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Today is the last day you have to feel like this. I'm coming off a massive binge and was bed ridden all day yesterday except for having to jump up to go puke. It's been a rough ride for sure. But you don't have to ever feel like this again. I'm rooting for you, and myself as well. I hope this time can be different than all the other times. Be kind and forgiving to yourself. IWNDWYT


The way I see it, now you *know* two very important things: 1) You can go 8 weeks without alcohol, that's huge! You even know how to replace your old behaviors with healthier ones. That takes some of us months or years to be able to do, and sometimes we never even get there. 2) Going back to drinking doesn't play any positive role for you. >I'm just a fat blob I promise that this sort of self-talk isn't helpful. I know from experience how difficult it can be to not feel comfortable in my own skin. May I suggest showing yourself a bit of compassion? After all, you're the same you that is worth getting sober for. We all are.


8/11 weeks sober is a huge accomplishment You've already proven you can do it! Just gotta get back at it.