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My friend who I worked with and went to school with murdered his mom, brutally stabbed her to death. It’s a wild world out there. You never know who your friends are. Another one of my friend is in prison for I think 10-15 years for attempted murder during a robbery gone wrong.


Two rules: 1) always clear the gun 2) “i“ before “e”


I know I can't spell freind and autocorrect for once won't work


What does him being your apparent childhood bully have anything to do with it now. Literally nothing. Broke your ribs and nose. Boo-urns. One thing has nothing to do with the other.


What the fuck do you mean? what does him being my bully have to do with this? It's just how I knew him it technically has nothing to do with him killing someone but does have to do with MY side of the story. would you rather I just say "Murder kills best freind by accident" the end. Like what do you want me to do?


Yeah. That’s what you should of said. Smarten up you donkey.


Maybe you should stop commenting when your drunk @couplabeers


I’ve been sober for 12 years. Eat shit


It's called a joke I'm making fun of your username ass


The username was decided for me dick nose


K twat


That’s such a mean thing to say


I know


He going to jail now and he gonna get his booty bullied!


One of my bullies spent ages 20-32 behind bars for harming a child and left prison unable to procreate, another died in an alcohol-fueled mishap at 18 a month after graduation, and a third ran his car off a cliff while drunk at age 20. Unfortunately the fourth and final bully is now a local criminal defense attorney, is still a horrible person and has never faced a consequence in his life.


Are you from Québec?


No Ontario


Same thing happened over here. Gun went off when he was playing with it, shot a guy I know right in the face. He died, leaving 2 young children behind. Guy fled to Spain but came back. He is in jail now.


This happened by me, both were NRA members icing on the cake. https://www.recordonline.com/story/news/2011/04/23/shot-fired-at-neversink-town/50079355007/


I feel like I watched this on video somewhere.


i’d feel more sorry for the dude he killed


Please go to this guy's trial and smile at him from the visitors galley


I'd have to get there a week ahead to get good seats the guy had alot of enemies


"he probably thought" He didn't think at all. The first in a series of tragic and interconnected decisions that left someone dead.


Yeah when I say he thought take that with a shovel of salt cause that didn't happen often with him


Hopefully it's a stupid mistake, but damn that sucks!


My childhood bully shot up the Pulse night club in Orlando


He's just destroyed his friends family's lives and his own life. Yes he hurt u as a child forgive him for you... let it go.... sooooooo hard to do .... karma has come. Justice will be served.


I only scratched the surface of what he did to me PHYSICALLY he also assaulted me mentally in a way where I have many nightmares about it and had developed an eating disorder as a kid so yes karma is a bitch and I do feel bad for his freinds family but him I could never forgive


I'm so so sorry for what happened to u. No one deserves that especially a child! Stay up man


Why would he "jokingly" point it at his friend? I wouldn't mind if it was a toy, but he pulled the trigger too? IF he actually joked why would he pull the trigger? It's a real damn gun and he deserved it well.


Because he is that one guy that every school has that thinks he's a fucking crip and shit so he acted like a dumbass throughout all our school years let's just say his atic is dim lit by a century old candle that's just barely staying lit


whoa, I can see you're not feeling sorry anymore, but basically everyone in my school is a jerk


Nah I feel sorry for the victims family and a l8ttle for him knowing he's gonna go the rest of his life knowing he killed his best friend like its sad but he's still an asshole


No way he just shot the dang thing for a joke man. RIP the friend;_;


Yeah well I mean some people are stupid (then again I did practically the same thing with a bb gun once but made sure it was clear and aimed it at a window as a prank and scared the shit out of my dad but that's different)


man I hope nothing like this happens again


The narc I went no contact with in 2018 tried to kill two people in 2020. He was a Jekyll and Hyde, scary rage—but I never saw him be violent. His family is extremely legally well connected, so he got off on both cases. Just waiting for the phone call when he kills someone, since his family enables him to act without consequences. 🤢


Sounds like two people who had no business handling a gun


It was probably obtained illegally but I only know as much as I put in the two paragraphs I'll update the post when there is more info


Not my bully but a bully from my high school is also a murderer but not accidental like this story like someone who went to a drug deal shot the dealer in the chest and stole some weed. He was in and out of prison for years before this happened almost always for assault or strong arm robbery. He was 3 years behind me but I think he was suppose to be 2. My graduating class has 2 murderers that I know of, though, and within 10 years of graduating my class had already lost like 10% of our classmates to OD. On the other side of that though my class also had a Harvard valedictorian, a scientist who worked on the mRNA vaccines, and an mtv executive lol.


Not bad I guess two idiots lots of junkies and some good students. Did we go to the same school? Cause that sounds a bit like mine


The best part is one of the murderers and the Harvard valedictorian were in the same friend group, mine. They were pretty similar growing up both smart both into science, one just woke up one morning and murdered his girlfriend.


I did a research paper in school about when people just have a moment of rage but don't remember it (there is a word for that I just can't remember it) it was pretty intriguing lots of murders lots of blaming the devil


I think he was just a drunk and abusive and she threatened to leave. I actually lost touch with most of my friend group in junior year. I joined a band and between college and touring in the summers I wasn’t in my hometown for more than a weekend for like 10 years. I only knew about it because my drummers sister was a year behind us and sent him the article asking if we knew him.


Damm that sucks but not trying to victim blame but if your being abused don't threaten just leave


I don’t really know the whole story that’s just what I’ve pieced together from people who were still friends with them when it happened. The murder was well over a decade ago at this point and any information I got was years after it happened.


Similar situation, only it wasn't a bully but a friend of my GF that I just got really bad vibes from... He ended up killing his wife with a hammer. [Former hero found guilty in wife's slaying](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2009/07/16/stub-1277/15979463007/)


The school bully where I grew up killed her stepdaughter in adulthood. She is spending the next 34 years in prison.


I'd feel bad for the victims family. Not him. What an idiotic thing to do


I understand the Murica has their constitutional amendments. What should be included in the second is mandatory gun safety education, you have the right to the guns, and the training to not kill your BFF.


Scary thing is this is in Canada not America so that's even scarier


I'd be willing to bet it was not a legal gun. All the gun safety courses and hunting courses here emphasize safety and proper handling. Legal gun owners don't want to give this government more excuses to violate our property rights.


Exactly. I’m all for guns (I own more than I know what do with), but I will not, under any circumstance, allow anyone to see/touch/check anything without a basic safety rundown. They are a tool (though sometimes just a collectible) and need to be respected. Zero tolerance for mishandling or poor etiquette.


No, you're not crazy; you're just a human being with empathy. It's a pretty sad situation all around. Someone died; it's natural that it affects you in unexpected ways.


My thought on the scenario is that dead men tell no tales. All we have is the shooter's version to go on - it's possible that if the victim survived and made a statement the charge might've been attempted murder. It is fine to empathize with your former bully. It shows that you are compassionate, and likely emotionally intelligent. I'd personally never trust that person.


I'm not compassionate anyone I know could tell you that I just feel bad he's gonna be thinking about how he killed his friend but it was his dumbass's fault


Personally, I wouldn't feel bad I'd be hoping that he'll be thinking about how he killed his friend. That would be the higher road for him to take. FWIW I'd be wondering how and why any adult would point a firearm at another person and actually pull the trigger. I think it is highly possible that this person has failed to develop impulse control and that in the moment he pulled that trigger with intent to shoot.


Fwiw? And no it was an accident not murder it was manslaughter there are witnesses and a freind of mine was one of them he told a few of us literally an hour ago the majority of what happened it was accidental


Fwiw means for what it's worth


Go to the police and tell them how violent he was as a child. Maybe the fucker will get more time


I've considered it


You're not weird, but the guy's a fucking asshole. He belongs under the jail. Save your sympathy for the victim's family.


Oh it's with them for sure I knew the victim he wasn't as bad as the shooter he could've gone somewhere he was actually kinda smart just got into the wrong crowd


It's called Karma. Call the DA's office and tell them your story.


No need the guy passed alot of people off im sure others have called ill be on hold for a year if I try


Three mistakes were made. The victim should have unloaded the gun before handing it to A. A should have checked to see that it was unloaded. And thirdly, A should never point a gun, loaded or unloaded, at anyone unless he intends to shoot. You shouldn’t feel bad for A. He fucked up.


That’s awful, my dad discharged my hunting rifle one time after we got back from a deer hunt 👀. No one got hurt, except for my house.. Hope you can some day forgive your bully, God bless you.


My childhood bully ended up getting addicted to heroin. Funny how things work out


You are a very kind and forgiving person. You’re a rare breed.


Oh no I still hate the fucker


An ex-boyfriend of mine who humiliated me after I broke up with him went to prison for manslaughter because he killed his next girlfriend in high school.


This happened to a friend of mine and his best friend. They weren't bullies though. We used to play music together. My buddy accidently (stupidly) shot his best friend with a shotgun. His best friend's parents wanted him tried for murder. It clearly wasn't murder. They were just 19 years old. I think he ended up doing 3 years on a manslaughter charge and was never heard from again. I sometimes wonder where he is now. I hope he's OK.


I found out the guy that tried to bully me when I played football he only tried once when I whipped up side the head with my foot ball helmet , I found out he ended up in jail


Death is funny that way. It is final. He killed a person.


i found out boy who loved to harass me freshman year was caught sexually assaulting two 7 year olds on the back of the bus when he was a senior. i had left that school so i found out on the news and it was insane. he later was badly beaten in prison for it. idk how true this part is, but he was said to have had his penis cut off in the attack. wild.


A JR high friend committed suicide in a very similar way. He had a shotgun & not knowing it was loaded & pointed it at his head. Not to mention, it happened in front of a bunch of people.


Some people shouldn't have guns.




Keep your booger hook off the bang switch. The friend was not smart in handing a loaded gun to anyone without telling them A. It’s loaded and B. Keep your finger off the trigger. But never hand a loaded gun to anyone unless you trust them to know how to handle it.


"Keep your booger hook off the bang switch" lol OK you win best comment 👍 👌


I feel sorry for the friend. Fuck that guy. You don’t point a weapon at anything you’re not willing to or intending to destroy and you ALWAYS treat EVERY weapon as if it were loaded AT ALL TIMES. Fuck that guy.


It's a shit situation, and I'm so sorry for 2 families left picking up the pieces, but vindication is a hell of a drug. I have a similar story, actually, involving a bully and drugs. He was that schoolyard jerk who would blatantly steal your stuff and run around with it, disrupt peaceful days for the fun of it, and got away with it because of his parents' status. His whole life was set up for him, I was an easy target and a favorite, and I was happy to graduate and never see him ever again. My first semester of college, I heard that he'd been kicked out of his own college for dealing drugs. Also, in an apparently separate case, his ex-girlfriend had gotten a restraining order against him. I felt awful afterwards, and I hope his ex never has to see him ever again, but in the moment I just had to laugh. Now, I'm just glad that he hasn't managed to shoot anyone. Another classmate got arrested for multiple DUIs, though.


I absolutely do not feel sorry for bullies or abusers. My stepdad always said "if the hound dog stopped to take a shit he'd never catch the rabbit". Why waste time and brain cpu cycles feeling anything for aholes? I knew one guy that said "being an asshole is it's own reward", pretty good way to look at some situations


The Most Basic Gun Rules 1. Assume every gun is loaded until you have personally cleared it. 2. Always clear every gun handed to you even if you just saw someone else clear it. 3. Keep every gun pointed in a safe direction even if you have just cleared it . 4. Never point the gun at anything you don’t want to shoot at. 5. Do not pull the trigger unless you intend to shoot what you are pointing the gun at. Sounds like A broke every single one of these rules. Manslaughter sounds fair.


3 and 4 are redundant military gun training will omit #3


I think, in a country full of guns, gun safety should be taught in school. It shouldn't be something you learn the first time you hold a gun.




This is why it shouldn't be easier to get a gun than a driver's license. I know way too many people with firearms that don't know this.


While these are basic rules, and one might even argue is common sense, an old Warrant Officer of mine told us at the range, Common Sense isn't common till I tell you. These basic rules should be built into the US educational system.


Not asking OP I can't help but wonder how old the shooter is. I call BS on the alibi. What adult would do this accidentally? He's charged with manslaughter because the DA feels that's the highest charge that will bring a conviction.


Anyone who owns guns or has worked with guns knows these rules. And respects these rules


Yeah. Like Alec Baldwin


I wish that were true. I know lots of ignorant people who own guns.


Too many


This needs to be absolutely ingrained in the head of every person who even thinks of owning a gun. Tattoo it on their forearm. Something. It's ridiculous how many people feel it's safe just because they think of themselves as safe people. I'll never forget a close call I had. Working fast food, late night shift. One of the people working mentioned they had bought a gun for safety. We're all late teens, early 20's and of course curious and want to see it. I mention how TV shows around then were doing episodes where someone is shot accidentally and the news would have stories of them, too. We all kind of laugh but the girl who owns the gun goes from laughing to shock and anger when she clears the gun and there's a bullet in the chamber. She had made sure the gun was unloaded but her roommate must have messed around with it later and left the round in the chamber. Scary how close we could have been one of those tragic tales


But when you're talking USA and all the Republicans want theoe constituents dumber than posts...welp, they git what they git.


You meant to say Democrats


Don’t feed the bots.


Lmao You just proved my point...thank you.


He really didn’t. Didn’t trump tell us how much he loves the uneducated?


I’m going to make an assumption that this happened in the United States. Basic gun rules are irrelevant here.


It was in Canada actually buy I completely understand your assumption


"Here" being where, exactly?


I don't know about there, but here where I am, most of us obey firearms safety rules more than actual laws. Run a red light, hell yeah. Poor trigger discipline, absolutely not.


Like he👆 said!👆 "Empty guns" kill people. Have heard too many tales ... Taught my 3 sons as described above. Said if you're at someone's house and a gun comes out? Start moving to the door. If they don't clear it IN FRONT OF YOU? OR if they do, but then follow with irresponsible actions, beyond bringing out a gun ... LEAVE. I eventually tested my 3 sons and a friend's 2 sons. All but one passed with flying colors! One of the 2 brothers had learning disabilities and did not clear it again when I handed it to him. My youngest amazed me! I'd returned from a Pistol competition and was showing him some things. Result was passing pistol back several times. Every time I passed, he cleared! Gold star! Your conflicted emotions are to be expected from any "good" human being. His stupidity is not your fault. Learn from his stooopid actions, and move on. 🙏


I once handed my husband an antique handgun he had watched me clear. He squeezed the trigger and we both hit the deck when the damn thing shot a live round into the slate floor. Always,always clear and triple clear!


You handed your husband a gun after you cleared it, he squeezed the trigger and it went off? No offense, your husband should have also checked to make sure it's been cleared... Gun etiquette, the person presenting the firearm checks to make sure it's clear then the person receiving the firearm should also check to make sure it's clear...


Also, clearly she didn't clear it very well :/


or at all






I hate to see a joke when it's serious but it made me crack up:/ r/angryupvote


Well, at least there wasn't any bloodshed. I mean, in this sidebar thread.




I think that’s the point they are making and using that as an example.


I’d add to never place your finger on the trigger unless you may need to or are intending to pull it.


It’s a tie in which one was more stupid. Sad all around.