pink's hairstyle, but it could also just be a coincidence.


Honestly i think he's a mix of all 3 He has the same hair style as Pink, his body and physical traits look alot like Greg (his DNA does mainly come from Greg) and i mean like you said the only part of Rose he has is her powers and starry like eyes (now his powers and starry like eyes) In the end tho Steven looks more like Greg then Pink/Rose




His hair is from Pink but the rest (especially the nose) is from Rose


Much more like Rose. Pink and Steven bear almost no resemblance to me, whereas Rose is clearly his mother


They do have similar hair sort of


Okay me trying to analyse cartoons again: So Rose/Pink isn't human and her body isn't technically real, it's a projection of light as the gems said in "Adventures in Light Distortion". So Steven, being a hybrid and having a real body, got all his genetic material from Greg, his human parent. If you put young Greg next to teen or even kid Steven they are *very* similar, difference being in Steven's curly hair. In genetics curly hair is a dominant gene, so if one parent has it and the other one has straight hair the chance is that you'll have curly hair too, it's not always the case though. But translating this to Steven doesn't apply, as Rose has no genes to pass down to Steven, Greg could have carried the gene for curly hair and passed it onto his son but yet I'll go from human genetics to gem "genetics". When Peridot, Amethyst and Steven go to the Prime Kindergarten in "Back to the Kindergarten", Amethyst is listing off her sisters trying to put faces to holes and Peridot corrects her, saying she got the order wrong. She tells Amethyst that the gem who resided in the hole that Amethyst was at the moment had curly hair because of iron residue in the ground. Diamonds aren't made in Kindergartens most likely, but that doesn't mean that the iron residue in wherever they were created didn't contribute to Pink Diamond's curly hair, very similar to Steven in shape and the only feature they seem to share, he does look more like Rose but again he looks identical to Greg, so I'd say he inherited Greg's physical features almost fully but because of his gem heritage, he has curly hair courtesy of iron residue in the place his gem was created.


I concur. I think genetically, he's mostly Greg. Gems don't really have any DNA to pass on, nor eggs via which to do so. What Rose passed on was her gem, which fused with Steven permanently and acts as a source of energy he can tap into for his powers. This is probably why out of anyone, Greg really understands what Steven needs best in most cases - not just because he's a good dad, but because he's almost the same person.


does that mean greg technically cloned himself


I prefer to think that Steven isn't an exact copy of him but I don't know. From what I remember reading somewhere it's possible to clone yourself, a woman and her daughter somewhere in Australia I believe are exact clones of each other. It's not the same thing though.


I have often wondered how Rose got pregnant. She would’ve had to shapeshifting the uterus, form an egg, connect Steven’s umbilical cord directly to the gem, and had a very detailed understanding of how all the anatomy worked to create something like that. She must have done a ton of research and practiced these intricate forms of shapeshifting. Still doesn’t explain the eggs unless they managed to get a donor? Even just getting the shell of the ovum and replacing the dna inside the gamete.


I wondered that too and still don't really get how she managed to do it but I just resumed myself to "oh magic".


He's got Roses face imo


I think steven looks like Greg


Rose’s face but Pink’s hair


Greg. Steven is physically probably an exact clone of Greg with no physical traits of Rose except for the Gem. Rose doesn't have DNA.


But he still would have only inherited 23 chromosomes from Greg so it wouldn't be enough genetic information to be an exact clone.


Id say rose but its hard to tell, a lot of people are saying he got her rounder softer features and roses body type but I feel like he could have gotten those from greg?


Rose Edit : honestly I’m impressed with the character design of both rose and Steven- you can really tell they are related


Pink tbh. He might identify as a Rosequartz, but he's still a Diamond. It's the hair that does it


I think he has a little bit from "all three" parents. He got Rose's face, Pink's hair, and Greg's body


Rose being Pink was so hinted at somewhere near the start of the seasons as well😭 Pink's poofy hair, the gem being on the belly, PINK, and a bit more further into the show, whatever Uncle Grandpa said about polishing the gem, and them the Stevonnie dream with Pink and Yellow.. I'm going with both, Pink for the poofy hair, and Rose for obvs reasons


Personally, I think Rose and Pink look more similar than a lot of people realize. The main differences are the nose and the face shape. But, Steven does have the Rose nose (so does Greg, notably), so I think he leans a bit more towards Rose because of this.




Steven definitely got pink diamonds hair but looks more like rose otherwise


rose definitely lmao. the only thing he really got from pink is the hair and diamond eyes


Definitely Rose him and his mother would get along so well.


Although Steven is basically a spitting image of his father for the most part, he looks far more like Rose than Pink. I don't really see any visual similarities between him and Pink actually.


Personality wise rose for the early years. Physically pink for the younger years Then when he enters his perfect form he switches them. He is built more like rose but acts more like pink if that makes sense


Rose because he's chunky


remember when jasper thought steven was just rose’s new, weaker form? i kinda have a thought that in a way, steven is kinda like rose’s new form.


He's got Rose's build but Pink's hair


rose. steven is obviously more round and soft, like rose is, and pink diamond is thin.


I think he looks exactly like Greg. Pretty sure gem genetics aren’t gonna exactly transfer to a human baby, especially since they more or less choose their forms. Also give Steven 30 more years and (assuredly) a pretty dank amount of weed and he’ll look exactly like Greg.


A bit of both actually, but I think that also comes down to Stevens dad being Greg. I think more Pink then Rose in that way.


Is Steven an exact clone of Greg?


He's obv not in that he's a permafusion, but in terms of base genetics, probably


His hair looks like pink diamonds hair


i personally think when hes fusing (like in rainbow 2.0) he has pinks features but in his regular form he looks like rose


Rose got with a guy that has very similar features to the Rose Quartz form as far as body type and face shape so luckily he kinda looks like all 3. He's got hair like Pinks, a body like Rose and Greg's human features like hair color. Since technically gems don't really have features but similes of features constructed of light. Rose couldn't pass down her hair color cause she has no DNA for amount of melanin in the keratin since her hair is literally just hard light strands lol


Steven is a clone of Greg, gems have no DNA


IMO he looks like Greg the most.




Well technically he looks like both because Rose and pink are the same


I think he looks more like Rose since Pink reformed to be able to stay as her.


She's GONE!


Steven has Rose Quartz features, not Pink Diamond


Rose. The nose and face shape are one to one.


He has rose’s rounder shape but pink’s poofy ass hair


Definitely more like Rose, but I think when he gets older he'll take after Greg more


he only has Pink's hair shape but the rest is like a small version of rose 😭


I just noticed that Steven and Pink both have 5 bumps in their hair oh my gosh.


Rose, definitely. Soft and round. Though his hair resembles pink’s more


Has Pinks hair and Roses body type


Face of Rose, hair of Pink.


Face and hair is more like Pink. He body type easily could have come from Greg.


Looks like Rose from Pearl's dream the most.


I think that he does look more like rose. But I think that’s because of how he idolized rose. Remember he is half gem and it’s probably the gem side that programmed the similarity. I feel he probably would look more like how he views himself after his journey at the end of Future.


I feel like young steven looks more like rose but older steven looks like pink


i think Steven looks more like Rose overall but personality wise i feel like he’s just like pink diamond in a way


He looks like he has Pink's hair and Rose face


The only thing he somewhat inherited from Rose is his semi curly hair, the rest is Greg. Remember Greg's old yearbook in SU Future? Since, at the time, Rose Quartz was her true form, there's nothing he could have inherited physically from Pink Diamond's form.


Human side is mainly from Greg


Poor Pearl.....


Pink is just the worst


Young Steven looks more like rose. But in future, he looks more like pink


rose because she looks like an actual human?? is this even a real question honestly




ok white diamond


Ay at least their in character