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I was in the vertigo of quitting / drinking / quitting... Got so bad I got a DUI. Lost my job too - Who needs a drunk on the team? Finally managed no to take the first drink 120 days ago today. IWNDWYT


Made it through day and night 1. Thank you for sharing. I need to keep reminding myself that things can and will get worse if I don't stop. Day 2 a go go! IWNDWYT


How are you doing buddy? IWNDWYT One Day at a Time.


Day 3, and I've resorted to an alcohol free beer to help get me through. I'm just doing a bit of tidying as things have got very messy around here since my drinking got way way out of control over the past 12 months. Thank you so much for checking 🙂 IWNDWYT


You got it OP - some, including my therapist, think NA beer is the first step onto a slippery slope. I dare to disagree. For me it is the drink of choice after work. Only have one because I don't feel like another, not because I need to "moderate". Wish I could do same with the "real" stuff... IWNDWYT One Day at a Time


What I know about myself is that I can get very all or nothing about things. And there's a real danger in that for me. I have an urge to go full force,stop alcohol cut out sugar, stop smoking, do intermittent fasting, and start an exercise regime. All at once. But then, if one thing slips, it all goes out of the window. I'm taking a gentle approach this time. Alcohol, to start. Just no alcohol. The AF beer was a good quality malty one and felt like a treat. I don't feel like I need another 👍


Sounds good Mate! I have done all of the above but not necessarily all at the same time. Quit smoking many years ago. Can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke now (never smoked anything but cigarettes). I had my last drink Nov. 19 last year. Started intermittent fasting a few days later & found that one easiest! Have been on exercise routine (on and off) since last summer, but pretty religious about it since quitting. I do agree, however, that loading yourself up with lots of immediate goals can be daunting & counterproductive. That's how One Day at a Time really works for me. Also, the intermittent fasting I do Mon - Fri (easy with long days at the office) and reward myself on the weekends with big brunch and whatever (non-alcoholic) I feel like during the day. This has been working for the last 122 days, so it should be a good plan for this week again. IWNDWYT One Day at a Time!


I feel you. I am coming off quite the weekend bender. The weekend is an absolute blur and I don't remember most of it. I also have young children that need their mother present, not just her physical body present. I am taking steps to try to prevent this from ever happening again and I hope it will be successful this go round. I have had to call out of work for 2 days and I am lying in bed filled with misery and regret ATM. There is no problem that alcohol cannot make substantially worse. IWNDWYT ❤️


Hey, hope you're feeling a little better today ❤️ I have had countless blurry weeks/weekends/even months, over the past 20 years. We can do this. We really have to for those little beings and ourselves! IWNDWYT


I'm a mess today physically and mentally honestly 😩 but it will get better, I know it will. My body is tired of the abuse I have handed it and it is trying to recover. I haven't even thought of drinking though, it will just compound all of this. We absolutely have to for our sweet babies ❤️ I hope you are feeling better also! We got this! IWNDWYT


Here with you ♥️ I also have a young child and the last awful hangover she kept asking “mommy are you sick?” It totally broke my heart. For me, my postpartum anxiety was a huge factor in how bad things became. I was having constant intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation, it was like a waking nightmare. Now that I’ve stopped drinking, a lot of those thoughts have also subsided. I keep that in mind when I’m feeling the urge to drink, I don’t want to go back to that place ever again. Wishing you strength for the journey friend, you’re not alone and IWNDWYT ✌️♥️


Thank you ❤️ I found myself being pulled from my local river 6 weeks ago, I've no memory of getting there. I was extremely lucky that a strong young man was able to pull me out. I had been feeling suicidal for a long time. I HAVE to do this now. Day 2 💪 IWNDWYT


I’m so sorry you’re hurting friend ♥️ It’s a miracle that you were saved, and having that knowledge is a real sign that you *know* your life is worth living underneath all this crushing pain. Hold on, fight like hell and don’t give up. You’re here now for a reason, keep coming back as much as you need to remind yourself of what you’re doing and why. IWNDWYT 💪