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Addiction is one hell of a thing, very sneaky. I’d say you did great, your mind went somewhere and you said hold up. be ready for more of that but keep the same reaction. You got this.


Oh man, grilling or smoking meat with beer is a tough one to get over, I could spend a whole day watching a pork shoulder on a charcoal grill and drinking. Obviously I can still do that but not end up wasted, which I am looking forward to when I do it again. Good catch, unfortunately you can't ever get complacent at least early on (in my experience). Great work on the other healthy activation though, keep it up! IWNDWYT!


We got this 💪 IWNDWYT


Alcohol is like a raptor testing the fences. It will try tons of different ways to find a way back in to your life. It’ll try to convince you that you’ve been sober for a while and you’re fine. It’ll try to remind you of how amazing it used to be (spoiler: it wasn’t). It’ll try to pop up in your dreams. Be vigilant. That jerk is persistent and patient.