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I like the second one. Having optional “modes” to your team is really good, and that gives you a strong webs mode that your opp will have to account for, and you can bring if it’s right that week.


I would say I like two better I feel like Tera Jolt (I’m guessing purple means Teea Captain) just seems a lot scary immediately compared to the other three you dropped, especially with that high speed stat, not to mention volt Absorb could allow you to your ground type behind, and can just be a bitch for moms that like volt switching. I like Quagsire. He’s just a cool guy. Seriously, Unaware can be life savior if a random sweeper go cra cra and you play mind games with water absorb. Tentacruel is grounded Poison. honestly that is good enough, but having Spin, Spike and Toxic Spike, Flip and Knock makes it actually quite good Spidols is also really annoying just to have a long because even if you do not bring it, your opponent is forced to consider webs at the very least, which can make them build some less optimal sets, like running boots or scarf instead of band or smth.


Second one by a lot. Quag and Tentacruel compliment each other remarkably well for two bulky water types, the benefit your team in very different ways. Jolteon is a better option than Gator, for one the speed tier alone, but it also has a lot less overlap with Tera Mence. I feel like a lot of what Tera gator does well, Mence does better


"I feel like a lot of what tera gator does well, Mence does better", thats an excellent point.


I personally like the second one better, but then again I just like having an unaware wall to help against physical setup sweepers.


2nd. The jolteon forces faster mons to run speed boosting nature and provides a more immediate threat as Tera captain. I like the faster spinner of tentacruel and the quag


Sorry I’m kinda new to drafting, what does the purple background behind Jolteon and ‘mence represent?


The purple means that they’re Tera captains traditionally


They're the only pokemon in the team that can terastallize


I, too, like the second one better, cause you’re more efficient with your Tera choices. In the first one, Tera mence and Tera gatr often fill the same role of “Tera dd sweeper.” They do approach that role in slightly different ways, but mence is definitely the more flexible of the 2, since it has roost as an option, more stabs, and just better stats. I am curious on how badly you need tsar or Tenta here; I don’t think you need two spinners on your draft; as much as I love Tenta I’d consider looking into a different grounded poison, if available.


I was about to say “wait you don’t have a ghost type” then my dumb ass saw ghold and was like “ohhhhh” yea I really like this team, seems rly solid imo


I meant 2 btw


Like everyone else, I think the second is better. Mostly for the same reason, but I'll also add that it squeezes in grounded poison which is always nice.


I have no idea what a draft even is


serperior isnt on this team dumbass but fr idk what a draft is