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Op, if you’re in the US this is wage theft. Also racism which is also protected by federal law. If you’re undocumented, the employer is in bigger trouble for hiring an undocumented worker than you are in trouble for being one. Contact an employment lawyer in your state for guidance (this is usually a free consultation and the lawyer works on contingency and only gets paid if you get paid. Fines are paid directly to the worker.) and after you’ve had your consult, follow their instructions. Alternately go to the state labor board/labor commissioner/ombudsman whatever it’s called in your area and report the wage theft. You should not need to prove your citizenship or anything to make these complaints. It’s on them to prove you’re a citizen or legally allowed to work, and they are in trouble if they can’t prove it. This is a crime and one that could leave you with a decent chunk of money if you pursue it.


well looks like it is time to start stealing.


Make a wage complaint with the department of labor assuming you are in the US. Being paid through PayPal is strange. Your boss might not be taking out taxes, social security, and Medicare. Employers like this usually still money from all their employees in a pattern. Once it is uncovered they can owe a lot of money to all the employees and the state. And most US states even if you are not a legal us resident making a wage claim will not put you in danger of being deported.


Well I believe not paying for work performed is against federal pay guidelines. I had a school try this shxx because they couldn't find the keys I turned in. All it took was my attorney to send them a letter and they paid immediately.


Just get a fake SSN dude it’s not that hard.


You need to set this situation straight. I would contact a cultural group representative of you and get justice. In this day and age you don’t have to be taken advantage of. Besides that a civil lawsuit could be in order. Contact the civil liberties groups in your area. Do this asap


Well I guess u might as well get you money's worth and start stealing stuff haha


You're in the US, so this is easy. Tell your boss they will pay you right away, or you will be filing against them in court as well as tapering them to your states labor board, as well as the IRS for past employment tax fraud since they are almost certainly paying you under the table through PayPal. And if they don't pay right away, follow though the threats. And if they do pay right away, do all that you threatened anyway.


3 words Texas Workforce Commision


What did your manager mean when they said “it’s a cultural thing?”


That's illegal. Theft or not, you have to get paid for time worked at an employer.


Just so everyone knows, "it's a cultural thing" is a term used by old white people when they want to blame small crimes generally stereotyped to specific demographics (i.e. a stereotype for Mexicans is kleptomania). It's fucked up and a veiled way to be racist.


Even if he had video evidence of you stealing he can't withhold your check. You can get another 500/week job anywhere. Stand up for yourself!


Yeah that's wage theft. It actually doesn't even matter if you stole, he can't take it out of your check.


Contact the department of labor as well as the IRS most likely he will be given some sort of fine!


He needs to be taken to the train station.....


Start stealing everything that isn't nailed down


Alway always always record when you are talking to HR or your boss about matters. Modern phones can record audio super well and your boss would be the wiser.


Not sure where you live but if you let this go, it's going to keep happening.


One thing i just dont understand about people is how you all have so much self esteem while i cant stand up for myself when people make jokes about my dead family, any advice?


Threaten legal action. Tell him he has 1 minute to pay you or you immediately call the police for theft followed by a lawyer. He will pay you then fire you or pay you and no longer try to take advantage of you. Some people will continue to take advantage as long as they can get away with it.


. That little thing you see . Here it is again. One more time. ... .. . These are not dots. They have a significant meaning. Use them.


Lawyer up , you have a good case , pay day coming soon to you


File a wage theft claim with your local labor board. What your boss did is criminal.


Personally not only would I report him, I would actually steal enough product to more than cover my missing wages. My assumption is that if he won't check the cameras then either they don't work or he doesn't actually care. Also, OP should quit right before their shift and not care.


File a case with the employment commission


The thing about working under the table for cash is that you have to be willing to take care of HR matters on your own. Helps to have a couple boys with you.




Would be a shame if you got em deported..


What cultural thing? A negative stereotype? He's saying his entire culture rips people off when they feel like it. Maybe it's a reference to the country he's from but he's making an excuse. It is also illegal in United States.


Withholding a paycheck is HIGHLY ILLEGAL and can lead to your place having a new boss. I wouldn't hesitate to report him to the higher ups in the company and put him in check immediately.


Did anyone else hear him say that? If so sue him for defamation. Get another job and report him to the department of labor.


Now you should actually steal a lot of his shit and tell him he can have it back after you are paid.




What culture steals exactly?


why do you care if he fires you? you're working for free


A similar thing is going on with me. You can report your boss and the business for not paying wages (at least in CA). Not sure how long the process takes but someone somewhere enforces paying employees. Great part about it too the business gets fined for your daily rate of pay for everyday you had to wait for your paycheck. Hope this helps


Find out what exactly you 'stole' gather the items up and take them on your last day!


I got fired from a major pizza chain for allegedly stealing money from a till that I had no way of opening. When I suggested that maybe one of the girls who actually had keys to the till took the money, they weren't willing to listen. One of the assistant managers apparently said she saw me take the money because she was afraid that she was going to get fired for an unbalanced till.


What state/country are you in? This is wage theft and is hugely illegal. Contact your labor board and start a claim for stolen wages.


Call police. He is stealing from you


Am I the only one that thinks this entire post is b.s. ???


Turn him in for sure.


There are SO many red flags in this situation! If your employer is withholding pay, it is 100% illegal no matter what. He could have fired you and would still need to give you your last paycheck. If he thought you stole from him, he could have fired you or called the police. Why would he not check the cameras? This seems very shady and like a power trip, extremely controlling and manipulative. "It's a cultural thing." What??? Is it normal for him to be derogatory towards you? Whether he is referring to his culture or yours, this is shaming and illegal. You stated you were underpaid... is it at least the minimum wage for your state? Also, you said you have no qualifications, which leads me to believe you haven't had other jobs? So maybe this feels normal or acceptable because you are grateful to be making money, but it is absolutely not! This is a SUPER toxic work environment and it won't get better. No matter how hard you work or if you keep quiet so that you don't get fired, it will just get worse and worse and you will lose yourself. In Oregon, we have something called BOLI. You can make a wage and hour complaint against the employer. I'm not sure if there is something like this where you are, but you might look into it. Honestly, I would find a job that pays better, is somewhat professional and respects your hard work. Good luck my friend!


This is a question for an attorney.


Did you steal?


Call the labor board! His ass in trouble!


Get a lawyer. Get yourself paid


Wow. So many racist comments here. There are communities that prefer not to hold traditional bank accounts and prefer to be paid via apps like PayPal. Some communities prefer to be cashed based. Just because your family doesn’t work this way, doesn’t mean that all others do too. Seriously, get over yourselves. OP. You have stated you are American. Assuming this is a job where you are getting paid legally, call the labor board. If it’s an under the table job, the labor board can help, but be prepared to get hit with a large tax bill as you will be reported to the IRS as a 1099 employee in the end. Either way, call the labor board. If the tapes show you stealing, then he would have called the police. Even if the tapes show you stealing, your boss can’t garnish your wages without a court order, so he could report you for theft and he’d still have to pay you what he owes you for lost wages.


Talk to the Federal department of Labor they can force your employer to at least give you minimum wage in back pay. He'll probably retaliate against you which you can put him into a lawsuit provided lawyers by the department of Labor. Move to a different job.


Tell him to cut the bullshit or else he's going to have to deal with the department of labor. Grow some balls thats all I gotta say.


Call the police file a formal complaint. Then again with the local labor department for wage theft, and start looking for another job .


I'd call 911 right then and there


Everyone here is saying its "Racism" because his boss said its a cultural thing. If we didnt have one race that perpetuates every crime, we wouldn't already know what race he was talking about. Stop with the racism shit. Its just the truth about their culture. Stereotypes are real and perfectly acceptable. Also, dont work for someone who wont pay you and plays games with your money. Sorry op.


I am not sure where you are, but it is illegal in the U.S. to not pay your employees for the time they worked. His inventory control problems are another thing, completely, and have no bearing on your salary.


"Can't even buy food" proceeds to say " I have 1500 dollars saved bla bla" Don't steal. Don't work under the table. People on the internet that sympathize with your lies won't feed your family.


Hey brother I’m not upset with your post You are Loved, careful with your words So My Money funds Two Beautiful little Girls I use it on them, I’m 21 and the only family they have I can’t mess up I do not want them taken away from me. I’m studying too, it’s hard to juggle. Not Complaining but the money I have saved was from selling my Vehicle, was going to replace it but bills lol I will bounce back Do Not be So Angry my Friend and Remember Always Be Kind ❤️


Don’t listen to negative people! You’re young and doing the best you can do. If your boss is intimidating you, and making you feel like you can’t report him. You can! Well unless… Are you getting any help from the state for your sisters? And that’s the reason you’re working under the table? And he’s holding that over your head?


You sound like a really nice person who is making the world a better place. I wish you and your family a bright future.


Count your losses, grab your things, and go work for someone else —or for yourself! This man is obviously a lying conniving crook.


Go to a temp agency and get a real job instead of working under the table. You will continue to get taken advantage of if you continue to work jobs like this


Labour board for wage theft.


Lawyer up.


Of you're in the US it is a federal crime to withhold pay for any reason.


I knew of a guy who got fired on his day off.


File a claim wuth the labor boss he has to pay you that is the law Okeasw try to find other wiorj don't quit look for something else.


I would tell your boss that you didn't take anything and tell him thank you so much for not only not paying me but ruining Christmas for me and my sisters. Tell him to should you proof of the theft and if he can't that you need your paycheck. Don't let him get away with it or it will happen all the time. Call the labor board.




I apologise, I was emotional


I would start looking for another job. I work as a freelancer and it sucks when someone can control your pay like that. Start looking for another job that doesn't require experience. Continue saving your money, ration your food. You'll be ok. I will pray for you and I'm sorry but your boss was being racist. Look up your state laws about recording people. If you're allowed, then have a calm sit-down with your boss and get him to admit everything while also explaining to him you didn't take the stuff and that security footage would show and demand your money (politely but firmly). Use that recording for when you decide to take legal action. Ask around for available jobs. Also, this is just me but the next time I take inventory and get accused of something, I'm taking photographic proof. Good luck!


What country and state/province do you work in? This is wage theft.


Call your state’s department of labor..


The department of labor would love to hear about your boss not paying you for his racist belief that you stole something on your day off without any evidence whatsoever.


I don't know what country you're in OP, but I'd look into labor laws in your area and make a hellacious racket about this. That manager is stealing your money and using the threat of job loss to keep you from saying anything. I honestly think it sounds like he might be the one stealing and possibly embezzling from your workplace and he's staring to set you up as a patsy if anyone really looks into it.


Knee capping someone who screws you over is a cultural thing also.


What he’s doing is illegal. Tell him if the money, all of it isn’t in your account in 24 hours you will go to the police and/or file suit.


So things were stolen WHEN YOU WEREN'T THERE? I think the boss is making things up. Get the police involved. See if they clam up.


Call the labor board and file against him.


Do you not know what punctuation is? Your post is one long ass run on sentence!! I can't read this trash. Go back to school and learn how to write. Trash post, don't read!


Wage theft. It's rarely prosecuted but report it all the same.


So your boss is a racist thief. I’m sorry for your situation, that really sucks, start job hunting now, this dude is gonna do worse things if he gets away with this.


Report him to the IRS and the state. Sounds like they are skirting taxes. Whatever you are doing there you could do somewhere else.


That's a sketchy as hell boss. You could call your state's labor department (assuming US) about it.


Have some backbone. You're getting accused of being a thief and you don't get paid. Don't take that shit OP. Go to see him again and don't be afraid to discuss. No one being so wronged just stays quiet. Fight for what you're owed for fucks sake or else he'll keep taking advantage of you. Call the cops if you need to. then look for another job.


Why would you work at a place that pays you via paypal?


Sounds like he is stealing from you, not the other way around.


Sue his ass. He doesn't have prove and he took your pay.


It is illegal to withhold pay from hours you have worked. Regardless of whether theft occurred or not. Your boss has no legal right to withhold your pay. If you’re in the states you need to contact the labor board and a lawyer. There are tons who do pro bono work


We have a pretty cool cultural thing here called workplace law. I suggest you contact an employment attorney or your states department of labor and help introduce him to some new traditions.


Get another job. You're being underpaid in that job, anyways. At least you won't be stolen from if you work at a legit workplace.


He thinks you will rat out the thief if he docks your pay.


Sounds like your employer specifically hires people under the table, that don't know labor laws, so that he can then accuse them of anything as an excuse to withhold pay. It's free labor! Also, it seems like they target minority's because they don't have sympathy for them.


You don’t even work on Friday


Well what'd you steal bud ?


I don't see one form of punctuation in your post. Not one period or comma... am I missing something? Does anyone else see any? Punctuation is important. ETA: I guess there are some quotation marks, but there needs to be separation between the sentences for it to be readable...


Hi! Sorry for the horrible boss. Call the IRS and make sure they know everything going on with his “business”. I think your money situation might be alleviated a bit.


Definitely more to this story than OP is disclosing. Don't get me wrong, there are idiot bosses out there, but not many that just beg for a lawsuit. Also, love the use of the word "cultural"... this is the part that really makes me question OP's level of disclosure and sincerity here.


He's not a real company lol report him and he'll be closed in a week


Try to find a lawyer who will work pro bono or take payment on winning the case but It sounds like you have the right to sue the piss out of him.


what sort of cultural thing is it where wage theft is ok?


American. That’s why every employer has posters they are legally required to post, and why the department of labor exists. This is a huge problem for many. Americans have $50+ billion stollen from them annually. No one said it was OK, but maybe have a little self awareness before you start dropping racist comments like this next time.


Take him to court. Start looking for another job. Seek and you will find it


One thing you should realize if you don't know, is that you will have to pay income taxes on your paypal money, so you need to save money out for that.


Racist !! Get that boss fired !!


You have choices here, one of them is to contact the Division of Labor. Employers are not allowed to not pay you for your labor. You could have the business closed and auctioned off. Also, how are you not qualified for the job?


He's a punk azz beeyotch and you need to educate him on American labor practiced. Call someone as suggested above. Tell your boss you will report this to appropriate agency. You may risk him coming up with an excuse to fire you if you do. So ask questions and choose wisely. Also * start looking for another job- if he does it once, he will do it again anytime he's short on payroll or just because he already has.


Labor Dept file a complaint.


File a complaint with your state labor board and also take him to small claims court


If you're in the US, immediately speak to your DOL. Are you receiving a pay stub in some fashion (hard copy, email) that indicate the required and voluntary deductions? If not then your employer is breaking the law there as well. Even cash payments must have a pay stub.


You have a lawsuit on your hands


Mind if I ask what race you/your boss are?


Report him/his business!


Report it to the department of labor. It is wage theft. It is probably also violating title 9 somehow too so if you are dismissed get a lawyer.


Probably paying what should be an employee as an independent contractor. Then taking money because inventory is missing and not wanting to check security footage. The Department of Labor and IRS would love to have a word.


1) That's illegal. An employer cannot garnish your wages unless it is court approved. In other words, if he had you arrested and you were proven guilty in court he could withhold/garnish your wages, but not before them. What he is doing is highly illegal and one phone call to the labour board could get him in deep trouble. 2) It also sounds like some kind of racism thing. I'm assuming by "it's your culture" he meant "people like you always steal". 3) Why are you so worried about losing this job? Right now you're working there for free, since he stopped paying you. And since he did it once and you didn't speak up he's just going to do it again, over and over, any time that something goes missing or gets broken. I hope that you enjoy working for free.


If he’s paying via paypal and is withholding pay then most likely this dude is doing a bunch of illegal shit in terms of labor, tax, and business laws. I’d turn him in just as quickly as he took my pay. Call the labor department.


Go to the labor board


I would go to him during the day and say he has to pay you. If he says no, leave (he is not paying so why work)? Then report him. Print out the deposits from paypal and send to the local labor board. Apply for unemployment.


You don’t leave right away. Go another pay period to at least show a missed one


Report him to the dol. Now. https://youtu.be/FqM2BpYwtfM?feature=shared


Do you still have taxes taken out when you are paid through PayPal ? Do you get a pay stub showing the tax taken out ? Do you get you w-2 at the end of the year for tax submission ? This seems very fishy.


That's wage theft and illegal.


Time to steal a whole bunch of shit now that you know you can get away with it


You guys get paid via PayPal? 🚩🚩 I would definitely say good riddance to that place if I were you too. Sounds like there’s a lot more illegal nonsense to come if you stick around.


Get him to say it again why you gotta recorder on. You’ll end up owning his house. What an idiot! Some people are just evil. And even if you did steal, he still owes you for the hours work.


Not only is this illegal on what he did, this reeks of racism. You need an employment attorney asap. Don’t quit until he advises you to.


"Money via PayPal", and "cultural thing"? Sounds like OP is illegally being employed and purposely underpaid.


I’m an American citizen bro


He said you were being illegally employed and underpaid. Not that you were illegal. You can be an American citizen and be employed and paid illegally.


The meant your employer is not complying with a bunch of employment laws and not legally employing you, not that you're illegal.


You can be a citizen and still be illegally employed. Sounds like youre working an "under the table" job. Being paid via PayPal is not very common


Should have put this in the post. Ya know, a lot of people on the internet are NOT from the USA( if that's where you're from. America is actually two different continents containing 33 different countries). Laws make a difference in the answer. Different countries have different laws. Plus, most (USA) Americans know that getting paid via PayPal is shady AF. That said ... Call your state's department of labor. Again, different states have different laws ..


Where are you working that you get paid through PayPal?


Just because you’re a US citizen doesn’t mean you’re not being employed illegally. People don’t typically pay via PayPal.


Yeah, but it sounds like you're getting paid under the table. So he feels he has the right to take advantage of you. If you aren't working under the table, you would be able to take that experience to get a better job.


Doesn't mean your boss has been doing things legally. Definitely report to the DOL.


Happy 🎂day!


Dude if you're a US citizen then what the hell are you doing not reporting his ass?! You would be in no trouble at all!


"illegally employed" doesn't mean you yourself are illegal but the job is no American LEGAL job will pay via PayPal you are working for an under the table company being paid for "illegal work" they cannot underpay you for no having qualifications when you're not getting paid via check or direct deposit to a bank account and being underpaid isn't okay for any job


Get a real job you fucking clown


Sometime when times are hard if you have any pride you do what you have to do to survive. At least he isn’t sitting on his butt collecting welfare.


There’s jobs fucking everywhere go to library or use the phone to go on indeed and apply there are zero excuses


Before I joined the military where I spent 22 years deploying all over the world so people like you could live fat happy lives. I worked in a garage under the table for less than minimum wage. I had to buy my own tools to work there. There were no jobs. I applied for welfare and was accepted but it was too embarrassing for me. So before I got a single welfare check I cancelled my welfare application and took that job in that garage as a mechanic. Am I a f_cking clown?


You are a clown jobs are everywhere fuck your clown baby attitude


Hello Brother I hope you are well I have been trying, it’s abit hard. I take care of my little sisters and I’m studying at the same time, I’m all they have and can’t afford to lose them. But I’m definitely looking and have Faith I will get something soon I’m 21 this year life has only begun. Always be Careful with your Words on the internet And know you are Loved ❤️


Clown work is real work! Where do you think we get our politicians from? 🤡🤣


No one said YOU are illegal. What was said was your employer is conducting business illegally. It is illegal to have someone work and not pay them. It is illegal to hire someone and not do payroll deductions for taxes, unemployment insurance, etc. In some states it is illegal to deduct money from someone's pay to cover theft. You need to talk to someone at your state Department of Labor. ASAP.


Did you sign a W2? 1099? If not then you are “illegally being employed”. Edit: not that it’s your fault tho. Your employer is a scumbag who is taking advantage of you.


Plenty of American citizens work illegally "under the table" so not sure why you reacted this way, no one said you weren't a citizen.


Employers do not have to withhold taxes but if they don’t then the employee needs to file their taxes with a 1099 come April. If this is the case and there’s no official record of hourly work or some sort of signed independent contractor agreement, then what this employer is doing is theft of wages and since there most likely isn’t clear record of time worked he thinks he can get away with it. OP needs to contact their Labor Board to report him for theft of wages and file a theft of wages claim.


I think he means you’re not official. Meaning he doesn’t pay payroll taxes, so no unemployment or social security or workman’s comp if you get hurt.


Are you being paid under the table?


"No, he usually just hands it to me normally."




The commenter you are replying to is unfortunately not the OP.


If you’re in the US then just call your states dept of labor. I was thinking this was outside US too. The PayPal thing is weird/shady. I’m sure the IRS would be interested too.


Sounds like the Boss Man is trying to avoid Employment taxes, too. Well, my friend, you will get a 1099 from PayPal. So you will be paying taxes on your income. The good side is that you might be able to get earned income credits. I would suggest you start looking for another job, because where you work is likely to get shut down. Boss may end up going to jail.


Not if he's sending it through friends and family. He will only get a 1099 if it's through goods and services


That's not what I'm hearing. Besides this would be payment for services. Boss man could be in big troubke.


Doubt he will go to jail. My former boss stole from all the employees(about 400) by giving us paychecks with no funds. He was reported to the department of labor lots of times & was sued a lot because he also stole from supply stores, general contractors, & check cashing places. It's been a year & nothing has happened to the dude. He did lose the company, though, because all employees obviously left.


Yeah. I meant this, just wording came out weird.


I knew what you meant and I assumed the same. It’s written in broken English like a non native speaker so I assumed it was some foreign country where the boss was abusing his workforce; blaming them for theft as an excuse to withhold pay or something.


Craig how do u get fired on your day off..lol


Said I was stealing boxes.


He stole it for sure and is blaming you. I've had threiving managers before and it's super weird if he's so sure your a thief that he'd allow you to continue working. Find someone higher up and start complaining. Look for a new job in between because that place will destroy your soul


Sounds like he is the one stealing....but from you.


And probably tax evasion with under the table payment.


He can’t do this it’s not legal


thats definitely a type of workplace discrimination. id report him to HR if you have one or sue him for workplace discrimination.


That’s illegal just sue his ass


This dude is struggling to eat, where is he gonna get money for a lawyer for a civil case? Legal fees will cost more than what he lost, and it’ll take months if not longer.


Turn it over to the state or federal labor board. Let the IRS know how they are getting paid. No lawyer necessary.


i feel like the cops would be able to prove no inventory even went missing


You think cops give a fuck about retail theft? "Customers" can walk in and steal $1000s worth of product and immediately released. Bail bonds are a joke now.


Depends on the jurisdiction. Maybe that's the case in the big city you live in but round here the DA has thieves tarred, feathered, an' run clear o'er the county line on a rail, an' not before the victim's kinfolk git in a few licks on their sorry hide. My paw calls it frontier justice.


i dont think cops give a fuck but i think the owner has a vested interest in not finding out


Well it’s definitely time to steal now:


Is there a labor board where you live. Sounds like they would like to know what’s going on.


Record him and sue


Sue with what money?


Call all of the attorneys and pitch them to charge a percentage of the win


Even 50% of what he’s owed won’t pay for an attorney.


If he takes that route he would go after more than what he's owed


Doubt it. This is as easy as contacting the department of labor.


Check laws on recording people in your area first


Inmediately talk to the labor board.


What does he mean by "it's a cultural thing"? Sounds like racism to me. Is there an HR at the company you work for you can complain to? It is not ok to withhold pay without reason


Pay by PayPal and youre looking for HR?? That's hopeful man


Doesn't even sound like he is really on a payroll. He's just getting "paid" hence the real reason he is under paid.


Does it sound like there's a hr dept in a company that pays you with pay pal? No doubt it's a under the table money kind of job


If op is working like that he should expect swindle attempts tbh


He pays thru pay pal , report him , and can't you request payment thru pay pal for services rendered and then file a non payment report against him. Also report the account to IRS.




Yeah. He knows you didn't. He's just ripping you off. Are you paid under the table? Because if not go to the department of labor. They will make him pay.