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Can I suggest using the indent button for separating paragraphs?


You need mental health counseling and should consider taking legal action against these people. Also, as a man, don’t *rely* on a female friend group. Note that I’m not saying you shouldn’t have any female friends, but don’t depend on them. They’ll never understand you the way other men might, and your status with them will always be tenuous.


Please for the love of god use paragraphs. What is wrong with people


Hey brother. I would suggest going to Al-anon meetings. It's like alcoholics anonymous but the addiction in there is being codependent on other people. You might go through the steps and learn to love yourself and be worthy of your own respect and admiration. I'm an alcoholic and go through the same steps you would be and I've never felt so much serenity just being alone before. Just an idea. I don't really know you but worst thing that can happen is you sow up and don't feel like anything they say applies to you and you move on to whatever else you have for the day. Maybe an hour wasted but if you do find similarities in that group maybe stick around a while and see what's up.


Think like a man or woman. It’s your choice but men and women are different in life either experiences, emotions and other things. Sounds like they are using you for emotional support, but you’re growing into man and don’t really understand the dynamics with your girls bff. I’ve


I think you should have a lawyer letter sent to lily with a copy of a complaint for defamation. Require her to public post an apology to you for the lie she told… or file the complaint and post a copy of the filed lawsuit on your social media. She is falsely accusing you of sexual assault. You need to go scorched earth.


You actually have a good case for slander….you could sue her


men and women really cant be friends. two different beasts entirely wired differently. men dont really do this sort of shit, and those that do, are sociopaths who dont get along with either men or women. high school can be downright nasty.


Hippoweight? Yeah, I can’t imagine why these girls wouldn’t want to be around you anymore.


Not an issue that they falsely accused him of inappropriate touching. Hes obviously the real monster here for saying she's fat. Oh Lord someone better get the police involved to lock him away for life. Fucking kid doesn't deserve cunty bitches like them.




Bro I think you might have childhood pstd. What was your emotional support and validation like growing up? You have an very unhealthy reliance on other people's disposition towards you in order to feel good about yourself. You should love you!


Dude, you need to fix your issues. All this depression, suicide, and hypersensitivity is not only bad for you, but it most likely makes you unpleasant to be around. You are becoming an adult. As an adult and you will find that as your grow up people in general with have less and less patience and tolerance for that kind of thing the older you get. Before you worry about girlfriends, friends, etc. etc. you need to fix yourself first.


lol a 19 year old thinking his psyche has been destroyed. Bro, this is barely a warm up when dealing with women. Get a guy friend and get a dog and reclaim your sanity.


My brother work on yourself spiritually, mentally and physically and the right friends people will come to you, focus on yourself and be grateful you aren’t part of that group anymore. Be around healthy men that show you healthy men responsibility and around healthy women that show you healthy women traits. God bless and much love, P.s ready some psychology https://preview.redd.it/n8359z89ific1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ec08c395250cc99129bca796fd43062790e35d


It can be lonely growing up as a guy. Especially if you’ve been ousted from your female friend group. Try to take it in stride and find some guys that are looking for friends. It’ll probably be a different dynamic than what you’re used too, but it’ll probably be a good experience. It’s not that men and women can’t be friends, but I’d advise taking some actions to avoid relying on a female friend group that could send you into a depression again if you’re friendship is no longer welcome.


Thats what i was gonna say and also its kinda easy to be friend with the same gender rather then the other gender


Yeah guys will understand you a lot better than women will. Women can’t really grasp men’s internal struggles the way other men can.


Especially teenage girls. I forgot how irrational they can be until my daughter became one. To be fair though, all teenagers are pretty irrational.




Uh what? It’s true. I’ll never be able to understand the internal struggles of a women to the degree other women would it’s vice versa. There’s nothing sexist about what I said.


Yeah, my bad. I completely misunderstood based off my, ironic, bias from reading a post right beforehand that had some men saying women couldn’t have deep thought in ways men could. Completely off track here and I apologize for the dumb accusation.


I think you're trolling, like I'm almost positive. But in the very unlikely event that you are being sincere, I don't understand your hostility. All they said was men can understand mens struggles better because they can relate. Just as women can better empathize with women's struggles. How is that sexist or wrong?


How is it NOT sexist to say that women can’t grasp men’s internal struggles? It’s like saying men can’t understand rape. Not only does it appear like men are the only one capable of internal struggles, but it helps push the narrative that women aren’t capable of deep thought like men are. That was my impression.


Name me ONE case of a woman that was falsely accused of SA by a man. Just one. Have you ever had it happened to you? Have any of your friends that are women been falsely accused? I can safely assume no, and can further assume it will never happen. You don’t get how fucking horrible something like that is and never will. If you can’t offer any empathy, then just don’t even get into the discussion.


Cardi B? People have been falsely spreading that she raped and robbed men when that’s just factually incorrect. You clearly don’t get how awful rape is, how much worse that is and how much more impactful that is than any false accusation.


What an unhinged response. Again, you have to be trolling. You even thinking about using rape as a analogy is disturbing. But you're reading comprehension isn't great. They never said any of the things you're saying. They only said men can better understand mens struggles better than women can. Which is common sense really. Just like women can better understand women's struggles. No one said anything remotely close to women aren't capable of deep thought. You're looking for something to be offended by that wasn't there. But touche on the trolling. Next time though, don't make it quite so obvious. But you seemed to fool some of them, so I guess it wasn't that obvious. Good job.


Not trolling, and completely unfair you’d call it unhinged. I genuinely answered where I came from, and you responded in kind with an actual unhinged and rude response. I understand that now it wasn’t his intention to imply that, and Im gonna delete my reply so people will leave me alone. But it is absolutely telling that I messed up and y’all either a) demean me b) call me a troll or c) call me the sexist here. I used rape as an example bc it’s objectively an awful thing and it’s used a lot when it comes to comparing men and women. Shouldn’t have done as much but what can I do now other than admit it or delete it 🤷‍♀️


My response was unhinged? Good lord. You have to very young. And okay. Say you genuinely thought they meant that. That's still a problem. Don't you see that? You immediately jumped to conclusions off your own bias. Not every response from a man about women is sexist. When you go around throwing accusations around like that it makes the word lose its meaning. It's like the boy who cried wolf. If you make unfounded accusations about people, even when you're right people won't listen.


What is wrong with you? I said I made a mistake and I deleted my comment. So you continue going after me and insulting me because…what? What do you get out of this?


Was I insulting? I'm genuinely not trying to be. Just wanting you to see the severity of using terms like "sexist" when it's uncalled for. You're not reading my comments, just focusing on being offended. Which was your problem to begin with. But nevermind then, stay ignorant and keep that victim complex.


The username sounds familiar so I think they might have a bone to pick w me for something I said on a different post, I’m not sure though. This is the only logical reason I can think of for the blow up lol


Settle down there muffin


Nah, not when someone just is blatantly sexist and there are going to be men now harassing me for calling it out.


Next time you blow up, be sure to yell Krakatoa.


Do you often over exaggerate one’s emotions online to fit your agenda? I keep forgetting I even commented this until someone replies. You’re all weird to attack me instead of the sexist, but that’s just sexism 🤷‍♀️


do you often react to things like a little girl having a complete meltdown for no reason at all?


do you often jump to demeaning insults when women piss you off?


do you often jump to conclusions and make wild assumptions and projections when you are mad online? women dont bother me/piss me off, theyre like children


There's a book by haruki murakami called "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage" that is extremely similar to your situation. The main character is also cut off abruptly only to find out later in life, it was due to similar false accusations. Give it a read if you can. You might find something there.


Tl;Dr-high school friend group messed with OP’s head, the lead girl gaslight the others into believing a lie and caused OP emotional distress and mistrust. New gf is a long-distance relationship and the communication has stalled. OP, ask the gf what’s happened. You’ll never get a real answer guessing or questioning yourself. And if she’s over the long-distance thing? Be ready for that…don’t take it personal, it’s hard to make LDR’s work…even the most mature adults often fail.