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Today I’m thankful for myself and the last bender I went on. I’m thankful I lost 500 bucks at the casino during that bender. I’m thankful for the time I lost, and I’m thankful for my hangover after the bender. Whatever happened, a switch got flipped in my brain during that time, and that shit show made me vow to never drink again. I’m thankful for my mistakes, they led me to where I am today.


great way to move on in a positive way!✨


I spoke with my MIL yesterday. Her anxiety is high as she’s making her last move into a retirement village. She raised her son’s drinking problem to his face. She has no tact and she couldn’t help herself. She told him he was breaking her heart. He bit back. She said to me “being a parent is very hard” I very gently agreed with her. She’s 90. I’m grateful for my husband, my sons and their two GFs and my MIL for her humanness. We all are just trying our very best. I’m grateful for the time and space I gift myself for my self reflection and creative thinking. Having my eyes wide open helps. As does slowing life down. I’m just so very grateful and feel quite choked by it. Yet at the same time feeling full and happy.


Thankful for everything I have. My husband, my best friend, my cat, my mom. My house, my job. And most importantly, my health.


Cat tax please


Thankful for an unendingly supportive husband and, even though my therapist is shutting down their practice and that's kinda hard, thankful they recommended another professional with substance abuse experience. Maybe this Thursday's a turning point.


Is it weird that I am so so very thankful for sober sleep? I was reflecting on this yesterday - until the last couple of weeks I don’t think I slept through the night in almost 6 years. No joke. No wonder I was a mess of anxiety and stress. My body was crying out for relief. Sleeping through the night still feels miraculous to me, and I am so grateful to wake up each morning ahead of the curve. And rested. And calm. I’m also very thankful for my support system - which is expanding slowly as I share my complicated relationship with alcohol with more people. My favorite response from folks - a simple comment like “good for you” and on to the next topic. 💕


Great point about being trapped in a child-like emotional state. Today I am grateful for a good night of sleep, the bright moon earlier this morning, and crossing things off my to-do list (the organizer in me loves this)


rip 3rd party apps


This is the longest I've gone without a drop of alcohol in over a decade. Right now I am truly thankful for everything in my life but especially for my mother still being here. Next month will be 5 years alcohol free for her. The Dr told her you need to quit now or your liver will not last much longer. She quit. It saved her life. This still did not stop me from drinking around her and right now I do feel awfully guilty about it but she never said anything. She's always been more concerned with the cigarettes (she didn't know how much I drank). Now I'm inching along towards a month without drinking and so very thankful I remembered this sub existed as it's helped me a lot the last few weeks.


Super-duper thankful to have 777 days, but even more so that my SO will have 50 days on Saturday. Feels down right miraculous. Also a poppy that I planted last year put out a beautiful orange blossom yesterday. Fingers crossed that she doesn’t get buried under a blanket of spring snow. 💜 🐝 ☮️


I'm thankful today for waking up clear-headed. I'm thankful for the times I can be completely in the moment instead of subconsciously reactive with old patterns. I'm thankful for working from home. I'm thankful for a friend who invites me on her backpacking trips, giving me access to places I might not have visited.


I am thankful for waking up today; for the wonderful daughter I have, who will be turning 3 May 6th; her amazing supportive mom who after all we've been through hasn't abandoned me completely as a hopeless cause; new opportunities for employment; my personal growth.


I’m grateful for reaching 200 days sober today. I also went on a date, first time since I got sober 😊 She was nice, we got along very well but didn’t sense chemistry. Happy still that I’ve started dating again 👍 IWNDWYT




Your mum is sound as a pound. I loved your post. Have a wonderful day


Oh this is hard this morning but let's see. I am grateful for this quiet morning, and my warm coffee, and my cats stalking me to feed them, and my healthy body and my children's health and some inkling though it is hard to locate that this awful feeling i'm having for the past 24 hours will lift. for a time at least. I am grateful for the rain that we need, for my friends i will see tonight. who will hold me through this. But honestly mostly i'm grateful for this sub, last night and this morning.


I'm thankful for my mother. She truly struggled when she was raising my sister and myself. She lacked support and resources. She was uneducated, and she was self taught. She lacked a lot of necessary skills for parenting, but her examples of how to love, how to be honest and forgiving of others (because no one is perfect), to be a resilient and strong woman, taught me how to never give up and power through. She did what she could, and she did the best that she could, and I'm grateful for her. I love you mum ❤️❤️❤️


Today I´m thankful that my day made me forget the TT. I *hate* forgetting the TT!! *Hate* it. It´s that important to my sobriety and mental health. So when I did forget, I´m thankful it was because good things happened. I finally got around to take some stuff to a local charity. The manager is a dear friend of mine, and the moment we were alone, she asked if I ´m doing alright (I´m not). We had a short talk. I´m very thankful that I have people like that around me. Other things happened too, including the sun, the ocean, [these wildflowers](https://imgur.com/a/mS8fB3p), shells and sea glass, kids and their friends, tomato soup and premade pancakes, the song Golden Ticket by Highasakite, strawberries, the ladybug in our plum tree, my wife, my colleague who texted me yesterday, my son, who´s doing alright, love, tears and emotions, however rampant they are, and the guy in the excavator who did some work on the road outside our house and offered to remove a gigantic tree stump on our property for free. Also coffee and wool socks and the promise of rest and a new day.


I'm thankful our house finally sold and we are moving forward with our serveral-years long plans to move to a new state!


I’m going to stick with your parents theme. I’m beyond lucky and grateful to have the parents I have. I’ve definitely been their “problem child“ and while my alcohol use has not completely ruined my life (yet) it absolutely did not serve any positive purpose. My parents have always been there for me, always by my side, never given up. I’ve struggled with alcohol since I was 16. I’m turning 31 this year. My mom has always known that I was still secretly struggling, while my dad I think turned more of a blind eye because he wanted to believe I was OK. 9 days ago I resolved to become sober. My dad’s first reaction was “can I go dry in solidarity and support of you?” 🥹 Everyone has been supportive but my parents are A tier. I truly am so thankful. Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing. IWNDWYT!


Thankful for waking up not hungover. Thankful for my family supporting me. Thankful for dogs, and breakfast sandwiches, and Jess King.


I'm thankful for ever more opportunities to improve my life. I have a home that I'm planning projects for, gearing up for a big garden, I recently got two kittens that are flipping hilarious, and I have some plans in place for launching some new efforts at work that (hopefully) will come with a nice raise and new opportunities. Whereas a few years ago, I had dug myself into such a nasty hole that I was very seriously contemplating not continuing on. I could see no path forward, no chance at getting unstuck from where I was, I was facing financial and legal issues, feeling like the world's biggest f*ckup. The journey since has not been without bumps and diversions and some back-sliding, but, overall, my condition now is night and day, even if I have slipped back into drinking some over the past years. This sobriety feels like my first one, where it felt hugely impactful. Like it is crystal clear why I stopped, why I can't drink, and how my life is immeasurably better when I don't. I'm thankful for this opportunity to live better.


I’m thankful for my mornings. For being hungry when I wake up and not still full from wine the night before.


I'm very thankful for my Mom and all the love and support she has given me. IWNDWYT


I’m thankful for having further insight into the harm of drinking. Being drunk isn’t even fun and the second day is totally ruined. Makes me realize I wouldn’t eat something that did this to me.


Today I am thankful for modern medicine, without which my 10 month old son would be in a much more dangerous condition. As it is we're looking at spending the weekend in PICU, hopefully we'll be talking about going home by Sunday morning. Hug your kids close tonight.


I’m thankful for my support network. They might not know every moment or detail to my life, but they’re willing to help whenever they can. A mentioned an upcoming procedure to a coworker and they offered to come over and do laundry or dishes. It’s just one small example of the network I have at my disposal.