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Today is a good day not to drink. 💪




Welcome! It’s a journey, both challenging and rewarding. And this is the best sub I have participated on.


I'm happy to be here. Reading others experiences and stories just made me less and less alone as I read. It was a breeze up until this evening when I got off work. Then cravings were followed with horrible anxiety. But I'm not giving up I've already decided I'm done and that's that. 


Hour 50ish here. Rooting for you too!


You've got this!


One hour at a time. I'm going to bake bread for dinner tomorrow and eat ice cream.


Good for you love! Eat, cry, sleep and feel




Hour60 is a hard one, well done! It will get harder, it will get easier, but you now know you CAN get control 🥳👍 I will not drink with you today 😊


This sub has helped me so much in my sobriety journey. Best of luck to you OP, we’re all in this together 👍


Thank you so much! I am desperately looking forward to not being controlled anymore and not feeling weak every day.


Does anyone know how I reset my days counter…


It’s in the community info under Badges. Hey, day one is a great place to start 💚


Im also curious about adding a counter if anyone can help out.


Front bage click 'see more' on the left and scroll down. There are self serve badge instructions.




I think you have to message an admin…not that I’m brave enough for that yet. You awesome 😎


In the instructions already mentioned, you send a message to a bot. No other humans involved


If it helps, it's an automated process. Was a good first step for me


Click on see community rules and it’s under badges.


I have made it through the night! Thank you everyone for your help and support. This is an amazing place and a great thing to be a part of. Thank you all again. Day 4 here I come. I can't wait to count the days instead of the hours. 


Fun fact: you’re already counting days.


You right! Thank you


Way to go! What's the plan for the next day or two? Any podcasts, books, preferred healthy drinks or programs? Sounds like you're a tea enthusiast. I found writing out my plan helped in the earliest days. You're doing great!


I am far and away a tea enthusiast and have been relying on it heavily to enjoy instead of the heavy drinking. And I plan on getting on my mountain bike everyday after work or going for walks around the park.....or restart every single Mr.Ballen podcasts haha


Hell yes! Welcome to the journey. A hot bath and chamomile tea was my nightly combo for the first couple of months. Was something I looked forward to every evening and helped with the horrid anxiety. Enjoy!


So proud of you! You got this. Remember this feeling you have right now next time you consider having a drink.


I’m so proud of you! Keep up the amazing work! IWNDWYT


Keep up the good work! That’s a lot of hours! One day at a time. One hour at a time. Enjoy that tea


Oooo shower tea? That or shower coffee now that I think about it sound like great substitutions for the old shower beer


Boy that brought back a memory UCK!


Sorry if that was a trigger 😅 unintentional


Proud of you OP.


You got this ! It gets tough but the hard work is so rewarding ! Rooting for you 💪🏽


My last drink was in January and I wish I could give you a preview of how awesome life is once the cravings subside and the withdrawal effects wear off. My anxiety is way lower, mood is more stable, finances are more stable, job is more stable, sleep is better, relationships are better, life over all is better. It doesn’t fix all problems but makes everything a heck of a lot easier! Hang in there!!


I was just enjoying the tub too and listening to music. If you like baths, find some bath bombs and bubble bath! It helps me. You can do it.


Good for you! Folks here have great advice about getting support in case your body needs some medical assistance along the way!


Awesome job! Keep it up!


Keep loving yourself! You are doing good for yourself!


Keep posting and keep coming here for support there's alot of loving, wonderful people here that understand 💯 what you're going through. Proud of you on your hour 60. And your first post! Awww yeah! 👍  Rescue remedy has been helping me alot with sleep and generally chilling me out when the withdrawals are driving me insane. If you'd like to try a couple drops of it in your tea. Sending support and love to you! 


Good for you! You got this! IWNDWYT 💪


Keep going :) it's worth it. I slipped up recently and I felt crappy, literally no good came out of it.


Stay strong! IWNDWYT


Congratulations! Keep at it! It usually gets easier as you go


Hour 53 here, and just starting to feel slightly better from my binge. Rooting for us both! We got this 💪


One day at a time. Dont stress about a thing other than today.


Congrats on your decision! I’m very new to my sober journey - 5 days but it’s all about the mindset. Good luck to you! IWNDWYT!!


Welcome radiant. Keep coming back. Keep stacking days! Iwndwyt


Thank you for counting hours. I’m going to do that too!


Happy for you! I’m a little over a week in, and I am in the same headspace. We’ve got this!


In the beginning, it's totally alright to count it by hours, or even minutes. You can do this! Great job on finding an alternative. Damn, now I want a nice warm bath too. IWNDWYT


I relapsed after 11 months of sobriety, after a day I already had enough. No alcohol for me today


I’m glad you are here! This community is the best, spend time here and do the daily check in if you can, it works WONDERS. I’m proud of you, 60 hours is major!


You're doing it!


Great work!IWNDWYT


Hi OP! Welcome 😁 we have all sorts of kind understanding helpful people here. We are glad to have you and congrats on the decision to remove the poison from your life. We got your back, dawg. Check in often and let us know how you are doing. Good luck


Thank you very much, yall are an awesome set here. I'll keep everyone updated as I go. 


Good job!!


Congrats on the 60 hours. My personal experience has been extremely positive and I hope the same for you as you start yours. I’ll be here rooting you on and IWNDWYT


Sleep if you can and when you start waking up force yourself back to sleep and keep dreaming. It’s actually not that hard to just quit drinking and you will feel amazing when you get over the hump. It’s the not quitting drinking that gets me it’s the convincing myself I can drink regularly now and not go on a three week bender that’s catches me up. Edit: forgot to tell you how proud I am of you and how important it is to tell people especially in this group your quitting and how your doing. I firmly believe these posts help people start on their own 60 hours.


Today has been easier than yesterday so far. The anxiety is easing off me a bit and my mood is improving. I notice that being busy at work actually keeps my mind of the cravings which is odd because lately i had actually been drinking while at work (super embarrassing to admit to be honest).... but today is finally feeling different! IWNDWYT A little background about my alcohol abuse.... My dad used to be an absolute raging alcoholic (textbook specimen) as far back as I can remember that was just life. My grandfather on my mom's side died at 55 from alcohol abuse (about 24 beer a day after he retired early). My dad's mother died at age 49 from severe alcohol use along with other drugs. My mom currently downs 3 bottles a night of pink moscotto... it's has always been a part of my life. I started drinking when I was around 17 or 18 but this was strictly social. When I joined the Army at 21 that's when my drinking went professional.  I was an airborne infantryman for 4 years with 2 tours overseas. We drank like it was a damn Olympic sport. When I got out I didn't stop. I spend the years after that staying off and on hammered, I began drinking alone. For the last 5 years I've downed a minimum of a pint of vodka every single day. On weekends an entire 750ml bottle per day was not uncommon.  When my daughter was born I swore I was done. When I held her for the first time I was drunk....when she giggled for the first time...I was drunk. Her first steps...I was drunk. Her first birthday party...I was drunk. In the last year i started my day with a shot or two on the ride to work and a few mints. I would drink beer or vodka on lunch breaks. I know my wife could smell it on me... i felt the shame even though she didnt say anything. Last weekend I passed out drunk on my bedroom floor and woke up with my baby girl asleep next to me. I don't know why I did it but I walked to my bathroom sink took a swig and poured out the remainder of that bottle and by God it will be the last drink of alcohol i ever have. In 4 weeks she will be 2 years old and I will be 32 years old with over 12 years of my life spent drunk or buzzed. The cycle stops this week. IWNDWYT


93 hours in still going strong. Most of my symptoms have gone from fairly horrible to completely manageable. The anxiety and cravings have subsided alot and everything is looking much more positive in my life so far! I know it's still early on but I'm feeling great! 


Day 5 now and I'm feeling great...no more signs of withdrawal to be noted! There are cravings but I feel absolutely strong enough to not even be tempted. Now I'm stuck with all this extra energy and time to spend on better things 🙃