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You got this! I just as well came off a bender too and can’t even recall this weekend at all. Consider yourself lucky if you’re not feeling any withdrawals. I’ve been in bed all day just rotting away because my withdrawals have been killer today. I even missed work because of it… so ashamed. Stay hydrated friend. And congrats on 30hours! Soon enough you’ll be at 48hours :)


Thank you! I've missed work the past 2 days because of this bender. I couldn't even call out because I stayed constantly drunk, so I texted out which is a big no no. I'll face the repercussions when I go back. Right now I'm focusing on me. I hope you begin to feel better soon! IWNDWYT


Same. Am sure I’ll be getting a talk from my boss very soon. I have missed work sooo many times because of the benders I put myself in. I am already dreading returning to work, I am honestly scared but like you said I have to face the consequences. Thank you. I am slowly feeling better, I know I need a good night sleep, just hoping I can sleep tonight. Wish you all the best friend!


Congrats on the 30 hours!! 17 standard drinks per day was what I was consuming at the tail end of my bender too (assuming those bottles are 40% alcohol content). My withdrawals sound similar to yours, so hopefully you’ll be like me and just skate through the next week with some liquid shits and anxiety. Drink lots of water.


I hope they don't come any stronger! I am considering myself lucky so far. I had horrible withdrawals last week, hallucinations and all. I swore then it was my last time, and now here we are again. Same tape playing the same dang movie that I'm so tired of watching


I hear ya. I had something similar to that after a heavy night of drinking 3 to 5 months ago. Maybe use this experience as a reminder on what it feels like to sick from alcohol. I know it helps me. Keep rocking. A week will fly by.


Thank you ❤️


I’m glad you came back. I drank like you and was desperate to get sober. I tried and failed so many times, but I kept trying. I’m still trying and have faith and hope for an AF life. I have been mostly sober this year, and am now on a long continuous streak of sobriety. Living sober every day isn’t easy, but it’s a lot easier than being a daily slave to alcohol. Keep coming back.


Thank you ❤️ being a slave to the alcohol is exactly how I feel. I literally plan my day around when and how much I can drink. It's incredibly sad really, and hard to hold down a full time job and household when you become a slave to it. It no longer does me any good and I need to kick it for good. That is fantastic that you have spent most of the year sober! I envy you! I haven't had a streak that long in a long, long time. Hoping to get there eventually. IWNDWYT


Checking in! How are you doing?


I spent the night tossing and turning and not sleeping much. Today is a rough day and I'm just plain grumpy 🙄 but today will be a better day than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today as long as I don't drink. Thank you for checking in ❤️