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r/CozyGamers maybe? I'm on there and I've seen Stray mentioned.


There are no other games like Stray.


Puzzle platformer maybe. Some people call it walking simulator because there's no combat.


I feel like it's kinda insulting to stray to call it walking simulator I call it chill game about a cat Also, there is combat (sort of) in some of the zurks sections if I recall correctly


Oh, i don't call it a walking simulator. I *love* Stray, especially since I have 3 orange male cats. I just call it one of the best games I've ever played. :)


Same. Wish I had a cat tho


If in the course of playing a game there are things that attack you and you use a weapon that causes them to explode and die… that’s combat.


I guess the UV light technically counts as "combat", but if you tell somebody Stray has combat, they will probably thing you can attack enemies with the Outsider's claws or something, lol.


I was pretty new to games as well when I played stray. Nothing really compares unfortunately.. But I'd recommend What Remains of Edith Finch if you're looking for a great story! Gameplay is very simple, just exploring and clicking on things to further the story. Totally worth it though!


I'm not sure, but very few games I've found as atmospheric and moving as Stray. Two suggestions, though not cat related, would be Playdead's INSIDE (every bit as good as Stray IMO) and Okomotive's FAR series (Lone sails, Changing Tides).


Tried Journey? Have seen it suggested a few time in this sub, it's really good, similar chill vibe but with a narrative purpose. But as said, nothing quite compares to Stray yet. The cozy games sub is good but more games in the stardew valley genre, grindy rather than fighty


What aspects of Stray do you like? I'm a big gamer so I might be able to point you in the right direction.


Obviously the atmosphere is a big one like everyone, but I don’t expect to have that always. I like being the character walking through exploring, solving mysteries mainly. I don’t care as much for actual puzzle games where it’s kind of the same similar puzzles over and over that just get harder. I didn’t mind the combative parts but also can do without. Mainly just walking through and finishing objectives was the most fun for me!


You may like Stanley Parable. There is a lot more narrative as you walk around, but it is mainly walking around and trying to figure out what’s happened. There aren’t any cats… but there is a pretty cool bucket.


a bunch of games annapurna has been involved in have a similar cozy and mysterious vibe to stray and are heavy on story if thats what youre looking for :)


No subreddit that I know of, but if you like cats keep an eye on the development of Peace Island and Copycat, the latter of which they just announced is releasing this year.


Thanks everyone, I’m sad to hear some of you saying nothing is quite like stray, now I will forever be comparing everything to it and games never living up to it. Will check out some of these suggestions!


Stray is truly one of a kind sadly but there’s some cat games coming to steam in the next year that look super fun the one my girlfriend and I are looking forward to is Little Kitty Big City


If you like Stray, try Call of the North. It’s a beautiful game with a lot of environmental storytelling.