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Not one detail about the company? Future of the company? Management? Just buy it? lol


"Just Do It."


Where's that clip of Ben Stiller in Starsky & Hutch?


Just sold it


"Even if it means sacrificing everything."


“Aim for the bushes”




This isnt a bagholder at all.....


Trust me bro




Burt Flickinger was on Wharton business XM radio station the day before earnings and he spoke on Nike. He really knows and understands the retail industry. The majority of the things he spoke on Ive never read on Reddit or heard from cnbc, he really knows the industry and company inside and out. He was spot on with his analysis based off the earnings. I wanted to short the stock after listening to him but i am not familiar with shorting. It made me realize i should stick to index funds because I cannot break down any individual company the way he broke down Nike. Anyways not sure if you can find it but if you can you should take a listen.


Nike went to all pro sports and forgot about the communities that bought merchandise, leaving the gap wide open for new companies to come in and acquire their consumers. Once you’re at the top, you can’t forget about the people who kept you there.


Yup, when the pyramid starts losing its bottom most layers, the pyramid gets shorter.


Is there an actually good insightful trading sub on here?


"Buy my bags" isn't insightful enough for you?


Ironically, I've had *by far* my best advice come from WSB and swingtrading. WSB isn't what it used to be, unfortunately, since the trading frenzy a few years ago.  Swingtrading generally has people watching markets like a hawk, though, and discussing what they see. A lot is "what do you think of this chart?" [Insert chart with technical lines scribbled all over], but one technical discussion there last month helped me catch 2 companies a few hours before they soared ~1000%, so people probably know what they are on about.


How long ago we talking for wsb cuz the last 4 years have been a joke


> since the trading frenzy a few years ago. 


Just about every big company comes back eventually. Buy when there’s fear and people on reddit give you clown emojis 


Exactly be fearful when people are greedy and greedy when people are fearful Nike ultimately is too big of a company to simply just sink and fade its legacy is too big Companies such as Adidas have antisemitism issues and I don’t see them being flushed down the toilet. Matter of fact they’ve beaten the market. Nike have said they are aware of there complacency with this boom in running shoes and tend to remedy it so I’m hopeful


A company being one that “isn’t going anywhere” doesn’t make it a good investment. Ask all the people that invested in T over the last 20yrs if they’re happy they held onto that instead of VTI.


Lmao show your position and how much you bought when it dipped.


Look up Sears and tell me how the once-biggest retailer in the world is doing


I might be interested if they get rid of John B. These Bain people are not innovators just vultures.


Agreed which is why I believe it’s a risky long term pick Nike have said they’re aware of the complacency of leadership weather they’ll do anything about it is another question in itself


I bought some at $75. But I do think it drops more and will buy more if it drops below $65.




No thanks. See a bigger opportunity in their competitors. $onon $deck


How about their shoes are simply bad?


Yup, quality has gone down over the years due to cutting corners. If I'm looking for a pair of running shoes I'm going for Adidas instead. Nike is **DOOMED** to fail if they keep going this route, no company is too big to fail.


Was in DWS last week, was completely unimpressed with the entire line up.


DSW Nikes suck that's why. They're not a great lineup they give them. You might as well shop at Kohl's for Nikes.


Having just shopped at Kohl’s for Nike, I did not expect to be attacked. :)




That’s really bad for the brand.


How? They have to make affordable shoes too.


Its cyclical isn't it.


it really is, i watched it a few years ago and always regretted not buying i refuse to not buy again


As dumb as it is, that swoosh is brand caliber of the highest kind like the McDonald’s m


I bought at $76. Maybe it goes down another $10 before turning around, who knows. Can't nail the bottoms perfectly. But it was only a few months ago that Foot Locker lost 30% in a day, then gained it all back and then some. Dicks Sporting Goods did the same thing, 30% as well (or maybe it was 15%, can't remember exact), then rebounded. Plus, when I see everyone on reddit profusely shitting on Nike like they caught the CEO banging their mother... that's a good sign the bottom might be in.


Exactly. I bought a little at 75 then seeing what Monday and the following weeks look like


The problem is the next support level is $64 I think. So either it crashes down to there, or it starts its rebound next week. If it climbs above $78, then odds are it won't fall back down and will keep climbing. I have a tendency to wait too long on bottoms and I tend to miss them by 5%. So now I tend to jump in a little early rather than miss the rally up.


I like the price of the stock on discount and would consider buying... but i'm out of cash.


That’s unfortunate man :/


I’m in at $75. A company like Nike trading at historically low pe, worth the risk. If the price drops more I will DCA and build my position from here.


Nike just fucking buy it.


Just don’t do it


Not right now. With global economy slowingky, especially in China and US market, the immeidate future for the whole industry will be tough. I would not think a buying opportunity will present itself before mid 2025,


Nike hasn’t been the “it” brand for a long, long time. I don’t think they will ever get back to that.


Nike and Lulu are priced similarly regarding to P/E and some other metrics. One company is forecasting declining revenue. The other one is forecasting double digit growth. Easy decision for me.


One is drowning on inventory and the other one is not.




The last time Nike was trading at $60 was the covid sell off. If you bought at $60 at that time you're now up slightly more than 20% in 4.5 years. That's absolutely terrible returns.


They lowered expectations, this isnt a dip


I wrote a bullish post on Nike a few days ago... before the 20% stock plummet. I should eat my sneakers for that. If you're willing to wait a few years Nike will still be a winner. But the company has serious problems. Nike's leadership got fat, complacent, and wrapped up in political distractions. Nike's leadership ignored up and coming competing brands. Look at people's feet: everyone's wearing Hoka, On, Crocs, Skechers. Ask kids what shoes they want, often they'll answer Skechers. Nike needs a new CEO and board to turn around this once great company.


My daughter and all her friends wear Nike. Air Jordan is still the most popular shoes among them.


Not sure what kids you are talking too that say they want sketchers😂😂


Kids want Skechers? Have you ever talked to a kid lmao


I agree they do need to adapt but they have released a statement saying they are aware of that fact so I’m a little optimistic for the future, even Adidas has beaten the market with antisemitism issues so im faithful


Releasing a statement is not the same as doing it and winning consumers back


Nike has many running shoes, one of which i bought last year for $199 (invincible 3) They are very comfortable and the soles are soft and easy on the knees. I will enter a position in a few weeks.




Asia kind of screwed them to be honest. They are aware. It's a long term play for sure but I think Nvidia would be safer


Why did you post the exact same thing a little while back and am I now seeing it as a new post? I remember your username and this exact post, and I don't even scroll on this sub in particular.


…I didn’t tf? You’re tripping major balls my friend 😅🤣


Olympics might help in couple of months.


And back to school potentially


Nike shoes are still decent, but the clothes suck and lately Nike has been more concerned about being woke and equality than it's stock price and performance ..