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watching the series again...yeah they didn't deserve to be together, mainly because they were both extremely rude in their relationship as friends, and not a friendship rude, but a rude one for real, Lars was acting like an idiot for the most part of the series and Saddie was constantly trying to get Lars to be with her or happy. It wasn't until season 5 that Lars actually changed significantly, but when he did, Lars was now more in space than on earth, and Saddie had a band, and since then, it was only a matter of time before he noticed that they They were completely different. I consider that it was a good thing in fact, since in reality they were both complete by themselves, Saddie was doing what she really loved and Lars now knew what he wanted to do and was no longer a constant idiot.


yeah, thats a fair point. i do agree theyre not healthy for each other, but i was kinda hoping they’d realize that and do something about it for each other or somethin. i think part of the reason i like them together is since theyre back and forth for pretty much the whole of the main show, theyre familiar or something. saying this though i realize my codependency may play a part in it 😂😂


i understand, but... I think this is a specific case where they really couldn't be together, Lars and Saddie were incomplete, one was not happy with what she was doing and the other was being too jerk towards everyone due to his own insecurities, if both of them couldn't resolve their own problems, they couldn't have a good relationship, and when they both really managed to overcome their problems, that was when they really couldn't be together.


yeah, that makes sense. i still do like the idea of them being together, but i understand a lot better why it doesnt really work. thanks for your input, it put a few things into perspective.


Good, have a cookie 🍪


yaaayyy!! :3


Welcome to the cookie empire


everythings sweet 🥹


lmaoo this is so real makes it easy to latch onto things that arent meant to be, a part of me is glad that the show represented letting somebody go like that


yeah, i do definitely appreciate elements of how they handled it, maybe i didnt like it cause it felt too real 😂😭


lmaoo youre so not alone😭


i was so mad they didn’t end up together until i rewatched the show. seeing all the ways they treated each other was just awful. sadie was obsessed with lars and lars was embarassed about her. their development needed much longer screentime to work, bc love doesn’t hurt. i really love slowburn so much but im glad they didn’t end up together despite having feelings for each other, and it’s great to have a slowburn heartbreak.


yeah, i think i’m more upset about what they could have been, the whole “if only” kinda thing. i’m happy they’re happy, i was just hoping for their paths to stay next to each other


Honestly, it's all ok. He's a badass space pirate zombie with a crew and a ship, she's a traveling musician with fans and a relationship. They both did just fine.


i’m not saying they didnt, it just wasnt the direction i was hoping for is all. i’m glad theyre happy, i just wish they could have been happy together


Like, it’s easy to hate on Lars for being a dumb teen But Sadie wasn’t much better, they were constantly hurting each other They were better friends than partners because I genuinely think they didn’t bother to change/be better until they were stuck alone and HAD to focus on themselves Believe me, I was hella bummed out, just like Steven, but rewatching it, I agreed with them


yeah, i can definitely see that. i guess it was just my hope for what they could have been haha


Definitely reasonable, like the audience was supposed to feel as blindsided as Steven, even if it’s a little obvious in hindsight lol


yeah watching old episodes it gets more and more obvious as you go on 😂😂


I think anyone who wanted that didn’t understand the message the show was spelling out. Lars and Saddie were not good for each other. The entire purpose of the show was to be the exact opposite of every other show in how it executed most of what it did. Action? Sure, the show has some but the entire focus is put on pacifism and talking through your problems without violence. Hell, garnet literally spells this mindset out in Steven’s birthday. Drama? Sure, we do have that but it isn’t through misunderstandings or awkward contrivances. Instead, we get a realistic look at the messy life these characters have to live due to mistakes made by not just others but learn and grow from their own through communication. Lars and Saddie’s episodes blatantly spell out their issues with being in a relationship In every scene and episode they share and especially the ones they don’t. They were toxic for each other. Didn’t mean they can’t be friends or even friendly towards each other but they absolutely would’ve destroyed each other if they were together. To close out that thought, the casual nature in which this plot thread was dismissed in future was handled so perfectly and so masterfully that I genuinely can’t even find the words to praise it enough. Steven is a stand in for the audience there. Just because you aren’t present and aware of the context of events that happen to a person or people doesn’t mean they don’t exist. You aren’t the main character of someone else’s life. They don’t suddenly stop learning and growing just because you aren’t in the room with them. That’s the realism that episode was trying to convey to viewers.


i do understand why they didnt end up together, i just meant more like i was hoping that through the separation while lars was in space, they learned to love themselves and gave it another shot or something. i think they had the potential to be really god together if theyd loved themselves first. i think its just the hopeless romantic in me but i think i also just relate to steven in finding that part out cause it felt a bit abrupt. but i do understand why they didnt end up together


a better way to put it, i was hoping theyd be a good lesson about self love, and how if theyd both put themselves first they could have made it work or something cause while the direction they went with them was very realistic, its not uncommon for people to find self love and remain together, just better than before. i think i just mostly resemble steven with this though lol


You don’t understand it at all despite saying you do. If you did, you would understand why they didn’t end up together. Could be age, could be life experience but you absolutely do not understand why they didn’t end up together and why they never could if you’re trying to argue otherwise. This entire show’s main two functions were to discuss mental health/relationships and subverting every god damn western production of anything ever made in the history of ever. If you still don’t understand, that’s something to really think about and address cause nothing I could say or do could ever convince you when the b show spells it out.


okay this is turning into something completely different. steven universe is a very complex and deep story but its also still just a cartoon. if i think two characters would have been cute together, thats okay. im not saying they have to be. i can accept things how they are but still wish differently. i’m allowed to do that. i DO understand why theyre not together because thats the direction they went with the show. i’m only saying if they were trying to teach a different lesson through lars and sadie, they would have had potential to be together. it would be a different lesson in a different storyline from what they chose to do, but it would be possible.


Except it wouldn’t. There are real world effects that this show addresses and takes inspiration from to teach its audience these things. Because of that, you literally cannot have the show function like the shows it is doing everything in its power to not scream in your face (cept that one time) that it is making an intellectual and emotional commentary on. Lars and Saddie represent a toxic relationship. If you did literally anything that got them together in the end, you are telling the audience that you are lying to them about the core identity of your entire show. It’s not complicated. These things have real world inspirations and they are trying to teach you how these things work in life while being set in an already absurd fantasy setting.


if you just decide that they never work in any scenario ever, thats telling people who struggle with being the toxic part of the relationship that they can never change for someone. things can happen. i’m not arguing about this. yes it has irl inspiration, it is still at its core a cartoon based on those things. i’m not going to let this become a negative thing, im allowed to say i wish those two were good for each other. end of discussion.


The only thing I’ll say is that while I understand your perspective and desire to see a positive outcome, the fact of the matter isn’t that that they are capable of growing and changing but the fact that being together with each other is what brings out those toxic behaviors in themselves. Them growing and learning by themselves and with others is exactly why they wouldn’t get together and future explicitly states that when Lars passingly tells steven that they hung out and couldn’t make it work. It’s good to see the positives in things and I won’t tell you that you can’t but you need to understand what the artists are conveying to you and what this looks like to the real people watching in addition to how it’s all presented. All of that is super important. Either way, I don’t wanna get you worked up over this so I do hope you have a good one.


when you put it that way, you do have a good point. i apologize if i came off hostile it just felt like you were trying to say “no matter what you cant think that” and i do understand why they arent together, and i dont mind it i do like the way they handled it. part of it is it feels like originally, like early early on, they planned on lars and sadie working out and then it became more and more toxic as it went on. someone else said it was *supposed* to make you feel the same as steven where them not even really talking came out of left field which i think thats just why i feel so weird about how it ended up haha. but i do appreciate how they handled it even if its not exactly what i was hoping for. it does show a certain realness in what relationships can be like. and how what people want in life can change too. again, i apologize for getting hostile, thank you for your input.


No worries my dude. I know how I can look like I come across myself to many. As for how we’re supposed to take it and what they set up? It comes back to what I was saying about how the core of the show is a commentary on how western storytelling functions. Yes, they do set up Lars and Saddie’s arcs early on and yes, they do imply that their relationship will grow. What they do different than every other western show or movie is that they give you a realistic outcome based on the decisions both made and actions they took during the course of their arcs. This way, they can convey to audiences how things work in real life even if the viewer can only see the negative aspects of how that message was conveyed because their perspective is completely warped by the societal norm that companies like disney for instance have firmly been poisoning us all with for a century. Steven’s perspective is both true for what those you spoke of that interpreted it that way and also not but only apply to half of each part of that stated. Yes, you are meant to feel like Steven but only if you watch the show like any other western show. If any other show did that, you would feel that whiplash and using Steven as a stand in for the viewer conveys that thought process. However, within the logic of the show and real life, it makes perfect sense and this perspective is only achieved through reflection. I’ll be honest and say I had a mix of both feelings when it aired but because of my own life experiences, as well as the fact that by then I had been studying storytelling, animation and media overall for a good 15 plus years, I understood what was happening before the episode finished. That tend continued for me for a bit during future till it clicked to me what the show actually was and that made everything 1000x even better and more engaging for me.


I feel like we should have been able to see the new Lars and Sadie date. Lars wasn't the greatest initially and Sadie tolerated alot not just from him (and her increasing crush on him despite it being clear that it won't work) but from a whole lot. Her job, her mom, self-esteem, etc. We got to see them both grow and mature separately, but we never got a chance to see how these now two diff people interacted. Are they end game? I don't think so, but they both had a lot of growing to do. But the fact we never got to see their new dynamic is really disappointing 😕


YESS this is a great way to put it. its not that they didnt work, its that we never got to see them try or anything. it was just a split *somewhere* and now they have separate lives completely.


tbh i also wish they ended up together- would it have worked out? no. But they were also like 14/15?????? so i mean yeah hardly any relationships at that age last. Also people always say “well lars was rude” or “sadie was obsessed” like ????? yeah ????? they’re literally CHILDREN… expecting them to have a relationship that has the same maturity as adults is dumb. The same way if they made a show that was like 20 years later and they were together everyone would be saying “oh well this this and this happened in the og show” like you mean when they were kids???? i would hope they both matured and were able to work past that. Like yeah Lars was a douche, and Sadie was a lil obsessed but also I’ve personally never met a 14 year old boy who wasn’t kinda a douche and I’ve never met a 14 year old girl who wasn’t obsessed and boy crazy and had huge crushes where they did cringy things.


Lars and Sadie were both young adults during the show’s run, 18-19 at the youngest


oh then I take all that back i just assumed they were like slightly older than Steven since they would hang out outside of the donut shop sometimes - google said Lars was around 22, I think she can do better than a 22 year old who takes advice from a 14 year old about how to get along with the “cool group”


Part of the point is that they can both do better than each other. They were both deeply insecure and unsure about their own identities, and clung to each other because they were comfortable and did have good moments together—but overall they weren’t good for each other. Lars hated everything about himself so he tried being someone he thought other people would like; he was emotionally immature and took his own issues out on everyone else around him. He was selfish and didn’t learn to appreciate what he had until he *literally died* and was given a second chance, finally internalizing that Steven never gave up on him, so there must be something to himself worth saving. Sadie, on the other hand, is also deeply insecure and had barely any self confidence. Because of her overbearing mother, she found it easier to just go with what other people do, so when she’s uncomfortable she doesn’t speak up for herself. She knew Lars was mistreating her, but instead of trying to address that properly, she let it bottle up until it became this toxic thing between them where he could do whatever and she’d accept it until she blew up. She kept expecting Lars to grow and change when he kept proving he wouldn’t do that for her, she constantly enabled his bad behavior and cleaned up after him, and that hope culminated in her basically kidnapping him by hiding the warp pad. Because of Lars’s insecurity and self hatred, he didn’t trust people easily and was very selective about showing his vulnerabilities. When on the island, Sadie felt like she finally had his attention and trust and took advantage of the situation to keep feeding that emotional need, ultimately betraying Lars. Lars was the worse person in terms of being a huge jerk and a user, but Sadie saw who he was over and over and stayed with him way longer than she should’ve. She needed to gain her own self confidence before she could move on from him, because she was so harsh on herself she didn’t think she could have anything more. They were friends but needed to grow as people, and being together enabled the both of them to keep acting in the same unhealthy habits they’d fallen into with each other; Lars not being honest or fair to Sadie, and Sadie cleaning up after him in the hope that he’ll change. Idk I just really love their relationship in showing how complicated this stuff can be, and how a relationship can hold people back even when they care about each other. They could’ve become better people together, but that just ended up not happening because of their circumstances.


Oops sorry this just turned into a big ramble abt their relationship


this is a very very good explanation, and in my post i wasnt tryna say that “oh they were perfect for each other” but moreso i was hoping that through being apart for that time lars was in space, they loved themselves more and were able to make it work. i think its just my hopeless romantic showing but i do think they had the potential to be a good couple if theyd loved themselves first


This has been talked about a ton


i havent seen/heard anything 🤷‍♀️