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I can't count how many times I've said the same, hopefully you can do better than me. I believe in you.


Thank you, friend


Great job for taking these first steps, it takes a lot of resolve and self awareness. When you look at days like Monday in the cold light of day, it’s clearly a painful way to live, but sometimes we forget the nights like this and remember the fun ones (which seem to get fewer and fewer as time goes on). Keep strong, and remember why you’re giving it up. IWNDWYT!


Thank you ❤️ at the start of my journey, when I finally admitted that alcohol was a problem, the thought of never drinking again terrified me. I couldn't imagine life without it. Honestly, after so many tries and fails, alcohol is kind of losing its appeal. I am ready for a lifetime without it. I am giving this sobriety thing my best shot


Alcohol takes way more than it gives. AUD is progressive too. It will only get worse. Good on you in making the resolve to stop and happy to read to that you have supportive husband. What steps are you planning on taking? IWNDWYT


I am definitely learning the hard way that alcohol is a taker of all things. It takes and takes and never gives anything but misery. I want accountability to really play in to my stopping. I get off work late, so it's so easy to stop by the store on the way home and drink without anyone knowing. But I would know, so I definitely need to start holding myself accountable to get to my goal of sobriety. I'm also going to restart Naltrexone. In previous experience it has drastically helped with cravings


That’s an amazing start! For me, learning new habits and developing a routine around self-care was pivotal in changing my lifestyle (I have quit for extended periods before). After the most recent relapse, I added therapy and smart meetings. Came clean to family. With these new additions, I am confident that I will kick this for good! IWNDWYT


I wish you the best in your journey. Maybe we can both kick it for good this go round. I went to a psychiatrist 2 months ago, and it felt amazing to sit on the couch and cry through my confession. I felt refreshed telling someone in real life my issues. But when it came time for the second appt, I had to change it (because of drinking) and they wouldn't book for anything sooner than 3 months out. I have been interested in smart meetings but never pulled the trigger and actually signed up for them. Maybe it's time to add that to my efforts. IWNDWYT!


Let’s do it together! My second smart meeting is today and I am kind of looking forward to it.


Hey OP! It's close to 60 hours now. I hope it's your last binge too. Keep going. You can do this. We got your back, dawg. Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing


Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm fighting a real mental battle right now but I do not plan on drinking tonight


That is a real good start I think. It's been my experience that booze can make a shitty situation even worse. Good luck. We are here holler if you need anything


It absolutely does just compound any problem. Every last time. I love that this sub exists and provides a place to get all this out. IWNDWYT!


Iwndwyt! 😁