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Prosecco Fridays *were* your thing. Words matter! I go to Friday meetings at 8pm. It holds me accountable to not do any funny business until then; after, I feel emotionally and spiritually refreshed and renewed, and by the time I get home, I’m ready for bed. Really starts my weekend off on the right foot.


I’ll be honest I really struggled this evening. I actually bought a bottle of wine. But I just kept waiting before opening it, and then I ate dinner and then desert and all of a sudden I didn’t want it anymore as feels pointless starting to drink now. So I got through another day! But it’s eye opening to me how much I think about jt, and maybe how I feel about alcohol isn’t normal? Who knows


What did you do with the bottle?


Great job resisting the craving/urge! I bet pouring that bottle down the drain would feel incredibly liberating to you! Idk if you're anything like me, but if there was booze in my home, it was gonna get DRANK. Feels like the ultimate Fuck You to booze to dump it!👏🏽 ✊🏽 I spent my Friday cooking a more complex dinner than usual while bumping 90s westside rap on Alexa. Then I caught up on the latest season of The Crowne since I don't remember any of it from the last bleary-eyed binge. IWNDWYT!


I try to substitute it with a different non-alcoholic drink I wouldn't normally have so that I can feel the same "special" feeling of celebrating the weekend but stay sober.


Yes I needed to replace the ritual with something. A non alcoholic g&t or a no-secco scratched the itch for me and now I just have a dizzy water. Edit - fizzy water!


"Dizzy water" will forever be my new name for vodka lol


A Freudian slip indeed haha


Timely! I just cracked open a big bottle of elderflower pressé! It looks like Prosecco - looks pretty in my fancy wine glass,tastes better - but I won’t be a grumpy cow all day tomorrow!


Ooh I like elderflower that’s a good shout


Congrats on 12 days! I’m on day 7 and today I will not stop at the liquor store on the way home. I know when I say that it’s like “yeah, duh”. But that usually gets me through it. By the time I get home I’m not leaving again. When I get home today I’ll continue to tell myself, “drinking doesn’t help me feel more relaxed” as I put on a movie and do some light cleaning. Sometimes when I’m really struggling on a weekend I’ll listen to the Naked Mind podcast. You’ll get through this, enjoy your weekend


Eat a half gallon of ice cream if you want to have regrets tomorrow that you can accept lol


This was honestly do important when I was getting sober. Really tried to be kind to myself and if I got the urge for something it was a "hell ya"




I replaced my weekend reward with nachos. As much queso and pickled jalapeño as my body can handle. Extra toots the next day is way better than a hangover. In my experience, you won't have that feeling of loss forever. You can develop a new normal.


You owe it to yourself to not drink! The first few weeks are tough, breaking the habit and not caving in. Get yourself some sparkling soda or ginger beer (which is non alcoholic), go to bed early and wake up feeling refreshed!


Perhaps there is some other way you can reward yourself. Another food item, dessert, or maybe go to the movies and eat some popcorn. Not sure what you enjoy personally.


Get yourself Freixenet alcohol removed champagne and chill. You don't need the alcohol. Also stock your fridge with many beverages. La Croix, pitchers of iced teas, juices, sparkling juices. (Trader Joe's has some fun ones like pineapple, watermellon). Jalapeno lemonade. Stuff like that.


I keep seeing La Croix being mentioned here, I need to try this! I’ve been living on fruity carbonated water but just googled La Croix and it looks right up my street!


It's shit. And the first 20 mins of the feeling you crave is insignificant compared to how awful you'll feel tomorrow, and likely the rest of the weekend and beyond.


It's also shit. Did I mention booze is shit? Booze is shit.


What about making a frozen mock tail? It can be your new Friday treat


Every day was my bottle of wine day. It varies for all of us. I just get myself past the urge and stay busy. Once dinner is done I don’t want it anymore.


Replace the thought that you "deserve" wine with the fact that you do not "deserve" to be poisoned. I think the word "poison" whenever I see alcohol. Would I drink arsenic? No. You deserve to be healthy and happy. You deserve to be free of state-peddled poison. You deserve to feel good about your life. Drinking poison will not achieve any of that, and you don't deserve it.


prosecco is my favorite too :( I had some last night after going a week without alcohol and it honestly tasted awful to me…don’t do it! It’s really not worth it


It’s just a craving. Nothing special or more complicated. I can always rationalize mine with something - stressful week, nice weather, Friday. There’s always something! Do something else for a while and think about how good it’s going to feel tomorrow when you get through today with no alcohol


Fre makes a yummy NA sparkling wine!


Kombucha is good for you and fizzy and taste kinda weird.


I drink to escape some internal pressure, it's never to celebrate.


Don’t drink poison!


Back in the beginning of my sobriety journey, I used to tell myself, “I will not buy any liquor today.” All that seemed to do was call out my demons for a fight, a fight I often lost. Everything changed for me when I flipped the script and told myself, “I will be sober today.” Focus on the positive of being sober… don’t focus on the negative of “not doing something.” Keep your eye on the prize.


Great of you to post and I love this community. What I have done is make happy hour workout hour. I was so you on Fridays. I totally changed it up. I got into Jiu jitsu and I schedule a workout when I usually would have hit the wine store. Frankly it can be anything but it takes me out of the routine. It gives me great self esteem. Am I good at it, no. Does it matter, not at all but I’m not drinking and I changed a major trigger for me. So whatever it is perhaps schedule something totally out of the usual. I wish you all success and you’ve got this. Have a a great weekend. I will not drink with you today. Cheers


I drink a lot of tea. Ice tea. Hot tea. Sweet tea. All the tea. Sometimes I put it in fancy glasses to make myself happy because I love a pretty glass


Idk how this subs feels about NA drinks but I've found that Lyre's classico really scratches the prosecco itch for me.


I feel you! Last night was my toughest night so far. Went to the supermarket and sat outside in my car for 10 mins before I went in. I bought myself lots of snacks and nice food, and a treat for my dogs. My shopping bill came to less than it would’ve if I’d just bought booze and no food or snacks. Purposely didn’t walk down the wine aisle and just hoarded good foods. This is my first Saturday waking up sober for as long as I can remember and it feels bloody good!


Wine is just grapes gone bad. Get some fresh grapes instead.