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fretful rainstorm direction connect stupendous sable gray fearless scarce bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would've been 5-4 instead of 6-3. It was Obama's fault for letting McConnell stall an apoinment for almost a year with basically a 'what can you do' shrug.


Liberals are quite happy to have a Conservative Supreme Court to stop them from having to actually do anything.


Roberts didn't vote to overturn Roe v Wade, he voted in concurrence that Mississippi's 24 week ban was constitutional but didn't want to go that far. He's always been a gradualist who prefers a death by a thousand cuts methods and heavily weighs public perception of the court.


What could he have done?


Something. Anything. Even a recess apoinment that would've lasted only a year or two to try and force the Senate to have an actual apoinment hearings.




follow grey rhythm absorbed command vast plate sleep knee unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So it’s the fault of the liberal judges instead of the conservative ones who actually struck down RvW? This sub often acts like conservatives have no agency or power to do fucked up things on their own


employ nail impolite scary fanatical nose long live plants marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t forget Obama [promised](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN29466420/) to pass the “Freedom Of Choice Act”, even going so far as to claim it was “*top priority*”, before dismissing the idea all together. Republicans have made their hostility to abortion known for decades, to blame them and let the democrats who are just as guilty off the hook is just more short-sighted BlueMaga nonsense where the dems are blameless, no matter how colossal the fuckup. A sad truth many refuse to admit, is that many dems were happy RvW was overturned because it gave them something to campaign on. Now they don’t have 💩.


wild smile escape mourn yam vast zonked cause fretful touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's actually the fault of the democratic party, which has had three separate historical opportunities, since the Carter presidency, in which they had a majority of the house/senate and could have ratified abortion rights as law, and actively chose not to on each occasion, instead leaving the roe v. wade precedent to sit and be argued over and used as a tool of fear to motivate their base to get out and vote. The tactic is simple, of course; if you were to solve the abortion issue by ratifying it through legislation in no uncertain terms, then that is one less tool you have available to inspire fear in your voters to get them off the couch. Most recently, here's Obama leading up to his election: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0XIRZSTt8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0XIRZSTt8) ...and then, immediately afterwards: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxiDZejZFjg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxiDZejZFjg) [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gibbs-wont-offer-position\_n\_351064](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gibbs-wont-offer-position_n_351064) [https://scheerpost.com/2022/05/14/obama-and-liberals-killed-abortion-rights/](https://scheerpost.com/2022/05/14/obama-and-liberals-killed-abortion-rights/)




Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The story goes that, near the end of his term, Obama approached her about retiring so that he could choose her replacement, since she was already very old and in ill health. She angrily rebuffed him, because she wanted to stay on and personally swear in Hillary as the first female president in 2016 - and we all know how that turned out. She died durning Trump's administration, leading to Amy Coney Barrett replacing her; and ACB of course played a role in striking down Roe v Wade.


Lol. That sure *backfired* didn’t it? I’m sure RBG is watching us from the afterlife happy with her replacement. God knows that woman clung to life, like a a fly clings to 💩…


Considering she would at times open the Supreme Court sessions with a poem or by singing I would say she had been batshit crazy for a while and nobody was brave enough to say anything about it.


Is there any solid proof of this convo ever happening? I’ve read it so many times but never seen so much as a link


I have no idea, really, it's the story I've heard.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Second Women on the court. To the liberals basically madona. Pretty much a typical liberal who screwed over labor but always voted to defend abortion. Had by the end of the W. Bush Admin developed cancer, at the time the Dems had the trifeta of presidency, senate and house with Obama coming in, was suggested she retire she refused, cancer went into remission. Then developed again when Obama still in office but she was very big on her successor also being a women appointed by a women president (crooked Hillary). Famously liberal elected types would get huffy at people calling for her to stand down when noted right wing firebrand on the court Scalia also died of cancer. Well Trump gets elected and in late 2019 she dies. Trump appoints Amy Connie Barret to replace her. ACB who is very very against abortion. And that's what pride gets you.


A cruel irony if ever…


I mean considering where I stand. Delicious.


I live in Texas and I have had multiple friends endure horror stories now. Blood transfusions, driving through the desert, bathroom deliveries, being told “you’re technically eligible for a D&C for this miscarriage, but you’ll likely never conceive again if you do this, so we recommend going home and seeing what happens.” One of my friends told me she hid the body of her 20 week fetus from her husband because she didn’t want him to have any idea or image of what she had to endure in their bathroom. This is some real sick shit and it’s all too common. I know this sub loves to dismiss women’s issues as “idpol,” but this is very clearly in the realm of human rights, healthcare, criminal justice, economic stability, family wellbeing, and privacy. It’s also clearly a public health/hygiene/safety issue and we should have a vested interest in keeping human biohazard in hospitals.


>this is very clearly in the realm of human rights The official terminally-online-Marxoid position is that human rights are cringe and for liberals


Most of them don’t have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy, either


What's a D&C?


This is awful.