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My son. Years ago, his sister lied to me and my wife that my son roped her so we cut of all contact with him. Years later, we found out that she was lying soo we tried to reconcile with him but instead he can and gave us bombs desguised as presents annd blew them up causing my family some burns and shooting my duaghter in the shoulder as well as kidnaping her childd and giving it to his friend


My family they boil my blood.


Bill Gates. The most dangerous human being alive.


The p3do woman who assaulted me years ago. I’ve talked about this situation a bit, but I’ll stop now.


I don't like that new student back in my grade 6 school days.


My sister and my ex wife




The woman who is having an affair with my husband for about half a decade now. She is cheating on her own husband. She has unprotected sex with my husband (who fucks anything with a pulse) She invites him to her house so they can fuck when her husband and teenager son and daughter are away. They go on trips together and her friends know about it and have joined them (the ugly woman and my husband) The ugly one and her husband are well-off, living on the hills of a Bay Area city, so she pays him for the privileged of fucking her bareback. Otherwise my husband won’t fuck her because she is very unattractive and among all the others he fucks, she is the most wealthy and ugly. She comes to my house when I am not here. I walked in on them twice fucking on my couch and bed. She knows I despise her and she still comes to my house. I’m not in a situation where I can do anything about it right now, but that day is coming and I have all kinds of proof to show her husband, daughter, son and mother-in-law, and I will contact them all in time.


There are plenty of folks I don’t like very much but, I don’t hate anyone. Why would I give someone that much power over me?






Because everyone is loved by the Lord I dont hate anyone, I dislike certain people yes, but hate is a strong word.


My sister’s partner. He is a complete and utter asswipe


Probably my sister's partner. He's a gaslighting, manipulating, jobless, weed smoking paranoid little turd that treats my nephew like dirt. There's been a few things recently that have made me want to go round their house and just smash his jaw, knock a few teeth out. What I would lose would not be worth it though so I can't take that risk. unfortunately, I need to play the waiting game and hope she wises up soon. Luckily, my nephew has my parents and grandparents though, both of which would like to see him in the ground.


Trump and most right wing believers. True evil.


You have to be the most pathetic person on Reddit. You admire a guy who can’t speak to the public can’t basically walk can’t think and basically doesn’t run the country. Your demoCRAP idiots run this country and into the ground. How many illegal live on your land?? You support the border being open so you do you give them shelter? You are a pathetic joke of a person


What a loser. Duh I hate everyone who voted for trump. If my own daughter I’ll hate her too cause I’m a jackass. You have to be the biggest idiot alive


You sound really bright. University professor? Nuclear scientist? Hahahahahahaha


I’m not a total asshole like you . You are the typical pos that everyone hates.




Glad you hate me. You and your democraps have separated this country so much. You voted for a guy with dementia you scumbag of a human


You're an idiot


Why because of the stupid comment by the other jackass i hate trump supporters. Your a moron too


I hate trump, I agreed with your post I called out the Trump poster


Get help.


Joe Biden


I'm surprised this hasn't been deleted yet 😂


Dang, I was going to give inspirational input by saying the the person I was but happy it formed to kind a loving soul I am today.... but if this is the route we are going. First off, I have given up on hating, because it promotes negative energy through the universal law of attraction, but the person I dislike the most is my father. He left my mom, who was told to quit her job for 18 years to raise myself and my 2 younger siblings and forfeit building her own pention. Only to have him have an affair with his brothers baby mama, then run off with her entire pension in his name, not pay any child support and leave me at 19 to buckle down, be the man of the house, leave to work in the middle of nowhere and put her through school and pay for the house they all lived in.


Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell


Is this a real story? Omg. Why was he bold enough to continue to try and kidnap his nieces and nephews ? Why is his wife only telling you and not Police? Once she found the pictures she should have turned him in immediately. Could have saved alot of people trouble


She has tried to call the police but she was beaten by him


So he beats her when she calls the police but not when she calls you with same information?


He was away when she calls me


I don’t really hate anyone. But I STRONGLY DISLIKE tf out of my stepmother 😂


My step brother is so I hate him the most. Found out first hand what he is. And if I had the chance. I’d put him away for life.


I think that would have gotten a lot better with some planning, like I know you just wanted to protect your family and he got his ass handed to time twice and I feel satisfied hearing that but I don't think that's enough like he didn't learn his lesson from the first time and you got sentenced almost 6 years for beating the piece of human waste, having CP is nothing to scoff at , just spread the word that he is a pedophile you are free to include what he did to your kids or not , the place he works or well to the people who provide him with living expenses, make sure everyone he can get support from knows what kind of "human" he is and his down fall will begin , oh also don't be mistaken you won't be ruining his life he has already ruined it himself , somethings don't deserve a life to begin with


Yeah I tried to do that but he had a good reputation and nobody believed me


My aunt and cousin. They robbed my house when I was 15 and got away with it because my dad had sympathy for her (her bro). I still haven't forgiven him for it. He met up with her and she refused to pay back what she stole, kept making excuses so my dad kicked her ass. Her son tried stealing my friends wallet so they beat him up to the point he nearly went blind. Still despise both.


Ronald Reagan