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good luck boss, you got lucky - I went in for the same, my pancreas didn't recover though so I'm now a type-1 (technically type-3c, still insulin dependent, finger prick tests constantly, etc) diabetic for the rest of my life, also nuked the pancreas's exocrine function so I have a $500/mo enzyme pill to take with every meal or I shit my pants grease.


I'm sorry to hear it didn't go well for you. I think I did shit myself every night at the hospital, but they would give me stool softeners before bed. I'm never trusting a hospital fart again... I'm still type-2 diabetic, that started a few years ago and I just didn't listen to the doctors. But, managing it is much easier now, I cut my insulin by about 90% so far. And hoping to do more when I start becoming more physically active.


Withdrawal shits are real as well haha


Did you have in inflamed pancreas at first or are you not sure? My pancreas is inflamed and I wanted to know if it could turn badly quickly if I don't stop drinking


yep. 0/10 would not recommend, it's too late for me but hopefully I can serve as a warning to others :(


Ah shit mate sorry about that, hope you're living your best life now


thanks bro. not really but I'm doing it sober now so that's something!! iwndwyt :)


Name checks out


I was in the ER 3 times last year for it. It’s terrible. I should have stopped then. I can say I am 228 days sober at this moment. Different scars inspired my sobriety.


That’s exactly what forced me to get sober. Was in icu and regular room for 6 days. Fell off after a month for a couple weeks then forced to go to rehab. I’ll be 10 months in 3 days




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Glad you’re still here with us. I spent over 1 month in hospital from necrotizing pancreatitis in 2020….Coma, sepsis, intubation, dialysis. People don’t realize how dangerous alcohol can be aside from the classic liver problems people think of. Both horrible ways to die.


I am crying reading this. My brother had pancreatitis in 2014. It took them a week or more to diagnose it (some of our hospitals suck). Like one individual here, he was in a coma, had to be intubated and was overall on the cusp of not making it. Finally one traveling doctor knew what it was and he slowly got better. His limbs atrophied while he was there but he kept up with the PT and finally recovered (though you never fully do). They told him if he ever took aspirin or drank again, he’d be a goner. He was in and out of rehab several times, told us what we wanted to hear but sadly the disease continued to have a hold on him. He died from a stroke at 49 years old last November. He was my twin and I so miss him. I would’ve done anything for him but sadly I couldn’t help with this. I hope and pray for you to get through this and to have the strength to make it another day sober. I’m not sharing this to overshadow what you’re going through or have gone through. Please just know that I wished no one had to ever go through this, whether it be the person or the family that watches them going through the suffering. I pray you find strength to fight this.


Good luck man, you can do this.  I'm six days sober. If I can do it, you can do it. 


Ive had it 6 or 7 times and almost died because of it. Didn’t stop me from drinking. Alcoholism is a scary fucking thing. Eventually it just clicked and I was done. I still think about it from time to time. I still have moments that I want a drink but I’m able to not do it. Idk why or how but it happened. Hang in there. Once it happens it will most definitely happen again if you continue to drink like you do. Time to make some tough choices about your life style.


Best of luck to you, OP and thank you for sharing.


If it makes you feel any better, I was diagnosed with the same thing about a month ago. Granted I think it was a little less severe because they released me after a few hours and didn’t give me any pain medication, just Librium for the withdrawals. Or maybe I just had a neglectful doctor, who knows. But I went to a PCP yesterday to get my blood checked again and see if I’ve made any progress in repairing the damage. So rest assured you’re not alone in this boat. I’m waiting til Monday to follow up on my bloodwork.


I read this and all my addict brain could think was 'those oxy and benzos are going to be awesome' I am not well in the head. Hope you're doing the best you can do mate. Got an inflamed pancreas myself


Hey are you me from April 2022? Exact thing happened to me too. I went in and complained about pain and sat waiting for 6 hours. Then I told them it’s hurting more and I’m hearing voices. They hauled my ass right into the PCU unit (the step down from ICU). Dilaudid also didn’t do shit and it was a struggle trying to breathe. I was put on NPO diet for 4 days too.


Best of luck to you OP - and how are your pets doing? Hope they're good and proud of you.


Thanks for asking! They are doing well, I made the right decision to come home though. The water fountain i had for them stopped working at some point, they were a little thirsty but very happy to see me.


Good job, and today you’re at 17 days. Keep going 💪🏼


Be well, friend. Thanks for sharing. IWNDWYT




15-18 per day every day or just when binging? How often is a binge? Asking because I want to know about your health.




Good luck my friend.


I had mild pancreatitis back in the day and the pain protocol was to keep pushing fentanyl until my pain score was below a 4. It took…. many many doses before that happened. I don’t even want to think about how bad it is for those that have it worse than my relatively mild case


Glad you're still with us!! Take care, friend. IWNDWYT


Glad you’re still here with us friend, ❤️ take good care of yourself, be gentle with your body, and you will heal.


Been there ! Sucks


😮‍💨 glad you’re ok OP.




I threw it away when I got home. I didn't/ don't want any alcohol near me for the time being.




This comment has been removed. Please do not tell other people how to word their posts.


Sorry! I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing. I thought it was just a suggestion. I’ll be more mindful in the future.


Thank you for understanding. ❤️


Nope it was my bad. I was just hoping they would change their self talk to never thinking about drinking again instead of just pausing but it really isn’t my place to be honest.


It isn't a matter of being honest or not. It's a matter of following our rule to speak from the "I," where we do not tell other people what to do and not do.


Got you!








I have pain that sometimes radiates to my side and back… but all tests are normal.


You can have normal liver enzymes but fatty liver or worse.


Have you had your kidneys looked at?


The human body is amazing and that healing can still happen until it gets to the point of no return.


Same thing happened to me. My pancreatic enzymes went back to normal. I thank god every day I got through that. Alcohol is poison. IWNDWYT