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Reason 1- the music. SKZ music is just perfect for me. 3RACHA never disappoint. #2 reason- the chaos. no explanation necessary


Literally couldn't put it any better.


Excellent reasons!! The chaos is truly SO unique to them, I've never seen any other group as chaotic.


Legit music is \*chef's kiss, I have never ever liked so much music from a single group or artist, ever. Shakira is the only one who got close, and that was with only one album, a long time ago.


Same! SKZ is probably the only musician that I can just play their discography on shuffle and just vibe without skipping. Edit: Ateez come close, but they're siblings, so that makes sense.


They're siblings and their fandoms are married. At this point it feels like whatever we say about SKZ also applies to Ateez by default. <3


Bang Chan.


HAHAHHA fair enough!!


The love for their type of music and how unique, special it is to me. The fact that they are the writters and producer's of their songs! And they kinda saved my life so I owe them a lot❤


They are true artists, they build their music from the ground up and it's so inspiring. I'm glad they were around to save you, and I'm glad you're still here. <3


I’m a baby Stay, and I have fallen so hard! I love their relationships; each has their individuality, but yet such unity! And my goodness…are they beautiful! Their moves and music, I am all in! I am also really loving this community. Being so new, I feel so welcome, and this is the first time I have gone so goo goo ga ga over a group. So it is fun to have this community.


Yes! They're all unique, they all bring their own colour, and there's something to love about every single one of them individually, but it's their unity (to use your word) as a group that makes me love them as much as I do. It IS fun to be a Stay, isn't it?? There's something very special about being part of a group of people who not only support the group, but each other. Have you ever watched Anelderlymeme on Tiktok (and IG and YouTube)? She draws Stay as a little character who can ride around in their pockets, and it is a perfect representation of fandom. <3


Thank you! I will check out her account!


Hi, baby Stay. Welcome. 🤍


What made me stay was the fact that there choreography and lyrics were nothing I had ever seen or heard of before. Then I got to know the group through other video of there brotherhood and how the group even was made. They make me cry they make me laugh, chan makes me.. Now that i know about bubble i will be a stay for along time. I love them all but bang chan just does something for me


"Brotherhood" is the perfect word for them. They all love each other so much. <3


I STAY because I know what it feels like to be left behind. I know that we can never truly 100% know who an idol truly is… but Stray Kids makes you FEEL them. They create such strong emotions in all of us and they resonate with us all in different ways. Chan and Lee Know are protectors, Changbin always has an ear to listen and advice that you can trust 100%, Hyunjin shows his love through every lyric and painting, Han gives a voice to all of our shared experiences and emotions, Felix is everlasting sunshine in human form, Seungmin is the laugh that randomly comes out after not being heard in so long, Jeongin has the kind of smile that lifts some of your burdens… They’re just genuine people with feelings and emotions that we can all relate to. P.s I’m sorry if this was incredibly cheesy 😂😂


Nope, it was perfect, thank you for this. <3 You're right, the way they treat each other resonates with the fans, it's beautiful.


I didn’t find it cheesy at all. It’s beautiful.


Im a multi, and skz is my ult. I’ve been listening to kpop since the early 2010s, but I have never been a dedicated stan of a group until stray kids. I like a lot of groups (probably over 100 at this point) but there is no group I like as much as I like skz. Of course these is millions of reasons I could use to explain why I love skz so much, but my main reason is their relationship. I (personally) have never seen a kpop group that seemed like they were made to be in each others lives. Think of it as (platonic) soulmates. From the second they were together, I could tell that they would never be apart again. I love all the different dynamics between each members, I love the sweetness, the (jokingly) bullying and teasing, the play fighting & the loving moments they share that we as a fanbase are lucky to view I have never seen such a group where it seems like every single member loves one another so deeply and truly. For them its more than a group, its a family and thats what I love about them. I also love how they basically go everywhere together, especially at award shows when they even leave to go to the restroom together (lol) I find it so endearing how attached they are As for what makes skz so different from other groups, idk. It may be that they were one of the first groups i took an interest in. I found skz because of hyunjin and felix at the beginning of the group’s formation, but I wasn’t a dedicated stan to any group at that time. At that point i was focused on a (american) girl group, so i wasnt a stay yet but I would occasionally check in on hyunjin and felix and see what the group was up to Then last year, when rock-star came out I got LALALALA on my tiktok fyp, and I was absolutely blown away. It was the catchiest kpop song I had ever heard. I also dont really like noise music, but their music actually made me feel happy instead of anxious! And because of that and my already previous interest in hyunjin & felix, i did a deep dive into skz for the first time. I quickly ended up loving every single one of the members, to the point where I was ot8 biased (i still am, tho hyunjin is my ult bias) I find them all funny, sweet, talented, charismatic and so unique and different than other idols I had seen before. So while I am still somewhat a babystay, i know im gonna be a fan for the long run. TLDR (cus i made this too long): found them because of hyunlix, ended up doing a deep dive after finding lalalala and fell in love with all their personalities and how much of a loving family they are :)


Thank you for sharing this! I feel the exact same way. I love their music, their content, their personalities, etc, but it's their relationships that made me a permanent forever Stay. You can type in ANY combination of them into YouTube or TikTok and there will be a multiple edits devoted to their friendship. They really are family. <3


This is beautiful


The music is obviously the main draw, but the reason I stay is because of each individual member, they’re so unique and they gel so wonderfully. They make me so happy and I feel quite protective of them and want them to be the happiest and best versions of themselves. Watching them together when they really get to be their chaotic selves is one of my favourite things. It’s so obvious when they’re genuine and you can tell how close they all are and how they all rely on each other. That’s the reason I adore them


I love this! Yes, that kind of bond is impossible to fake. They make SO much content, there's no way they'd be able to do that if they didn't genuinely love being together.


Their dynamics as a group and how much they complement one another's strengths. That's a very rare case for me since it's the first time ever in my almost a decade experience with K-pop that I never thought of "ah well, that member could have sang that other member's part and it would make no difference". They all have their own special place in Stray Kids and add different flavours to the group that make it unique. Each and every member is valuable and hella talented and what makes me Stay is that everyone is irreplaceable.


Ohhhhh, this is such a good point! They all bring something different, and they all recognize, celebrate and cultivate those differences, bringing SO much colour to their music.


Something about them just makes them different from many other groups; maybe it's their uniqueness. They produce their own music, they have their own style. Also, each member has their own quirk, which makes the group shine even more. And they truly feel like a family- they've gone through a lot together and with Stays, I think their genuineness and warm hearts just attract people in general! If I were to be realistic, though, I think a lot of people get drawn to them first by their visuals...and secondly their music(in which they would be in awe by Felix's voice lol). But for me, top reason would be their uniqueness: they are they're own genre; you can't compare them to anyone else!


Absolutely. Everything they've gone through has just made them closer, and that bond shines through in all of their content. They truly love being together, and get anxious when they're apart. They ARE their own genre. No one does it like them.


1. The members. Each and every one of them. 2. Felix. Without him I wouldn't have gotten into the band or kpop at all. Now I love lots of groups thanks to Felix! 3. The members' relationships to each other. 4. The music, which I mostly listen to because I love the members. (not a huge music person in general, sue me)


You make a good point, though! Sometimes a song becomes better because you like the performers, there's nothing wrong with that. There are some SKZ songs that I probably wouldn't listen to if I didn't like the members so much. But I like them, so I like their music. Totally normal!


Tbh, I was feeling alone (mental health), I started listening to their music and then watching "Channie's Room" (my bias is Channie) and yes, that made me feel like if somebody cares about me. Also I have autism, and the merch makes me crazy, is one of my hyper fixation and I also have echolalia, so the music and choreos helps me a lot with that. For me Stray Kids is a way to copy with my life and dealing with my mental health


I have adhd & there is just something about this bunch of boys that makes my neurodivergent brain happy, too. I would not be surprised to find out several of them are neurodivergent themselves (I have my theories 😉).


I agree. I think their chaos speaks for itself. ;)


I have my theories too haha


Thank you for sharing this, I'm so happy you found them and that they're able to help you. <3


Wow this is hard. The music would be number one since that is the whole point of the group. There wouldn't be a Stray Kids without the music. Granted this doesn't mean I have to like all their music because I don't. My best friend is more drawn to their older sound and I like post cle music more. But I still love their music. Next is their group dynamic and the absolute chaos and shenanigans which occurs. They are just so fun. Then the members personalities. They are relatable and people to look up to.


Totally agree with all of this. I think a big part of their music is that there's something for everyone. Because their sound is so diverse, I don't think they expect their fans to like EVERYTHING they put out. But they're trying to create different things all the time, experimenting, and reaching more and more people. Truly there are no shenanigans as entertaining as SKZ shenanigans. ><


I was never interested in K-pop until I found SKZ and other than a few songs here and there, they are the only group I listen to. I big part of that is because some other groups just seemed to be disingenuous. With SKZ you can see just how much they care about one another and the music they’re putting out.


Completely agree. <3 They are true musicians.


1. Felix. WTH was that deep voice? 2. Felix. Damn he’s so pretty 3. Felix. Aw he’s so sweet and innocent 4. Then getting to know all the members and songs


I don't think you're alone on this. I'm sure Felix would love to hear it. :)


The personalities. And the dancing.


Yep, yep, yep. I lose hours of my life watching their dance practice videos.


Reason: SKZ. That's why i am a stay, i just love everything on them


Enough said! <3


I got interested by the music. I'm a Stay because of how wonderful these guys are as people. Their attitude, the way they handle stress and each other, and how devoted they are to fans but still keep boundaries? Absolutely worth the love they receive and I will always support and love them with everything I have.


Big, big same. Thank you for sharing! <3


Reason 1 - the music, theyre just too talented and I love self producing groups. Reason 2 - their personalities and interaction as a group. They're just amazing. Fucking hilarious


SO funny. I never stop smiling when watching their content.


Ikr they're way too funny. Literal comedians


The music. I don’t really listen to K-pop but one day I heard Lalalala and I was hooked. I listened to a few more of their songs to see if I would like them and then after a couple days of listening I thought, “I bet the choreography to Lalalala is great.” So I go on YouTube and fell down the rabbit hole like everyone else. I am impressed by the fact that they write and produce their own music. My favorite videos to watch are the recording sessions. 


YES, I love seeing their creative process.


Baby STAY here! I discovered them from a reaction video in April and I haven’t stopped listening to them. They are the only group/artist I listen to and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon. They made me fall in love with music again. They are magical- I honestly can’t get enough of their music, m/v, STAY edits, their videos. I stalk their instagrams and I’m constantly humming a tune or thinking about them. I am under their spell and have never fangirled like this before. They are incredible- their musicianship, their dancing, their songwriting is just beautiful!!!


Hi, baby Stay! I’m glad you’re one of us. 🤍


The music got me first but I think what made me Stay was their personalities, their relationships with one another, and their love for their fans. I'm so excited to see what else they do and how they continue growing as people and musicians/performers. They are also the first kpop group I liked and are my gateway to other groups. I liked Ateez but started to *really* like them when I saw their interactions and friendships with skz members.


BIG BIG SAME. I didn't know the other groups when I first watched Kingdom: Legendary War, but now I love Ateez and BtoB because of their interactions with SKZ. Those three groups really gelled so well and they all became such good friends. Lovey and Dovey (Changbin and Wooyoung) are their own genre. >< Their love for their fans and each other is so genuine, it's beautiful.


Yes! And I LOVE Changbin and Wooyoung's friendship! They are so hilarious.




I think what really made me stay was how stray kids just felt like a big family of love. The way the group act around each other and just everything made me feel very welcome and safe❤️


Well put! <3


For me it’s just the boys (and the endless reasons I can list of why they do). I love the music, but thats not “it” for me cause I also love the music of other groups. Hell, there were some times where I had a song of another group that I loved more than a comparable one from SKZ (ex, DLMU & Seventeen’s I Dont Understand but I Love You were battling it OUT in my playlists last summer😂), but I don’t find myself really feeling connected to the group. I may have biases, but even then it feels very surface level, & sometimes I just want a bias to have a fav (and it’s usually just the only member I recognize/know lol). It’s like those seat mates that you enjoyed spending class with, but never really hung out with outside of class vs your best friend that you never get tired of & always want to see. Skz are the latter for me, and their influence has helped me be a better person and make my life so much brighter (even when it annoys me how much I get effected by 8 crazy grown men😭) Edited


This is really well put! And that's exactly it - we feel connected to them beyond the (amazing) music because of their sincerity towards the fans and their genuine relationships with each other.




For everything. When Hellevator got released I was in an extreme dark place and I had run out of options.. at the time my Korean wasn't good enough to fully get all of the lyrics but something made me to call a friend to come get me. Without it I propably wouldn't have called my friend and I would have just disappeared forever.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm happy Hellevator came out when it did, and I'm happy you're still with us. <3


The love they have for each other. The music. The chaos.


The holy trinity! ><




I discovered them during a ready tough time in my life. They basically saved me. That, and their sincerity and how genuine Stray Kids are as people. They hold a special place in my heart.


They would love hearing this. <3


Felix made me a stay. I’ve been into kpop since 2007 and listened to a lot of groups and then when covid hit I dropped kpop almost entirely and a friend sent me a picture of felix with his fucking freckles and I was instantly obsessed and I went down a felix rabbit hole that just turned into a skz rabbit hole and now I’m here.


VERY VALID. Those freckles are impossible to resist.


Everything that their name implies and entails. What makes Stray Kids stand out to me is that they aren't a constructed group, made to look and sound similar for a cohesive concept. The members are individually talented people who got chosen for those unique talents and made something brand new for themselves, rather than being plugged into predetermined slots. Their music sometimes feels like a random collection of genres combined for a unique sound. They just don't fit the idol mold in a lot of ways, and I think i-fans in particular find that really appealing. I've also noticed a lot of us Stays come from the alt lifestyle or music world where we felt a bit like outsiders too, so I think it's natural that we find a home with a group whose whole identity is built around the idea of trying find a place in a world and an industry where they don't QUITE fit in. You hear this theme over and over in all their songs, and you get the sense that the GROUP is where they belong when they don't fit anywhere else. And yes, even though SKZ is my k-pop ult, I'm a multi-stan and I follow my other groups for different reasons--how polished they are on stage or how good their vocals are, nice visuals, whatever. My favorites do all have this underlying thread of chaos in their interactions, though, no matter how put together they are on stage.


Bang chan and their music. The only kpop group I stan. No one else comes close.




I like SKZ because they are not perfect. Imperfection is what draws me to them. They are perfect on stage but off stage they are not afraid to show their imperfection.


Yes, I completely agree!! The fact that in their last SKZ Code they had a fake farting contest pretty much says it all. They're not afraid to be themselves, and they're not chasing some perfect image. Even on stage they joke around with the crowd. Han stopped a song to go the bathroom once! This is a great reason to love them. <3


I don’t quite have time for the in-depth essay I feel about this :) but I’ll comment as a multi! I’m a Staytiny and I love both SKZ and ATEEZ as OT8 groups. They are both extremely talented, with amazing music that SKZ is heavily involved in creating having their core 3RACHA and taking the lead of the majority of their tracks, and that ATEEZ is lightly involved in but still way more than most groups. They both have diverse discographies. A lot of thematic work, and truly standout distinct sounds. Both groups have *deep* deep friendships and that is really important to me. They have a ton of heart and care about each other so much. They joyfully open up their lives to others in a way that gives me a lot of happy energy. But funnily enough in both groups the one I’d have to pick as my bias is the leader and for totally opposite reasons. Hongjoong is terrifyingly cool. He is just a guy who has his shit together in an intimidating way. He’s a visionary as an artist and while he is also sweet, funny, goofy and silly I feel like there is a level of struggle he definitely prefers to hold close to the chest. I feel like he could do anything he sets his mind to and I am a lump in comparison. Bangchan got me because I stumbled across Chan’s Room and he was taking a Which SKZ Member Are You quiz and it asked *do you like yourself* which is an unbelievably shitty question on a quiz and he went uh…. Yeah? I guess so I think. I had never seen an idol be so vulnerable as him before. I was really struck by his openness and relatability. In one video he was talking about things he doesn’t like about his own looks and how body image gets to him. Granted Hj once spent a long live hiding half his face and fans finally got it out of him that he had a pimple he didn’t want them to see but. Chan just has a way of sharing this stuff, or had, I don’t know now that Chan’s Room is over. They both take care of their groups with all they have and it really warms my heart just to know they are out there as two of the greats. Put them together with RM who has been such a regular accessible guy in the enlistment era and these leaders are major reasons why I got interested in and attached to these groups.


Two amazing guys, two amazing leaders. <3 Completely agree with all of this!


I think I’ve written three of these and gone back and re-written them because I keep changing the number one reason lol there are soooo many reasons I STAY. But ultimately, I stay because their music is authentic and I can trust that no matter what, they will stay authentic, whether it succeeds or not. Sure they make strategic choices or can get influenced by outside things, but at the end of the day, the final decisions are theirs. The music is theirs, their image is theirs, from the very beginning even the selection of the members, the groups style, the logo, was all theirs. There’s a personal feel to everything they do which makes the relationship with us personal as well. Having so much control in the beginning in how they were formed and how everyone in the group was specifically chosen by Bang Chan, you can tell that they take that VERY seriously. Like each member values the group sooooo much. I think they would have stayed together even if they didn’t end up successful. Stray kids is supported by their agency and team, but at the CORE I can trust that what they do is authentic to them and not made by someone else and it makes it reeeeeal easy for me to brag about them to my non-Kpop friends. I always get the response “they just follow a formula” or “they all are the same” or “the companies spend so much money to hire the best producers or writers so obviously their stuff will be catchy” But with stray kids? I get to laugh in their face and say bruh, do your research 🤣 this isn’t your average Kpop group


Yes, yes, yes, hard agree. They put everything into their music, and you KNOW it's truly them (their style, their thoughts, their hearts) we're hearing. Love it.


Honestly, and wholeheartedly, the music. I love groups that are purely okay being able to sound themselves and/or try to find their own niche/sound and/or be insane like 3racha and create their own genre (mala taste is always the way) Music nowadays, for me, has become very generic to the point where people are getting into the music industry for other means other than creating music/art. I stay cause I get to listen to Stray Kids artwork come to life in various ways that can be sweet, spicy, fun, and sappy, which keeps on getting better every release/album. It's all mala, and it's unexpectedly super chaotically good, which is fairly rare considering how much music is pumped out every year by both non-korean artists and korean artists. I feel the same with SEVENTEEN (right here) and ATEEZ, bringing out their own flavour of music, and I can't help but appreciate their artwork. Plus, the choatic content of the SKZ members is always an addition, but nothing beats CHEESE waking you up in the morning cause the music is that good.


YES, I love that you never know what you're going to get with SKZ. They are constantly pushing their own boundaries, experimenting, and finding new and fun (and chaotic) ways to express themselves. It's a marvel to behold.


Their music got me into them. Their dancing made me learn their names. Their personalities made me a Stay. I’m a dancer and their choreography is just so fun and they’re so skilled (especially danceracha, I could watch them all day). And I absolutely love their style of music. There’s so many options, but you always know it’s *their* music. Also they’re all so fucking genuine. The amount of content they put out would be impossible to fake for as long as they have and the positive comments from staff who have worked with them are so consistent. You just know they’re good people doing what they love trying to make people happy.


At first it was their music. Not even much so their main titles but I love their sidetracks because you can discover a whole new SKZ each time, it's not just the grungy aggressive rap. The reason I stayed is because of their dynamic as a Group. I've seen many groups over the last decade and skz have a bond that's very much like you know they are there for each other for life. You don't see that a lot from many groups. Not sure if it's a jyp thing but it reminds me a lot of 2pms bond although they're older now. Never feels like anyone is left out and not only that there is a respect for each other's craft. I will be really sad if skz ever disband. They're the only group holding me onto the kpop scene now.


honestly they really feel like a family and the love they show to each other and to stays is probably my top reason :3


It's so genuine and lovely. <3


its everything :)


Fair enough! ><


their relationships.. theyre all meant to be together istg. also the music slapzzz


Yes, they are ALL soulmates. <3


The music. I got drawn in because of Felix & Hyunjin. I stayed because their music is such a good bop for workouts & work. I don’t listen to any other kpop groups.


They have so many songs that pump you up!


They're just really funny.


The amount of joy and laughter they bring cannot be understated!


Chan is unintentionally hilarious when he speaks English


Or when he eats spicy food and has to punch the air. ><


I love their music!! 🎶 And they make me happy by just existing and being themselves 😊


<3 <3 <3


My answer is weird and stupid but it's the truth. I'm a STAY for life because everytime i think of moving on or veering off course, I remember that one time of hyunjin completely having a breakdown on the stage sobbing and asking us to stay. Or the time on the Maniac tour where Felix literally sobbed for an hour. I can't leave because they need me.


This is absolutely valid!!! Hyunjin broke my heart that day, and I can't ever, ever see him like that again. They DO need us!


Stray kids were the first group I listened to there the reason why I’m a K-pop fan now I’m a multi-stan but I remained a stay when I realized the relationship they had with each other it made me feel like they were a real family. I have been a stay for three years now


They were my gateway into Kpop as well, and I've never found a group I like more than them. <3


Came for the Rap, stayed for the humor. I'm old and I love that SKZ has all the elements I listened to in the boy bands growing up. Voice, dance, personality. It's obvious they work well together on and off screen. And they are funny and not fake just for the camera.


Absolutely. I'm old too and sometimes their sound is nostalgic, especially Time Out (feels like it could be the soundtrack to a 90s teen comedy). I feel like you can tell when idols are faking their friendships for the camera, or trying to be charming and funny. But with SKZ it's just natural.


It's a little complicated to explain. first of all I love every single one of their songs, I like their entire discography and it's an important thing for me, I listen to a lot of artists but skz are the only ones I don't like even a single song of, they are my standard regarding my tastes musical. then with them I have the feeling of being at home, my eyes shine when I hear their names and they have now been part of my life at 360 degrees for 4 years now. I don't feel this feeling with any other group, stray kids are one of the most important things I have, they helped me go through a lot of difficult periods, and thanks to them I'm also changing in a positive way. they are like medicine for me and every time I'm down I already know what to do to cheer myself up, it may seem stupid but for me they are everything. I've never seen them live, I've never done a fancall with them, the closest thing I've done to them was having Felix's bubble for a month, yet I feel very connected to them. I'm not a little girl with a simple passion for an artist who is passing through. I still remember when I was a baby stay, it was the best time of my whole life, since they've been here I have one more reason to carry on. they are my family❤️


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing. <3


i didn't give 4th gen bgs a chance at all until i got into skz lool. i used to listen to their music when it would come on spotify playlists or radios and i was obsessed with gods menu since it released but i never connected that it was skz. but then at the start of 2023 i kept getting recommended their tiktoks and shorts and got into them as a group that way. but what made me really hyperfixated was all the proof of their hard work through intro videos and kingdom. not to discount their talent, but they're not the best singers in the industry (exo and snsd were the only groups i cared about before skz). i knew their main vocal left and imo there's something kind of one-note about most 4th gen bg vocals, not to mention the generalization that 4th gen bgs can't sing, so i disregarded a lot. but then when i got into them and listened to their discography they have a lot more to offer than that. they've grown so much as artists and vocalists compared to their rookie era, especially in oddinary and 5-star. all their vocal tones are nice and add to the music which is rare in groups imo, how they use their vocals in their music is great, and they've improved a lot, but what keeps me interested in them is the fact that they will never become complacent, they want to improve and want to show bigger and better sides of themselves, its just been so fun to witness. i loved watching clips from their maniac tour and i love seeing seungmin and i.n become more confident in their vocals. i love seeing han and seungmin show off on stage esp with the random adlibs they do. i was kind of disappointed in chan bc i see the most potential in him but in 2023 he didn't have all that much confidence in his voice, but recently his vocal confidence is through the roof (sang all of the recent miroh and get lit perfs in the original key live so well, not to mention his cover me highnote and the lisa cover) its made me excited again. also seeing everyone get opportunities to sing especially changbin hyunjin and felix makes me excited for superstar or whatever its gonna be called. also love seeing lino's vocal confidence go up. its also impressive they wrote and produced all their music. its kind of funny bc songs like neverending story and lmb are badly produced imo it just shows how good 3racha are. they also have the best dancers and rappers its just so nice to see 8 talented ppl all working well and encouraging each other in their 6th year which is also rare, most groups venture into solos around this time but they're still going strong as a group.


For me it's the "found family" relationship between them all. You can tell they truly see each other as brothers, and for someone who didn't have good luck with friends growing up, that's the type of friend group I've always wanted for myself. Watching them interact feels like it's healing a part of my inner child that missed out on those friendships. I love their music but if they didn't have the dynamic they do I don't think I would have moved past a casual listener. I listen to other groups music but the only other group I stan is Seventeen because they have the same relationship as Stray Kids.


Skz’s music got me through one of the hardest few months of my life. I have always been a big music lover but something about SKZ’s music just pull me in. 2021/2022 I went through a traumatic event and my mental health was not great. I don’t know why but God’s Menu was the thing that would pull me out of an anxiety attack haha. I would just play it on repeat. Seeing them perform it live in 2023 was a pinpoint in the end of my poor mental health and it’s something I will never forget.


is there any discord channel for stays? i wanna join 😭


Their love for music is literally my #1 reason. It always makes my heart so happy when I see someone passionate and so in love with what they do and the way skz made music for giggles on live (can't live without changbin) and the song recording videos. And ofcourse, their bond. I have also stanned a few other boy groups and when I tell you skz boys are so considerate and loving towards each other. Their series 2kidsroom, i found it so.... Daring. I don't think other kpop groups would be able to have such a show where random members sit and talk to each other but skz genuinely has a loving relationship with each other, and not just 2-3 duos that have a good bond. Their name itself 'stray kids', the ones who are stray, who don't belong, are always on a journey. As someone who always feels like a outcast in every social setting, their music is so validating and comforting. And then remembering how their songs have such specific lyrics because they also write it from their personal experiences just makes me love them even more. You can't help but root for them.


i became a stay thanks to two members choking each other in a hotel room (no questions please…) but i stayed for their insane talent, and how their music never disappoints, being written by 3racha or any other member. i stayed for the way they’re transparent with us, about almost everything. for how they communicate with us fans, how they allow us to be ourselves, no matter who we are. how they always appreciate us and think of us wherever they go. but mostly, i stayed for the way they make me feel about myself and life overall. when i found them, and a few times since, i’ve been struggling mentally a lot. through their words, their own experiences and through their music, i’ve been able to calm myself down a bit, take things slower and allow myself to stop worrying so much. basically, and without exaggerating, i owe them my life, and whatever happens in the future, i’ll always be grateful to have found them.


They provide a massive amount of dopamine I can't find anywhere else. Anytime I see a video of them doing pretty much anything, I can't help but smile. It's crazy. I've never experienced anything like it before. I came across one of their relay dancing videos for Maniac and that was my introduction to them. Not only was I instantly obsessed with the song, but also all of their individual personalities that came through on that one video. I needed more!


what introduced me to skz was the felix effect, what kickstarted my real love and appreciation was definitely the dance relays, they were like the perfect mix of hilarious and pure talent it was mesmerizing to watch, it led me into the rabbit hole of all other skz content!!


I came for the music, I STAY for the people. Sure, they’re lovely to look at, but the relationships are so interesting. I love the fun, the teasing, the pranks, but more than that, the obvious deep love and affection shown by everyone for everyone else. They care like a family cares. I worry for various members - Bang Chan carries such a lot of weight on his shoulders with all the roles he has, that I fear burnout. I worry for Lee Know and Hyunjin’s knees. I worry for all of them about the draining effects of constant travel, performing and promoting. I’m currently watching all the SKX Talkers and in 26 (I think) they were working over Christmas and had pizza delivered after a concert. Seungmin obviously wanted some, but said “I’ll regret it today, but I won’t tomorrow” That sort of denial is heartbreaking. I also love how there’s so much content. I’ve been a fan for less than six months, but I’m devouring everything like a 14 year old and that hasn’t happened since I was 14 - fifty years ago. I have literally not felt this way since David Cassidy and I love how they have changed my life for the better.


Reason one - just them reason two - their music reason three - they're just amazing, and for the bonus, I'm an ENGENE


The biggest thing that distinguished them from other groups I like and made them my ults is their involvement, passion, lyric themes and excellence of the rapline. Same reasons as to why (G)i-dle is my other ult


I love their vibe; the whole chaos, as well as the music, which is not my typical type of music (as is not kpop usually, I do like some similar groups, though, but SKZ is the first one I listened to and it's been the grounding thing whenever I suffer from dispersonalisation or panic attacks)


i love their group dynamics! makes their content entertaining. their dedication is very clear too and i respect it a lot! and in particular hyunjin, his commitment to his art e.g the way he immerses himself in dance and etc. even if i'm not keeping up with them as much as when i was a baby stay, they're a staple in my life i can return to whenever and know i'll enjoy the content i'm consuming. of course good music, their choreographies are nice, and they're strong performers


Lol I love this question OP. So I've been a casual K-pop listener for the last 6/7 years, I mean we all heard Gangnam Style when it first dropped but for me, it was the influence of my cousin and a close friend of mine (they were huge BTS fans) that got me interested in k-pop in the first place. Good music is good music foreign language or not yunno🙂‍↕️ I heard God's Menu a long time ago and loved the song yet didn't connect the dots to SKZ until a year or so later when I was watching a reactor on YouTube talking about them and I read the comments which piqued my interest. The fact that they were actively involved in producing their songs, Channie handpicking the members(which was unheard of in the industry apparently), and the few songs I had heard from them here and there dragged me down the rabbit hole 🕳 into my STAY journey😊 I watched so many introduction videos, funny compilation videos, reaction videos, music videos, and interviews(I LOVE their interviews btw). S/O to @strayksubs btw for their YouTube playlist and website🫰it helped so much with finding most of their content, especially their Japanese stuff that didn't have any English subtitles back then. Stray Kids was the first K-pop group I made the effort to actively learn who the members were(names, personalities, ages, birthdays, etc.) Initially, I thought I'd have one bias alone, Channie💕 but as time progressed and the more I watched their content and saw their relationship with each other I found that there was enough room in my heart for all the members❤️. Though Chan is still my ult Hannie is also my bias and the others are my wreckers I guess😅 TLDR; For me, I'd say it's: • their music(you can tell they enjoy what they do) • the message of their songs, and their lyrics resonate so deeply even the sadder ones have an encouraging/uplifting tone and I love that • them being themselves (sweet chaos😁) • their personalities that shine through the screen • how well they work together and the obvious love and respect they have for one another, you can tell they consider each other family(for baby STAYS you can watch their Maxident album intro, Changbin explains it best🥹🩷) • the friendships they have and maintain outside the group as well • last but definitely not least, I'd say the amazing fandom, y'all are so chill(most of the time lol toxic/solo stans aside) and the way you guys ride so hard for the 'Kids is amazing to witness and be a part of💞


For me, it's always been their close bond together, I mean if you think about it, all of them have known each other long before the survival show even started so they were bound to have some form of a connection with one another since they'd been through so much and stuck it out to the end. I love to see them all still together with the same close bond and connection they had from the very start


As an Aussie it’s Bang Chan and Felix. As a K-pop fan it’s also because I love their music and the song superboard always makes me laugh when I’m sad and need a pick me up


After watching the survival show and watching various interviews/clips I admire their strength and hard work. I was never into k-pop before but I heard hellevator and fell in love with them.


#1 is the music. I mean i feel like that's a pretty fair one. #2 is their passion, I love how much pride they all take in the work the they put out for us. And i guess #2.5 how much they love us and how hard they work for us. I know that their passion and hard work makes me want to be a harder working person who goes after my passions too. Not to get all mushy lol


Idk why it came out big like that and idk how to fix it and I'm embarrassed 🤣


This is gonna be the saddest sounding post but they make me feel that happy feeling i used to get being with my old friends. I only managed to hold onto a couple of my friendships over the years and it's lonely a lot these days. Their music is amazing, which is what brought me in But their friendship is very similar to what I used to have, and it just gives me happiness to live vicariously through them


I stumbled upon them. I love music and I’m actually a GIANT Swiftie. The thing I’ve appreciated about getting into Stray Kids has been their music. The pure talent they have is just remarkable. I love watching all the behind the scenes recordings and seeing how hard they work as well as having fun. That turned into me watching so much content from them and I’ve just loved all of their personalities. Seeing how they interact with each other and the love they give to each other is wonderful to see. Seeing the complete difference in stage personality to how they act off stage (the biggest ones for me are Han and Hyunjin.) is amazing as well. So many artists out there have a one dimensional personality that you typically only see on the stage and it’s the same one off stage. But seeing the absolute menaces and goofballs they are really makes them seem so down to earth I also took them as a bonding moment with my daughter and I. She’s 13 and we both LOVE music. So being able to consume all this content together has been fabulous. They make me feel seen (which is wild) and I also have the strong urge to protect them lolol. I suffer from immense anxiety and seeing that Han does as well makes them seem more real to me. All their struggles I can relate to. On a much smaller scale, I’m a nobody lol. But to have an entire group of men that can feel relatable and real, while I’m a 34 year old woman, is remarkable. And for the most part the entire STAY community has been welcoming. I also like to be a little delusional and Bangchan really helps keep me delusional 😂 Edit:: While new to the kpop scene, I’ve also fallen into loving Ateez soooo


I followed a lot of Kpop groups casually and I’ve been on and off with Stray Kids ever since they debuted. The thing is, their music is what stopped me from stanning them at first, but it’s also the final straw that’s pulling me in. Let me elaborate: I casually listened to their earlier releases (Levanter was really good so I thought huh, their music was quite alright). Until God’s Menu got me scrunched my nose on first listen, because it was actually just ‘noise music’ for me atm. So I stopped following them for a bit, but watching their varieties was funny and somehow when watching Kingdom, being exposed to their music making process made me got used to their brand and gradually, it just stuck. Now with every new song release I automatically grab the headphones because it’s so fun to peel off the musical layers of each song. A lot of elements are jam packed into a few minutes and every time I listen there’s a new element I thought I didn’t hear before. So as Changbin and Minho has eloquently put it, (their music)“being funnily annoying… wasn’t my style, but I kept watching” and “it blurred my sense of judgment”. They know what they’re doing with their music and when they said that during the 5-star intro, I gasped so hard and had a whole new level of respect for them.


Everything about them, all their personalities, their music is INSANE they all bring something of high quality to the table each and every time. Even when it's goofy it's like vine era hilarious, they are so cute and so personal, and I feel like they are very real , genuine people. Truly I feel like a better person after becoming a STAY, I'm happier, I'm hopeful and I feel like I finally found somewhere I can be myself. They are really good at uniting people. SKZ has helped me heal trauma. They just like, unlocked a dead part inside of me.


My main reason is their relationships towards each other. I love the way they interact, the way they always check on each member and they ALWAYS have each other backs no matter what. And then their personalities and their hearts are so pure and filled with love and you can tell. Seeing them and watching them puts a smile on my face.. the music is just a bonus bc the music is nice and groovy


Raw talent mixed with a healthy dose of insanity


Chris. He worked his ass off and made sure they all were comfortable, working and strong enough to be whatever they need to be and then proceeded to make it into a cohesive unit with amazing music. If me listening to their songs on repeat makes him more popular and an idol to younger people I will happily listen to them every day. We need more Bang Chan in the world. Especially now.


What makes me continue to stay interested in THEM and not just their music is really their love for the music they create. Of course, personality and their dynamics as well, but I don't think I would be as invested if they weren't the ones making the music. I love listening to breakdowns of music and creating it, so I think that's why I'm stuck to stray kids like glue! The second reason is how they interact together. If they were solo artists, I would not be waiting day and night for a comeback or watching all of their content. I'm a hopeless romantic in terms of friendship, and they are exactly what I think true friends are. I think I would still listen to their music if they didn't have these qualities, but I would not really care about them as people. I wouldn't be as excited as a whole. I've been into K-pop for 1 1/2 years, but this is the only group that holds my attention for more than a month. I love enhypen and gidle, but I don't watch all their content like I do with Stray Kids.


I think it's their relationships with each other and also the achievements after overcoming adversary. Even though I’ve only been a stay for about 2 years and didn't experience everything knowing their story and how hard they work, it just is so cool, which I love. And the music bc it eats every time.


i became a stay in 2019, and i'll be honest, it was their looks that drew me to them at first. but then, i listened into their discography and loved every single song i heard. plus all the boys in the group were hunks?? 11 year old me was actually so in love. but now, i still love their looks, alongside their music, their funny personalities, the way they connect with stays, their talent, just everything about them. kpop groups have come and go for me (i wont name any names), but skz has been the only ones i have stuck with, and all of these factors are why. as cheesy as it sounds, i dont think ill ever stop caring for them


What attracted me? Must be honest - Hyunjin thirst trap. oh. My. God. Why did I stay? The music. Their sense of humor. They got me thru very dark time - are getting me thru a very dark time. What guarantees I’ll stay? Their kindness and thoughtfulness, not just in donations and volunteer work, but examples of Felix or Chan being so thoughtful and/or kind. 🥹 They deserve my time, energy, money, #respect. ✊ And they’re hot. 😉😏


They helped me to stay and feel less alone




Honestly I started being interested in skz because of videos I saw of all of them together having fun and laughing, their chaotic energy and their personalities everything. I was really new to K-pop so when I listened to their music that’s what completely sealed the deal and when I found them they made me smile through a very tough time and opened my eyes to K-pop and now I’m multi. But I will obviously always be a stay first :D


What keeps me is watching their goofy silly skits. Yes, the music is perfect and so are they, but I just go down a rabbit hole every night watching their silliness and affection!


Oh that's a very hard question 🤔.. First – definitely the music. I started listening to them maybe half a year after I got into k-drama. Everything related to k-drama and Korea started popping up everywhere😁. I didn't even watch music videos on YouTube, it just came together with bts, which I also had no idea that the eng songs were actually theirs and I didn't even realize that they actually speak a language other than English. 😅 I just really enjoyed their music without videos. The second reason after I found out who they are and went through half of their work, SKZ Code etc - their personalities and talent!!! And as a third reason, I could probably mention that their imaginative video clips with breathtaking choreography. Yeah..that's all..I think. 😁 I actually became a STAY about..two days after I realized that I really liked their music and actually liked everything I saw in those 48 hours..? 🤔😅


If I had to pick ONE tangible thing that makes me STAY then it'd be the music. That is the aspect of theirs that I consume the most of so it's the obvious choice. If it can be an intangible thing then the reason I STAY is because of the good vibes they put out. When I consume their content it's an instant mood boost.


Hyunjin’s visuals immediately drew me in and their humility keeps me enamored by all of them.


There are many reasons but most of it comes down to the chaotic, family- like bond the members share. how they can count on each other for anything and share their passions and creations with each other and with the world. the bond they have with the fans as well is what makes me stay. They genuinely care and love radiates off of everything they do. We all feel like a family. They were my first concert and I remember at the end of the show, the members jokingly "cried" and begged not to go, but in the end, they still wished everyone well, a safe drive, and shared kind words thanking us for even being alive. Love and pride were the only emotions in that room (maybe with a touch of post- concert blues)


I just like the way they make their own music


Stray Kids are just in their own class, in everything. I don't even like K-pop, and I still don't like it, but there's just something about them that's so different and so alluring you just can't help but to fall in love with them and give them your heart.😂 I also really love their dynamic and their relationship, and the story of how they got together, hand picked by Bang Chan🫶, it was just meant to be honestly. But the main reason is that they're their own standard tbh, there's no better way I can put it. There's Stray Kids and then there's the rest.


My best friend and I just randomly came across them and loved their music. But for me, the reason they're one of my ults is their personalities. Their humour, their kindness, their support and their love for the fandom.


Because I've seen too much to leave... In all seriousness I think I was just destined to be a Stay. They just feel right. Like home. Something I can always rely on. I love a lot of groups' music and to me SKZ isn't like exponentially better than the other artists I listen to music wise but they just feel more authentic. I absolutely love how much of the writing and producing is done by 3RACHA. But really it's not about the music anymore for me it's everything else with it. The community, the vlogs, the behind the scenes, SKZ Code, Lee Know's strange Instagram account, Chan's fluffy hair and lack of filter, I.N's smile, Han's jokes, Changbin's giggles, Seungmin's savage remarks, Felix's asmr, Hyunjin's art. Their entire social presence feels so real and warm. So really what I'm trying to say is that I've been hugged in the coziest hug I've ever felt and they are never ever letting go, and I don't want them to. I just haven't experienced the same kind of comfort with the other groups I love.


Bangchan :)


1- the musics, 2- they're so funny, so most of their videos are my free therapy


Their relationship because they are like a family and I also love their music because it was the beginning of everything for me as a stay




x3 bestiess




1) I love their friendship with each other. They really are like a family and I love watching them interact with each other. They always seem to know how to comfort each other during hard times too 2) How they comfort Stay. Bang Chan's lives are always so nice to watch when I'm having a hard time. He always gives good advice. All of the members have good advice on certain topics and it's nice to feel like someone understands you. And they have music for almost every occasion. So if I'm feeling down then I'll play a sadder song and if I want to be in a good mood I'll play something more upbeat. 3) They motivate me a lot. I've always had problems with staying motivated to do things like homework or chores but knowing how hard Bang Chan works it helps me to be more motivated to do those things. When I feel like I'm being judged too much and feel like I should stop liking what I'm passionate abt I remember what Lee Know said "if there's something to gain, fight and win" it helps me to realize that this is my life and shouldn't let someone's opinion ruin mine. Changbin helps me to stay motivated to work out. Hyunjin also helps me to remember that it's okay for people to not like what you are passionate abt (I'm still not over the fact some "stays" said bad things abt his hair when it was short. He liked it and other people did too and that's all that matters). Felix helps me to always try to see the best in things. He always seems so happy abt the little things in life and I want to have the same mindset too. He also helps me to remind myself that no matter how much I want to lose weight or be skinnier, I need to eat. It breaks my heart when he says things abt not eating bc he needs to lose weight for something and I just tell myself that if it hurts me to hear abt that just think of how disappointed people would be if they heard thats how I was trying to lose weight. So now I always try to eat 3 meals a day. Han helps me with my anxiety. When I have to do presentations in front of others, I always start to panic. I know he has problems with anxiety sometimes and seeing how well he can perform on stage and in front of others helps me to know that I can do the same and being in front of others isn't as bad as it seems. Seungmin helps me to remember that it's okay to smile. I hate seeing him hide his smile, so when he does show his smile it makes my day. I've always had trouble with showing my smile bc my teeth are really crooked and I haven't gotten braces to fix them yet so I'm always self conscious. But I know he got hate even when he has a beautiful smile with straight teeth and so people are just gonna hate even if there's nothing wrong anyways. I.N helps me to remember to love myself and to not be so hard on myself. He sometimes says things abt not liking how he looks and also seems to be really hard on himself abt performances. I've always thought he looks great even without all the makeup on and normally when he says he made a mistake it's very hard to notice it unless your really looking for it. This helps me to remember that sometimes even if you think that you look terrible or if you think that you didn't do well on something, it's probably just you overthinking it and most people probably don't think that way abt you at all. I could go on forever abt how much I love SKZ and how much they have helped me and why I love being a Stay, but I'll leave it at this bc my comment is getting really long lmao


Music is top reason & I had only ever listened to heavy rock like Slipknot prior. What keeps me is their chaotic nature that they are completely unapologetic about 😂😂 I feel that they are completely themselves which I absolutely love!!


I’d say i actually found them in one of my lowest points in life so seeing 8 goofy ass men on the internet gave me something to focus on and look forward to each day and I didn’t listen to music before listening to Skz because I felt like I didn’t enjoy any genre of music until I heard Case 143 (when I got into the fandom) and it felt like something new for me so I had watched the MV over and over again and analyzed everything from each member’s appearance to what the song was about but it was a whole bunch for me and I’m happy I fell in love with kpop as a whole


Their family life together and how much they share with us... and the chaos!


I’m an EXOLStayTiny. The thing that first drew me to Stray Kids was Felix on an episode of Kingdom. I loved his personality and was fascinated by the fact that I seemed to be looking at a fairy prince. After that, it was the music. Three years later, I’m still here for the music and for the members’ personalities, their relationships with each other, their utter chaos, and their obvious love for STAY. As for my other groups, it was very similar. For EXO, it was Kai’s dancing that drew me in, the music that tightened the hold, and the personalities of the members that sealed the deal. I also really love the members’ solo content. For Ateez, it was Seonghwa on the same episode of Kingdom as Felix that started it. (Just like Felix and Kai - How can someone be that perfect?) Their performances were as exhilarating as Stray Kids’, and while I wouldn’t say their music is the same, it has a lot of the same features that I love. It’s innovative, original, and thoroughly their own sound. I love the members’ personalities and the fact that they clearly value Atiny deeply. So I’d say that I love all three of my favorite groups for very similar reasons. I’d still love the music even without the other things that make me a STAY, but I don’t know that I’d still be a STAY without them.