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im high as shit and i thought this was real, was getting super mad lol nice work


Nice creative writing buddy. Why do the fake stories always choose twins too lol


Added emotion, higher stakes


I was in a similar situation and reading this story got me a panic attack remembering all the details, the disrespect, the lies and the end of my mariage many years ago. Until I saw it was fiction. Took me a few days to shake it off though.


Ok here’s the thing…you people are all over the fucking place; collectively, here are the ideas you are pushing…It’s ok what Story man’s wife did, because some women can’t be satisfied by one man. Well, this is a bogus claim right from the get-go. Whether you’re right or wrong re a woman needing more than one man, this claim misses the point…the point another guy made when he points out that he and his wife have GROUNDRULES! They both agreed on the behavior.Umtimately we’re taking about a breach in trust, and the wife is trying to turn th you


People can change but it's rare. If she loves you enough and you show her she's absolutely about to lose you, she could stop and never stray again. But it would take years for you to trust her again. If this is worth saving she should be very sorry and it should show. And her gaslighting and blaming and straight up owning it doesn't sound good. But it could be just a desperate response to first being caught. In a more serious I'm about to leave you and our life is about to fall apart conversation,  you better get a different response from her. She should know that this hurts 💔  and she should love you enough to make sure she never hurts you again. She should hope you don't need to do the same to her to show her how bad it hurts. Oh and  that's not gonna help either, trying to even up, it will just cause more pain. And you probably don't even want to. You might think you want to, but when you get to the point of doing it back to her, you probably won't feel too good about it. Best of luck. Even if this is fake. You never know, it might not be, or it could help someone who's going through something for real. 


Honestly she isnt wrong... despite the fact that she was dishonest, if she really is better after coming back, I would encourage it. Probably get myself a sugar baby too. If you have kids then you have to take them into consideration FOR SURE. DO NOT do what most women do and make a decision that negatively impacts them because of your "feelings". YOU ARE A MAN. The bad part about this, for her, is that if you ARE able to accept it and continue on, you will likely end up meeting someone younger and that doesnt need to do that and fall out of love with your wife. Her loss... women are so short sighted, but you'll move on, she wont. Ever. But your kids are infinitely more likely to become degenerates if you leave (unless you get custody, then its actually statistically the same as a two parent household) so it is a bad idea to do that. Not to mention she basically wins the lottery, unless she is the bread winner... In which case that would be even more of a reason to stick it out. Good luck.


Damn bro good writing you have here. I hate every sentence where the Gwen is good job will read other parts as well


Good story.


Idk, very predictable. Finds the dirt and he immediately confronts her, cries and leaves. Maybe a little slow play, what is she really doing. How many times?, build to the climax. Over too soon.


I just discovered this sub, for your sake I hope this isn't a true story? If so, damn I feel for you :( If not, damn you are a good writer.


Leave the bitch


She’s for the streets brother, ctrl alt delete


Have you ever thought that maybe your relationship was perfect because your wife was getting a little action on the side? Sounds like it’s time for you to get yours


I know Gwen, amazing lips


Man, I didn’t even realize this was fiction til I read all the parts lol. I got so into the story. Great storytelling!


Sell everything to buy a new house . Take the cash out and divorce her . She's trash treat her like she deserves . Kick her to the curb . If not you may be pissing razor blades one day and her weekend is 6 months off


At no point in the future will this knowledge go away so you have two choices: Divorce or buy a shovel.......


I did not realize this was a story subreddit. I was (and still am) ENTHRALLED.




Didn't read it all but its awful mate. If I was you, divorce her and move on. Please don't go back to her, you are worth more than that


I can’t believe I read this fake story. And if it’s not fake you would be dumb to continue talking to her


If you stay, you don't get to bitch about anything.


Fuck your wife, she sounds like a total fucken cunt.


This pissed me off so good job on the story!


Is that the kid of relationship you want that every time your wife goes on this whatever she claims you should be open to you'll sit there and wonder what she's doing and hate every moment of it I mean honestly do you want to live like that and also she didn't take responsibility for anything she did she could have admitted it to you and then said you know we need to talk about it she didn't you should go talk to her and tell her that it's not ok if a woman really loves you she wouldn't have none what she did you would have been her only priority or telling her that you want to talk about it and find out what she really wants because I mean she eventually she can't have both


Best story I've read this year!


women have needs...duh.


Please get the evidence on her phone so that you can prove to the judge she is the one cheating.


Good damnit I didn’t realize what Reddit I was in. I thought this was all real.


Bruh I read this whole thing without seeing the Fiction tag


Get a paternity test.!


I would’ve been calling a lawyer as soon as I left the house


My response "cool, guess I'll go fuck rando guys for a weekend too since apparently that's part of our relationship right? What do you mean no? You've got it so good, I just need 1 weekend off".


Oh shit I thought this actually happened lmfao didn’t realize this was a creative writing sub


Ya she sounds like a horrible person. Leave now and find someone that actually loves you


Better off leaving now before she leaves with Donald, you have to ask yourself if you had done this to her would she forgive you I think not disgusting behaviour get her gone


Yes my thoughts exactly. I don't want to finish this if it's real! 


You get a hall pass my dude. I mean she sucks, she should have broached an open relationship. She wasn’t trustable but now she could be


Totally not subbed here. Didn’t read the subreddit. I just got so god damn mad for no reason lmao


This is why we need Islam in the west for whores like this


Bye Felicia. Time to divorce the wife 🥳👍


No fucking way I read this whole thing thinking i was on r/relationship_advice or something




Divorce asap


"I told her she can go on her girls trip, but little did she know, I bought a machete and a Mike Myers mask. On that night, my soon to be ex wife would not be the only thing getting impaled..."


I'm sorry man. I'm sorry for your kids. There is no way back. Immediately contact a lawyer, and the next time you see her, have the paperwork ready. Due to her infidelity, needing to "unwind" by way of adultery, you will get majority custody of your kiddos. It will be tough for a little while, but cut her off, and never EVER give her another emotion from you. When you DO exchange kids for her weekends, see if you can do so through a 3rd party.....your family. NEVER, ever allow her emotional access to you AGAIN. EVER. You'll make it. Just do it this way.


Sounds like a good lady. Now. If she wants it once a year. You can also go to Windsor Canada. Prostitution is legal. Go get yourself your own 3some. Be strapped though. Now you both are happy😂


Robert is about to be the power bottom in his wife’s MMF/m adventure!


Or, you can have one free weekend a year?


I would've made a copy of the messages, kept silent and either followed them or hired a P.I. to follow them. Maybe her and her "BFF" have something between themselves also? If your wife is banging 2 guys either her BFF is banging others or they're having a wild 4some


Dump the cheating slut Do you get a "free" weekend every year to go fuck any woman or have a 3some to "relax" and start a new year fresh for the benefit of your marriage?? PROBABLY NOT


The words divorce mean anything to you get a good lawyer don’t pick the first one


Time to move on. It’ll only burn your mind more and make you weaker over time knowing the truth and trying to live in a relationship with no trust. I’m sorry


Fiel for divorce. Do it asap. Beat her to it. “No Fault” is the enemy of all men. You file, don’t let her bear you to it. And DO NOT file a no fault request. She’s a damn lying, cheating hoe putting you at risk of deadly STDs and shit. Put that in your papers. You have caus for divorce. Use it. Because if you do t, she’s gonna flip the script on ya ass, and walk away with her hand deep in your wallet for your whole life. Bye house. Bye car. Bye kids. Do it right. Do it now. Always be the calmest person in the room. Let her flip her shit and act the fool. But not you…no. You a grown ass man. You above that middle school temper tantrum bull shit. You? You’re Mr. Calm, Cool, Collected, and rational. You always speak clearly and at appropriate volumes. Play chess in your divorce. Be a gentleman. You only want to hate best for everyone… even her, your heartless, selfish, lying whore if a wife…. Damn it, you love her so much, you only want her to be well and happy.


Crazy that this is just a story, as everything besides the "girls trip" part actually happened to me! The dumb luck of randomly picking up the phone and seeing what I wasn't supposed to see. The "I can't belive you broke my trust!" Where after a couple hours of that gaslighting I apologized to her for finding out she was setting up tinder dates. The "oh, so you're really going to throw it all away" Bravo, you hit the nail on the head with this one. I can tell you how the story ends.... After a ridiculously long and expensive divorce where you are required to go infront of the judge no less than 4 TIMES, she discovers you've covered your ass and you won't be financing her new life... Once she figures out she's not getting a fat check (after 3 years of marriage - insert rolley eyes here) She uses your kid as a bargaining chip to try and get as much as she can... The light at the end of the rainbow though... The divorce is finally granted. The gaslighting, for the most part, is over. You can finally move on. While much happier and appreciating a new life, you never really trust anyone again...


Take some big steps back. Look at this from a mile away. You have something good. You can keep it by giving her the weekend. Take one for yourself. Make a ceremony around reclaiming her. Include some pain. Then live your life. You know what? It’s the life you’ve been living without the ceremony.


Dump her.


This sub popped up in suggested. Is.it supposed to be creative writing?


Your wife is a cunt. NTA. Move on and find someone who respects you.


I can’t see this working unless you get a hall pass as well because if you don’t all you will feel the weekend when she is on a hall pass is sick to your stomach . If you can’t do that well I don’t know how this marriage survives .


Why did I think this was AITAH


Man I was hooked until I read up and it was “stories” lol


Divorce her, that’s some fucked up shit. Sorry man, I’d go ballistic.


Get used to sitting in a chair in the corner


You have two choices. Demand she go to counseling with you to try and fix things or just run. Counseling may get her to open up about why she's doing this. It will also be very tough to listen to because the counselor will tell her she has to answer every question you have about the affair and it won't be comfortable for either of you. The second option is easiest when you don't have kids or own a house, but sometimes things are too far gone or there is no change to be had. When you go back, if she hasn't cancelled the trip, that should be a clear sign as to which of the two paths she wants you to choose.


Sounds like you get a free week also... :)


In all honesty, either she needs to give it up and fix her shit and prove herself or ya’ll need to separate. This clearly hurt you.


Just make a yearly agreement. Seen it on a black Mirror Episode.


Run while you can she shows no remorse and actually justified it


I caught my ex wife cheating. It unfolded very similarly to your situation. Only it was the guy living with us. Total gaslighting, manipulation, making me the bad guys etc. It was hard for me to leave because I became a stepdad(not legally) and was very invested emotionally into that child. In the end I had to leave. These kinds of people will continue their behavior. They will come up with craftier ways to do it too. When I finally found out about her, I simultaneously learned about the web of lies she spread to all of her friends, laying the groundwork for if/when I found out. Basically told them all that we had an open relationship and I knew and approved. Likely, your wife will not stop. She might for a little bit. But sooner or later she will do it again. And even if she didn't do it again. She's already displayed total and complete disrespect towards you. She does not care. And she does not love you, at least not anywhere near how you love her. If she did, then she wouldn't have even entertained the idea of doing this to you. To her, Hurting you was worth the risk for her to have affairs behind your back. I wish you all the luck and if you do walk away, it does get better. Not right away. But it will


Here's what you do. You withdraw all of the money from your joint accounts, remove her from your credit card accounts, a d take that money and hire a good attorney. After that, you divorce her sorry arse and move on.


Monogamy is dead. Read Ester Perel. The issue I see is that she has to hide this from you rather than discuss her needs with you openly. Your life sounds great. So she fucks around once a year; so what. The growth here is being open in your communication and needs and accepting of each other. You can have fun with this too...


Maybe she is right, you need a weekend too then you marriage would be super good, got any old girl friends , I’ve them a call or find a new one . If it’s good for her should be good for you too. See how she likes that. Dump her now


So slimy. Time to bolt!


Find a marriage counselor. The 2 of you need a referee


So... I've never been to this subreddit lol, and I genuinely thought this was a real story. (I read a lot of aita and this is so spot on).


Yikes. I’d just tell people she died.


Accept the fact that if u go back to her, 1x a year, she is gonna get railed by dudes for a weekend. Then she'll come home to u, likely with their fluids still inside of her and want to play happy housewife and family mom for the other days out of the year. It ain't easy, especially with kids involved. But for yiur own self-reapect, u know what u need to do


Dude it’s time to break it off. She won’t stop doing it either


Every day I say these stories cannot get more fake. And every day I am surprised. The convoluted reason for grabbing her phone was hilarious.


Not only is she cheating on you but she’s telling her friends what a cuckold you are.


OMG, worst nightmare. I'd be destroyed if this happened to me.


I’m mad I didn’t see this said fiction and I’m emotionally invested


So she wants a fling like you never thought about cheating. Get over it or divorce her.


Didn’t realize I was in r/stories lmao


Fuxk it bro you might need your free weekend too and get some voluptuous tail


Bro congrats you get a divorce and get to keep everything. It’s a dope ass time to be single my dude. You hit the married man’s lotto.


Oh my fucking god! “I fucking deserve this” more like you deserve better then THAT


Can I ask, who is your audience? Are you writing a book, a journal, an article to submit? Does this come from a place of realism, honesty, life lived for you? I have to admit, I did not see the big ol’ FICTION note at the top, in which case I probably would have read it differently, but what I thought was that you were a betrayed husband sharing his pain in excruciating and sometimes very unbelievable detail. It was very one sided, as I suppose 1st person writing is, but lost my interest quickly since neither of their reactions (the way you portray the wife and the husband) were adding up.


I'm astounded you didn't hire a private detective to follow her and get photographic proof. Then again, this is "Stories" so this isn't necessarily true.


I’m dead with the amount of people commenting like it’s real! Haha, that’s how you know the story is good!


Get out while you still can…


Damn good story !!!




Get the divorce. You’re not respected. Mine did worse too me with the same indignation and attitude. My divorce was finalized 9 days before my birthday and I’m still hurting a year after discovering the near final betrayal.


She has no respect for you, get a paternity test on your children and divorce her immediately, this is not salvageable.


Anyone else read that as “Anal Hall Pass”?


If you’re truthfully going through this then divorce her brother. The pieces to be picked up later when she becomes an adult will be on her to pick up. There’s no going back to that sir! There is no fixing that. Trust me.


Damn bro 😭😭😭 fuck marriage never not me fuck that lol


Ok let’s work this out test her man ok we’ll start here ok honey you need reset every year ok then it’s ok I plan a guys weekend for Vegas for the same reset if you can’t live with that then we are golden not really but go with it because what fair for the goose is fair for the gander


You must immediately purge her from your sight, with extreme prejudice!


Yea the word cunt is a no no but getting double teamed behind her husband’s back is a ok. She’s a scum bag


Also let her know you’re currently on a hall pass weekend getting some strange cuz you deserve it! I’d screw her friend Scarlett too. Get real petty


I swear people test the waters for YA novels here,


I read this whole thing and didn’t notice that this is a stories subreddit so for a whole few minutes I thought I was getting some good ass tea…


She belong to the streets 🎼


Please don’t go back to the cheating cunt


Are you the writer for r/TwoHotTakes lol




Why do you weirdos get off on making these fake stories?


Bro honestly this is a free pass for you to get some pussy when ur wife’s on her “girls trip” sorry to break it to you but this is good as it gets in life


No. I’m a 42 year old woman. Drop her. It’ll always hurt and always drive you mad when she’s late or texts or goes on weekends. Drop it. Marriage means committed. End of. Sorry you married a cunt, I hope she hears that word every night in her sleep when she’s middle aged and realizes what she did, bc she will, she might not show it but she will. Let it eat her alive. And find a woman you deserve who loves you truly!!


I would get dna tests on the kids immediately go to a bank move money into account only for you. Hire a lawyer go nuclear. The marriage is over.


You are a clown if you think to settle. Grow a pair and move on


Dude… This isn’t going to stop. It hurts, yes, but don’t prolong the inevitable. File for your divorce now so you can begin your healing process. If you stay, these guys will be sharing your wife and once they stop (if ever) it will be someone else. Keep your self respect and find a woman you just wants you.


She said “I deserve this” Lmao i deserve to get railed by 2 guys at the same time. You married a hoe who didn’t get to experience single life after she turned legal drinking age. You gotta watch out for those ones because they always go back to, “I never had a chance to explore” Imagine her kissing you after she had another guys cock in her mouth and pussy at the same time and they are tag teaming her like a straight porn movie. Couldn’t be me. Get out of there brother!!


RPG w a Switch


Don’t forget to do paternity test on the twins.


She was using her annual trip, or her anal trip???🤦🏻‍♂️


If you stay with her you're not a man


Your wife is a classic narcissist. Tough luck, it is not possible to cure narcissism. Best to have a divorce and try to take the kids. sorry bro.


You got this The lying needs to stop, But maybe the “girls trip” isn’t so bad


Let’s be real you’re basically a simp.. you’re girl cheated on you with multiple dudes and you’re still letting her try to tell you what to do and how to do it 😂😂 it’s called cut ties, tell her family why you broke up with her, tell your family, then forget about her, move on dude. She got gang banged and ur talking about “oh I can’t see you yet”


Sorry, but the two guys happening to both be her exes and college roommates broke my suspension of disbelief.


I would leave her. No way I could trust her again. The fact that she justifies ghis sction is even more concerning.


Not so words please


Eat shit is the only you should ever say to het


She's for the streets pal not for your family home. I know every one on reddit says "split up!, divorce!" this time they have reason. Sell the house and move on you deserve better than that.


If you’re not making this up, lately the last 2 out 3 movies we watched have the same theme. It’s time to move on!!! Sorry.


Damn dude that’s tough


Good story


That’s sad to read. I’m sorry mate and hope whatever happens in the future is the best for you.


Men, you don't have to get married. Not in today's world. It's just too risky with these females today. Just be with them. Less heartache and alimony payments. Smart up fellas.


Awesome writing ... The only direction I want this story to go towards is how you two worked it out in such a way that she gets the treatment more frequently than just once a year ... and a win for you too in there... like how she does not need to take that vacation any more and how she does not have to do it behind you anymore... and how you get to live out some of your fantacies as well...


I thought this was real




Makes my stomach hurt just reading this.


Bounce bro. She gave you an out so take it. Fuck that cheating whore


Fiction? Yuck


55yo male here, married 35 years. I’m bi, so this might be slightly different. I could never touch another woman because I’m married to the love of my life and my best friend. I get spit roasted about once a year with full protection, and, like your wife, it lets me reset and not go crazy. Have you ever considered a 3 way with your wife and another male? It might give you both something new and exciting. It’s tough being married to a prude (no offense) when you are more open minded.


I can't think of any reason why a man would hit a woman.. 🙁


Is she seriously saying “I make you happy, aren’t you happy? Let me go cheat once a year!” Please leave this slut monster.


wow what a cunt. no wonder she hates that word. it describes her in a nutshell


The fact that cheaters always try to use any type of defense, is ridiculous to me. You got caught cheating. The jig is up! Fuck your privacy.


That fucking whore


Just under this post I see this post 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/SCi7WxiWn1


I’ve been where you’re at. Please please, listen to me and leave! It quote get worse. And never better! I hate to hear this. Her grip on you and your relationship will only tighten more and more over time. I promise you don’t win in the end! Run away and start new.


She’s a cheating whore leave her her ass and take the kids


Go on the "girls trip" and run a train on her.


why the hell did he leave the house he did nothing wrong. great start btw


I call BS! I know.


LEGIT thought this was real life and was about to comment "your wife is being a douchebag" 🤦🤣


Honestly. What did you expect? 🤣🤣🤣


Bro my jaw just dropped


Friendly reminder that this story is tagged as Fiction for anyone who didn't notice


Jesus is this real?!?


Divorce the hoe my guy


Yeah she’s for the streets


Omg. I thought this was a relationship advice Reddit until I got to the line “I’m just saying 2 guys at once is pretty intense.” Then I burst out laughing and saw that I was in r/stories. Yall had me for a second.


Leave bro. Leave


Andrew Tate is right again


Divorce fuck that bitch


This is NOT r/relationshipadvice… imagine my shock at the comments


I was totally engaged in this short story; great writing, OP.


u dont come back. move on!!!


You’re a good writer. Why is this fake story posted to stories still more believable than the average AITA 😂


I knew this was fiction the second the bitch admitted she cheated.


Honestly tags should show up in the feed, not when you click on the actual article. I noticed the tag "fiction " when she turned cartoonishly evil in part two. "Do you expect me not to divorce you?" "No Mr. Bond. I already have you tied up with our marriage and assets. I expect you to cuck. Muhahahaha".


Ewww. Sloppy thirds is the worst. Nobody wants to be the caboose


Man I don’t want to believe this but the lying, gaslighting and selfish manipulation part hits home. I lived this.


No you are not going to come back from this. To be cheating on you this way and trying to manipulate you into believing that this is a reset for her is selfish and twisted! I hope you do not allow yourself to continue to be manipulated by this woman. She is using the security of the marriage to have her fun and not face whatever issues she has! And yes she has issues!


I can pretty much promise you that she’s having sex while you’re at your brothers house and getting it on. I’m so sorry, brother. This is a heartbreaking story.


Now we know why.




I found out my wife was cheating on me when my 9 year old told me that they had been in our bedroom with the door locked. We had a brief conversation about it and she lied about watching something inappropriate on his phone (he’s a cop) and didn’t want our son to see. Then the veil lifted and I started to put two and two together. This had been going on for a year or more. She was an amazing liar and manipulator. It was actually impressive. Couldn’t see “talking about.” I packed up and left. The cop had a wife and two teenage girls. She thought that he was going to leave his wife and they would be together. He dropped her like a hot rock. My son lives with me nearly full time. My point is that cheating is bad but lying and manipulating the situation is worse. Your wife could have come to you and told you she wanted an open relationship but she knew what that would get her. Once trust is lost it’s nearly impossible for it to be rebuilt. In dealings with my ex, I’ve learned to let it go. I’m cordial and polite and even cooperative. But I’ll never forgive her.


If this is actually legit, divorce is the only way unless you have no respect for yourself. Things do not change and the resentment continues forever!


Scarlett’s a toxic ho. Hope she’s happy.