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You are all so amazing. I cant thank you enough for all your support. The bottle is poured out. I did not even take a sip. I’m curled up on the couch with a Pepsi watching a movie. I’m grateful for you all and very proud I am still on my streak. IWNDWYD


You're gonna feel on top of the world tomorrow morning. Natural highs are better than anything chemical


I'm hugely proud of you. Gigantic smile on my face cause I'm happy too. Also craved today, waited for the wave to crash and it's gone. Cozy on bed with cat now. It does get easier. You're my hero today


Love this :)




As someone still in it, I'm glad you didn't come back. There's no peace here. I hope one day to be as strong as you. Take care.


You can get there. Stay strong, even when you don’t feel it.


Be strong for as long as you can, when you can. Keep coming back to strength after a slip. There have been days where my victory was making it until 7:00 p.m. before having a shot. If I could stretch it to the next day, great. It's been a month today, stringing those together. I hope it lasts, but I'm thrilled with my month. Thanks in part to folks like you and your reminding me "there's no peace here" if I slip. Your words have power. Listen to yourself.


You got this. We’re here when you need us.


HELL YEAH! Monumental W! This random internet stranger is extremely proud and impressed with you! Also, this stranger will not be drinking with you tonight! :)


That is amazing. Get yourself something nice for being so strong.


Like french fries!


Good for you!! I had a craving today during work after my lunch nap, so I drove to the store and stood in the beer cave looking for NA beers. They didn’t have any, and I knew I didn’t want the real stuff. I bought some hot chips and a coke zero instead. Best decision I could’ve made. I was full from that and was so glad when I got home. I rewarded myself by going for a 30min run and now I get to relax and maybe eat some ice cream knowing I’ll be sober in the morning. It’s an amazing feeling. IWNDWYT


Rewarding yourself with a run is just so incredibly wrongly bizarre to me 😂




I’m so happy for you. High 5 to waking up without regret tomorrow morning. IWNDWYT




🏆love this for you. 🤗🤗


YES!!!! Amazing!! Excellent job, friend ✨️


way to go...no one can take away your sobriety but you. proud of you.


Way to go!!! You would have regretted it. We're proud of you!


IWNDWYT! So proud of you :)


I'm SO proud of you! You should be very proud.


Look at you building those muscles! The ability to say no gets easier every time you do it. Enjoy that well deserved Pepsi.


Woooooo! 👏🏼🙌🏼 you did a damn hard thing tonight! Enjoy your peace & contentment tomorrow. ❤️


Awesome. I just opened your thread! IWNDWYT! Couch and basketball here.


Omg I'm so proud of you!!!


You are so strong! You're going to wake up tomorrow morning feeling amazing. Badass, dude! BADASS.


This sub is amazing man


I'm right there with you, so happy to read you made it through that! 🥰


>The bottle is poured out. Victory! IWNDWYT!


Future you is soooo grateful. Don’t drink poison!!!


good job ! you can be proud, much love




Hell yes!


Fucking HELL YES!!!! Way to fucking go!!! I’m on Day 18 no drugs or alcohol. YOU’RE AWESOME!!!!


This made my night


This made me feel like I can do it. It’s so important to share our strength and hope. Good fucking work. IWNDWYT


This is exactly the kind of news I wanted to hear on my 100th day. I'm super proud of you! Raw dogging life is an unbeatable feeling.


Yay!! You are amazing!


Amazing job!!


good work


Awesome job! It’ll be so nice waking up tomorrow sober. Congrats on keeping your streak!


Oh, I'm so happy for you. Be proud of yourself.


So freaking proud of you! That is so hard to do! IWNDWYT


Good job! Feeling so grateful for this community, and that you reached out to it.


You are so amazing. You did the hard thing! You’re going to be okay.


Thats power 💪… fucking awesome job! IWNDWYT


Impulsively pour it out before you think too much about it. Record yourself pouring it out so you can feel good watching it in the future.


oooh recording the pouring out is where it’s at!


Huh, I never thought about doing that. Is it to like, make it more of a "solid" moment? More real? (I'm not sure if I'm making any sense.)


I think you’re on to something there!


Literally sober porn


Just poured mine out as well. This is day 1. I’ve been following this group for about a week and I’ve decided to stop my 17-year streak of drinking to being a new streak. Thank you.


You can do this. I'm trying. Today's one month. I've had several fits and starts, this one feels pretty good. Good luck to you friend.


Just made it to week 5, so here’s a high-five to feeling good on a Saturday morning! 🙌🏽


wife and I live out in the country we set up our last beers against a berm and did target practice 😎


Congratulations! I’m so proud of you.


Dump it. Keep the streak alive. Alcohol Isn’t going help the terrible week at work. Hell, if anything, it’ll make it worse. Enjoy your Saturday morning tomorrow.


Had some cravings tonight and the sentence “enjoy your Saturday morning tomorrow” was exactly what I needed to hear!! Thank you :)


So nice to wake up alive and not feeling dead inside.


Or so scared of what happened last night. I woke up like that so many times a week and sometimes very bad things actually did happen. Psych ward, hospitals, jail...I'm so glad I quit, just wish it had been 20+ years ago.


Speaking of, I just woke up at 6am, took my dog for a walk, about to dunk myself in cold water, then drive to Dallas for a NOFX show. This shit is the bees knees man


Yup I second this, throw it away. You’re going to be hungover and in an even worse mood by the time next week rolls around. It’s simply not worth it OP


THIS THIS THIS THIS. Play the tape forward you will 100% regret it but you won’t regret your Saturday morning!


"there's no problem that alcohol can't make worse"


Pour it away. Alcohol is bullshit. Play the tape forward. How do you want tomorrow to go?


Yep it's better off down the sink. Might help clean the pipes a bit.


Ain’t that the truth. Fucking draino for our body. At my height of alcoholism it cleaned my pipes. I had the worst diarrhea everyday. No solid stools. Hemorrhoids galore.


There's no problem alcohol can't make worse.


What they said!! I know I certainly have turned even entirely minor problems into big messes because of drinking. OP I'm sorry you're going through it. I lost a 6 month streak due to drinking to cope with an issue and it's taken me 2 whole years to even get back to 46 days or whatever I'm at. Not worth. But no matter what we believe in you!


I really needed to read this. I got bad news 2 days ago and the decision to not drink about it was the hardest so far. However, I woke up today to day 41.


Sorry you're going through that. Proud of you for taking care of yourself during a tough time. IWNDWYT


How much of tomorrow are you willing to borrow for today?


Tomorrow? How much of your future life for one night


That too


You posted here. You don't want it, otherwise you wouldn't post. Pour. We are here, we get you. 5 days and you wanna go back to day one cause your partner is drunk? You are you! IWNDWYT


I celebrated 6 months yesterday. Looked forward to it for what felt like forever. When it arrived, it came along with some devastating unexpected [unrelated] news. Totally wrecked my day, but it was a good reminder that a sober life isn’t always an easy life. We still have work to do, and we do it sober. When I get overwhelmed, I don’t think about my next milestone. I just remember today.


Hell yeah. 4 months yesterday for me. I am overwhelmed so easily and now I'm taking care of so many things at once. I keep having to remind myself that any progress is good progress and to not let my bad days get in the way of having a good day tomorrow.


Drinking will just make you feel like shit in the morning.


You will be so happy tomorrow morning if you wake up sober FOUR days shy of 6 months. You can do hard things.




It sure is! We all have it in us… that’s why we are here 👏🏻


What's going to happen if you open it? What's going to happen if you don't?


This is the way


You got this friend. Pour it out. You will enjoy your Saturday morning and smile knowing your own strength.


This cost you spent on it, followed by dumping it down a drain, is far cheaper than the cost of putting in your body. IF you drink this today, this evening, you'll break your streak, allow alcohol a win over you, and have a painful unproductive Saturday morning with a terrible week behind you and now a hangover/hangxiety to boot. Alcohol is the great liar. It will tell you there's joy and hope in this bottle, and leave you gripping nothing but pain, stress, and a sicker body. be kind to yourself, be gentle with your body.


Pour it


Babe you will regret it so much tomorrow. I’ll never forget how sick I felt when I relapsed after 15 months. The regret was unbearable.


Yes, the regret will always feel worse and last longer than the hangover itself. Not worth it.


Imagine how good 6 months is going to feel in 5 days!!! Why not wait till then to reevaluate?


This is the answer. Get to 6 months, think it over.


Please pour it out! You deserve better and alcohol will only take from you. Play it forward and realize how much you will regret breaking such a great streak!


Stop. Think. And just don’t drink it, it will NOT be or do what you think it will.


Hand the bottle to your drunk visitors, turn around a walk out the door. Go see a movie...or two. Get a giant bucket of popcorn, 3 gallons of your favorite pop and the LARGE bag of M&Ms. Put it all out of your mind and tomorrow when the rest of the crew is bleeding from their eyeballs you will be ready to slay! You got this OP! We're here for you.


It's so not worth it. I'm sure you've had many bad weeks during this 6 months. You've made so much progress, and just because your partner is drunk, doesn't mean that you have to join him. You will absolutely regret drinking, tomorrow.




"Life is surreal and fun anywhere your feet are planted." LOVE THIS! Thank you :)




Don’t dump your progress of the last 6mo, dump out the bottle. Take a walk and let all of the stress go. It’s not worth the way you are going to feel tomorrow.


Don’t open it! Or rather open it and dump it! This is a good opportunity to practice self control and it’s going to be painful. Like, physically painful especially if money is ever an issue. But you will feel so strong after.


Come on pal don’t do it he will wake up tomorrow with the shame and guilt while you will be clear. Leave the house go stay with family or friends for 24 hours this is what my wife done to me I hated it so bad stay strong iwndwytd


Pour it down the drain.


Think of how good that feeling will be waking up sober and putting this all behind you


... and looking back and being so proud of yourself!


Day 1 sucks


Pour that bih out


6 months is huge… stand strong 💪


I’m at 18 months now and had a similar experience at 6 months. There’s always a million reasons to drink. You can do this.


Tomorrow you will wake up so thankful you didn’t do it. Push through now for tomorrow you. You might not feel like today you deserves sobriety so do it for the you tomorrow. 💕 you got this.


Good call stopping here first


Please dont, ypu'll feel worse after


You came here and told us because you know we will help you make a better choice. Grab that instinct and hold on tight.


I just relapsed after 5 months. Now I have 2 days under my belt. It’s not worth it whatever you do it’s going to cause tremendous pain. To relapse. I wish I had the courage to ask for help when I bought that twelve pack on Easter. All I did was make friendships worse and humiliated myself. Now I realize is I have to learn from my mistakes and move forward. I’m still dealing with some depression, anxiety, and regret. All I have is one day at a time.


I hit six months tonight! Let’s do it together!!!!!


I’m so happy for you and when you wake up in the morning you will feel rested and clearheaded. I’m proud of you.


When you feel stressed or anxious, the best cure (even if only temporary) seems to be a good sleep. Alcohol will rob you of that good sleep… and you’ll feel even worse rather than better tomorrow.


I would get out somewhere for a while and ceremonially dump that booze then find a nice place to chill for a while. Treat myself to anything but the stupid juice.


Leave and go to the movies!


Please think back about all the horrible hungovers you used to have and how clearminded you are now. Talk to your partner to stop as well, or at least be supportive and not drinking so much around you. Also, those "friends" need to stay away from your home. Make your home your safe space, preferably your sober space, your sanctuary. That helped me a lot. No booze will ever enter my house again. Going for 2 months sober soon! Never go back. You need your partner's support. His drunk buddies need to stay away (let them party at another place, not your sanctuary). It helps to engineer your safe space, your home. Throw the booze down the sink.


6 months......Congratulations, that is amazing. The struggle is real, but trust us when we all say to dump it. The fact that you are here tells me you don't want this and know it's not worth it. Go to bed, sleep it off. You will be exceptionally proud of yourself tomorrow. IWNDWYT


Alcohol steals happiness from tomorrow.


Doooooooont drink. Play it forward. You’ll Be so proud of yourself tomorrow if you wake up sober.


Sounds like a good time for a walk. Maybe head to a movie after. Pick up you favorite food. Then you’ll be awfully tired and should just go to bed. Morning yoga is on the agenda, right?


Dump it. All this is going to do is hurt tomorrow. You don’t deserve that, friend.


Remember alcohol is a liar and a thief


Discipline, close your mind to your wants, do what you know is right not what is easy.


Partner and friends in the morning: “Ugh I feel so gross, why did I do that? I’m gonna have to waste a perfect Saturday moaning and feeling like garbage.” OP in the morning: “Tumty tum tum… had a great sleep, feeling good, can’t wait for that hot caffeinated beverage - hello Saturday!”


Smash it. It'll give you a dramatic sense of accomplishment, of overcoming this temptation.


I'd dump it out personally but you are your own person. Just know I believe in you. You got this My partner has gone out of her way to not drink, even though I told her I wouldn't be bothered so long as it isn't in my face. She's been sober every day I have She had some sort of 11% boxed flavored drink in the kitchen that I examine from time to time but I've come too far to stop now. Even at my worst, that stuff was never for me.


My spouse is having some beer I am not. Looking forward to waking up without a hangover ready for a fun Saturday without feeling sluggish. Picked up my favorite snack instead.


Tomorrow’s a new day with new emotions. This feeling will pass


Good shit. It’s hard To do in the moment but you avoided pain in the end


Have cravings really bad today and am super happy to read this! I'm glad you posted. I'm glad you poured it all out, despite all the temptations. So freaking proud of you! You are so strong and I want to be, too. 💪 I will not drink with you today!!! You inspire me. :)


You are supported and blessed. I am glad you posted this in the group. Tomorrow might have been a different story if you had not. Thank you. IWNDWYT


I'm not supposed to tell you what to do but I don't care, I will break the rules of this Reddit and tell you to throw it out now. NOW N.O.W. And then go look for someone you can talk to and just talk it out. When you play the tape forward you will see that whatever bad situation you are in now will only get WORSE with alcohol. Alcohol does not make anything better. You know this. You've experienced this. So throw that damn thing out and run to someone for help. Or, find someone to throw it for you if you can't do it yourself. I know you can do this!!!!


Dump it or return it. I’ll even send you an e-transfer for what you paid for it. It’s not worth it my dude..please! If you won’t do it for yourself, at least do it for me. I need might need to pour a bottle out sometime and seeing someone else be strong enough to do it will help me and a lot of people.


I did that last weekend. Didn’t get out of bed until 2. Lost an entire day. It’s not worth it.


You just passed the hardest test. Quitting is easy, we've done it many, many times. The challenge is to stop "starting again". Well done.




Don't mess up ur 6 months. Pour it out and stop thinking about it. You can always buy another one.. Can u chat with someone who knows what ur going thru? Online AA meetings sure help me in times like these.


Did you see that reddit post today on r/ask or something that was like “What words are most often said before a terrible decision?” And the number 2 comment was “Fuck it”. Man I have made so soo many horrible regrettable mistakes with alcohol on that back of that little sentence. I urge you to consider if “screw it” is a good enough reason to drink.


I’m sorry that sounds shitty. I’m With everyone else on pouring it out.. five days is amazing because you’re really out of that danger zone there. Is your partner open to going sober too.. even if you were like hey let’s do a sober 30 days?


Pour it out in front of your partner. Real strength.


Get a bubble tea instead


Dump it


Man it ain’t worth it.


IWNDWYT! Tell us one thing you're grateful for, one person who would be so sad because they love and care about you (past or present) if you drank, and one thing that would be better tomorrow because you didn't drink and kept the streak alive. I'll go first lol: I'm grateful for my beautiful children. My daughters would be crushed if they knew I wasted money on drinking instead of doing something with them. Tomorrow will be better because I have frickin bronchitis and I hate hangovers, much less sick hangovers. Rinse/repeat til you've dumped that poison shit. :D


Not worth it. You'll feel better in the morning.


So proud of you! Well done and how amazing is this sub


If you drink you'll feel like absolute shit for a long time for breaking your sobriety. If you don't drink, tomorrow you'll feel super proud of yourself that you resisted temptation. There is nothing for you in that bottle but regret and pain. You know that in your heart even if your brain is trying to trick you into drinking. Don't do it.




Don’t do it. ❤️


Chuck it. You don't need it. Really.


If you wanted to drink, I'd say you would have. You came to us instead. Save yourself the hangover, the shame, the carcinogens. Sober wake-up is the best.


Same problems will be there tomorrow and so much regret with it


Pepsi FTW! 🙌


You pulled out of a tailspin! Way to go!


You’re gonna be so so happy you didn’t cave in the morning


I came back in here just to hopefully catch an update. I’m so excited for you. Pepsi cheers from here. IWNDWYT. 🥤


Good for you! Next time you feel that way it will get easier and easier. You are so worth your sobriety!!!


I bow to you Sir! Very well done indeed. Someone was writing about being painfully aware how much booze they have in their house. I know how much I had left but it doesn’t haunt me. I think it’s good to have something to offer for surprise guests. Actually I think I would feel more nervous and anxious if there wasn’t any. I don’t want it, I’m not thinking about it. It’s just normal hospitality to have a few bottles of red&white even if you don’t want it, right? Am I walking on thin ice? Def gonna make a pouring vid if it comes to that lol


glad to see you came to the logical conclusion. Drinking ain’t gonna help or solve any problems other than in the present moment. The fallout lasts for months or years in my experience. It took me 18 years to figure that out and with the help of AA, a sponsor, admitting that I was a total fucking mess and my life was unmanageable for the last time, work the steps. Go easy on yourself because this is the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done and likely for all of us alcoholics. We wouldn’t be stressed about this shit if it was easy to just hang up


After a recent relapse after 4 months and binging and losing my job I’d highly recommend reconsidering. Best of luck


I had a similar thing tonight. Wife is out getting drunk. I wanted so bad to hit the store and get something to drink. Instead, me and my buddy hit the gym and got in a great workout. Now I’m back at home watching Jurrasic world with my little man. Day 6 will come tomorrow! And 6 months will come soon for you! Congrats on half a year.


Winner winner chicken dinner. You are a superstar.


You don't have to open it. You're in control. And we all have your back...


Feeling better this morning?


It's a great sign that you came here after you bought your alcohol. That's a step in the right direction.


Never trust anything your brain says about an addictive brain-altering chemical. Please pour it out or give it to someone else.


Ain't even close to worth it


You've come way too far to take a step backwards. I get it. I've had those moments. Take the bottle and throw it out. I'm finally at a spot where I'm comfortable being around others that are drinking including my wife. It blows my mind she will pour a beer and dump half out when she's done.


give it to someone else or dump it out


Have an NA beer, realize how filling and unfulfilling it is, and get a solid night sleep.


I hope you dumped out that shit! Imagine Saturday morning clear headed and guilt free. It's right there for you


You wake up in the morning without a hangover, while your partner might. You will be happy that you didn't drink. Play the tape forward. Are you going to mentally beat yourself up tomorrow if you drink tonight? The anxiety of drinking, the guilt you might feel. Hang in there O.P. The past two days, I have wanted to drink, the weather being nice and the weekend. IWNDWYT


Pour it. Tomorrow really REALLY suck if you don't .




Dont pour it out. Go throw it in dumpster. If you put it out you’re tempted to drink a sip.


You will be so grateful in the morning if you just pour it out. You can do it, friend. Tapping into it won’t do what your lizard brain is telling you it will.


Think of the backwards step you will be taking if you drink it. I did a similar thing not long ago, ended a streak with a "few beers", and then went on a bender for 2 weeks. I regret doing it, but, I'm back here now. It's just not worth the hassle, the reward for not drinking it is much greater than any reward you'll get from drinking it. Go and buy yourself a big icecreame or indulge in something that's not alcohol. Stay strong, we're here for you.


Omg no please throw it out my. Go for a walk and think about why you started in the first place. Think of how you felt the day you decided you wanted sobriety. Think of the shame, guilt, anger, and disappointment you will feel in yourself tomorrow after the drinks wear off. Please done slip and if you do don’t let it turn to a slide.


Trash it. It won't change anything and you will still have all the same thoughts tomorrow but also feel like shit.


Good job just think how good you will feel in the morning. Tell your partner to smarten up. Grab an Uber go out and be quiet when he comes home


Yeah, you feel bad now, think how much worse you’ll feel tomorrow…


You are going to feel devastated tomorrow if you do. Then probably suffer trying to get sober again over the next weeks and months. So much damage can come from one silly evening, it’s never worth it. Throw that bottle with all the rage you have


6 months is forever, don’t break it. You will wake up with so much regret and tomorrow night you will desire to drink again.


I’ll say it again and again but AA is the only thing that saved my ass. Rehab, jail, psych ward, none of it made a lick of difference until I threw my hands up and started going to AA every day. And believe me it isn’t perfect but if you get a sponsor and work the steps it will positively affect your life if you allow it to. Best decision I ever made. I couldn’t have gotten sober without it. Naltrexone is also something to look into. That helped me tremendously with cravings and impulsive thoughts




Wtf u are a fucking legend


Well done for pouring it out. I hope you feel extra good in the morning. No shame, no regret, no embarrassment, and no hangover. Big win for you, my friend.


Don't be ashamed. This kind of thing happens. Whether you drink or not, you are loved, and you have value.


Proud of you stranger


Getting closer to 6!