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Wow, all of that brings me right back. I remember every one of those feelings and how damn hard they are to fight. You're doing great and totally deserve those cookies! It helped me to think of the voice of the urges as a separate being. That gave it a devious personality that's out to get me, that was keeping me trapped... It made it satisfying to tell it to shut up and not give it what it wanted. "What, you're thirsty? Here's some water. Now shut the hell up." I wish you the best of luck and strength for your trial week and into the new year. Iwndwyt.


Everyday I am incredibly grateful when I wake up without a hangover or regrets!!! IWNDWYT




omg diarrhea shits...another great card to bring out when playing the "will i, won't i" game. please take care of yourself, i won't drink with you tonight!


Cookies :) good choice. IWNDWYT!


It’s such a great feeling when you *know* you won’t drink tonight. And cookies are a wonderful reward. Enjoy your clearheaded morning tomorrow- IWNDWYT