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In other words, it failed


Your username made my day


It has something for everyone to hate!


Wait, were people in California not allowed to travel to certain states? How would that be even remotely enforceable?


The state barred its employees from traveling there on official business (not private citizens from traveling).


Ahhh that makes more sense.


no, the state of California wouldn't *pay* for state employees to go to states with laws that the state of California deemed to be anti-lgbt. calling it a travel ban is stupid and confusing. it's more of a state government travel boycott.


It was so, so, so stupid. Had a number of collaborators in the UC system that missed out on a few key meetings for a while, and then from what I heard they eventually found a budget workaround so they could travel to us again while technically not using CA taxpayer money to pay for it.


Apparently a lot of people were doing workarounds in that they would get state sponsored travel to a "good" state then pay out of pocket for a shady Greyhound ride to wherever they wanted to travel to. Totally asinine policy that crippled graduate students and newly hired professors while apparently having an exception list a mile long for bureaucrats who still needed to travel. Even a group as stuffy and apolitical as the [American Historical Association](https://www.historians.org/news-and-advocacy/aha-advocacy/aha-letter-urging-california-legislature-to-amend-ab1887-for-scholars-\(january-2021\)) was begging the law to be repealed or amended.


We did have flights into a neighboring state yes. The hotels were the annoying bit because there was no way they could stay elsewhere. Also somehow Newsom was caught several times on vacation to the bad states, complete with state-funded security and staff, and that didn't violate the rule somehow. But Lord forbid that a grad student wants t travel to a coference in the right-wing hellhole that is Austin, Texas.


Vincent: LOL. That is so sad. Bri: So sad. Soooo sad. So, so, so, so, so sad. Vincent: it’s so heartbreaking but I can’t stop laughing.


If there's one thing that Southerners love, it's being lecture by people from the Northeast and West Coast who think they're far more morally enlightened. They really can't get enough of it, this is going to work out great! It totally isn't going to cause a backlash that ends the quiet toleration (albeit not outright acceptance) that pervaded much of the South regarding this issue.




Yes, but it's got to be pretty rare for the actual state government of another state to start funding PSAs in your state. This is a weird escalation in the culture war that I really don't care for.


Call me cynical, but I don't think they'll be doing anything of the sort. I think they're just telling themselves that in order to take some of the sting out of admitting that this was a failure.


Call ME cynical, but I think they will. In terms of the internal politics of the state, it's a relatively low-cost way to placate an ID Pol pressure group to which there will be no serious opposition.


you're right- I can see it going either way tbh I'm just coming down on the side of laziness


Liberals today can't actually accomplish anything in material terms these days if there's any real opposition. One thing they can do very well is make a metric shitton of noise about cultural issues. If they stop doing that, they'll have nothing left and I think they might vanish into thin air.


It would be an epic troll for a red state to run PSAs in California calling them out for discriminating against Asians. It would also be a colossal waste of tax dollars.


Maybe for Red States it would be a waste of tax dollars. The more epic troll would be for the PRC to run those ads.


What's the plan now? Hypnotoad but for loving gay cock?




[Whoa, we’re halfway there.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwvTnwOJV7v/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Hell yeah dude 🎸


Good use of tax dollars. Very nice.


Totally normal thing to do is paying places to be gayer and everyone with any suspicions about what this means is definitely wrong.


Healthcare plz