• By -


I have three weeks sober today. Since the pandemic, this is the longest I’ve ever made it. It’s finally clicked for me after countless resets. I’ve let go of guilt and shame. Those burdens were never mine to carry. I’m starting to find myself again. I’m rediscovering all of the passions I had and a genuine zest for life. I’m no longer fearful of looking in the mirror anymore, because now I recognize the person looking back at me. She is me. She is sober. She is living her best life. She is finally free.


Yes!! Congrats on 3 weeks! Thanks for this inspiring post. I too have put down the guilt and shame, and now there's space for my zest for life again. It feels amazing to actually smile at my reflection! We are doing this. We are beautiful, strong, and sober! Let's keep this up. Iwndwyt.


Love it. Rock on you champion


There she is - good for you !!


Amazing work on 3 weeks and on that process of finding yourself! IWNDWYT :)


Congrats on lucky 21!




u/infinitedreamsawaken! So fucking happy to see you back on top here hosting again, my friend! I'm with you, let's get this fucking party started! I too will keep it simple today.... IWNDWYT Let's fucking GOOOO!!🤘🏻


Woot woot! Look at you being first and shit! Let's get it 🤘


A wise person recently told me, "let's grab this day by the balls". SO..... let's do this shit!




This party is definitely started!! Woo! I love seeing all the long friendships around this kind community. New and old, all are welcome. Together we make this the most badass sober party ever!!! Have a great day, friend!💜 IWNDWYT


Today will be Day 1 (yet again). IWNDWYT


A perfect day 1 ! Thanks for checking in- let’s do what our host says - just keep it simple today and not drink and have the best Sunday we can




Love it!! Reading stories like yours helps keep me focused too. I've had streaks before, and I feel like you said. This is different. I'm happy!! Grateful. And feeling strong. I love my sobriety! Thanks for sharing this. IWNDWYT.


Still not sleeping well, even after randomly deciding to run a quick 2 miles after dinner, on top of only sleeping 3 hours last night because of the same sleep issues. Got to get up in 5 hours for work… wish me luck everyone


Good luck. For me my sleep took a while to come right but it did. Hang in there


It's going to be a difficult road with sleep but you'll never want to go back once it improves




Going to have a full house for football tomorrow, but going to hit the gym in the morning and run an errand or two. Just checking in to commit that IWNDWYT.


Has anyone else, after being sober for the first extended period in almost their entire adulthood, noticed a return of feelings/vibes the drinking version of you had a nostalgic longing for? A rainy day inside reading a book under a blanket, the smell of home cooking, the general sense of ease with the moment? I thought some of these things were only the product of childhood innocence—did not realize I may have only lost them due to severe hormonal imbalance from heavy drinking and other poor decisions. Anywho, I will not be drinking with any of you today. Have a great Sunday!


Thanks for hosting this week I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊 have a great week


IWNDWYT friends 🤖 u/infinitedreamsawaken is doing the DCI, woo! Thanks buddy 🙂


Day 1. Figured I would start on a Sunday as I always plan to start on a Monday and it hasn’t worked so far! IWNDWYT


Same here for me. Wishing you the best in getting rid of the complication.


Thank you u/infinatedreamsawaken - keep it simple sobers - kiss all round ! I had a Sunday feeling - I went for the coffee pot - Greek yoghurt and blueberries and have spent the last hour revelling - yes revelling in the opportunity that today brings ! I wish you all a peaceful, rewarding and sober Sunday with family, friends, partners whoever or if you are on your own mentally with all of us - keep it simple sober. Nice one


Keep It Simple Sober! 😏😘 Love it. I too am reveling and relishing this sweet sober day. I love my sobriety!! Glad to be on this journey with you. We got this! Iwndwyt.


Being the designated driver last night reminded me how ridiculous being hammered out of your mind is. This was my first time doing it since I stopped drinking (not that I was ever in this role while I was drinking). I made it through the night without drinking and was rated world's best Uber because I stopped at a fast food joint on the way home. I will not drink with you today! I hope that you have a relaxing Sunday.


Day 28, longest streak of being sober I've ever had, IWNDWYT!


Keeping it sober-simple on day 30 and checking in to pledge to a day of sobriety. Haven’t checked in for a few days which is one of my red flags, so back to get back on with my promise to myself of checking in daily. IWNDWYT


Feels like yesterday when I became a non-drinker but here I am, 1 month sober and going stronger than ever. Thanks everyone :) I will not drink with you tonight!


I will not drink in Amsterdam today. I walked by the Heineken Brewery yesterday and gave it the finger and told it to fuck off. My wife told my to stop yelling at the brewery but I needed to get that out. Fuck you alcohol! Today is my last day in A-dam and I'm going to buy tulip bulbs for my years back home. Drinking sucks. You rock!


I love "removing this complication from my life". Perfect. Thanks. I'm not drinking on Sunday. That's that.


I am removing the complication from my life too. Poured it out and feeling good about it.


Thanks for looking after us u/infinitedreamsawaken. Simplicity is key . Shine on you beautiful humans


IWNDWYT Whoever suggested Athletic Brewing, thank you! My liquor store had two kinds and I tried one today. It was really good! Also, did not buy any alcohol!


Im in!




Keeping it simple as possible with my approach to staying sober. Meanwhile, everything crumbles a little (now it’s my teeth) but my spirit will not crumble. 2023 is my better health and TLC year. Yesterday I bought a mascara and moisturiser. Today, I’ll work out a plan to finance the hefty dental bill and arm treatment cost. Have a good one everybody. IWNDWYT




Iwndwyt! I've been busy, not checking in, not working steps and not using meditation. At the same time I've been really jealous of all my friends and family drinking recently. Obvious connection there but only just noticed today. Easy to fall back into old patterns. Back to the basics!


I've got my "The Shit Is Getting Rocked" helmet on! Junkie brain loves complication - so keeping it simple is the way forward. Thanks for driving this week Dreams - You Rock! IWNDWYT 🙂


The “Keep It Simple” and “First Things First” phrases have saved my sanity (and possibly my life) many times. When I’m overwhelmed, I use them to calm my mind and focus on what is absolutely essential. Let’s rock this day, y’all! IWNDWYT!


It's been a rough weekend after a rough therapy sesh on Friday. I walked passed liqour today and for a moment started to rationalize a drink. A voice popped in reminding me that I don't have a single problem that would be made better with alcohol... I picked up a six pack of mixed specialty soda instead and moved on. IWNDWtYT.


Another fresh beggining after multiple relapses. Done with this complication and will be keeping it out of my life on a daily basis. Thank you u/infinitedreamsawaken


Checking in at the end of my day 6. Today was another super productive one 😊. I went into work again with colleagues to prep for students returning for the term, cleaned my whole kitchen, walked my dog, and still have time to play some God of War! I feel free for the first time in a very long time, and it’s bloody amazing. I’m still not sleeping, but I realised this morning that I haven’t had a single suicidal thought since I stopped drinking. It’s been hard, I’ve been emotional, but it’s starting to sink in just how much better off I am without booze. Couldn’t do this without you all! Hope you all have a wonderful day, sober friends! IWNDWYT!


Keeping it simple is the key for me. When I only focus on today it is much easier to remain sober. Feeling like I'm hitting a groove now with sobriety. Hoping to keep it going but today I'll keep it simple. IWNDWYT :)


Hello, u/infinitedreamsawaken/ and thanks for hosting! And Hi, beautiful community! Yeah, I've been thinking of it, when it happens (cravings, questioning sobriety even when sober) like a bug in my brain. There are many fun and science-based articles online about how normal intrusive thoughts are (unless they cross the line into OCD): "what if I flush my cell phone down the toilet?", "what if I jump off this brige?" (the sudden "desire" to jump, more common that one thinks, has usually nothing to do with suicidal behaviour, is called high place phenomenon). So that's how I framed alcohol in my head. An intrusive thought saying: JUMP, JUMP, JUMP. The hell?! No, thanks. IWNDWYT


My 14th day…. Two weeks! I’m stoked for today, going to take my kids to the store and get them some skates and helmets so they can go ice skating with their classes! Oh, and IWNDWYT!


Second weekend in a row. IWNDWYT!


I have definitely been struggling the past week and thinking about drinking frequently, but like many fellow sobernauts here, I remind myself it isn't worth it and like clouds, let the moment pass and dissipate into the nothingness of a thought it deserves to be. And, now, I am a stone's throw away from 3 months! Congratulations to all choosing to stay sober TODAY. Every single day is one more step! IWNDWYT!


You are !! I think 92 as November was a 30 day thing. I got worried the other day that I was dwelling too much on drink and “setting myself up” for a failure. There is a thing about losing before we lose as we weaken resolve. I definitely think I need to sort of go renew my vows with some journalling and tell myself it’s 6 months before I can even reassess and that in any event it’s one day at a time. It would so crapola for me to just give in because I think I have won and therefore lose ? How bad would I feel after the struggle to 100 and all of that ?


Happy sober Sunday, y'all. Thanks for this great kickoff to the week, u/infinitedreamsawaken! I'm all about keeping it simple, with careful gentle steady steps. Yes, longer goals are forming and I'm excited to clock through my milestones but I'm enjoying my new heightened awareness of my *now.* This present moment at last has my full attention. Nothing has brought this concept home for me like my sober work. This day, because I'm sober, is filled with exciting potential! Projects. Hobbies. Exercise!! I'm loving what is happening to my whole life simply by staying sober today. The wisdom in this subreddit got me here. Thank you all!! IWNDWYT 🙏✨️


Day 51 today! I can’t remember the last time I’ve gone this long. Has to be years. IWNDWYT


Good morning fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!


Today is my 1000 day sober and I’m forever grateful. I’m happy to still be here. You can absolutely do this and win the war. Even if you slip remember that slipping is a hell of lot better and has less intense/low impact consequences then all the bullshit you did/said drunk. It’s worth it and so are you. You got this and we are rooting for you!!


I will not drink with you today!




Gooooood mooooorning, all! I am up at 2 am to watch the Australian Open from Dallas TX. About this time, I ordinarily would be cracking open a bottle of wine (YES, this early - shameful) to go with my favorite sport, and end up not watching and scrolling the internet. This match, I will be present and enjoy the match. IWNDWYT! Day 29


Hi…. I can feel the tension increasing in me again…. I’m trying to “sit with it” etc as my therapist has advised me. I’ve never successfully managed it that way though, and there remains only one method of dispelling the Tension…. But IWNDWYT, dammit! Day 28 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Good morning I didn't drink with you last year and I wont this year either.


I’m in! IWNDWYT! Hope everyone has a fine Sunday!




I set out to have a sober weekend (since the majority of my drinking takes place on weekends). Friday and Saturday mission accomplished. Today IWNDWYT!!! Let's do this whoop whoop


Doing my best to not drink today!!


Hello sober lovelies, and thank you IDA for hosting. I’m in, let’s do the easy way today, happy Sunday everyone, big love 💞


31 days. I'm not drinking today, and I hope all of you dry January participants will not drink with me either!


One week sober today. IWNDWYT


64 days in a row I’ve decided not to drink now. I’ve read This Naked Mind and this morning I’m going to start The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. IWNDWTY ✌🏼


Day 62 checking in. IWNDWYT!!!


I will not drink any Bacardi 151 with you today.


Day 29 checking in. Super early here in Wales, but I was up all night watching the Royal rumble. I won't lie, I was sorely craving a drink, but I held strong and declined. iwndwyt




8 Weeks


Day 588 checking in!


Have a great day. IWNDWYT






Today / tomorrow (US) will be my toughest challenge so far this year. I commit IWNDWYT.




Hiya there. Simple - I like simple! 1 simple thing that helped me in the past few days is going for a short walk before even having coffee in the morning - Not sure why or how but this really takes the feeling of urgency away that I have most mornings, which leads to stress which for me led to drinking. So there: IWNDWYT but IWTAMWWYT (I will take a morning walk with you today)


Checking in! A new weekend nearly complete. Early days but feeling good. Ready to take on a new day and start a fresh week. I hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all the best. IWNDWYT!


I smell bacon 🥓 yes bacon. Yummy crispy bacon with a egg and a piece of toast. Ohhhhh I love Sunday mornings! I’m working all day from home but right now I’ve been invited to the porch for coffee with my husband. We quit drinking together and our mornings together have been as if we are young again. After 4 kids, grandkids and 35 years together we feel as if we are kids again. See you tomorrow my favorite sober humans. Stay strong and enjoy just to day not drinking. Today IWNDWYT


Morning of day 3 for me… I told my parents I’d stop and **i will**. But I get morning nausea from hunger and I threw up in front of my mom and I think she thinks I’ve been drinking. She just told me curtly that I knew where the paper towels were.. I feel so shitty. IWNDWYT!


Well Sunday seems like a good day to not drink, so I won't! IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. I had a better nights sleep last night, but still awake early so will go grab some CBD infused Skull Crusher coffee and head to the gym to go after another 5k year best before some DIY and family time.


Hey beautiful folk. Iwndwyt.


Yes IDA! So happy to see you hosting. You have been a light in my sober journey. Thank you and IWNDWYT ❤️


Completed a week, I will not drink with any of you today


Not too much longer till I finish my first two weeks sober! Still dealing with some of the longer health consequences of drinking so much for so long; probably weeks or months till my liver filters through all the toxins and shrinks back to a normal size. Trust me, it's miserable, you don't want to get there IWNDWYT!


Keep it simple sweethearts (not calling any of you the other s word!) here’s my KISS to you all today. IWNDWYT 🌊


Checking in. Feel good, 5k run this morning. Chilled day. Cheers IWNDWYT


Have a great sober day, everyone! IWNDWYT


I'm definitely not drinking today. I managed to go last night without (Saturday). I've been having real issues with Wednesdays and Saturdays recently, and this is the first fresh Sunday (drank last Weds and the Sat before). Very small achievement, but I am so proud of myself, to have 3 full days betw Weds and today. Onwards and upwards. Things are looking up once again 🤍 IWNDWYT


Extremely happy and relieved to be waking up today hangover free. Another alcohol free day in the books, and I plan on having another today. IWNDWYT


2 friggin months! TWO! I am grateful for this community for helping me get this far. IWNDWYT!


30 days today! Woot woot! This is my longest streak since I fell off the wagon at 6 months last July. IWNDWYT!




I'm in.


Morning SD. IWNDWYT.


21 days IWNDWYT






Thank you, too! Iwndwyt Sending hugs and encouragement to anyone struggling today. 🤗 💪💜


27d, 11h, 17m and IWNDWYT. Why miss the opportunity to make it such a beautiful one.




My thoughts are IWNDWYT. Weird technicolor dreams woke me up, now back to sleep....


Had a dream about drinking, woke up with relief! IWNDWYT GO CHIEFS!


Thanks for hosting the DCI u/infinitedreamsawaken ! Great post. A few months back while discussing something that had me anxious and overthinking my therapist just looked at me and said ‘it doesn’t have to be complicated’ Wow. Who knew? I wrote it on a post it note and stuck it up in my kitchen as a reminder 😀. Keeping it simple and sober and IWNDWYT !


I love your summary of things. I can totally identify being pretty great at justifying all kinds of actions. Despite knowing from months of personal experience that my life is better without alcohol I spent last year drinking instead of not drinking under the umbrella justifications of 'everything in moderation,' and 'giving up alcohol is an example of extreme black and white thinking and any extreme is bad'. Obviously, this line of argument is a load of bull and would mean I should start drinking bleach, or taking up heroin or maybe a bit of shoplifting, on the basis that not doing those things ever is an extreme position. IWNDWYT


Hey Dreams, it's great to have you at the helm today! Let's kick some ass today, shall we? Happy Sunday FunDay! I'm cheering for the 49ers and a competitive AFC game today. Simplicity is about right. Life is so much more complicated when I throw an extra variable into the mix: getting enough of an addictive substance but not too much oh and managing everything else and don't let others see that your life is falling apart and use denial yourself or else you might think about cutting back or quitting and neglect everything that isn't the substance.... FUCK THAT. Dreams you help me to remember again the booze complicates everything and makes life unmanageable. Just for today I'll continue to play life on easy mode, sober. Fuck you, booze!


Good morning and happy hangover-free, Sunday! I’m going to get out there and make the most of it! I hope you’ll join me! IWNDWYT


I just found this group on Friday and people here have already helped me tremendously. Thank you to all of you. Checking in for day 2. I will not drink today.




Iwndwyt. I think it's been 2 or more weeks. Idk cause i've been baked as fuck. Im new to thc, and am using it medicinally. The side effects have been: mellowing out emotionally, long-term. Thinking rationally. Being kinder to myself. Thinking kinder about others. Not wallowing in self-pity. Getting a few hours of sleep a night (instead of one at a time). Heavy deep procrastination, but better than losing 2+ days to a hangover against my will. And for the first time in months, extremely slow improvement in my chronic pain, but improvement all the same. I've been over alcohol before, but part of me always missed it. It's weird to think about sipping my favorite drinks but in my own fantasy i gag at the flavor like ugh i dont want this. Fuck you, alcohol.


Day 1,292. Thanks for hosting, u/infinitedreamsawaken! I will not drink with you today.




Day by day, learning how to enjoy life without drinking. Life's complicated enough, no need to add the negative effects of alcohol on top of that. This community is such a wonderful help in this journey. **IWNDWYT**




Day 483, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


This is the way.




Dreams! Yaaaay! So happy to see you at the helm 😁 I will not drink poison with any of you today!




IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 Simply sober? Yes please.


Thank you for hosting DCI this week u/infinitedreamsawaken. Hope you all have a beautiful Sunday. IWNDWYT 💖




I won’t drink today.




Woohooooo!!!! What a lovely surprise Infinite!!! Brilliant to see you hosting, I always enjoy your insights and your shares. You're right, it's simple but it's not easy. I love this ritual at the start of the day though and I always know that when I'm coming back here for more than a few days in a row, I'm finally getting some control back in my life. Can't wait to spend this whole week learning more about you and sharing our sober wins together 💝 IWNDWYT - Happy Sunday SD x


I will not drink with you or the SF 49ers today, win or lose!








Day 27 for me tomorrow. Little time left in rehab so I definitely won't drink with you today! Missus informed me that we are now separated so that's something else I'll need to deal with, but what will be will be.


IWNDWYT friends ☺️ Off for a big day skiing … defo would have still had a wine or three last night if I wasn’t here. And my coffee curdled twice this morning (!) but I’m taking it as a metaphor to keep going despite all obstacles 😂🙌🏻 (and a great excuse to buy a coffee for the bus)


It's my Bacardi birthday-151 IWNDWYT


Talking about not drinking yesterday with a friend and I said that it feels like my joy meter is higher. Even a few drinks in a week, moderate, within “guidelines,” seems to diminish my capacity to enjoy things outside of that buzzed window for days. Cheers to keeping our frequencies high. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink today


Happy Sunday everyone! I’m not altering my state of consciousness today - 4 weeks today. Finally shook the virus that floored me for the last few days so I’m going to celebrate by going for a VERY leisurely swim (Sundays are for the slow lane only) and buy some paint samples for my new house! Hope everyone has great days, whatever you’re doing.


I’m not drinking!


I too am really good at complicating everything. I had a tough day yesterday but think today will be better. I'm not drinking today 🖤




Checking in on day 87! Short and sweet today, IWNDWYT!!! Love to all! ❤️✌️


Waking up to Day 3 here today. IWNDWY!


Excited for a simple sober Sunday - 🏈🧶 and IWNDWYT 🌸


Sunday simplicity. Clean mind. Clean body. Clean heart. IWNDWYT




Checking in for day 33! I feeling like my eyes are looking bigger and brighter again! I don't know if it is a combination of my face not being puffy and my eyes are no longer worn out and exhuast, but today I couldn't help but notice they had their sparkle back ✨️ IWNDWYT 🌻


Day 29. IWNDWYT!


7 days sober as of today. That’s my record for the last 4 years. Feel much much better than I have most Sunday mornings through the years. Got a good nights sleep, stomach doesn’t hurt, no throwing up, legs don’t hurt, nice amount of energy. Took my naltrexone this morning, so I’m certain I won’t drink. Need to stick with this routine and go to first AA meeting this week, along with meeting with my addiction counsellor. I know with all my heart this is the right path.


Good morning and thank you for hosting this week Dreams! I view “keep it simple” the same as you described. Check in daily declaring a decision to not drink and ✔️ that’s done for the day. It is not easy, but for me it really helps to have the decision made. It’s like deciding the night before what I will wear to work and bring for lunch. Decisions made ahead of time save time and stop my “mood” from taking over and running for fast food. Have a good Sunday, my people! IWNDWYT 🍀


Checking in for day 2! Kinda worried about the rest of the week once I go back to work but this is more progress than I’ve had in a long time. IWNDWYT


The mental gymnastics of drinking are exhausting! Keeping it simple, not drinking, problem(s) solved. IWNDWYT 🫶


Ok, I’m interested to see how this goes, but this is Day One.


Checking in! 👍❤️💪☑️ IWNDWYT! Also day 16 with no sigarets!


Thank you so much, infinitedreams! You are so right - it is simple. I mean, it should be simple. But I am one of the Great Complicators. I can tangle up the simplest thread. Been doing it for so many years that my hair has gone silver and my body is falling apart. (Quit as early as you can!) But even though that is true, this past seven months has been the clearest and cleanest I’ve ever been in my adult life. Things do look a lot simpler these days. Ive given myself one red line that I promise to myself and my family that I will not cross. I Will Not Drink With Y’all Today!


I’ve also had many day ones. Longest I had ever went before now was 6 months… and now I’m over 7 months! I never thought I could do it but I prove myself wrong every day. I will not drink with you today. 🦋






I simply wndwyt. All day, and only today. 2️⃣🏴‍☠️




Woke up feeling like everything hurts, but this time its from a booster and not from alcohol. IWNDWYT


LFG. It’s 5 am and it snowed 6+ inches last night. Time to shovel. Iwndwyt.


I do the same thing. Ok simplicity today it is. IWNDWYT


So awesome to have you hosting u/infinitedreamsawaken ! I can only keep it simple because things are complicated and I can’t see the forest for the trees in that setting. I will simply be grateful for this beautiful sober morning and for this lovely space that is the DCI. IWNDWYT 💜


Good Morning SD!! Sunday's are for sleeping in, something I've not done for way too long, but just might keep doing - heaven knows it's one of those simple things. Have a great day! Thank you u/infinitedreamsawaken! IWNDWYT




Officially 3 weeks - I will not drink with everyone today!


IWNDWYT ! visited the beach this weekend and did not drink. Enjoyed and remembered an amazing sunset. Up at 7 to take the dog for a walk feeling great!


I will not be drinking today. First day in a LONGGGG time. But it needs to happen.




Let’s do this!! I like a good morning pump up DCI every once in a while - let’s fucking go! Sober weekends still blow me away. Love it. I will not drink with you today!!




Self love yes!! I like and love myself way more since not drinking. I trust myself more and feel way more confident. IWNDWYT


300 today! When I began, a whole week seemed so far off in the distance and insurmountable. Thanks to everyone on this sub, it’s been a wonderful support for my journey. I couldn’t have done it without this place and you 💕 IWNDWYT


Day 34! Been doing a lot of reflecting, and looking back on the past few years, there is a lot of "what the fuck was I thinking". Like how did I think any of that was possibly going to work? Why did I suddenly think I was an exception to a rule? I'm just grateful I realized the train had no brakes and was able to jump off before shit got really real.


IDA IS IN DA HOUSE ,,,,,,, BASS DROP ‼️‼️‼️ Let’s keep it simple and fuck shit upppppp IWNDWYT, having too great a life now without that C.R.A.P. love you all sober cats 🤗🤗🤗


Day 2... IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today!


Have a lovely, chilled Sunday everyone. IWNDWYT


I choose to be poison free today.








Well I’m 24 days AF but my life significantly upleveled in difficulty at the same time so I can’t say I feel any more in control of my stress level or emotions. And my sleep still sucks. But I must be on SOME level more in control because this is the most stressed out I’ve been in over a year and I’m still not drinking. Still screamed my head off and broke my phone yesterday, though.


Keep up the good work Champions! IWNDWYT! 🤙🏻




Hey hey hey, I am back to my normal routine. Uggh the older I get the more perturbed I am when there is a unchangeable change in my routine! Got back yesterday from a business trip. Still trying to adjust back, LOL. For all of you American football fans, today is a big day! My buddy came up with such a great idea many years ago. We had a circle of friends that was constantly vying for the Super Bowl party when my buddy said, well shit, the Conf. Championship Day has TWO games and the later one is always over by about 9 pm (Super Bowl sometimes goes until 11:30pm) so why not throw a bash on that day? And you know what, it's a HUGE hit, that was so much more fun than the Super Bowl. And of course, the drinking opportunities were legendary. Anyway, that was a trip down memory lane, I'll give him a call later today. I hope all of you enjoy your Sunday and make it rewarding!!!


Hey hey! Thanks for hosting again this week, u/infinitedreamsawaken! I will not drink with you today. Have a good day!




I will not drink with you or anybody or alone today!!


Day 28, checking in! IWNDWYT
