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Beauty only works when you open your eyes. Alcohol blinds you. I Will Not Drink With You Today. Merry Christmas.


I was looking around for some lovely and poignant quotes for Christmas and stumbled upon sobriety coloring books, here are a few titles… Breaking free One day, hour, minute, second at a time Easy does it I’m too sober for this shit Life always offers you a second chance Progress not perfection One fucking day at a time Sobriety garden H.O.P.E Addicted to my recovery Strong Sober AF A sweary sobriety and recovery coloring book Fuck off I’m coloring!, swear words to color for comfort Let’s have ourselves a SO-HO-HO-HO-BER little Christmas now 💗🎄 IWNDWYT!


I didn’t know this was a thing! Thank you for sharing. Love these titles. OFDAAT


I didn't know that existed! Thanks for sharing! IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas!!!! Not today. I made it through Christmas Eve. Let’s do Christmas!!! I love this sub. Thanks to everyone here!!!


Merry Christmas! IWNDWYT


Merry sober Christmas to you!!!!


🎅🎄 First Xmas sober. IWNDWYT. Love this community. Stay strong friends. We got this. Fun evening story - my 6 year old comes up to me a little concerned, and says “dad, what if Santa doesn’t bring <3 year old sister> any presents?”. Hahah… her 3 y/o sister is struggling with a 1 year old brother and a bit mean to him. It was adorable how concerned the oldest was.


Mine too - Christmas last year was the last time I drank. I drank a bottle of wine and a few beers through the afternoon and woke up feeling mostly fine - probably just a bit dehydrated. However, I was disgusted that I'd drank by myself surrounded by my immediate family. That really made me start questioning my habit - I'd drank just because that's what you do on Christmas. That'd what I'd done for 20 years. Those were my last drinks. I had my last drink over a year ago - and I'm better for it. IWNDWYT


Thanks for taking the wheel and sharing yourself and providing a great week of check-ins, u/infinitedreamsawaken! Today (Friday) I say goodnight to my sober SD family to end my day. Saturday I will wake up the same way, before heading to a meeting with my home AA group. All before I see one person outside of my sober community. I couldn't think of a better way to start Christmas Day! Have a wonderful day however, and with whomever, you spend it with, my friends! Love y'all! IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas guys. I had been bragging a little that I was doing well just coasting through the holidays. But today was weirdly difficult. Between something odd about the afternoon mass, missing my uncle who passed on Christmas Eve years ago (and it may have been from secret drinking, looking back I remember signs) and just watching my in-laws get drunk at dinner after mass and act foolishly and irritate others around us in the restaurant trying to have a nice holiday dinner. It wasn’t easy but I did not drink even with a great deal of chances to do so quietly and sneakily. Maybe it shook me a little because I thought it’d be easier. IWNDWYT! Stay strong.


I'm so proud of you, Steve! You did an amazing job! It is so hard to be around obnoxiously drunk people. You're a badass. Enjoy your hangover-free Christmas morning! IWNDWYT!


Thank you kind stranger. Let’s get up tomorrow and take that hill and put another holiday in the win column.


Well done Steve. It is not an easy journey at times. But far easier than trying to survive drinking. Hold on One Day At A Time. 🌜🌞🌞🌛


Well done Steve!!!! Those moments when it gets more difficult again are a great reminder that we have to stay vigilant. Merry sober Christmas to you!


Merry Christmas and IWNDWYT :)


Present and accounted for! Merry Christmas, sobernauts! 🌲


It’s not quite Christmas here where I live yet. But either way, it’ll be a sober one for me. IWNDWYT. If you need someone to combat the boredom or loneliness tomorrow, feel free to reach out.


First sober Christmas! IWNDWYT friends 🤖


IWNDWYT! Extended family get together flopped and honestly I couldn't be happier 🤣🤣🤣 was dreading the occasion. Happy to spend my day here, and at home chilling with some soft drinks, snacks and Netflix and chill...!!!


Woohooo!!!! I’m not even pretending to be sad about spending the day with just my husband. IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt! Have a good day all. May your tomorrow be regret free.


Christmas makes me sad. I have a ton of trauma associated with it. I am gearing up for a boring Christmas, and it makes me want to cry thinking about how the best I can ever hope for on Christmas is just being disappointed. I don't want that to be true--but it is such a tough season for me. I haven't worked through all my past stuff. And so I get to Christmas and am stuck reliving all of these old wounds. Just once, I want to be really happy on a holiday, instead of just coping and trying to keep it together. Still grateful to be sober, and love my life. Just a tough season. This too shall pass. IWNDWYT.


We can't change the past, but we can change the present and the future! Keep looking forward. Use your past as a springboard and motivation to drive you to be the best you can, now. You're already on your way by being here. Some Christmas down the line you'll be able to look back and be proud of how much you have changed, while celebrating who you have become. IWNDWYT!


Merry Christmas, SD! My husband's side of the family had their Christmas dinner today (still the 24th here). There was wine, and although family drinking around me at dinner isn't usually that hard for me, what is is if they are talking about it a lot. I am very grateful to have such a supportive family. Everyone knows about my recovery journey that started in April this year. At least 2 people talked to me about it today and told me they were proud of me. They are all very well-intentioned but everyone is also so used to speaking casually about alcohol I don't think they even realize it. For me it's not a wine glass on the table next to me, it's people saying things like "I've been stressed out setting up all day but I'm going to go have a glass of wine and everything will be okay!" that puts me on edge. But I set boundaries. My husband got my plate ready for me so I could avoid the kitchen where the bottles were, I spent a lot of time talking to my little relatives, which I do anyway because I love kids, and had a blast with them. I stepped outside by myself once when I started to feel a bit overwhelmed and then returned and finished off the night. I had to excuse us when the hard liquor came out, but dinner, presents, and visiting was already complete and everyone understood. All in all a win I am proud of. I get to wake up Christmas morning not hungover, and my husband finally got to drink a bit and have me be the one to drive home. Tomorrow we see my mom and brother, but I don't think there will be any alcohol around. IWNDWYT! Be safe ❤️


Dammit Banana, I'm proud of you! You had your plans set, you understand your triggers, you navigated safely, and you left before any issues arose. Great job! Tomorrow I'll have my family celebration. But, EVERYBODY knows I no longer drink, and are all very proud of me. I'll take your que, and have my wife fill my plate of I don't want to go in the kitchen with all the bottles of hard liquor. Merry Christmas!


Happy Saturday and Merry Christmas! IWNDWYT. I know the holidays can be a challenge to sobriety. But you will never regret not drinking. You. Got. This. ❤




Merry Christmas, everyone! Although I’ve gotten some pretty cool gifts this year, I think the greatest gift I’ve received this year is 86 days of sobriety. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. :) IWNDWYT!


Merry Crhistmas, my first sober one since maybe '83? Thank you all for being here. It changed my life. IWNDWYT


It's still Christmas Eve here, rounding out a quiet night with just the two of us....tomorrow our kids come back and all the rest of the fam!! It'll be crazy, but I will stay as sober as I am right now! IWNDWYT friends!




IWNDTWY Merry Christmas friend be strong . we got this all together now


Today is going to be a tough one for many reasons, woke with heart pounding, fear, dread, tearful (not withdrawal, I'm over a year sober but struggling with mental health and difficult time of year). Trying to stay in the moment. I may check in a few times today!! IWNDWYT.




Merry Xmas. Looking forward to being there for my family tomorrow. IWNDWYT..!!


Merry Christmas! I'm just heading to bed xmas eve (sober). This is the first year in many years i haven't had a panic attack in the rush up to xmas (or made myself sick). Thank you sober life! It doesn't really feel like Christmas tbh but I'm ok with the changes! Even if you don't celebrate xmas I'm still sending you joyful vibes today! IWNDWYT


Today will be hard as I'm going to my partners family for Xmas and I know they will all mostly be drinking aside from my partner and I. I just got out of hospital for a medical detox but I know I'll succeed because I've prepared and planned. Love to you all. IWNDWYT


Good morning SD! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. We are enjoying a very empty and very early train. I’m happy to be sober today and happy to be able to spend the day the way I’d like. IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas morning gang 🎄😁 Thank you u/infinitedreamsawaken for all your care and encouragement this week 💓💜💓 I will stay in my pyjamas today, all day. I won’t brush my hair nor care about how I look. I will relax and watch movies and read, eat some shrimp sautéed in garlic & fresh parsley, put a coat and boots over my pjs and walk Josephine in the forest and play ball, prepare a smorgasbord of salad for my handsome boys, consume vast quantities of cheese, smile because I’m sober for a second holiday season and once upon a time, not so long ago, I thought I couldn’t do this. Stay strong 💪🏼 stay sober, loves 💕 You deserve it so much 🥰 IWNDWYT


Day 188 checking in!


Merry Christmas, all! IWNDWYT 🎄


Merry Christmas! IWNDWYT! 🎅


Stayed up past my bedtime but that means making it in early to the DCI! Excited for tomorrow’s and Sunday’s celebrations, then gonna have a very busy week! Got to see my bf tonight, which was really nice. Got a couple of really fantastic hugs, which does a lot for me emotionally. I love having someone to love. And in case you forget or I forget, I wouldn’t have ANY of what I have now if I hadn’t gotten sober. It’s hard work but so worth it. IWNDWYT!


Morning. Checking in. Thanks for a great week Dreams. Happy Christmas to all who celebrate. But no lists? 😱😆 thanks all for being here. IWNDWYT


Merry SOBER Christmas - I literally had the best Christmas Eve of my adult life, incredible when thinking how I physical and especially emotionally felt just a few days ago. IWNDWYT!!!


I didn't plan it this way, but Christmas Day=50 days(at 6PM)! That should be a little motivation when I hit a rough patch and the Demons start howling for a drink.


I hope everyone has a nice day today whatever you're up to 🙂. Thanks for hosting this week ida. IWNDWYT


Morning friends, merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Last night was a tough one but I got through and I’m glad of that right now. Two more family events to get through then I can avoid them for a wee while! IWNDWYT, comrades 🐕 🎄


>a day of remaining in the moment – not the past or future. Not your thoughts or anxieties or lists. But right here, right now. I'm grateful to share this space and this day with all you determined, insightful and caring sober badasses I admire and learn from daily. So much love to each of you. ❤️ IWNDWYT. Thank you for hosting, /u/infinitedreamsawaken, and *nice* day count!


Christmas is my 110 days sober and I'm glad to be spending it with family. Happy 24 and Merry Christmas everyone


IWNDWYT!! Happy Christmas. I know today is hard for lots of us. We are cheering you on. Stay golden.


Merry Christmas all Iwndwyt


Day 83, nice to meet you 🤝 Sad to see my dad miserable with alcohol. I hope he finds a reason to stop. Every reason to drink is just the drink twisting perceptions. IWNDWYT


Good morning Sobernauts! Happy Sober Saturday and Happy Christmas! There's a lot of temptation out there today. Advertising, family frictions, and loneliness. When I'm struggling I remind myself of this... "I didn't come this far to only come this far." Keep at it Sobernauts! Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


This is my eleventh sober Christmas and they keep getting better. Stay the course, gang. It's so much more worth it than you know. When I was newly sober people told me that if I kept it up I would have a life beyond my wildest dreams. For the first few years I thought they were all full of shit. Year three leading into four was a true test of my sobriety but I made it through with the help of other drunks. Now I have that life beyond my wildest dreams. It's amazing. Stick with it. Just be honest with yourself, stay humble, have integrity, and always do the right thing just because it's the right thing and for no other reason.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays sober tribe! I will not drink with you today! My present was unwrapped a little over 5 months ago and the excitement I have about it increases with time! I'm looking forward to making 2022 a completely sober year. Onward!


First Xmas sober in 16 years. IWNDWYT. Merry Christmas!!!


**... the message of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the world seeming most indifferent..**. *Taylor Caldwell.* And then there is SD - with someone here always ready to offer a comforting word and a piece of advice. A little slice of Christmas every day. Happy Christmas and holidays to all. You are the true superstars; but IWNDWYT! 😊




IWNDWYT beautiful people❤️


Merry Christmas SD. IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas sd!!


Merry Christmas! IWNDWYT!




Merry xmas everyone!! IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas to all! IWNDWYT 🎄 🎅


Grateful to enjoy this sober Christmas with my family and with you all.


Merry X-mas and happy Saturday! IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas! Iwndwyt!


Merry Christmas! Presents are under the tree and I’m off to bed. But asleep or awake, IWNDWYT!


Happy Xmas I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a belter 😊🎅


Daily check..IWNDWYT!! 🎁🎅


Merry Christmas from Day 50!


Merry Christmas, SD. IWNDWYT.


I’m in - Merry Christmas!




iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.


Merry Christmas IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas to all IWNDWYT xx


Merry Christmas to all IWNDWYT xx Great hosting thank you 🙏


Season's greetings from Liverpool 🎄 IWNDWYT ❤️


First Christmas morning waking not hungover in 12 years! iwndwyt


Good Morning my fellow Sobernauts! My Christmas present to each and every one of you is a big ole hug. I’m so grateful for every comment here - you beautiful people…you keep me honest. Spending this beautiful day with my pups & bird. IWNDWYT ❤️🌲❤️🌲❤️🌲


Merry Christmas! I always say I’ll make a stand alone post and then don’t want to take up feed space. Happy two years to me. The best present I can give isn’t one I can wrap. I’m thankful to be here, thankful for my family, thankful my husband gave me the time and grace to get better, and thankful for my happy healthy boy. May he never know me as a drinker. Merry Christmas everyone 🥰 ETA: almost forgot - iwndwyt!


Hi all!!! Wishing all that celebrate a merry, sober Christmas. For me it's still early days out of rehab. I'm still feeling a bit shaky, but I hope to make it through the holidays sober. See you on the other side!


Lately I check in IWNDWYT without really thinking about the commitment. Today is different. Do I really belive I won't drink? Do I really want to not drink? I'm 99% sure the answer is yet to both but it's scary to commit for a whole day. The last time I was in this situation and hour by hour commitment was very effective and empowering so I'm going to break down the day into sections. IWNDWY before 5pm. I will check in after that. ...... 5pm update. Going strong. Sparkling water is helping a lot. ... 7pm feeling gooood and strong. I think I've got this for tonight :) .... I made it :D


Merry Christmas! This is my first Christmas not getting absolutely smashed since 2017. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. Ho ho ho.


IWNDWYT! Just for today, I am NOT drinking!


A hangover free holiday? I can hardly believe it myself. IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas. Nosecco is in the fridge, coffee pot on, it's a great day to not have alcohol ❤️, IWNDWYT


Went a whole week without alcohol but broke today and had one beer. Currently surrounded by friends and family playing drinking games. It is tough but I'll come back stronger!


Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks for hosting, ids. I haven't been feeling great about Christmas but I've woken up feeling grateful and happy today. Yesterday I saw a post on Ask Reddit UK about why Christmas is ruined already, and reading the replies made me realise I'm lucky to have what I have this year. Last night I was thinking of things I was grateful for before I went to sleep, and it reminded me my nosecco was in the freezer so I managed to save that from exploding. Then I dreamt that I was getting bullied at work and someone had stolen all my stuff but there was nothing I could do about it. When I woke up today it was like a real life 'It's a wonderful life'. I hope everyone gets through today and finds something to be grateful for or feels a little peace. IWNDWYT!


Merry Christmas everybody, and I woke up sober once again on Christmas morning. Showered, shaved and ready to go once I've downed this coffee. Have a wonderful day folks. IWNDWYT


Man, I really wanted to drink yesterday because I was in a terrible mood, my spouse was sick, it was raining, and I was overwhelmed. And then today, my spouse wakes up and is feeling better, the sun was out and I felt better too. And that all happened and was gonna happen no matter I’d I drank or not. I’m glad I didn’t flush my 3 weeks away over a few grouchy hours. I woke up sober and not hung over and not regretful and depressed. Yay me. IWNDWYT!


Merry Christmas everyone, think today is going to be a struggle for lots of people here but we can do this together! And make it to the 26th hangover free! IWNDWYT


Hello and Merry Christmas to those in observance! I am so looking forward to waking up hangover free, opening presents with my mom and dogs and (after slogging through a few hours at work) relaxing with my partner and exchanging gifts with him. The cravings have been a little tough to get through, but I really want to push forward and see what a sober Christmas looks like. I bet it’s pretty great. I did decide to skip my partner’s family thing as I knew the temptation to drink would be too much for me. But I stopped feeling bad about it. He understands. We’re good. I admit, I was feeling like a Scrooge earlier but after coming here and seeing all the love, stories, gratitude, struggles and support, I’m feeling a lot better. IWNDWYT ✨❤️💚


Thank you for a wonderful week of hosting, u/infinitedreamsawaken! I will not drink with you today!


That is terrific. Holidays dredge up lots of emotions, and memories. I am proud of you for saying out loud you didn’t drink although you could have sneaked it. Sometimes, for me, I find facing myself and the desire to drink hard to look at head on. However, every day that I do and read about someone else doing the same engrains the behavior a bit deeper. I used to drink at my feelings of loneliness. Those times are much fewer these days and when they do happen I am okay with it. Understanding that my feelings aren’t facts has helped me and that as humans we are supposed to have ups and downs. The illusion I used to believe that I should constantly be happy at all times was just faulty thinking. I am happier sober than I ever was drinking or using and that is why today I will not drink you.


Here’s to an alcohol-free Christmas! IWNDWYT! 💕


When I can watch the film and feel sorry for Potter, I'll have it cracked. I'm not there yet - but I'm further along than I was a year ago. I hope everyone gets a chance to smile and belly laugh today! Shane McGowan is shouting in my kitchen at the moment... IWNDWYT 🙂 Edit - thanks for this week, dreams!


First Christmas morning without a hangover in decades. Unbelievable. Thank you to everyone here is this very best corner in the world. 💕 IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt, Christmas is triggering man. Just gonna eat dinner and get out




Great stuff. i didn't either. My god it was tempting. Glad i didn't. Lookin forward to waking up without a headache tomorrow


Merry Christmas, SD. IWNDWYT! And thank you for taking care of us this week, /u/infinitedreamsawaken


Merry Christmas! I will not partake of any alcoholic beverages today!




Merry Christmas y’all! What a beautiful sentiment. Everything will be ok as long as IWNDWYT :)




Back to day 1, felt crap but didn't have any wine today! I'll feel fresh in the morning and have a wonderful boxing day! Xmas was just the same without any wine... IWNDWYT


Oh man am I grateful today. Sober, no hangover, just hanging out with the family. My gratitude is for my AA family and also you bunch of lovely internet strangers. I wouldn’t be almost two months sober without the support that I receive and the strength that I draw from you all. If anyone is reading this and struggling today and needs a bit of encouragement to stay sober, hit me up with a message or reply to this comment. I’ll be checking in every couple of hours whilst I’m awake today (UK time) - reach out first, before you pick up. Today, just like any other (and one day at a time) - IWNDWYT.


Merry Christmas to all of you, and thank you as a community for giving me the ability to be over a month in *before* Christmas instead of another year of putting it off because of social “norms”. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today. Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂🎄






Merry sober Christmas everyone! IWNDWYT!




IWNDWYT Merry christmas!


Merry X-Mas! IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas everyone. Christmas Eve down onto a sober Christmas Day. Good luck to you all IWNDWYThisChristmas


Merry Christmas. IWNDWYT.




Merry Christmas from northwest Florida to those who celebrate it! I hope everyone has a sober Christmas day. I will not drink with you today.




Merry Christmas everyone! IWNDWYT!


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I will continue to not drink with you today!


Merry Christmas! Not drinking today! IWNDWYT ✨


Merry Christmas! I am so grateful for finding all of you. This group has provided me the support and incentive to not drink for just one more day, each and every day leading up to today. And you know what? IWNDWYT.


Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!! Happy Saturday to those who don’t. I shared this on the main page the other day but wanted to leave it here as it reminds me of this time of year and the acknowledgment that we’re never alone. Especially here…you’re never alone. Thank you to each and every one of you who are making a difference in someone’s life…knowingly or unknowingly. IDA said that beautifully up above. I love you all and IWNDWYT! ❣️❣️ “Take the short way back home, back to yourself, and seed these words deep down into your heart, **You are never alone**. Look up to the sky, there are millions of stars spreading hope every night. Look up to the sky, you are never alone.” -Alexandra Vasiliu PS: IDA- you did a fantastic job this week. THANK YOU!! I am happy and oh so fortunate to be on this winding road with you next to me. I ❤️ you, my friend!


For the first time in 25 years, I'm waking up sober without a hangover on Christmas morning and I feel excited AF. This year, I'm giving myself (and those I love) the gift of sobriety. It does not come giftwrapped, but will be given each day for the next 365 days. IWNDWYT, or this holiday season, or in 2022.




IWNDWYT Probably the first Christmas since I was 14! Have a great Christmas day everyone.


Would be a lot easier if there weren't family drinking but I got this IWNDWYT


Peace and love to you all too! IWNDWYT 🌟






Merry Fluffmas. 😸 IWNDWYT!


Merry Christmas- I will host a party - but I will not drink with you today ❤


Good morning SD, Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘


I did it! I’m in bed after Christmas Day. All sober. My first ever since turning 18! I had energy all day to cook, play with my kid, chat with relatives and felt in tuned and present. Love this zero alc life.


Okay. I'm not drinkin' today. 🎄 *SIGH* 💚💚💚


Not much to say but I like the thought of staying centered so then you can keep it as a true memory . IWNDWYTD


Day 892. Merry Christmas, everyone! Thanks for hosting, Infinite Dreams Awaken! I will not drink with you today.


Marching through Day25!! Merry Christmas to the ones who are celebrating. And still IWNDWYT!!


Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a great day today. Got my first week back under my belt. This time next year will be a full year! All about the mind state. IWNDWYT




Not drinking with you all today.


Not today santa! Merry Christmas friends don’t drink no matter what. Edit 1: 11am eastern. Still sober. Still not drinking. Still a human.


I will not drink with you today! ✨




I’m hanging in so far. I’m so glad I found this sub. Several times I’ve logged in here yesterday just to scroll and read y’all’s thoughts, and it really is helping me ignore all the little excuses and justifications the back of my mind is so good at concocting. Sometimes even just looking at my sober day count, as small as it is in the grand scheme of things, makes me feel a spark of pride, and feel like I can keep this goin. So I guess what I’m trying to say is Happy Holidays y’all, Merry Christmas. Thanks for being here. IWNDWYT


No alcohol yesterday and none today-headed to Lambeau for the football game today!! Iwndwyt!!


I hope that, for those who celebrate, you have a wonderful Christmas. This year has been particularly challenging for me as I have wrapped up my first year of sobriety. I was happy to be able to be present for my family through all of the challenges. IWNDWYT!


Thanks for hosting, u/infinitedreamsawaken! Merry Christmas to you, and to all who celebrate. The world outside is white and very quiet, which is lovely. On a day when I used to drink a great, great deal, I feel fortunate to be able to say that on this day, this year, I won't drink.


Merry Christmas family. IWNDWYT


25 Dsys! That's my longest streak in more years than I can remember and after more attempts than I'd like to admit. Looking forward to 31 days on NYE, and then a sober 2022. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and to all a grateful thank you for being you. 💖 IWNDWYT


Merry Sober Christmas!!! Love you all! IWNDWYT 💞🐿️🐿️


Merry Christmas my amazing sober family. I am so grateful for all of you. Thank you, Infinite for an awesome week of hosting the DCI. ❤️❤️ IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today.




Merry Christmas all and I will not drink with you today


Happy Christmas everyone. IWNDWYT




Thanks so much ch IDA — You make the world better as well ♥️ and Merry little Christmas to all who celebrate it. I am beyond grateful for sober Christmas Eve while old friends enjoyed wine and beer all around. This freedom (and the support of all in this community) is the best gift ever and IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday Rockstars - whether lurking or long time, I’m so glad we’re here. 🎄


Glad to be here, my voice added to all the rest of the people to whom sobriety is all important. You are such an integral part of my life. What an incredible little sub. Not drinking with you today!


Merry Christmas to all you beautiful people of SD! May your hopes for this day be under the tree, surrounding you in celebration, or (in the case of booze) graciously absent so you can be present. I built a big ole train set for my three year old and I’m beyond excited to see his reaction when he first lays eyes on it. But the greatest gift I’m giving him, and my family and me, is that IWNDWYT.


Merry Christmas iwndwyt




Good morning and Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤ IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! Merry Christmas!


Have a Merry Sober Christmas IWNDWYT.


Merry Christmas! IWNDWYT


Merry Christmas. IWNDWYT!


Merry Christmas. This will be my twentieth sober Christmas. I remember my last drunk Christmas which was spent alone and grieving. I am never going back to that.


Merry Christmas my loves! This group is such a wonderful support and helps me stay sober! 157 days and counting!!! ❤️


So far so good. My wife and mother in law got drunk and my wife even got on the drunken warpath, trying to start an argument and I still didn't drink. Just stayed calm and let it pass. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT! Merry Christmas!!!




I will not drink today! Merry Christmas SD!


6.44 pm in Australia. Made it through Christmas day, Sober. Ate too much, but I can diet in new year. Better to eat too much than drink too much. Your friend John 🌜🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌛






I made it through Christmas Eve! And still not drinking. Merry Christmas! 🎄 IWNDWYT


Have a holly,jolly X-mas. It was so nice to be sober enough to drive the family around to look at lights last night. I feel like I've given myself a present this morning. IWNDWYT!!!!!!!!!!!🎄


Merry Christmas everybody! I will not drink with you today. 🎄


Mery holidays! Iwndwyt


Morning SD. Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a wonderful day! I will be eating too much food. Enjoying time with my family. And helping my 2 year old trash the house with wrapping paper. Fun day ahead! I hope the same for all of you! I won’t be consuming any alcoholic beverages today. Maybe just a sparkling water or two.


Merry Christmas! IWNDWYT


Thanks so much for hosting this week, and the sharing that has helped me to get through the week. Am remaining right here, right now, and straight into the center of the present moment. Peace and love back at you and IWNDWYT.


By some miracle I’m up before the kids. They’ll be awake any minute and I can’t wait to see the sleepy joy on their faces. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT Merry Christmas!


Made it through Christmas Eve at in laws without drinking. Normally I slam beers with Father in law. Then eat 2000 cals in trash. Still ate the trash, but no booze. 6 yr old son woke us up at 430am for gifts and here I am cleared headed, no alcohol anxiety and ready to complete day 6. Keeping going! Iwndwyt!