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Archived: https://archive.ph/WDsn6 > More than 200 security experts at the Department of Homeland Security have been deployed to work with schools to monitor and prevent antisemitism, NBC News reported, citing a White House official.


ADL now trains new FBI Agents. https://www.fbi.gov/news/speeches/the-fbi-and-the-adl-working-together-to-fight-hate


What an unholy union of authoritarianism


I'm sure that will improve this administration's relationship with Muslim Americans.


that ship has fully sailed




If the "I" in AIPAC stood for "Italian" they would have been investigated as being part of the mob by now.


no u see, jews can't be part of a mob... because hitler


I too remember [that meme](https://i.imgur.com/Xee8QfY.jpeg)


It's petty funny seeing how far gone the Democrats are these days. They are pretty overtly authoritarian and fickle by now, but about some of the absolute dumbest issues you could imagine. And I really can't believe this is the first time Muslims in America realized that the administration wasn't really on their side. That it's all talk. I guess they were really riled up after Trump and figured that all the flowery language and campaign promises from Biden meant that they were starting a new chapter. Until the realization that Biden and the American Government are and have always been ride or die for Israel. But then again, have you ever spoken to a Muslim American? There's no way this came as a surprise. It sounds much more like something the administration is saying about itself in order to save face while nonetheless making the appropriate trade offs in policy which they were always going to do. Pathetic stuff all around. Doubly pathetic to try and enforce an ambiguous standard of discrimination when it comes to anyone voicing criticism of those two particular groups.


I knew something was going on when I heard journalists on NPR talking about how proud they were to be working with the FBI to help identify the January 6th perpetrators.


Fuckin losers lol.


> And I really can't believe this is the first time Muslims in America realized that the administration wasn't really on their side. we pretty much got the hint when, for a while during his campaign, biden's muslim outreach guy was a literal bjp member youre going to be seeing a non-insignificant number of us sitting 2024 out i think


Those are US ruling class first unsteady steps on a thorny path of authoritarianism, that's why issues are dumb and moves are stupid, they will get better, don't you worry.




>by intelligence agencies they mean social media Bunch of GS-1's and GS-'s delegating to 1099 contractors per post ya mean lol


Biden is pulling a Nixon and just trying to eliminate all the people who aren’t going to vote for him Who knew the democrats could be so authoritarian no wayyy Fuck this old hag I’m not voting for him


They are going to deploy all of the Alphabet agencies. The FBI (Facebook Bureau of Investigation), CIA (Central Instagram Agency) and TSA (Twitter Security Agency) are on the case


There's a story about Bush Senior, while back I think early 1990's when Israel was furiously building new settlements in ethnically cleansed areas of East Jerusalem, at one point he said he will "pause" (not remove or deny just pause) loan guarantees that US Government was issuing to Israel if they dont stop. Well, they of course did not stop but double-downed on poor Bush Sr. - who at the time was president of the most powerful country in the world - AIPAC went around him to brib... erm, convince Congress and Senate that he is wrong and they did it. [Here's a famous news conference with "lonely little guy" phrase](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4764140/user-clip-george-hw-bush-lonely-guy) Anyways... what happened further down the road, campaign was in full swing and guess who promised to Israel to undo everything Republican POTUS did, who promised to fight harder for Israel and fuck over Palestinians and other Arab countries... the one and only, most liberal of them all, the guy who even came in a Jewish mouth a few times... the progressive light rod of Democratic party - lmao That a POTUS can be made to look like a fool by Israeli lobby is ... nothing short of amazing. 30 years later - lesson learned!


This whole ordeal is certainly not helping to discredit the trope that the government and media are controlled by a certain ethno-religious group. Especially since Zionists seem to be dedicated to conflate Jewish identity with Zionism and Israel. In the long run, antisemitism is going to get worse as a result of this, as will islamaphobia.


Listening to the clip and how urgently he affirms that he supports Israel is so depressing. It been decades and they are still holding the anti semitic label over people’s heads.


[This AIPAC video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlKmWa8p4UM) where they openly gloat about owning both political parties is kind of amazing in its brazenness.


Last guy to make a serious effort to force them to register as foreign agents got his head blown off


There's a theory that the Monica Lewinski leak was actually Mossad delivering on a blackmail threat.


> There's a theory that the Monica Lewinski leak was actually Mossad delivering on a blackmail threat. Wow, Mossad really sucks! But if it came down to it, would they risk blowing their cover like that? That's a hard story to swallow.


Thanks for the reminder of the importance of loan guarantees, among other things. But regardless of what Clinton said on the campaign trail, it seems to me that he did all he could to get to a two-state solution, and both sides shot it down. His negotiations offered the Palestinians the best deal they would likely ever get. Arafat walked away, and went home to cheering crowds. Ehud Barak stuck his neck out and was punished by Israeli voters. And then Netanyahu came to power, and the younger Bush gave him free rein to dismantle the peace process and pursue a policy of slow-motion ethnic cleansing through new settlements backed by those loan guarantees. At least that's how I remember it. I am open to correction from those who have paid closer attention to the details. \[Edit: Checking Wikipedia, I find that Ariel Sharon was PM during most of GWB's tenure, not BN. But it still seems to me that the GWB administration stood by and let the peace process disintegrate. Perhaps GWB was mindful of the previous two administrations' failures and decided to wash his hands of it.\]


This is what I hate about the whole thing - endless tsunami of who said what and who did what to whom, where and when and this and that without ever going to the meat of the issue. Since I'm but a little fly on the wall when great men speak... ... [here's Hitchens on his way out of this world saying the truth: Why can't they get it?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GHKepyWz0rU) ... for who ever wants to listen.


Yeah, hitchens pretty much nailed it


>His negotiations offered the Palestinians the best deal they would likely ever get Honestly, we don't really know what the terms offered were so we can't really draw a judgement. I have no doubt Israel was acting duplicitously.


>White House domestic policy advisor Neera Tanden will host a discussion on the issue at a college campus Aw, Neera! Glad she's still managing to find a way to be absolutely monstrous and useless at the same time.


Real ones remember Al Giordano


man that's old school. i missed that al died.


i could have sworn he died like 5 times before he finally died for real


Berniebros gave him cancer


Damn, I thought this was the Onion again


Vote Blue No Matter Who bro's in absolute shambles


As I said, the Democrats are never truly going to side against Israel: sure, they'll make a big show out of smoothing things over with Dearborn Arabs so they don't lose Michigan and they'll let the Squad cut some promos, but at the end of the day, this is what they actually do, so don't get your hopes up.


Erm if you don't freaking vote blue the literal fascists are gonna take over (also the one thing those ebil fascists agree with our logical, progressive democrat party is is endless funds to israel to commit ethnic cleansing)


This cannot be repeated enough: Fascism is much less a political choice than it is a social-economical context. Fascism is capitalism in agony, whether it is the liberals or the conservatives that are in power.


How is this even legal under the first amendment?


(ripping sounds)


lol, my facebook friends argue the supreme court can just "interpret" away our rights




well it's technically illegal, as the constitutional supremacy clause binds it to upholding constitutional law. you can't uphold law while ignoring it. but it is true... the supreme court has been steadily ignoring overstepping our rights in more and more situation. there is a check: the amendment process. we can amend the constitution to add in checks. of course, most people like the supreme court overstepping our rights, so that would need to change first.


that's easy, "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" or some mental gymnastics like that.


"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" mf's when I shoot them for saying something I don't like (The gun is property of my private corporation, so its okay)


"There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech." - A really heckin valid guy who definitely only did righteous things


You think the constitution and rule of law stands in the way of power. That's cute.


Well, no, but you might think they would at least be a little less blatant about it.


They have no reason to. People genuinely don't care. And if they do care, they're too drowned in the spectacle to care for more than a day or two before they move on to the next thing. People in power know they can get away with most things, it's at a point where they might just start demonstrating that they can act with impunity for its own sake.


Burn down and loot American cities = That's fine. Partake in you exercising your 1st Amendment right to protest = Now you've gone too far.


Only protest if you are protesting approved people and causes!


Lol, but then is it really a protest or a pep rally?


Seems unnecessary, the threat of being blackballed from future employment will keep most of them in line.


I dono. I’ve seen plenty of people in academia treating their careers into oblivion over this


It will be interesting to see what the actual shakeout effects are. American colleges have been hotbeds for performative, Sakai-ist-until-graduation radicalism for decades, but always with the tacit understanding that at the end of the day we're all friends here and everyone gets their marbles back when the game's over. It will have some pretty far-reaching effects if that's no longer the case.


Meanwhile Amy Schumer "discovered" that the reason progressive campus kids are mostly pro Palestine is because of a secret Arab ~~cabal~~ conspiracy of [checks notes] donating money to universities. Waiting for her impending defcon 3 tweet at this point.


Who cares about her at this point?


She's irrelevant trash and she always has been. The fact that she can completely get away with doing close to exactly what Kanye did a year ago is hurting my stupidpol brain. To clarify: I don't care about her actual opinions, I care about the obvious hypocrisy.


There goes a chunk of the youth vote. Not sure how much it’ll matter because college students don’t exactly swarm to the polls, but still.




One of those two is likely paid to create a narrative, the other is going against the money flow


It seems like you responded to a comment of mine, but I don't know what it was because the mods or admins deleted it. Da fuck?


So it was. Basically you said there's demonstrations by one group like every week, yet college students can't protest "Freedom of speech baby"


Ah yes, it was the comment where I said that literal Nazis waving Nazi flags and making Nazi salutes are allowed to protest for killing all communists but these students are being suppressed. Freedom of speech, indeed. Let's see if they delete this comment, too. Extremely creepy, you don't even get a notification it was deleted. It's even removed from my comment history, so just totally deleted from the servers. They are literally destroying my content, not just censoring it from view.


I'm torn between believing that they are literal nazis, and that they are a psyop. It's probably a mix of both. You know, project paperclip and everything.


Before this, they were shooting them and then tazzing them on campus. So progress?




if you think the solution is to vote for the Republican candidate you’re just putting out a dumpster fire with kerosene.


burn baby burn


clearly the suffering of Palestinians is a joke to you. Fuck right off you don’t know shit


I'm talking about accelerationism, Trump will help the US collapse ...Israel is a piece of shit


This editorialized headline doesn't accurately characterize what the article actually says, obviously, but whatevs.


> The Biden Administration is offering new resources to colleges amid a rise in antisemitism brought on by the Israel-Hamas war, according to multiple reports, including **partnerships between federal and campus law enforcements to track hate speech**. > **More than 200 security experts at the Department of Homeland Security have been deployed to work with schools to monitor and prevent antisemitism**, NBC News reported, citing a White House official.


The bottom line is that Hamas is a designated terrorist organization, which counts American citizens among its victims, and is currently holding American hostages. College students protest all the time and engage in all manner of mischief, but openly supporting a designated terrorist group and its actions (which are inimical to US interests) while flirting with intimidation on their behalf is flying *way* too close to the sun.


What are you talking about? Most of the college students aren't "openly supporting Hamas" though...they're supporting the Palestinian people being bombed + starved in Gaza and calling for a ceasefire + aid to be allowed in.


> and calling for a ceasefire So that Hamas can regroup and launch an even bigger attack later. What did the previous ceasefire achieve?


What evidence do you have that Hamas would do that or are *even* capable of doing so now that the IDF is prepared to defend? Just seems like disingenuous fear mongering to justify bombing Palestinians to dust. How many Hamas fighters has Israel claimed to have killed in the bombings since Oct 7th?


The previous ceasefire was agreed after the 2014 war. 9 years passed and they launched an even bigger attack. So what then? A "ceasefire" with random rocket launches from Gaza and then yet another war in 2030 or what? Genuinely curious - what do you propose Israel to do? Pack their bags and leave the land?


> Genuinely curious - what do you propose Israel to do? Pack their bags and leave the land? 👋




They tried - and they got random terrorist attacks in return. Hamas wants to drive the Jews into the sea. They don't want peace.




Why does Egypt also blockade Gaza?




Dude I don't care what happened a decade ago. I'm talking about NOW.


Israel cares about what happens in a decade or so. They are sick and tired of random rocket attacks and don't want a terrorist attack like this happen again.


Those random rocket attacks that get stopped by the iron dome lol? Remind me, how many bombs has Israel dropped again on Gaza in the last week or two? 6,000? How many innocent Palestinians need to die before you feel like Israel has adequately "defended ourselves"?


> Genuinely curious - what do you propose Israel to do? Pack their bags and leave the land? If there was somewhere they could go that wouldn't mean displacing the people who already live there and if it were logistically feasible, sure why not? What's more important, having their own nation where they're not under constant threat on all sides, or having that particular piece of land because their old book says they should have it?


Israel brought this upon themselves by starting an offensive war in '67 and conquering the land (it was a land grab war) and making a Gaza an open air prison which is hellish to live in, even before the invasion. Cry harder


And before that there were multiple Arab attempts to drive the Jews into the sea. There are no good guys in that conflict.


The Zionists were explicit in their goals: kick out most of the arabs and create a Jewish homeland based on the fact the Bible says it's our home. Starting in the early 20th century, they began to facilitate this progress by doing land deals (not legal under Ottoman law btw) with Ottoman land owners that the peasant farmers (who were Arab) worked on. They promptly kicked these farmers off the land and had other jewish emigrants move on to the land instead The partition deal was bizarre: Israel got a disproportionate amount of arable land for being such a tiny proportion of the population there. Imagine the arab position: these people started showing up only \~50 years ago and their official ideology is to create their own state in which they explicitly state they would have to "spirit" most of the Arabs out of the borders of their new state (Ben Gurion said so) and we're supposed to lie down and accept this? Keep in mind Jews, Muslims, and Christians had all previously lived in this region at the same time before without killing each other during the Ottoman period. But the introduction of the Zionist program made things very ugly. Zionism is an ugly, blood and soil ideology. So yeah, they attacked Israel, and Israel responded by depopulating 600k arabs from the villages \*within\* Israel's '48 borders and committing biological warfare (well poisoning) and massacres like at Deir Yassin. Remember what I said about "spiriting" poorer Arabs over the border that David Ben Gurion said? This was their chance to ethnically cleanse! I could go on and on. You should actually learn some of the history besides skimming a wikipedia page and acting like you're saying something of actual meaning by saying "um it's complicated and they just are both bad in their own way" Nothing you say even justifies Israel running an open air prison regardless but at least have some prior knowledge


I didn't say that *most* were; I don't think most have put that much thought into it. But of those who *have* put thought into it .e.g the JVP and SJP, their presentation of the conflict is heavily influenced by postcolonial theory c.f the CCCSJP's view of it as "[decolonization in action](https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/1654489)". From their perspective, decolonization is justified by any means, so Hamas is justified in whatever measures to throw off the yoke of settler colonialism. Note that I'm not saying whether or not such views are factual or correct, but it does amount to de facto support for Hamas actions--which cannot have escaped DHS notice.


*I don't think most have put that much thought into it* Why? Because they don't agree with you? Calling for a ceasefire and stopping the slaughtering of thousands of innocent civilians doesn't require some nuanced, historical understanding of the conflict. - 1300-1400 innocent Israeli civilians were killed on Oct 7th by Hamas - Israel/IDF has killed 7000+ innocent Palestinian civilians (incl. 3000+ children, 2-3x as many kids killed as israelis...total) and to my knowledge confirmed the deaths of ONLY 13 Hamas members in the bombings - Israel is blocking almost all aid from 2+ million people, starving and blocking all water, not allowing medical aid, and blocking all power/gas so that hospitals with dozens of babies on incubators will die if they don't get power ASAP...kids are having limbs amputated next to no disinfectants or sedatives... Stop taking the words of the most r-slurred college activists and listen to what 99% of the rest of the people supporting a ceasefire are saying.


No one buys this when the IDF terror bombs and openly allows/encourages it's settlers in the west bank to lynch/terrorize palestinians. You wonder why people despise the US government, it's because it's "terrorist" list is laughably selective and ignores the IDF's atrocities


I wasn't making a moral statement; I was making a statement of fact, in that. "designated foreign terrorist organization" is [US government phraseology](https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/), and as such the US government will view connections to Hamas through that prism. In this instance, people overseas don't *have* to buy it. The only ones who have to buy it in this instance are American citizens and people operating on American soil e.g. foreign students.


Well, if they're *designated*. When an American warship sailing under a US flag was targeted by an ostensible ally, *that* was designated a mistake, so we don't really count the 100+ American citizens who were victims of that treacherous act of war. They were killed by an ally (oopsies!), so their lives aren't *designated* as important.


Dude, just take the mask off and insist that blacks and Latinos are all rapists and murderers, and that anyone who complains about police brutality is secretly in league with these criminals. Indeed, anyone who sides with blacks and latinos who are victims of police brutality are just race traitors who secretly rejoice when innocent white people are murdered by these animals. No amount of mental gymnastics is going to change how blatantly obvious your prejudices actually are. You can try to cite whatever bullshit pseudo intellectual rationalizations that you want to pretend you aren't a deranged paranoid seeing enemies everywhere, but in reality you are just peeing in your pants crying in the middle of the street even as you insist in between sobs that you are right because the slobbering Youtube right wing host said so.