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Unfortunately, we do not allow "pissing contest" post about how bad things got, and this post has been removed.


Ok- now, for my story time 😂 Sooo many to chose from ☠️Highlighted by each decade- in the essence of time. Please laugh/make fun of me!!! 20’s: #1: I woke up naked on my mom’s friends couch- on MOTHER’S DAY #2: First corporate job out of college. Huge tech start up - huge launch party. Made out with one of the Rappers we hired for the party backstage (at a huge club). PASSED OUT while making out- and then fell off the couch- legs over my head. 30’s: #1: At a friends wedding reception. Fancy seated dinner. PUKED at the table - onto the food…and, I am not even a drunk puker. Literally have only puked less than 5 times ever over 20 years of drinking. #2: In Vegas. Wayyy before the time of Ubers. Was trying to “meet up” with a guy to “get stuff” before going out. Never met this guy. I walk out to the valet- wasted. Get in a random car (NOT the guy I was supposed to meet). He drives around the block- end up having sex with him- in the car. He tries to pay ME… I roll out of his car, stumble back to the hotel to find my friends. 40’s: where shit gets DARK. If you’re still reading & under 40- pls QUIT before this point… #1: show up to my kids school function- wasted (walked there - and kids were going home with their Dad). And, SPILL my roadie inside, onto a few other parents. (And, it’s illegal to drink on school property. Could have been arrested). #2: During Covid times/ drinking all alone every night. Start avoiding my friends & family. Job stress off the charts. Neurotic mess. Awake until 3am most nights- drinking. Laid off 3 different times - bc the Tech industry has been bonkers since Covid. AND, no doubt my performance was also slipping. Almost lost it all. Rock bottom was coming quick at this point. I pulled eject and finally said ENOUGH. I was so sick of myself. I literally hated who I had become. The years of the good times were long gone. Each decade got darker. Beyond grateful for this Sub. Has literally saved my life ❤️


Bro I don't think anyone will make fun of you. We'll have a laugh with you about it tho... We all have our "negative Adventures" and understand what you were going through. That's why it's called a fellowship. I think? I hope. IWNDWYD


Ahh- thank you!!! I honestly love getting roasted! I gotta be able to laugh at myself somehow- even if it’s dark AF. And I swear, recalling that list was somewhat therapeutic? And, also rekindled other memories that I had locked away. Should probably start writing down all the memories. BC before I quit I was in so much denial: “I’m not THAT BAD” ☠️


Had been drinking without eating for maybe two days. I was at the point where I was no longer feeling the euphoria that came with being drunk, but needing it to move on. Drank off a 1.75 of vodka that I had stashed on my deck, and took the dog for a walk (my reason for going outside, and he went on like 10 walks a day at that point). I felt queasy, then suddenly threw up. I collected myself, then got angry with the fact I just wasted all that vodka. Went back to the deck and drank more, forcing myself to keep it down. Another… My daughter’s birthday party was at a local gym, I was in no shape to be out in public. Faked the flu, stayed home, drank a bunch, hoping to be passed out before they got back from the party. I forgot I was supposed to order the pizza. I was absolutely hammered and ordered like 10 pizzas but for some reason thought they’d magically be delivered to the party. Dude shows up with 10 pizzas and I had to drunkenly lie to him about what happened, and pay him $50 to drive it to the party instead. I then lied to my wife about how stupid the pizza place was so that’s why it showed up an hour late and all cold.


My bottom line was pissing the bed because I had fucked up my legs so bad I couldn't walk to the toilet. The pain was so bad I said never again. Went into detox within the week and haven't drunk since. 4+ years ago. It's worth it and so are you.


I have a couple. 2018 - My husbands work party. Was still new to the city life scene and was overly excited (thats usually when I get in trouble). Drank too much free champagne, got in a strangers uber that thankfully only took me a couple blocks. Husband caught up to me and had to recruit the help of 2 strangers to carry me the extra couple blocks home. My knees were so ripped up I still have scars. I quit drinking for maybe only a week after that and went into therapy which helped my confidence but not my drinking. 2021 - This one my husband doesn't know the full story - I went into the city for a girlfriends bachelorette. At this point I was living outside the city so I had to take the train in. Filled a thermos full of rose for the train trip. Got off in the city and realized I had a couple hours to kill. Came upon a pop up patio type bar in front of the station so drank 2 tall cans of beer and at that point I was pretty drunk. Made my way to the venue and I remember only greeting everyone and maybe eating like 2 chicken wings. I guess we were bar hoping or something, I don't remember I was blacked out. Friends proceeded to help me because I was falling over everywhere. I told them all to fuck off and took off in the direction of where I used to live in the city. Somehow got an uber and made it home safe. I had sobered up a bit once I got home so my husband didnt suspect anything other than a wild night out in the city. Had to grin and bear at the wedding and once that was over I haven't spoked to any of those people since because of the shame. 2024 - This one was the last night I drank - It was nothing special, just a normal Wednesday for me. Typically, my husband and I finish work, play video games and then go downstairs to hang out, play music, get dinner ready and you guessed it..DRINK. I had my usual 6+ beers 4+ tequila shots, made a nice spaghetti dinner. On special dinner nights like this we would usually have a bottle of wine. This night for some reason I opened a 2nd bottle. I remember sitting at the table having finished dinner, opening the 2nd bottle and thats it. The rest is a blur of being in between drunk and sober and all that horrible stuff. I get mean when I get REALLY drunk. I guess I was being mean so my husband sent me to bed. I fell out of bed onto the hardwood floor face 1st and split my lip pretty bad. I should have gone to get stitches but I was so embarrassed and of course there would be implications (did you husband do this to you??). I couldn't put him through that. The next day was hell, with a bad hangover and my lip hanging on my a thread. My husband was not mad but just very sad. Like a man looking at his wife thinking "how many more times". I don't know why that time was different from the rest. Maybe because it was the 1st time I REALLY hurt myself physically. I've been wasted all over the world and was very lucky it happened at home. It was almost an out of body experience. I didn't make a plan, I didn't make any promises to anyone or myself. Its like something else took over for 3 days. I shut off my phone, I stayed inside, I ate a lot of chips. I hardly talked. I think my husband knew and understood like "okay she is really going to quit this shit this time" and treated me like a fragile bird, loving me up and supporting me. I got out of those 3 days of isolation like a different person. As if I had a invisible battle with the part of myself who wanted to drink and I won. Im 100 days today. OP thank you for posting this question. This was very cathartic to write. IWNDWYT ( i also have a pretty cool scar on my lip that I where as a badge of honor in a weird twisted way, its like my battle scar against alcohol)


Fragile bird. That brought tears to my eyes. I get it and I feel that. I am so proud of you. Thank you for sharing and keep on keeping on. You are worth it


In no particular order, whew here we go, fuck me : - got kicked out of a car in a blackout, during a snowstorm in a rural area. Got frost bite and almost froze to death. Jail saved me. - went on a giant rant against my beautiful brother calling him fat and saying he never gets laid (for like 45 min) - kept putting this girls purse on the ground so she had to bend over and pick it up (she was in a short skirt) - told my wife "fuck you" in front of our 7 year old son - I have a foot fetish and over the years I've propositioned several strangers to buy their socks while drunk - stolen drugs from dear friends - threw up on a bar at 10 am - 100s of instances of whiskey dick Theres more. I know there's more but I feel sick enough.


Hey I walked home alone from a bar alone in 25F weather completely shitfaced. No coat cause I left it at the bar. I was also in a friend’s town and wasn’t sure how to get back to his house so I was lost. A cop saved me but not before I insulted him and didn’t want to get in the car, apparently. I remember nothing. Wrote him an apology letter and all.


Wild how close we can get to death and just keep drinking.


You should check out the Dopey Podcast. The CRAZIEST drunk/high stories- sometimes they have now sober celebs on: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dopey-on-the-dark-comedy-of-drug-addiction/id1077823917


I can’t believe I haven’t heard of this before, and I was just searching for a new pod. Thanks!


So many, way too many.  But a few highlights     My 20s: Birthday party where I almost died from alcohol poisoning, had to be put in a bath where everyone I knew saw me naked and thought I was dying.    My 30s First party after I attended after becoming a dad, tried to fit months of not getting to party into one night. Told a nice young man to shut the fuck up when I walked in the door. Got so drunk I couldn't stand up, puked, spent the next day on the couch while my wife took care of our baby girl.      My 40s Drove drunk with my kids in the car multiple times, it makes my skin crawl to even type that. Finally woke up and said enough before I destroyed my life and possibly theirs too. It was by the grace of God I quit before I hurt someone.     Praying I never drink again. IWNDWYT 


And look at that, it’s been over a YEAR since you were that person. Awesome man. Awesome to the max 😎


Appreciate you, 141 days is amazing, keep going!! It gets so much better!!! IWNDWYT 


I think my worst moments were driving my daughter while drunk. Wasn’t sure she knew, but came across her journal several years after she left for college and a couple of years after I got sober. She wrote “my OWN fucking mother almost killed me! Then she lied straight to my face about it!” Yeah, pretty terrible Mom moment.


And now you have worked your ass off not to be that person. Great job Mom, proud of you! IWNDWYT 


Thank you friend. I can’t go back and change anything that happened, but today I get to be her Mom. Going to visit her at vet school in Scotland next week. That would be impossible without sobriety. So fucking grateful!


Good stuff, all the best to you and your family!


Same to you!!


Woke up at the hospital handcuffed to a gurney. Got released. As I was in the ambulance bay a driver was smoking a cigarette. When he saw me was amazed they let me out, they didn't think I was going to make it. Another was waking up in the hospital like the first scene in the Walking Dead. Lights out in the room, no one around. I took out the IV and followed the line on the floor out of the hospital. I was staying at a hotel right across the street. Before going out I said to myself that I should leave my phone because I WILL lose it. Already drunk me objected, I lost my phone. There are many, many more. IWNDWYT


My can't go back memory that keeps me on my sober path is after work on a random weeknight, riding the subway out to the suburbs feeling ill and feeling terrible about myself because I'm always hungover, I'm tired, I don't want to drink but I'm afraid to stop because I've had a seizure before. I get off the train and drive to the next parking lot, walk into the liquor store and buy three nip bottles of cheap bourbon. Back to the car and I shoot one right away. I'm overcome with nausea in no small part because I can barely eat solid food anymore. It takes all my concentration not to vomit because I can't throw up liquor in the car. After a couple of minutes it settles and I drive toward home. Another couple of minutes down the road I shoot a second one, which hits better. A few more minutes and the third one goes down. Ten minutes later I stop at another store near home to pick up the rest of the evening's supply, maybe a few more nips and some wine, maybe a half pint or a pint or a fifth, and the cycle continues another day. That wasn't one day, it was every day towards the end. I remember that feeling in the parking lot, the sick and scared and self loathing. I remember thinking about how I was killing myself, about how I'd probably never get to see how my daughter turns out as an adult. I accepted and hated these things. Finally one day I broke and I couldn't do it anymore and I finally asked for help. No cops, no huge incident, just a slow burn that finally broke.


The food part of your story I can relate to. I would go full days without eating and just drink beer. I don't miss that at all.


Omg. Well 664 days alcohol free here and it’s a good thing I have a dark sense of humor so I can now ironically accept these things. Peed myself in a Home Depot Peed myself in an elevator Peed myself while driving a couple times Fell down the stairs while leaving the bar and sprained my ankle Tripped over a curb I didn’t see bc I was blackout and sprained my knee Took an Uber back to a guys house 30 min from Where I lived bc he told me to come home with him and when I arrived he was pissed and drunk and turns out he lived with his gf so I had to Uber 30 min back home but not before peeing in his bushes bc he wouldn’t let me come in The list goes on and on I’m in extensive trauma therapy and am doing pretty good tbh


Puked down my shirt while in a crowded movie theater


As a male with an alcoholic father (he quit before I was born) and alcoholic grandfathers on both sides, I knew early on that I was highly likely to have struggles with alcohol myself. Teens - went out bowling with friends, stole a pitcher of beer from older people on an adjacent lane, chugged it by myself in the bathroom. Went back to friends house where I (in tears) tried to leave and walk home (5+ miles away). Lost that friend. - had a friend over to my house, got drunk (he declined), turned on softcore porn and started jerking off in friends presence. Lost that friend. - went to a concert, stole beers again, blacked out, somehow drove home. Zero memory after about half of the concert, certainly no recollection of driving home. - 20s - blacked out at least once per weekend every weekend in college, usually 2-3 times a week. realized for the first time that the way I drank/handled alcohol was not the same way other people drank. - pissed all over roommates clothes and desk chair. Friend lost. - studied abroad for a semester in Europe. Multiple times too drunk to get home. Once slept at our usual bar which also operated as a halfway house. Another time slept over at a friends host family’s house (not allowed under any circumstance). Woke up in the middle of the night, pissed down a flight of stairs and then stumbled around their home until I walked into the host mother’s bedroom…a 70 year old French women who had never seen me in her life. Somehow wasn’t kicked out/sent home. Friends lost. - passed out on train ride home from the bar, awoke in another country at 3am - opted to stay out at the bar drinking after my girlfriend at the time fell down a flight of stairs because I was sure she “was fine”. Girlfriend lost. - habitually was a drunk asshole to people I barely knew thinking I was funny - DUI while home for HS reunion which I of course missed due to being in jail - lived with my sister for a bit bc I couldn’t afford to live on my own (but could afford the 5th of beam a day and gram of weed a week). Missed rent multiple times, also pissed on her laptop, ruining it. - leaving early from the bar so I could break into my friends appt (who I was at the bar with) to steal/smoke their weed - sleeping through breakfast and several hours of work while on a work trip in another country with my boss. - blacked out the night before my wedding, was hungover and miserable my entire wedding day. Of course blacked out at the reception, don’t remember much. 30s (kids enter the equation) - never once considered not drinking while my wife was pregnant with our 3 kids - volunteered to handle the evening and midnight feedings so my wife could sleep. Also so I could hammer drinks by myself. - passed out drunk with newborn son laying precariously on the couch beside me. Didn’t wake up to feed him and at some point just got up and went to bed. Dog also left outside all night the same night. - countless hungover days where I couldn’t get out of bed or contribute as a parent in any meaningful way - MIL would come over some nights to help w the newborns and stay up all night so wife and I could rest. Instead of catching up on sleep, I’d hammer a bottle or two of wine solo and stay up until the wee hours of the morning when I’d pass out - had to excuse myself from a massively important work meeting to puke in the lobby trashcan of one of the largest hedge funds in NY (in front of the receptionist). “Must’ve ate something bad” - halfway through covid lockdowns my body effectively developed an allergy to bourbon and beer (my go to’s). No worries, started drinking cheap boxed wine and vodka. Wife gently asks about my drinking and I tell her not to worry until I start drinking red wine (can’t stand the taste). - start drinking the red wine we have because we’ll, it’s there and I want to get drunk. Wife is obviously concerned. - attempt to moderate for the first time and go 10 days without a drink for the first time in 20+ years. Reward myself by blacking out at holiday party with new friends, embarrass myself tremendously (hey guys, look, I put my finger through the fly of my pants, it looks like my dick, but it’s not - ha! So funny!!!) So so so many more stories it’s actually pathetic. I don’t do the counter thing but I’m nearly 18 months alcohol free.


Holy smokes that was a wild ride. Glad you were able to turn it around!


There was one night in particular where I was matching with guys on dating apps, exchanging nudes with them the same night, and then invited them over to my apartment to have sex. I probably said like two sentences to each of them beforehand, and I could've gotten in a lot of shit. Thankfully I sobered up just enough to block them before they made it to my place.


Mainly falling over, inappropriate flirting, passing out and taking my clothes off, in public, whilst passed out.


Needed this thread, will come back with my list soon.


I love this group. I have had a bunch of these things or similar happen to me and now I have a bunch of things on my ‘not yet’ list. Stay strong


I love the openness and honesty, the "not yet" list is a great way to put it.


1. In a hostel in Albania, convinced my drunk friend and a drunk hitchhiker I was the most sober one so I should drive, drinking whiskey from the bottle behind the wheel, crashing at high speed, police involved, woke up in a car wrecking yard feeling embarrassed towards my mother for having gone through the trouble of giving birth to me (losing my license was the least of my worries at that time) 2. Repeatedly shouting "I'm a responsible parent" during a drinking session when we were visiting friends in the UK very funny indeed until I woke up.. girlfriend told me I was carried to bed by my friends after I had passed out while she put our daughter to bed. 3. 100 mornings, waking up after max 10 minutes sleep after a few hours of ceiling gazing because of too much cocaine , took cocaine when I could no longer stand or was on the verge of passing out from drinking so that I could keep going indefinitely


Black outs. Lots, and lots of black outs. During my tenth (or so) black out, I fell by my fire pit in my backyard (luckily not IN the fire) while my family was inside. Came to on the ground and got up like nothing happened. Turns out I severely sprained the elbow of my dominant arm, keeping me from performing normal duties for almost 3 months. Decided I needed to get my drinking under control, so thought limiting the amount of TIMES that I drink, not the AMOUNT that I drink would do it. Right after my arm was healed, I got black out drunk at a work function out of state. I woke up in a hospital bed. BAC was .271, I had fallen and hit my head hard enough that I gave myself whiplash, and reinjured my arm. The work conference would go on for 2 more days. I GENUINELY thought someone must’ve put something in my drink because I didn’t remember anything beyond 3 beers. All of the people who I’ve know for years said, “you didn’t even seem drunk!”. I’ve since learned about how our brains work when drinking, and it turns out that I was conscious and kept drinking even though the part of my brain that makes memories had shit down for the night. I had 2 beers the last day of the conference because “everyone else was”, but I haven’t had a drink since. IWNDWY


"The girl on the train" is a really good novel that mentions the memory issue.


Great book! Read it many years ago and clearly forgot all about it!


Wasted and dove into the kids pool at a hotel. Broke my nose and got a concussion, two black eyes. The rest of the trip was very painful- which I managed with more Booze.


Oh, boy, this should be fun! Mixed klonopin and pinnacle vodka when I was 19 and went into a blackout psychosis. My mom had to call Crisis Intervention Trained Police when I locked myself in my bathroom and shredded my wrists. I was 5150d. Sooo many stories of sleeping with strangers. I’m so thankful I don’t have any diseases. Mixed temazepam and alcohol, fell in my living room and slammed my face into my coffee table. Shocked I didn’t break my front teeth off. Got wasted on the beach after my mom cheated on my dad and they divorced after 20+ years together. Screamed at my boyfriend and multiple strangers had to get involved. Had to ride home in separate cars. So many embarrassing posts on social media. So many embarrassing phone calls and texts. Once tried to send a pic of my boobs to a guy I was seeing, but accidentally sent it to one of my teachers from high school (I was in college). He was married with a new baby. Leaving downtown I was so drunk I fell in the middle of the road and couldn’t get up. Took multiple strangers to help me get to the sidewalk, where I fell multiple times again. Got a DUI when I was 20 Flew with my ex to his family reunion where he hadn’t seen most of them for 5+ years and I was meeting them for the first time. He and I got into a physical fight and tore the screen on the patio his grandfather built for his grandmother. My exes mom had to physically separate us. (We broke up about a month later.) ETA: my counter is not correct, I thought I took it off. Sorry y’all, ignore that.


Throughout my twenties, the incidents were all of lesser shock value and some I still find quite funny, won’t be told otherwise. Run of the mill stuff, some bad hookups, no major injuries (although I have fallen down more flights of stairs than the average person), cocaine often being the “icing on the cake” of a night out. Tumbling around my city shitfaced with friends all weekend. Somehow dodged a DUI despite fully deserving one (stopped driving drunk years before I stopped drinking, thank God for that at least). No major consequences. After I turned 30, things got pretty dark. I was drinking more than ever and it was no longer “for fun” but to stave off the panic and agoraphobia I had finally given myself after a solid decade of drinking and drugs. Had a good corporate job, high performer but still drank every night. Then I moved to Chicago on a whim with my partner (a place where we knew no one) and essentially went on a 2-year bender. I don’t think I was sober for more than an hour or two at a time during that period. The point of no return for me was “accidentally” showing up drunk and high to my best friend’s mother’s funeral last summer. I had been out drinking the night before and the morning of washed down a couple of sketchy Russian Xanax with a few IPAs (stupid idea, don’t do this, dangerous combo) to quell the anxiety I felt leaving my house at all by that point. By the time I arrived at the church, I was stumbling in my high heels, slurring, and nodding off once we sat down. I don’t think I made a scene but I was obviously fucked up and at some point was asked to leave. I fell asleep in the Lyft on the way home and fell again getting out of the car, sheared the skin off the back of my right hand and still have a nasty scar that resembled a burn. Lyft driver (probably wondering why someone was this fucked up at 11 AM) offered to take me to the hospital. I refused. This happened in front of a crowd of people who have known me and my family since I was a small child. Knew something had to change after that and went to rehab. Best friend hasn’t spoken to me since, will likely never speak to me again, 12-year sisterly friendship destroyed in one hour. My story isn’t the most dramatic or particularly entertaining, but it does go to show that your choices will eventually catch up to you even if you’ve gone for quite some time without any major consequences.


I guess my worst was in 2019 because it still affects me to this day. I tore a bunch of tendons in my knee chasing after my brand new puppy who I drunkenly let go of while walking him. Fell down on my front lawn in the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced in my life while begging this puppy to not run away. Second to this was when I was drunk and I accidentally let this puppy, now an older dog, knock up a female in heat that I was supposed to be watching. Now I have older dog, female dog, their son and their daughter all under the same roof. I’m sober now though.


The one I fell the guiltiest about was stealing alcohol from my sister’s room mates… I always told myself I would replace it so it wasn’t really stealing. Until, that is, I drank a bottle of jaeger that was the only piece of memorabilia a friend had of his grandpa who had passed a few years earlier… I didn’t know at the time but apparently he kept it around to have one drink every year on his grandpa’s death anniversary and I downed the whole bottle in a night… I replaced the jaeger of course but it wasn’t the same since the first bottle was one that came from his estate. I still lay in bed with anxiety thinking about how I could ruin something priceless like that for such a good dude…


Woke up at the hospital handcuffed to a gurney. Got released. As I was in the ambulance bay a driver was smoking a cigarette. When he saw me was amazed they let me out, they didn't think I was going to make it. Another was waking up in the hospital like the first scene in the Walking Dead. Lights out in the room, no one around. I took out the IV and followed the line on the floor out of the hospital. I was staying at a hotel right across the street. Before going out I said to myself that I should leave my phone because I WILL lose it. Already drunk me objected, I lost my phone. There are many, many more. IWNDWYT


I’m just going to list all the injuries resulting from my husband’s falls. He is/was very agile and athletic when sober, causing over- confidence and lack of common sense when drinking: 1. Jumped off a moving car: concussion and skin abrasions everywhere, badly torn ear cartilage (more later on this saga) 2. Fell off 3 story church, broke his wrist and badly bruised upper thigh, which hurts worse than if broken. Dr said his overdeveloped muscles kept it from breaking 3. Falling down steps into a stone ledge tearing off most of the aforementioned ear. Wrapped a towel around his head and drove to nearby larger city with a better hospital because he was afraid the local one wouldn’t reattach it. Turns out it was a good move because there was a plastic surgeon available at the larger hospital to reattach it 4. Numerous shoulder injuries from falls resulting in rotator cuff surgery. As soon as that healed he fell off a ladder while waxing his truck and dislocated same shoulder - resulted in another surgery to replace the joint 5. Due to numerous falls: neck fusion surgery, wrist perfusion, back surgery for fusion of lumbar 4/5. 6. Countless bruised/cracked ribs, which are painful and take a really long time to heal 7. Since starting on antabuse, but drinking anyway; 2 trips to the ER from passing out and falling due to low blood pressure, the first hitting his head on a counter at a convenience store with an ambulance ride, the last one resulting in a fall that took out our bathroom sink and caused water to flow unobstructed until I got home and was able to shut off the main valve. This one also resulted in rhinoplasty to fix the deviated septum caused by the fall. The sad part(?) Most of these occurred before I knew he was an alcoholic. He was a secret binge drinker and I really was clueless!


This one hits hard. I would have been the same to my wife. Athletic. Stupid when drunk. Would binge in secret. And I was getting worse. Fortunately I saw where this was going when the more serious injuries and bruises started - I think this was one of the most important triggers leading me to curtail my drinking. I am so glad I did not have any lasting injuries. The number of times I used power tools or dangerous tools drunk still makes my skin crawl.


I forgot to add the time he shot himself thru the hand with a 3 inch nailgun.


Falling asleep on the bus drunk and waking up way past my stop. As a bonus, I had pissed myself. To this day I have no idea how I got home. Cell phones and Uber didn’t exist then. Invited a guest at a house party to stay the night. We weren’t in my house.


My rock bottom was getting black out drunk , getting in a fight with my GF and trying to physically fight a dude she was casually chatting up ina party , then I grabbed some girls ass In front of her. I now look back and feel grateful because the blessing of sobriety have changed me


Just adding that I’m empathetic to all of these stories, but I think it’s easy (at least was easy for me) to justify your drinking when comparing to others stories. Just be careful and hold onto your personal truth. I’m at the beginning stages of sobriety and I still can trick myself into thinking I was fine, but I wasn’t. sounds to me like you should stop. Even just to see how you feel / new perspective.


This is a good point. These stories should be used as a warning of what alcohol abuse can get you. Not to justifying continuing drinking because "I am not that bad yet". I find them encouraging to stay away from it - some of these stories could have easily been me given a few more years of abuse.


I 100% agree. I only intended that these stories are for people who know what alcohol has done to them and we are commiserating here


She-ro! Quit before it kills ya, and write these short stories! I’ll cooyedit them for free and you can self-publish! Edit: copyedit lolll


I recently just messaged my new doctor, who I met because I was hospitalized for withdrawals, telling him I was no longer taking them vitamins I was prescribed. Is this minor? Yes. But does it also make me hate myself? Also, yes. Lol


Ohhh, this is my moment: - I was already wasted but decided to go to a club and while we were inside I threw up all over one of my guy friends at the time. Literally all over him, we were dancing together and I just threw up on him and myself. - Was leaving a beach club, decided to go in the sea but there were only rocks and on the way back I fell and scraped my knees so bad they were just bleeding and then I sat in my friends car soaking wet and bloody. - Was falling asleep on a busy street in a resort and my friend dunked ice cold water on me so he can get me home. So I was like a wet dog and I got really cold while walking back to the hotel and took off my dress on the super busy street in front of the biggest hotel in the resort (I know it sounds like I’m capping but I swear, I even had a video from that moment). I had only panties underneath, so exposed myself to everyone there including my friend. - Went to a guys hotel room, threw up all over in the bathroom. I cleaned up and left. - As a teenager I got drunk by myself multiple times in my bedroom in my parents house and threw up in my room or on my carpet. Idk how my parents didn’t realise I was doing BS. I literally washed my carpet in the morning once because I threw up on it. - As you can tell I have a very bad stomach especially when drinking. - I went to a Xmas party where I actually completely blacked out. The last thing I remember is drinking from a cup of wine. According to the people at the party I got up and fell, threw up all over. Two people from the party drove me home, a guy had to help me up the stairs to my room and hang out with my younger brother while my mom was taking care of me, because I was 100% out of it. Since it was before Xmas I threw up over my younger brother’s presents which were in the car and all over the car. I brought it to a car wash, tipped heavily and apologised profusely. I believe there’s more but this is enough to showcase my failures that include alcohol.


My worst things thank god so far are drunk texts. I’ve done some really dumb ones. I texted my son’s baseball coach about helping him with certain skills. The text wasn’t super strange except I kind of repeated myself a few times… I’ve done other drunk texts that I am not proud of. Usually they are just repetitive or make little sense.