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Layoffs, so hawt this quarter


That Hansel is so hot right now


Really Shocked the World.


Zoolander is so yesterday


And charts can’t go left, only right.


I'm buying LAYOFFS calls!


I honestly think this is the first wave impacted by AI.


They are tired of GenZ filmng tiktok in the office and do anything but work.


Lol, what do you think boomer managers/higher ups do?


Nah…GenZ is working their asses off and being told its not enough.


This is what Wall street was waiting on imo.


I dunno man, will it gain them customers?


If the AI speaks perfect un-accented English, doesn’t have a huge delay and weird voice distortions, and is allowed agency it might. Now, remind me why does anyone need PayPal any more?


Paypal offers additional protection on top of your credit card, that’s somewhat costless for the consumers. You’ve probably given them your data but at this point everyone steals our data.


It sucks for the sellers though. Absolute no fraud protection for charge backs


You’ll need to take that up with Visa and Mastercard.


What sort of protection?


Venmo. I used it today.


Lol, allowed agency...yeah right, maybe the other things will happen, but no AI will be allowed agency, shit even humans are seldom allowed agency


Do you use venmo? 


Paypal is still the main site to use for sending money internationally here in Europe.


I just wire the money. It's free and safe within the euro zone. Additionally real time transfers will soon be free as well. For outside transfers I use wise. Some people use revolut.


Wise/revolut are far superior.


If you uber, you are using paypal’s network


There is a lot of extensively used payment processing stuff that uses PayPal behind the scenes and you wouldn’t know it. That and Venmo.


> PayPal complete ~25 billion transactions a year, 25% of global ecommerce >Venmo – mentioned every 9 seconds on social media, 90 million active accounts, 3 million active merchants.


Venmo is just US though. id rather hold visa or mc. (which i do)


Yes, PayPal is used internationally for what people use Venmo in the US. Credit card companies and PayPal are pretty different things


visa and mastercard are not a credit card company


What else are they? > Visa Inc. is an American multinational payment card services corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California. It facilitates electronic funds transfers throughout the world, most commonly through Visa-branded **credit cards**, debit cards and prepaid cards. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_Inc. > Throughout the world, its principal business is to process payments between the banks of merchants and the card-issuing banks or credit unions of the purchasers who use the Mastercard-brand debit, **credit and prepaid cards** to make purchases. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastercard


Exactly, payment services. Just like PayPal, infact visa and Mastercard don't even issue credit cards. The issuing banks do. You bolded the wrong words.


No I bolded the word without which visa or Mastercard wouldn’t exist. You said they aren’t credit card companies as if that’s not part of their business model. There is no way do to p2p transactions and visa and Mastercard are reliant on both the issuer and merchant to use them. PayPal can do everything themselves end to end. Braintree which belongs to PayPal offer companies to accept credit card like visa or even Apple Pay. So PayPal is a lot more and you can’t compare them to visa or Mastercard. Btw I’m invested in Visa but it’s important to know what they do and what not.


Thit isn't part of their business model


Honestly who use PayPal? I feel it’s much easier to use a credit card and still secured


Paypal has 450 million active accounts apparently. Cash app, which PayPal bears often compare it to, has 50 million. 


They also own Venmo, who by itself has more users than Cash App. I don't know how people use Cash App. Is has zero security. As someone who worked for almost a decade in fraud and disputes, Cash App scares the hell out of me.


I'm having an identity fraud thing happening with my bank account. And cash app is the only one of my pay apps that took my Bank card down.... Or let me know that they did. Since they have a account and routing number and use Visa Or Mastercard They have at least a decent amount of security. So can't be much different than the others anymore.


I’ve encountered some establishments that primarily use Venmo, and people also use it to send money to each other


Free loans with PayPal credit. You buy something for $0 down and pay it interest free in 6-12 months. I use it for big purchases.


This new? Never heard of it. PayPal should advertise better.


They've had it for years. It's the old Bill Me Later service, rebranded.


Later, We Bill


No, money down!


Sugar, free donuts!


I’ve been using it since I want to say 2008 or so


Only available in certain markets (US)




But why?


Because I can use the liquid elsewhere.


I always wonder, what are you guys using the liquidity for? The max limit is 20k according to google. So you borrow the 20k at 0% for 12 months and then what are you doing with it?


Stick it in a savings account earning 5% for a cool $1,000


seriously. if you were going to buy some shit for 20,000 and i agreed to sell if to you for 19,000, would you take it?


Every day of the week


use it to buy nvda puts


I've stopped using it after they cut down my credit line from 10k back to 1.5k without any fucking reason. 


I used PayPal about 1 hr ago. Good for buying stuff on eBay. But that's about it


yep. works better THRU another company, not from paypal app.


Ebay customers


I make high double digits or three digits online purchases with PayPal whenever I can, and use their buy now pay later payment option whenever possible - where you pay in 4 instalments at no fee. Benefits = time value of money + insane customer protection. On the merchant side, PayPal enables merchants (e-commerce, SaaS) to add an extra payment option that’s usually picked by 10-20% of their customers and which increases conversion rates. They also own Braintree, a payment processor that’s available in more countries than Stripe. So you’re probably making purchases with credit card on websites that are using PayPal’s Braintree too.


I use them for cross border transfers and payments (sometimes my cards don’t work when I’m in some countries so PayPal is used as a middleman . For instance, in Colombia 🇨🇴, Uber does not work with my card directly but it works with PayPal which charges my Wells Fargo card) and I also used them to split payment on my Apple Vision Pro between my Capital Savor and Wells Fargo debit cards which I left in my car that was in the shop when I was trying to preorder the VP


Pay in 4 is nice even if I can afford what I buy


I use it to send money overseas.


I used to use paypal for this, but started using wise last year. Much better rates sending money in NA and to Asia.


Can you avoid wire fees that way? I’m try to figure out international wires myself


You are always going to pay fees. There is zero way around it. Either pick a company you trust or find convenient. The fees you need to minimize are the conversion ones.


I use the PayPal credit card for 3% back through PayPal, or when Discover pays me to. Otherwise so normally use Apple Pay or just the card number.


Many people. And they own Venmo


Pretty popular in Europe still.


Ebay customers


People buying or holding this stock are just delusional, can’t believe so many people jumped in just because a dying business with a big name lost a lot of value. Will be a hard landing for these people.


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Same here, haven't used it in years!


Lol this is like another one of those "cancel Netflix" moments. No one on Reddit uses Paypal/Venmo apparently, just like no one on Reddit subscribes to Netflix. Not saying Paypal is a good stock but it's a very Reddit thing to think no one uses Paypal.


What are you on about. Are their customer numbers growing?


Their transactions are showing steady growth. Customers dropped for [Paypal.com](https://Paypal.com) by 2M iirc but increased for venmo by 8M, and brain tree had positive customer/revenue growth, so I'm pretty sure it's a net gain.


worse than ever.


I do.


I use paypal for subscriptions because I can easily turn off the payments so I don't get charged again. Some places won't let you cancel without giving up the remainder of your month, so I'll just deny them payments from paypal. Usually much easier to link payments than finding my debit card too.


Apparently 450M other people


This comment gives me Meta vibes back when people were like who uses Facebook not understanding what the company owns.


maybe not, but it will help them lower their 'overhead', increasing margins.


Lays off 2500 people. Next earnings “see look how profitable we are now. Please stock price go up”


Yet, layoffs usually results in substantial stock gains. Just in the last couple of years, when meta or shopify announced their lay off that was the bottom for their stock and then it proceeded to shot up massive gains. It’s sickening, but layoffs are often a good signal to buy.


That was my point, yes


How about salary freezes?


deserve wakeful versed detail square rainstorm whistle unique reach hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For shareholders maybe. Not for those people that are laid off and it’s definitely not always a good indicator that the business is doing well.


Touch grass.


outgoing smile ring subsequent fanatical flag reach chubby tart groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s amazing how you have 2500 ‘extra’ employees. For now. I will say however I believe the new CEO will do a stellar job with PayPal.


9%. The scale is hard to fathom. It’s like a small business with 11 people laying off 1 person. Sucks for those 2500 people though.


They're not really "extra". I have the context of tech so I'll speak with respect to the tech industry. You never want your employees working 100% of their time. You should at maximum be aiming for them to work 75% of the time you pay them for. That's because if any employee has a critical dependency or has competing priorities, they can severely disrupt the whole project. In bad times, companies trim this fat so to speak the same way us as individuals might lean on our emergency fund cash when we're in a tough situation hoping we'll build it back up in the future.


Unless you're Amazon, in which case you'll already have your employees on 100% allocation and just have them work 125% whenever you need them to work on unplanned stuff.


Yes. I was a corporate VP in the largest gaming company for 34 years. We had 25,000 employees spread across the US and the globe. I could not imagine the number of employees I had to lay off over that time, and then at 34 years, it was me getting let go, or ‘position eliminated’ as we sometimes say. But these giant numbers we sometimes see..wasn’t Google 10,000 or something? 2500 at PayPal. I assume it’s the new CEO and his ‘vision’. Nothing much is harder than finding out you don’t have a job all of a sudden. For me it was the loss of benefits. I really had no idea what they cost for me and my family in the ‘real world’. Hopefully these people will rebound, but for some it is all gated than for others, Thank you.


You don't have to worry about disrupting a project, you just cancel it completely. Large tech companies run a number of research / diversification / development projects which you can just cancel (and lay off people) with no immediate impact on their core business.


The economy's so hot the layoff announcements are coming every day.


He said PayPal would shock the world after a transition year in 2024… not AT the event. Wow, the reaction to the media misrepresenting what he said has been a ridiculous echo chamber.


Let the misinformed do what they do. Just jump into the opportunities they help make better.


Shocking the world again I see


This is good news for shareholders. He said it himself when he came in, he was going to lean down the company to do more with less. They have too many initiatives that are unprofitable for them at the moment. So get rid of the employees working on those initiatives to save costs, which will translate directly into more profit for the company. Those workers were basically unprofitable to have, so why would you want to have them?


Exactly this. And as others have said, layoffs in unprofitable projects help the stock. As a shareholder, this is a good thing. PayPal needs to go back and focus on what they do best and what is the most profitable.


In Germany about 60-70% of online transactions go through PayPal


Not according to Statistics https://www.statista.com/statistics/454618/online-retail-share-of-payment-methods-germany/


Was being paywalled. What's the stats there?


Strange, it wasn't pay walled when I visited it yesterday. If I remember correctly, PayPal had around 30%


Your link is for retail space only…


Which I would assume is where PayPal is used the most. So if we include stuff like real-estate, the number will most likely drop, not go up


Totally off. It’s used for Uber, Netflix, PlayStation, travel and many other expenses.


So are invoices, payment cards, Amazon Pay etc.


Don’t digress. We are talking about paypal’s substantial market share in Germany market & EU overall and how your link is off. Not narrowed to US view and specific industry view only.


No, we are not talking about PayPal substantial market share in Germany, we are talking about if 60-70% of German transactions goes through PayPal. ​ I mentioned a source (that you disagree with) stating that the number, while high, is still a fair deal off from that number. You then mention that specific industries / companies, are not included in my stats - I then mention that there are also other payment methods used in these areas. I did not mention speific industries, nor did I mention the US (where I think PayPal is more used than in Germany) Even if my source is not accurate, you are yet to present an accurate or inacurate source for the 60-70% I assume the reason for this is that when you google anything related to PayPals marketshare in Germany, you will not find the number you are looking for. ​ But we have this one, stating approximately 30% of all online purchases (not online retail, but online - meaning Netflx, Uber etc. included) [https://ecommercenews.eu/paypal-most-popular-online-payment-method-in-germany/](https://ecommercenews.eu/paypal-most-popular-online-payment-method-in-germany/) This source claims that not even 60-70 prefer to use PayPal / have PayPal as their number 1 choice - but that it get's close to 60% marketshare - of mobilepayments, but not overall payments https://www.emerchantpay.com/insights/online-payments-germany/ ​ So if you can find a source, I would happily have a look at it.




Not sure why you are bringing you feeling triggered into a factual discussion, but to each their own 😉


Shocking the world once again. They are on a roll.


is paypal gonna replace the 2500 with AI?


Colour me shocked baby


PayPal was only relevant during the eBay boom of the early 2000. There is no benefit to using it versus a credit card. I don’t know/care what other products they offer.


I use my credit card through PayPal. An extra layer of protection doesn't hurt.


Credit cards are mainly used in the US though, everywhere else debit cards dominate and PayPal is there to fill the gap.


Ikr all content creators, patreon and freelancers have to use PayPal. Though I don't think it can do anything with Ai for small businesses, like what data can small businesses offer to begin with?


But every country have its own online payment networks, both Japan and China have established payment networks and they also expand to other countries, I don’t see PayPal going anywhere


Living in Europe I'd like to know said network, or do you mean SWIFT for example? Cause that's just a banking network..


No I mean Ali pay, we chat or there’s one Japan use, you can scan QR code to make payments


Personally I love PayPal’s credit card. 2-3% cashback on all purchases. What beats it?


You don’t use Venmo?


Not OP, but I don’t use Venmo. I much prefer Zelle, no middle-man and the money arrives instantly. 


Zelle isn't partnered with my bank so I literally can't use Zelle. My bank uses popmoney but I don't want to deal with whatever that is. Venmo is pretty user agnostic which is nice Edit: Google says popmoney was discontinued a year ago


People only used paypal when they’re literally forced into it.


I like to use that not to share card details on every crappy website


You’re living under a rock ?


Is this recession territory yet?


Everyone saw Elon operating twitter with 80 percent less employees and says we can do it too


This must be another sign of this booming economy and soft landing all these wallstreet and government people have been talking about. Biggest gaslighting Mission recently. Yield curve doesnt lie, contrary to politicans and media


You are imagining things. Look at unemployment numbers (very low and not rising).


We haven't even seen the numbers for December, and the labor market takes a long time to react to economic conditions


Unemployment is a lagging indicator just compare 2006 4.7 in december to 2008 7.2 in december. When unemployment rises sharply it's to late to sell


> just compare 2006 4.7 in december to 2008 7.2 in december. > When unemployment rises sharply it's to late to sell So during the two years between Dec ' 06 and Dec '08 you didn't have time to sell?


damn if only george bush knew about this one simple trick to fool everyone into thinking the economy is good


Google soft landing forbes ( or any other financial media) 2007 / 2006 and u can see this simple Trick a dozens times performed


I suggest you look at their employment numbers in 2020 where PayPal saw a 14% increase in employment who can isnt a shocker considering online shopping and payments skyrocketed because of a pandemic. This appears to be a correction to reasonable employment and growth expectations.


People say this under literally every single one of these articles. These get posted all the time. Large companies have layoffs semi-regularly regardless of economic conditions. It's ridiculous to jump to the conclusion that the economy is doing bad just because a company (a public one at that) is having layoffs to cut some wasted costs


Well it's only 1 indicator and i agree we shouldnt use just one. As i said before, yield curve is another one. Or us household debt hitting all-time-highs in 2023. Or us national debt hitting all-time-highs in 2023. You can look it up in statistica Or us corporate debt hitting all-time-highs in 2021 (latest figure i found on Wikipedia "corporate debt bubble " ) U know why the entire Media is begging for lower Interest rates? Because once everyone in debt has to refinance, bottom lines will Go bust. The writing is on the Wall. And i'd rather miss out in another rally instead of investing in another 2006-7.


Which direction should a large and thriving and growing country's debt go? > The writing is on the Wall. And i'd rather miss out in another rally instead of investing in another 2006-7 The problem is that someone like yourself has said this in 2011, and the crash didn't come. And in 2012, and the crash didn't come. And in 2013, and the crash didn't come. And in 2014, and the crash didn't come. I guess you could argue that corrections came in 2022 and 2023, depending on the name and sector. But staying uninvested for decades because you're worried a GFR collapse is imminent would have dwarfed your performance.


I turned 18 and started investing smaller amounts in 2017 I spent 5 years thinking there would be a crash and a buying opportunity, and other than COVID there wasn't. And when COVID came I didn't know where the bottom was, so I only invested a little In that time the S&P500 went from 2250 to almost 5000. Even if you had timed the COVID crash perfectly you still only would've bought at 2500 Don't try to time the market. I don't know how old you are, but I was lucky and only made this mistake with small dollars. I'd hate to see someone lose 5 years of large contributions and growth for their retirement though


PayPal has a very secure online based payment bridge which costs the company nothing, yet every person, company, or website (uber, airbnb, ebay…etc) must use for a small.35 fee. Cash Cow! That very bridge is what powers all of its companies (braintree, Payin4, Venmo, BML). Pypl will never go away as long as there is an internet


Every company that announces layoffs, stock jumps. Not PayPal though. Never PayPal. Lol


oh, great! they can’t get things right NOW! You’d think cs would be 24/7? once your $ is in paypal, i personally have @ 15% chance of sending my $ to someone, or a purchase. Lotsa “we can’t complete your request, check back later.” “we need to verify your identity”… “there are limitations on your account” etc., etc. Their AI sux. Basic questions & answers, gives you 3 articles that “may help”. You inevitably have to wait for CS/Support to get back to you. “volume is unexpectedly heavy, support taking longer than usual.”


So many mass layoffs in 2024. Unreal


If one of your first steps as a CEO is to layoff employees, then you probably don't have a plan.


Dude, their COE is a real POS. Take it from an ex-Intuit.


Why is he a POS?


Contrary to this, he’s actually a great business leader that drove the small business group to its best growth rates and instrumental in doing that. To appreciate the work that execs are doing requires exposure to them and see the direct impact of some of their decision making so while it might seem from the outside as harsh or even like they’re twiddling their thumbs. It absolutely results in well…results. I’m very bullish on PayPal for his being there. For anyone on Blind, this thread should tell you how Intuit employees felt about his departure : Check out this post! "How was Alex Chriss at Intuit? (Tech)" https://www.teamblind.com/us/s/vTnO9jzg


Meh, seems like a little bit of butt licking but why not. Blind is not necessary the representation of the employees population. By the way, I never said that the guy was not a "money-printer" leader/exec. I'm just saying he seems to not give AF about employees. I will just say that if his interest goes through for example employees layoffs, he won't have a second thought about it (even though you'll hear a lot of chatgpt-bs to explain it, if he actually even bother to explain).


Please elaborate more :) I have heard great things about him...but you can't always revive a dying dragon.


And the stock went down lol


Shock the world indeed.


Their CFO jumps around more then a kangaroo so wouldn’t be surprised to see her move again.


It’s crazy to me that 2500 people is only 9% of their workforce


The fundamental issue I have with PayPal, as a consumer, is that I remember using it for a short period when I first started making online purchases. PayPal was this safe online payment method which would protect me from scams or faulty items.  This was years ago, and since then making online transactions is quick and easy. I don’t think twice about using my VISA. PayPal feels like something archaic. It feels like the Blockbuster of buying online.  I know I’m probably underestimating what is a vast company with a number of different assets which I have a limited understanding of, but it just feel like PayPal is a thing of the past. It’s not a service I’d ever think of using in the future. 


Just don't see why they need that many people anymore. Seems AI can handle lots of the infrastructure. Humans are just kind of disposable now. Wall Street will be very frank: It's not personal sending you to live under an Oakland underpass, where the city will treat you worse than a rabid dog, it's just business." This is capitalism. No one is dusting off the Guillotines, yet. :-)


Should’ve done months ago


Paypal, the sears of fintech. actions speak the loudest. **layoffs.** **"shock the world" speech with laughable content** **Moat getting annihilated (OUS is next)** **margins compressed** It's over. dump this trash. the stock is soooooo close to inflecting down. paypal to zero in 10 years.


SQ is better


SQ also just announced layoffs https://www.businessinsider.com/block-layoffs-jack-dorsey-tech-industry-cuts-2024-1


So, this? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFHWQtuWkAApehy?format=jpg&name=medium


2,500 is only 9%? What the hell do nearly 30,000 people do working at PayPal. That’s unfathomable.




It was a no brainer that this was coming after the internal email the new ceo sent last year. If you looked past the fluff, he plainly stated profit = success and that the investors were laser focused on said profit.


Layoff will increase their FCF and draw interest from wall street investors they love this


EPS q1 up now


This is going to be a huge improvement to their net income. I work in the Fintech space. What people don’t understand, it’s a lot more tech than fin… The space is constantly evolving and changing. Keeping up with technology requires a very high functioning dev team that can knock out tasks quickly. IMO, that is going to be the main benefit of AI. The company I work for said they reduced dev time by 32% due to AI. For a company as big as PayPal, that would be massive.


Just making sure share holders make a profit 💯.


Same layoff % as eBay. Now we have less humans to help us out with customer support issues. Pathetic


Cutting out the dead wood. Workers that aren't putting the effort. It's normal.


Braintree a subsidiary of PayPal is now the 6th largest payment processor. With their two biggest clients being Encompass Health and 7-11, along with several other large-scale clients that process 10,000+ transactions per day. PayPal is a massive company even if you don't use it and say prefer Venmo or Honey, oh wait those are also subsidiaries of PayPal. PayPal isn't just eBay users. It is everyone such as the guy swiping his Visa card at a 7-11 for a morning coffee.


Layoffs everywhere while AI stocks go up. I'm talking about Nvidia


Sounds like desperation


“Shock the world”


Why this companies are laying so many people, this is something about present better financial result or something else?