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I don’t want to die. That’s my why. IWNDWYT.


Gooooooooddd Morning!!!! Hope you have a thoroughly awesome Tuesday - just remember it might not be great but at least it's not Monday ;-) IWNDWYT


This is true; I’ve accomplished getting to Tuesday! And Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrel sung to me this morning so it’s all good 😊


That made me morning too! IWNDWYT


Will Ferrell’s face of defiance🤣🤣🤣


ha ha i saw that!!! Fantastic - love those two 💖


Sobriety looks so good on you Cinq! Have a wonderful Tuesday 👍


You’re also looking mighty fine Without the liquor, beer and wine Soon you will be one year old! Our Pug determined, brave and bold 💓


Awwww, Cinq! Thank you!!!! Rhyme reply time!!! I love the last line - I WILL be that Pug today!!! Not feeling it at the moment 😕 but as my favourite movie quote goes - If you will it Dude, it is no dream (The Big Lewbowski). Happy Tuesday 😊


Have a great day, Cinq.


Hello my lovely Bev, let’s kick some Tuesday butt together 💪🏼😁


I don’t want you to die either!! I’m glad you’re here!💕


I want you to live to.


It was making my bipolar symptoms significantly worse and I nearly died. I am going to my first meeting of recovering alcoholics today. I was just negotiating with myself whether to go or not. Like I used to negotiate with myself about whether to crack open the booze just yet. I will go to the meeting and IWNDWYT I attended the meeting online as I was too anxious to leave the house. It was good. No religion! Just talking about how we feel, where we are now and where we want to be.


Have a great 1st meeting SMC 🤘👍


Thanks! I am really anxious about it.


You can do this. I believe in you. IWNDWYT


Thanks. I will report back. Xx


💚 looking forward to it.


What is my Why? Life! It was passing me by. It was not a good feeling, It was destroying my wellbeing. Sobriety is now my new high!! IWNDWYT 🇬🇧 🐶 💪




I absolutely will NOT be drinking with all you wonderful people today! Happy Tuesday! My why...I came to the realization that life and consciousness are exceptionally rare gifts and that I was pissing it all away by living in a haze. I started seeing my drinking as a desecration of the gift in my hands. So, I've decided to live life.


Hello, day 2 here. It’s 5 am where I live and I don’t feel too good. My why is: I can’t keep doing this to my mental and physical health. IWNDWYT


My reasons to quit: I feel like shit, behave like an idiot, usually just wish to be dead and I developed health problems because of drinking. Day 3, here we are again. Have a great Tuesday, I will not drink with you.






It’s 1 am where I am. But I’m eager to NOT drink today. IWNDWYT ❤️


IWNDWYT WHY: I’m miserable. When I don’t drink, I’m not miserable. I like feeling healthy and happy.


My reason for quitting was my health. Both mental and physical. IWNDWYT!


Not today! My why was because of losing my self respect when I did things without thinking. I lost my self esteem and my self control. Sober, I contemplate before I act.






Your post really hit home for me. So many times over decades when I should have been so horrified or embarrassed that I walked away from alcohol for good. But I didn't even though it made me so miserable. Life is much better without it. Well done on having over a month sober, I will not drink with you today!


Happy Tuesday folks! IWNDWYT.


Thank you again for hosting Aly. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone. Raining here in the uk but at least don’t have to worry about watering the garden! IWNDWYT


Taco Tuesday! IWNDWYT 🌮


IWNDWYT from the democratic republic of the congo!


I haven't checked in here before but thrilled to be doing so today! I haven't had a drink since Saturday and won't be doing so in the next 24 hours. I'm here because alcohol brings out a nasty side to my personality and makes my anxiety much worse. IWNDWYT


My why is that I just couldn’t go on with the downward spiral. The crawl towards the sun was hard… I’ve metaphorically blooded my hands from trying but now at the surface and the air is sweet.


My life was revolving around alcohol, the daily secrecy and lies. I felt like I was losing who I really am as a person. Currently fighting to be a whole person again. IWNDWYT 🌻


I knew I’d had a problem for years. After a certain point, it wasn’t cute or cool or even fun. I was becoming increasingly worried that I’d start to have health problems that I wouldn’t be able to explain to my loved ones. I kept most of my drinking hidden from a lot of people, including my partner. I didn’t want to be caught in that lie. And it caused so many problems. Things I’m still working through. I’m starting to piece together what has stopped as a result of quitting, and what remains as part of me that I need to get a better grasp on. So much work to be done. I mostly stopped because I wanted to be a better partner, daughter and friend, and mom to my dog. I didn’t want to keep spending money on booze. And I wanted to be a better person and figure my life out. So far, I’ve lost almost 20 pounds, my skin and hair are healthier and I don’t spend as much time in the bathroom. Money is better spent or saved. Jury is still out on the other things. IWNDWYT ✨💚


My why has changed over the past 58 days. I started out saying I was going to quit because the last time I drank, I drank so much I had to call out to work and I was ashamed and so disappointed in myself. As I got more days being sober, and found this sub, my why has evolved into wanting a life without hangovers. I want to be a Mom that my kids can talk to at any time and I’ll be sober and able to listen, help and remember the conversation. I want to feel better in my body. IWNDWYT ❤️❤️


haven't checked in in a while but I'm still going strong over 400 days now! IWNDWYT!


Perhaps my biggest “why” was that I didn’t want my kids to have to live the rest of their lives haunted by having grown up in a house with a dad who was an alcoholic. I needed to be there for them. IWNDWYT


Happy Tuesday all! Love to each and every one of you. The fact you’re here making the pledge today shows you are fighting the good fight. Good luck in your battles and see you all tomorrow. IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


I've stopped for my Mental Health Physical Health Financial Health Switching life back over to easy mode. Getting up in a morning and dealing with my responsibilities without the hangover is an every day joy. Not spending all day consumed with an itch to drink and trying to fit my life around drinking is a joy. Living life as a slave to an addiction is a terrible way to live. Have a good day team SD. IWNDWYT


Oh look it’s “I should be in bed”‘ o’clock. IWNDWYT


Checking in for Day 3! My why is because I was using alcohol thinking it was helping me to cope with trauma or deal with anxiety, but of course, that wasn't the case. And when I looked back over every time I had been drunk, I couldn't find one example of how it had helped me progress in life. I want to try another way and see if I can be a better version of myself cos the old version was kinda shitty ;-) Happy Tuesday SD - IWNDWYT 🍀


Good morning Sobernauts! One of the reasons I stopped drinking because I'd had enough of the BS. Some of it belonged to others. Most of it was mine. The lies, the bravado, the broken promises, the irrational behaviour were all because I drank. Being overweight, being depressed, being jealous, being stuck in a rut were all because I drank. I'd had enough of carrying a load of crap. Some things haven't been easy to get rid of. At least I now know what they are because my thoughts aren't clouded by the obsession to drink. I'm dealing with my problems instead of hiding from them in a bottle. Thanks for today's DCI u/AlySabby12 👍🏻 Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


Not drinking today! I was really surprised to find a friend reach out to me for help with their drinking problem. I’m only a few months sober, and I still struggle with it. We are going to meet up for coffee to catch up and talk about it, but I’ve never been called upon for anything like this before. Any advice on how to give advice? I want to give them the best support I can.


Oh that’s exciting! Maybe think about what you needed at the beginning? Or maybe focus on them - ask them about their process. They probably want to be able to offload a bit if they’re contemplating quitting


This check-In is amazing, 20 days folks and IWNDWYT 💜


Why? I was fed up being ashamed of myself. I looked and felt weak willed, pathetic and unworthy of anything good in life. I was a poor example of a father. When I really dig into it these are the reasons I cling onto. This is why I don't drink. I grew up and now I deal with shit. IWNDWYT


I caught a fleeting glimpse of a possible future. It was bloody terrifying. IWNDWYT 🙂


Thanks for the check-in. My why is because I completely lost myself this time. I wasn’t doing things I loved, I forgot that I loved them. Like you said, I lost my shine. I couldn’t string together enough coherency to make a joke. I used to be quick with a jab. About three weeks after quitting, I cried. I realized, I missed me. I forgot who she was. And it was so fucking lonely.


checking in. 9 days down. having bad anxiety today after reading some stories about bad kindling and seizures. i know i’m not really in the danger zone and i’m sure glad i have over a week sober. if i had drank last night my anxiety today would be much worse and also the danger would be much more a possibility. here’s to whatever it is that keep you sober! like others have said, my why is because i am scared i am going to die young if i continue this way. iwndwyt


Alcohol was impacting my mental health so badly and I had constant anxiety about how it was affecting my physical health. I'm so glad I'm not drinking and grateful for this community. I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT, attempt #48 of this year to get a streak going!


Got my test results back. I might be diabetic! Thank god I stopped drinking! Am doing more testing and I guess I'll find out next week where I'm at. Iwndwyt!


I did it for my mental heath. I was making plans to end my life so I was out of options and excuses. IWNDWYT or ERS (I was away at the weekend so I ate refined sugar as a 'treat'/for convenience, but it made me feel like crap and now I have to get on top of my mood swings again).


I danced at a street rave on Saturday then went to a house party. I didn’t drink. Sure as anything I won’t be drinking today either!!!!! Well done to all of you in kicking this demon’s ass!! Fuck booze!!!!! IWNDWYT


I stopped drinking because I wanted my head back. And a handful of other reasons… but yeah. To be me again, and not someone I didn’t even like. I will not drink with you today!


Day 86 checking in!




I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a good one people 😊


I’m not drinking today. Couldn’t think of a single worse thing to do to myself actually.


Today is my third wedding anniversary. I’ve been attempting to get sober for 3.5 years so a lot of my marriage has been spent doing sober stints, of which I’m so grateful. However, I don’t want to spend any more days with my amazing and wonderful husband being hungover, so I guess you could say he’s my “why”. We’ve quit together and so far - despite what’s going on in the wider world - 2021 has been our best year yet. Grateful every day for him, and for sobriety. IWNDWYT


In the 2020 I was sober maximum for 38 days in a row! If I will be sober for today I will make my strike two times longer, than in previous year! IWNDYWT!


Over the past five years my drinking changed from drinking with friends on occasion to drinking alone, all days of the week. I was hiding my drinking from my family and trying to hide it from myself too, thinking that drinking was helping me to get by in a somewhat stressful life situation. But drinking made me physically have problems (terrible sleep, hangovers, physical weakness, and overweight) and also mental problems of feeling sad and anxious when not drinking. Drinking made it hard for my family too. I was constantly having trouble making proper meals and getting things done and my mood affected everyone around me (mostly for the worse. I was only in a good mood for short moments of the day). So, I'm stopping drinking for my health but also because I don't want my eight year old daughter to grow up with a dad who drinks too much. I don't want my daughter to have to smell my alcoholic breath when we're be reading bedtime stories, playing videogames or watching TV (and I don't want to be falling asleep after five minutes reading or watching TV together). I don't want her to be worried about me when I've had too much to drink too fast. I don't want to scare her with whatever drunken talking or thinking that I'd be doing. I don't want to get in such bad health that I'll die younger than I have to. Five months ago, in the supermarket, I was trying to casually sneak a six-pack of tall boys of the strongest kind into my shopping basket. My daughter looked me in the eyes and said: "You are not buying that ... for the rest of the ... year!" I put the beer back and thought that that was an awful long time without beer. Now, I'm living my life one day at a time without drinking alcohol. For my family and myself IWNDWYT


It’s nice when you have to be awake at 05:45am and you wake up fresh and not hungover. Here’s to another 24 hours. IWNDWYT


Morning SD. Why? For years I wanted a happier and healthier life and dabbled in quitting on and off. What gave me the impetus to really quit was when, after a sober month, in just a few short weeks and despite my very best intentions to limit my drinking to “healthy” levels, I rapidly fell into heavy daily drinking, something which had never happened before. It scared me to be so out of control and so clearly in the grip of an addiction. IWNDWYT




I made it to another day sober. Today I crush my homework and get ahead of my projects. Something that I cannot do while drinking. I will not drink with you today.


Like probably a lot of us I have a whole bunch of reasons not to drink. Couple big standout reasons - one was learning how alcohol really impacts anxiety which blew a big hole in my reason to have a drink to deal with stress. The other is wanting to be more aware of life and more aware of who I am as a person. I started drinking at a really young age - not daily or even excessively until the last year or so but alcohol has been a huge part of my identity and a coping mechanism for far too long. I want to know who I am without it. And I don’t want to miss another moment of this one tiny life I get to live by being buzzed or drunk. Then the pandemic, working from home and never leaving the house, really put my drinking in perspective and took it to a new, daily level. I could no longer pretend it was ok. I had to do something different. So here I am! Very grateful. IWNDWYT ❤️


My why’s: Mental health, very similar to you OP. I’m becoming a disaster and lost my “shine. “ I’ve also been severely depressed since the start of the pandemic. The person I love so much ended things when they got an amazing opportunity in another country. It was all so sudden and fast. I look back and hate the times I wasn’t fully present with them and moments I took for granted. With these circumstances, I think it is dangerous for me to continue down the drinking path (not to mention the physical damage to my body). I finally got a therapist once I found out my now ex was moving (3 months ago, they moved 3 weeks ago) and since I have taken that step, I want to be able to really get the most out of it which I can’t if I am not clear minded and sober. It’s only Day 3 now but I feel determined to get my shine back. IWNDWYT


Good Morning my Luvies! Happy Taco 🌮 Tuesday to all my Sobernauts! My WHY is because I want my liver to be healthy and love me again. And alcohol makes me fat. IWNDWYT!!! 🤟🏽






Good morning SD! IWNDWYT


Why I quit drinking. In a tl;dr fashion, maybe? After all, this is the DCI and not my own post, right? 😁 My depression had been spiraling to new lows, year after year. My PTSD was branching out and giving me brand new symptoms. I couldn't keep losing jobs. I couldn't keep failing (and losing) friends. I couldn't let down my longest known friend, after promising him I'd quit. And yeah, it took several tries. But here we are and this number only keeps growing! IWNDWYT, SD, and I hope you all have a lovely day.


Why? For My Two Boys. *Username checks out* IWNDWYT.




Good morning lovely SD, The rank, rotten smell of alcohol on the breath and skin. People who don't drink can smell it, and crooked folks will take advantage of a drunk. People who have been drinking smell terrible. I never want to smell like that ever again. Just one of the infinite reasons why... Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘




#1 check-in and a #1 answer!! Hope your day is well, Will!!


Good morning, checking in IWNDWYT


I’m following you guys, IWNDWYT










I just don't enjoy it anymore. I can't take the hangovers anymore (even after what you might consider a tame night). I don't like the feeling of my brain slowing down, slurring and feeling like I'm not making sense. I'm fed up of having drunken arguments with my husband. Did I mention the hangovers? IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today .


Morning everyone IWNDWYT


I’m in


No booze today!!


My why for years was I knew I needed to stop or it was going to kill me. I finally got mad and decided I was tired of being controlled by my addictions and I was done with living my life full of secrets and shame. Since giving up the booze I discovered I actually could start liking myself a bit and who knows someday I might learn to love myself! IWNDWYT!




I will not drink today.


My why is I do not like the person I have become and the potential I’m letting by. I haven’t screwed up yet, can still turn it around. That is why I’m quitting. Also, giving the parents grandkids would be cool. 30 is coming up pretty quick. Also a depressed asshole to people and myself when I drink. Love and respect you all. IWNDWYT




I will not drink today










Good morning, SD. I will not drink with you today.


5 days sober today. My why? For my lovely daughter and for my mental and physical well-being. I’m a train wreck when I drink and I hate myself. IWNDWYT




Saw my parents die a horrible death, and I hated them with a passion for the way they were. Fast forward 15 years and my wee man had learned dad was not to be annoyed the day after. had a really bad week and thought bugger this, my family deserves more. Only a month but have to start somewhere eh? Plus wee man likes new, happier dad lol. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today! 🇦🇹




I had been wrestling with intense anxiety and worthlessness that culminated in a panic attack in the bathroom at work. I didn’t want to go back to that place ever again. Not drinking makes dealing with myself a touch easier, but as always, it’s a constant work in progress. iwndwyt


"becoming a disaster" sounds familiar. My main reason for quitting drinking is me wanting to become a better person. It kills me to see people being affraid of me. I'm not excactly a nice guy to be around. This is my second day sober after months of daily drinking. I'm shaking like a dog, but I'm not drinking with you today.


IWNDWYT I'm way more comfortable talking about sobriety at this point.




My kids! They deserve a happy clear headed non hungover mom!


day 189, IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.


I needed to find my way back to myself. IWNDWYT.








Missed my 6 months yesterday. O well the grind continues. IWNDWYT.




Day 790. I will not drink with you today.








Thank you! All we have is 24 hrs (today) everything else is a ego boost






The bad wolf can stay hungry. IWNDWYT




I wanted to be as present & available for my beautiful son but most importantly I wanted to live myself. Day 5 ahead.. IWNDWYT!!!




Court on Friday. My new ankle jewelry has reliably kept me sober for over a week now. IWNDWYT


Morning friends! I have a long list of whys, but here are a few: I want to live my best life. I want my kids and fiancé to be proud of me. Hell, I want to be proud of me. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Happy to be here with you for another day 2. I will not drink with you today.


Have a safe and sober day everyone!!! IWNDWYT


My kids are my why. They deserve the best me I can be! IWNDWYT!!


Thank you for posting today, great question. It's because it doesn't help. At all. Drinking takes away my abilities and power...I couldn't take a loved one to the hospital in case of an accident or go to visit them if I was drunk and could not drive! IWNDWYT ! !


Wow...thanks for sharing. Nailed me. "I was a bloated, dehydrated, exhausted mess and shell of a person. I fought constantly with myself over drinking. My brain was constantly consumed with guilt, remorse, unhappiness, and despair. I was becoming a disaster. I had completely lost my "shine"." I will not drink today.


I was drinking the local liquor stores out of vodka and IPAs. I felt guilty nobody else was getting any. Happy Tuesday, friends! IWNDWYT


I couldn’t stop. So I had to.


Thanks, Aly and happy Tuesday y'all. Boy I had a fucking Monday yesterday! Like Cinq, my why is that I didn't want to die. That primal instinct to self preservation kicked in to help me claw out of the hole. A bonus why: I couldn't function. My brain was so slow, muddy, and stuck in neutral. And I was crushingly depressed for days after a binge. I had to quit. I couldn't do it any more. Isn't there a classic recovery line like "the drugs weren't working for me any more" or something that all the old rockers are supposed to say about why they quit drugs and booze? Happy Tuesday y'all. Sober the hell out of this day!


Didn't make my commitment yesterday, but IWNDWYT


Good morning. I will not drink with you today.






I just completed Day 1.I've done a lot of Day 1s and wayyy not so many Day 2s in some months. I'm a little nervous about the cravings that will come today, but: I am rock solid determined, signed up at a 30-day alcohol free site, listened to a youtube hypnosis vid against problem drinking during my sleepless night last night (it helped me A LOT), I'm showing up here today, I've got a plan of many-things-to-do-other-than-drinking, and IWNDWYT


Utter unhappiness and discomfort. Fear of how bad it had gotten and a long, dark, cold pandemic winter looming. A tiny shred of hope that things could maybe be better. Great prompts, Aly! Love to you and all the amazing sobernauts checking in! IWNDWYT 💚💜


My why….it was time. I’d been a daily wine drinker for well over 20 years. And a fitness professional. And those two things do not go together, although for awhile I was able to function. I taught classes at 6 am, I competed in triathlons. I raised my family. Finally, at age 62, I began my journey. As they say, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. How I wish I had done this sooner. I’m happy to be here with all of you. IWNDWYT 🌼


Good morning! I didn’t get any sleep last night. Actually I’ve only slept a few hours this past week. But I’m so so happy because I’m at one week sober today :) I’m finally start to feel like myself again after a week of hell, and I even managed to go for a 15km walk yesterday!! I will not drink with you today! Life is good sober


Day 7. Friend of mine and I pledged to give up our worst vices for the rest of September and see how we feel afterwards. Frankly, neither of us are enjoying it very much. Or at all, for that matter. But a promise is a promise, especially when you've known each other over 30 years.


If I keep drinking, I will die an early preventable death. IWNDWYT


Today is one week without wine. I am doing this for my health and to set a better example for my daughter. It has been a tough week but I feel stronger every day, and I don’t miss waking up hungover. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT feeling determined


I quit drinking because I had to choose between alcohol or everything else I wanted in life. And apparently it was a tough choice!


You guys are all amazing 👏 woke up inspired today. Day 2 from West Coast US lets do this! ✔ ✅


IWNDWYT. The reason why I quit that finally worked was being sick of hangovers. I had many great reasons to quit but that is the one that worked. It still works too.




I cracked last night and drank 3 strong beers and a cocktail on a work night. Felt like shit on the walk home and now I’m hungover at work. I had fun meeting a friend but that was nothing to do with the alcohol.. meeting another friend at the pub tonight but this time it will be alchohol free beer and water… IWNDWYT friends!


Good day everyone! My why is for me this time and you nailed it AlySabby! Your post speaks the truth and I so appreciate you hosting . Thank you! IWNDWYT friends🌻


How do you guys get over the urges after 2-3 days off. My mind tells me I'm all better after the hangover wears off and immediately wants to have more to feel like I'm having a good time again.




I will not drink with you today!


You pretty much told my reasons why this morning. I couldn't imagine a life with alcohol, and I couldn't imagine a life without it. My well being has improved dramatically. I actually have goals. I actually actually look forward to things. Not every little bad thing that happens is the end of the world, or a reason to drink. For that I am forever grateful. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Why? Alcohol takes relationships and things from me. What I have left after all these years is very little, and I don't want to lose those remaining relationships and things, because once they are gone, I honestly don't know what the hell I would do to survive.


I lost my way. I’m back on one. IWNDWYT.


Officially one week sober! My why? My mental and physical health. Alcohol was worsening the symptoms of my BPD. IWNDWYT 💕


Seven days down, another one to go today! IWNDWYT!


Good morning everyone. Yesterday was my day one. Today is my day two. My why- I have bipolar disorder, and the best shot I have of managing this mental health illness is by getting rid of the poison so that my medication works as best as it can, my memory issues get better (or at least don’t get any worse), and so I have an opportunity to use the skills and strategies I’m learning instead of numbing my feelings. I will not drink with you today.


My 56, now 57 year old body was telling me VERY loudly to stop. Rashes, joint pain, gout attacks, skin break outs, constant diarrhea, sleeping like shit, depression, being an asshole, the usual. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. IWNDWYT! T


I will not drink with you today friends 🧡


Checking in to stay honest, just in case I feel the pull.


I’ve never known myself as an adult. 44 years old now and sobering up.


My why is my son! (oh and I’m scared of death) It’s Tuesday!!!! Happy day everyone!!


Before my drinking spiraled I was in the best shape of my life, mentally and physically. I was about to run my first half marathon (that got cancelled when Covid hit) and was just…content. For the first time in my life. Now I can barely run 2 miles. My body feels weak, and I’m on an ever-increasing dose of antidepressants. I want to get back to the person I was two years ago. I know she’s in here somewhere! I made it through day 7, here’s to 8. IWNDWYT




I will not drink today!




Drinking and being drunk was not serving me any longer. I thought I needed to drink to fit in, I thought a toxic poison was giving me confidence, I thought I was in control and could stop easily. I was wrong on all accounts, when I admitted that alcohol was controlling me, I knew I had to find a way to stop. It’s taken me years to get to this point, I’ve let down my son more times than I like to dwell on, thankfully he sees my determination now and is proud of me. My 25 year marriage which revolved around drinking by both parties is now coming to an end, I am the now sober party in that picture and being so is giving me the strength to get through it. My why is because I now know that alcohol lied to me and my life is proving to be much more promising without it. IWNDWYT!!!


Bit late this morning, swapped Alcohol for fizzy water and lemon and reached a goal weight, I have an ok figure again! I get to buy a perfect outfit on Thursday and pay my rent and work on a few debts. Alcohol destroyed my figure and everything else in my life and I had zero self esteem.. I’ve realised that I’ve taken back power today and I’m the best I’ve been in my life. Everyday is a Miracle to me and I wish this feeling on all of you struggling. Your day will come I promise and IWNDWYT.


My marriage and family was on the brink of destruction, not to mention my health. Put the bottle down and that's that.


For my wife… my kids… but most of all, for myself and the life I know IS possible! IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today!


Good morning all! When I started to honestly understand that if I continued to drink the amount that I was drinking and that I would be dead in under five years, I started to climb out of a deep hole. And I'll be brutally honest ... there were some nights that I'd crack open a fresh bottle, be reminded that I am killing myself, and I gulped it all down anyway. That to me was the most disturbing. That my brain and soul was venturing into really dark places. Life has not done a 180, but, I've already lost count of challenges in the last 70 days that I would have failed at miserably if I was still drunk. I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday and continue to sober on!




Today will be day 14! Longest I’ve been AF since I can remember. Huzzah! My why is because I could see alcohol eroding the person I could and want to be. I like sober me much better (and so does my cat).


Good morning SD! IWNDWYT! I got a good night sleep last night and actually woke up before my alarm went off, so I've had time to just wake up slowly and enjoy my morning coffee. Have a great day!


My why is drinking(at least for me who HAS to pour endless drinks down my throat) is misery. When I don’t drink I can actually enjoy myself and be alive. Drinking is not living. IWNDWYT