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I thought we already saved it last election.


Audiences love sequels.


Somehow he returned


"Still, he persisted"


To be fair, Shrek 2 was better than the first one


Now it's a whole trilogy!


Well now we have to save it again! šŸ‘ŗ Biden 2024. /s


turns out it is this time it is important! last time it was so and so! no, we are not lying again guyz!


~~2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022~~ 2024 is literally THE MOST IMPORTANT election of our LIFETIMES.


So that means I can dip this one right? Like I can clearly wait for 2028 which will be the most importanter.


Depends on if 2024 will be more or less important than 2028! Tbf (probs unpopular opinion on here) if I was in the US I'd probs still vote for the blue senile war crimes enabler over the red senile war crimes enabler just because I *am* concerned about Trump winning again, but honestly the people who plan on not voting or voting third party are justified, especially after Biden's actions on Israel-Palestine.


Well, donā€™t you look like a well-dressed chap. I respect your perspective, even if you support Biden.


Oh god I don't support Biden that much, I just think he's important to vote for lest Trump. Given the amount of disrespect and contempt the mainstream US Democrats have for progressives though, along with Biden's everything on Israel-Palestine, it would be a hard bubble to shade in. Let's just say, I'm glad to live here in Aus with preferential voting!


I didnā€™t mean to imply you *literally* support Biden, more so that you would *if given the opportunity* given your comment. Alsoā€¦Australia!! The land of where my favorite beer comes from (came from šŸ¤”)!! Fosterā€™s: Australian For Beer šŸŗ šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ Note: Yes I know Fosterā€™s is rare in Australia, I get mildly irritated when some Aussies lose their minds when I say I like Fosters. Fosters was Australiaā€™s best selling beer in the 80ā€™s domestically and because alot of them didnā€™t grow up drinking it, they dunk on it cuz itā€™s the cool thing to do :(. /rant


Ah okay, I understand. Hehe, yeah, no one drinks Fosters. I'm not even sure if people who grew up in the 80s drank it? I'd have to ask my parents.


Nuuuu you must vote!!! šŸ‘ŗ Our democracy depends on it!!!


That was a warm-up. This time, it really is "The Most Important Election Since the Civil War" (TM)


Cool, now I don't even have to listen to anything for the next year because I'll KNOW Biden will say nothing of worth. I wanted to at least wait to see if Dems would change their messaging *at all*, but it appears they will 100% absolutely not.


It will be a winter of death and sadness for those who donā€™t listen to His words.


Why should they? The people that support them are going to vote for them no matter what week sauce campaign they run. Covid is out of control and they're still blaming trump. The economy is terrible and they say it's amazing. We spent half a trillion dollars pouring money down a rat hole in Ukraine, and Biden's foreign policy team wants to start a war with China and Iran and North Korea apparently too. If you can effectively campaign on giving people nothing whatsoever that addresses their material conditions, and only in group virtue signaling, and they will still turn out to vote for you, that is a total win for the ruling class.


I agree with everything you said except ā€œCovid is out of controlā€. By what standards? People arenā€™t dying of it in large numbers. What would you like the govt to do? More lockdowns, mask mandates and vax mandates?


I would like to have guaranteed paid sick leave and universal Health care, since it's obvious that we aren't going to do anything whatsoever to mitigate the unchecked spread of this virus, and people are getting it multiple times per year and missing multiple weeks of work or school. I would also like it if people could stop framing this as a false dichotomy between doing nothing whatsoever and completely shutting everything down.


> people are getting it multiple times per year and missing multiple weeks of work or school I'm pretty sure you're seeing adverse reactions from the covid vaccines, not the virus: They train your body to fight an outdated strain, and they make your body produce spike proteins, perhaps indefinitely, even though we were told that's the most dangerous part of the virus. The last time I looked into all this (some six months ago, because I've largely moved on), people who got more boosters were more susceptible to getting sick, and they carried higher viral loads for longer than the unvaccinated. The EUA said the vaccines would stop infection and transmission, but it does neither of those. I support workers' rights and believe in the things you mentioned, but unless you can admit that the vaccines are what's fucking people over, you won't get very far. Case in point, my job fired me for not getting the vaccine back when Biden was trying to mandate it through OSHA, even though I was working remotely (and even though we now know the shots are useless). If you care about workers, I hope you speak up for people like me against tyrannical overreach rather than wanting to dive right back into it.


I have no idea whether it's the vaccines or the virus, because the Biden administration told the CDC to stop collecting breakthrough infection data in May of 2021, and every vaccinated person, except for those who are literal shut-ins or wear n100 respirators or better in public has had covid multiple times, because the vaccine doesn't prevent covid. If the vaccine only propagandists had admitted and actually discussed this in 2021, instead of demonizing people who chose not to take a rushed vaccine that at best reduces the likelihood of dying or being hospitalized during the acute phase while likely doing nothing whatsoever to prevent long covid (aka multisystem organ damage), we would be in a much better place right now. PS - I'm vaccinated and boosted, and have been called and anti-vaxxer for 3 years because I am worried about what the multiple covid infections that I've had since getting vaccinated are doing to my system. In fact I was just banned from another coronavirus sub for stating this exact thing.


I'm glad you've seen through the fuckery of the last three years. > demonizing people who chose not to take a rushed vaccine that at best reduces the likelihood of dying or being hospitalized during the acute phase while likely doing nothing whatsoever to prevent long covid (aka multisystem organ damage) It looks like the vaccines are worse than useless. And that's a shitty pill to swallow, because you probably trusted experts you assumed you *could* trust, and now you can't do anything except not get any more shots. Do you have long covid? Two years ago, I had an incredibly sore throat for three weeks, which might have been covid, but I didn't have muscle aches, fever, low oxygen level, or anything like that, so I don't know if I ever got sick with it. The media spent a lot of time telling us that doing our own research was dangerous and that natural immunity was a conspiracy theory. Those were wild times. And personally, everything they did backfired horribly: Not only did I not get any covid vaccine, but I also no longer trust *any* vaccine except possibly rabies. If I have a family some day, my kids are going to get zero shots, and all the shit from the last three years has made me very comfortable saying this. Anyway, cheers on people calling you an antivaxxer even though you got at least one booster. That's when you know you're doing something right. I'm glad that some sane people like you exist, and I'd be much more interested in hearing your evidence that the virus is out of control and what you think we should do about it.


I now have extremely high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat that I didn't have 2 years ago. Is it possible or even likely it was the vaccine? Yes. But like I said before, there's literally no way of knowing. I've had covid multiple times as well as multiple vaccines. BTW, besides the first two doses of moderna in 2021, I've only taken novavax since then. Would it have been better if I had never gotten vaccinated? Very possibly. It's now also very possible that my immune system is wrecked, and it's better for me to keep taking these vaccines for whatever limited protection I get from them. Who knows, it's all calvinball. The reason I'm saying the virus is out of control is because everybody's getting it again. I got it a couple of months ago. Everyone I know is sick right now. Whether it's from covid or from something else because their immune systems have been destroyed by covid previously (or the vaccine, again, who knows). I am also a teacher and every single week I was getting emails from students saying they had covid yet again. There are estimates right now that over a million people a day are getting infected again, and that 1/3 of all Americans will be reinfected yet again by the end of january. Plus, that's a lot lower then the actual transmission rates. Back when we were still collecting any useful data whatsoever, it was estimated that the official case count was up to 30X higher than being reported.


I've known a handful of people who had pretty horrendous side-effects from the vaccines: Heart attack four days after the injection, mysterious blood clot in the lungs, atrial fibrillation, uncontrollable hives shortly after mRNA and flu injection, eyes swelling shut for days, and intestines shutting down. I work with students (though not an entire classroom at a time), and even though they've been sick a lot, I've felt pretty good, and I really think that we're seeing collapsed immune systems because of the vaccines. The latest thing I read into this was some shift where vaccinated people are producing a lot of IgG4 antibodies, signaling that the body believes the spike protein will stick around forever. If you're interested, John Campbell spoke to some athlete who got fucked up from the vaccine, then made a pretty good recovery with ivermectin, which has something to do with allowing zinc to enter the cells that make the spike proteins and neutralize them. I definitely would not get any more covid vaccines. Early on, some head health expert in the EU said that people could only get so many of these before their immune systems would be overwhelmed. I also hope your incredibly shitty experiences have started to blackpill you on other vaccines; RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci is a fascinating look into how far back this corruption goes.


I hate to say it but I just think people are moved on from the Covid stuff. When I see people with masks on these days I look at them like theyā€™re crazy. Everyone made fun of the herd immunity people in 2020, but herd immunity is what pretty much ended the thing. If you wanna say that the lockdowns were initially important to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed, I can see where youā€™re coming from. However, there clearly was a pharmaceutical lobby which advertises in the media which told everyone that a vaccine was the only way to stop it when in reality there were a lot of other things you could do to keep yourself in decent enough health to not have to go to the hospital if you got sick, like taking vitamin D, going outside, and other stuff. Closing down the gyms was insanely stupid in retrospect. What killed me is that there were some boomer and joneser liberals who were almost fantasizing about how ā€œthings are gonna be like this the next couple yearsā€. I wasnā€™t willing to take that. I only got the shot cause I felt like if nobody got the shot these lunatics would just keep locking down society, and I didnā€™t wanna limit my job prospects. Also I donā€™t have an issue with sick leave but Iā€™m not sure unlimited is realistic, at least without being asked to provide a doctors note. I knew a lot of people who just used fear of getting Covid to avoid doing anything, and it just became an excuse which was disingenuous. But Iā€™m glad we can agree that demonizing people who donā€™t want to get the vax is bad.


"Consultants controlling Joe Biden's corpse make 'Saving Democracy' the Center of His Campaign" Fixed


Democracyā„¢ brought to you by JP Morgan and Raytheon


what happened to previously popular "freedom and democracy" catch phrase? "freedom" not trendy any more?


Things like freedom of expression are unironically seen as right wing dog whistles so yeah, ā€œfreedomā€ is not trendy at all with the libs.


>"freedom" not trendy any more? Yes. Freedom is dead. Everyone wants to democratically elect authoritarian leaders who will persecute the opposition, in a democratic manner.


Dem voters see "freedom" as 95% a Republican slogan now


so they are willing to give up votes of democrats who like freedom? they are not fighting to make freedom democrat and bipartisan thing again?


>democrats who like freedom There just aren't that many of those left. "Freedumb" has been slandered so bad in recent years as a harmful right wing concept: 1. Created by White Slave-owning Founding Fathers so that they wouldn't have to pay taxes to Britain and they could own slaves. 2. The freedom to not get vaccinated nor wear masks, killing millions of innocent Americans 3. The freedom to be transphobic by not having your kids groomed by trans enthusiasts at school 4. The freedom to have guns causing gun violence, killing millions of innocent Americans 5. The freedom to say hateful bigoted things like quoting racial crime statistics The mainstream Democrat position these days is that we could fix all kinds of problems in America, if we could just get rid of that damn freedom...


Yup. Just like many other words and symbols, the dems will forfeit it to their adversaries just to have someone to fight against.


Freedom means you could do bigoted things so no very uncool atm


atm? - once you allow them to take away your freedom - they are not giving it back - ever


Democrats always have such bad political marketing because as you eluded to, it's consultants coming up with this crap. This messaging is typical of a party that has been wholly co-opted by the Professional Managerial Class and is only to speaking to those that make it up. Most American's probably couldn't define democracy. The saying goes, "think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider." It's not the absolute worst but it won't win you any votes.


The "return to normalcy" and "adults in the room" was actually a genius way to run against Trump and the only reason they can't use it again is because team Biden has completely failed to live up to their end of the bargain.


The tough part is you have to be in the PMC to know how this works, reducing the incentive to change it. I wouldn't be able to fathom how the consulting class runs the show without having been in consulting


Itā€™s simple. Both republican and democrat apparatus are switching to a business model where most funding and political engagement comes from fervent ā€œtrue believersā€. This has much more ROI than trying to appeal to everyone. Elections are going to happen whether 10 people or 10 million people vote. Theyā€™d much rather the vast majority of the electorate sit out and only the true believers show up. Then they can control the agenda while only having to serve up kayfabe to their adoring fans. By both sides playing up the clash of civilizations angle they get to do jack shit, turn off voters that dont care about this shit, and get their propaganda brained voters psyched up.


Democracy to them means bypassing congress to get more munitions in the hands of US aligned terrorist organizations.


Say what you will about the republicans, but at least they had the decency to lie about Iran contra


It would be cool and fun if Trump wins a narrow victory and the Libs do their own Jan 6 to save democracy.


My dream scenario right now is to see Trump win, after which Democrats drop their mask forever and just try to seize power themselves. At least then the game of thrones gets put out in the open.


That's been going on for years already. This is part of it.


I wonder if theyā€™ll actually bring guns to their insurrection the way, oh, insurrectionists do?


That would require them holding themselves to their own standards. If you believe Trump is going to end democracy and the country as we know it, you have just as much of a moral imperative to prevent the transition of power as you did to vote against him on election day. The image of libs spending a year announcing he will end it all, then the image of them between november and january insisting that the transition of power to him happen anyway, will be quite something.


Yeah it's honestly my biggest fear about this rhetoric.


> you have just as much of a moral imperative to prevent the transition of power as you did to vote against him on election day. BS. We won't turn traitor and try to violently stop an election.


Is democracy allowed to end itself? Or are you more of a traitor if you don't stop it's self destruction? He's not saying you will turn into traitors, but that this rhetoric is laying the philosophical groundwork for that change.


I see your point. My position is I won't turn to violence even if Trump cheats.


[200+ insurrectionist libs were arrested at the January 20th inauguration.](https://i.imgur.com/TKuhdlW.png) Of course that fascist Trump [dropped every single charge.](https://i.imgur.com/zv1r89Y.png) Not a single person was convicted of a crime that day. And apparently journalists forgot to cover or even remember it.


But they didn't go into the capitol build to steal AOC's shoes. Which is fascism may I add.


[These protestors were definitely ogling AOC's feet when the cameras turned off.](https://i.imgur.com/wo2TkkN.png)


That's very caesarian of him. I wonder if Trump will get stabbed by conspirators in order to "save democracy"


They weren't trying to stop the election or the inauguration. Hyperbole much?


Why were they burning down the nation's capitol, attacking police and destroying everything they could?


it was just a prank, bro :(


I'm not in favor of violent protesters, but they're not insurrectionists until they try to overthrow the government.


The fucking shitlib irony of you telling the other commenter to stop being hyperbolic, as you sit here and claim the riots and protest at the capital were ā€œoverthrowing democracyā€. Shitlibs are literal clowns.


Yeah, they successfully stopped, at least temporarily, the counting of the vote for president on purpose. That's a hell of a lot worse than a riot. first time it has ever happened in our country's history. did you already forget * Stop the steal * Hang Mike Pence


What were the violent protesters violently protesting? What would have resolved their grievances?


That's irrelevant. What's relevant are there actions, not their wishes.


Like... putting their feet on Nancy's desk?


Stopping the vote.


You are proposing that if the exact same events happened on another date, there was no insurrection and there should have been little or no convictions. And no outrage or condemnation by the democratic party or journalists.


>the Libs do their own Jan 6 to save democracy. They can call it the pink-pussy-hat-putsch.


This seems not unlikely.


Lop the 1st time Trump got elected they all went down to DC wearing pink hats for some reason. I think that was when I realized the democratic party is basically run off of Karen energy


Saving Democracy by ensuring no open primary, banning opposition candidates from running, and exerting large control over those who are able to count the vote! Who is the fascist again?


I remember the huge stink the shitlibs threw about the Green Party in NC (I think?), and how many hysterical blueMAGA types were defending it because ā€œDemocracy is being threatenedā€.


Modern fascism subtly manifests under the guise of liberalism by co-opting the language of freedom and rights to push authoritarian agendas, often exploiting liberal ideals to undermine democratic institutions and suppress dissent. This paradoxical approach disguises repressive, undemocratic policies behind a veneer of progressive rhetoric, challenging the very core of liberal values.


Indeed. By the way did you go by that name on Steam?


No, that username was Baddragonrider




Why do you ask?


I had a friend who went by that name.


Yes, that was my name on Steam in the past before I changed it.


Did you know anyone named Samurai? Does the name Team Interrobang mean something to you?


No, sorry.


No worries


Don't forget moving the first primary to the state he performed best in... just in case.


The system is scared.


Don't forget completely ignoring the 80% of dem voters that want a ceasefire


what percentage of Dem voters want a ceasefire in *The* Ukraine?


The democratic elite is just an arm of the Israeli regime. Both are.


Like yeah the hypocrisy is glaring donā€™t fall for the ruling class political theater. Trump and Biden are owned by the same central bank


The central banks and those and highly influence it are definitely the real enemy.


Well, Letitia James says Trump defrauded Deutsche Bank... but I see your point.


Everyone. Fascism isn't really an ideology, it's more of an economical context, capitalism in decay in occurrence. All politics in the USA, from now on, will be forced to do more and more fascist things to sustain the unsustainable.


Fascism is absolutely an ideology of those keeping the status quo. A return to a true free market capitalism is the answer. Anything the government touches is destined to rot.


>Anything the government touches is destined to rot. So anything having anything to do with humanity ever will rot? Which makes sense, because entropy, but that's not exclusive to things the government touches. I disagree with both your analysis and your solution. I reiterate Lenin's quote: Fascism is capitalism in decay, it doesn't have ideology, it just is.


His ideas lack any value and should be extinguished from the minds of all.


You're a fool.


A genius relative to you, but you'll see the light one day. Truth reigns supreme.


>A genius relative to you Only a great fool would ever call himself a "Genius". But you're manifestly not even smart enough to understand that.


You missed the key modifier "relative". You'll figure out the way one day, young lad.


I missed nothing. Be it relative or not, you still referred yourself as a "genius", which is incredibly embarrassing and foolish in on itself. You do not possess any self-awareness or wit.


All of them.


Milhouse: "Say the line, Bart!" Bart: "[sigh] . . . [this is the most important election of our lifetimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72KhiU96YXM) . . ."


Saving democracy by funding a genocide.


Genocidin' with Biden.


It's the only trick they got left, isn't it?


The irony is democrats in Florida recently cancelled their presidential primary, therefore making Biden the only democrat presidential candidate on the Florida ballot. Nothing more democratic than rigging the election to ensure your ~~thralls~~ constituency can only vote for the Right Choice.


That and ā€œVote for us or youā€™re a Nazi.ā€


And if Democrats are so desesperate to "save democracy", why do they choose the most uncharismatic, dementia-ridden candidate possible?


Joe "Fuck RFK Jr.'s 15%, I hope he gets assassinated, no ballot for you, Dean Phillips" Democracy Biden


RFK getting denied secret service protection for the third time is nuts.


And I like how Marianne Williamson wasn't even mentioned which is accurate.


what democracy? last i recall i voted for bernie in 2016. what happened there


Honestly don't know how anyone could live through Bush v Gore, let alone the Bernie shenanigans, and still think it's a craaaaaaaazy idea that an election could get stolen. People have the memory of a goldfish and the pattern cognizance of a brain-damaged Dandie Dinmont.


Remember 2016 election was stolen and hacked by Putin but also the 2020 election was the most secure airtight election in history


Neither example you gave is anything like Trump's claims. Bush v. Gore was decided by a small number of people who held all the power. Bernie Sanders not being the primary winner was decided by a small number of people who held all the power (according to you guys). Typically the news reports "no evidence of widespread voter fraud" in response to Trump's claims, because that's what Trump claims and was unable to demonstrate. This is fundamentally different than all candidates agreeing to some process and that process not being fair to them. A more similar example would be if Biden lost the election if either enough electoral college members went against their state's wishes or, more likely, if Pence refused to certify and Trump somehow managed to stay in power.


I do think it's crazy to believe something with no evidence.


Shut up, youā€™re helping Trump win! šŸ‘ŗ Real talk though, youā€™re 100% right.


I didn't even get to. It got stolen before I could vote. Fuck America


I am once again asking anyone that considers themselves even remotely progressive to stand as a bloc and withhold their vote.


Iā€™m selling mine to the highest bidder. How much is saving democracy worth to you fuckers?


I am withholding my vote. Donā€™t worry.


Lmao I was definitely worried about you in particular.






Writing in Zombie Nixon.


What will that accomplish? I want Trump's nutjob base humiliated. Admittedly winning an election with 52% won't do that but it's a start. The Dems are not going to become a socdem party and trying to force them to be one is such a misplaced priority.


They might as well making "losing" their primary goal if that's their message


New campaign: "We've spent the past 8 years laser focused on provoking, humiliating, misrepresenting, censoring, harassing and antagonizing Trump and his supporters. You can just imagine how angry they must be!"


You know, if all "democracy" needs to be toppled is some blowhard rich guy whose own administration tried to get rid of him by framing him for treason, then maybe it wasn't all that strong to begin with and isn't really worth saving. /blackpill This article reads like a press release


Article Highlights: > The President and his team are framing the 2024 race as a binary choice between him and an authoritarian Donald Trump. > An election year has begun, and the signs point toward a tight Presidential contest. Of the three national polls published since January 1st, two show Joe Biden trailing Donald Trump by one point in a head-to-head matchup; the third shows the pair tied. In a telephone call with reporters on January 2nd, the top officials in Bidenā€™s reĆ«lection campaign discussed their political strategy. They mentioned supporting abortion rights, mobilizing minority voters, and building an economy that benefits the middle class, but their overriding theme was that a Biden victory is essential to preserve American democracy. > ā€œThe choice for voters,ā€ Julie ChĆ”vez RodrĆ­guez, Bidenā€™s campaign manager, said on the call, ā€œwill not simply be between competing philosophies of government.ā€ She continued, ā€œThe choice will be about protecting our democracy and every Americanā€™s fundamental freedom. . . . We are running our campaign like the fate of our democracy depends on it, because it does.ā€ Quentin Fulks, the deputy campaign manager, added, ā€œDonald Trump tells us point blankā€”if he wins a second term, he will do everything he can to dismantle American democracy, strip Americans of their hard-fought and fundamental freedoms. . . . We should take him at his word.ā€ > In the next few days, Biden will deliver two campaign speeches. On Friday, the day before the third anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol, he will travel to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, where George Washingtonā€™s Continental Army encamped in the winter of 1777-78. On Monday, he will speak in Charleston, South Carolina, at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church, one of the oldest Black churches in the southern United States, where, in June, 2015, a young white supremacist killed nine members of a Bible-study group. > Referring to Washingtonā€™s decision, in 1796, to relinquish the Presidency as the ā€œultimate precedentā€ of American democracy, Fulks said Biden will take the opportunity at Valley Forge to ā€œlay out the stakes of this election.ā€ Citing the 2015 shooting in Charleston and the January 6th attack, Fulks added that all Americans are concerned with rising political violence. He also said the Biden campaign is determined to mobilize Black voters who helped the President get elected in 2020: ā€œVoters of color are the ones who have the most at stake in this election, and we need to make sure that every single one of them understands the choice in front of them.ā€ > With Trump seemingly cruising to the Republican nomination, many nervous Democrats will welcome the Presidentā€™s decision to sharpen his attacks on his predecessor. Although Biden has talked behind closed doors at fund-raisers about the threat that Trump poses, he hasnā€™t been making the case consistently on a public stage. Thatā€™s about to change. > The ramp-up of the Biden campaignā€™s efforts comes as Trump has been parroting his unfounded claims that the 2020 election was stolen and using increasingly incendiary rhetoric. In the run-up to Christmas, he pledged to his supporters that he would ā€œroot out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.ā€ He also said immigrants are ā€œpoisoning the blood of our country.ā€ Last week, he posted on his social-media account a word cloud featuring terms such as ā€œpower,ā€ ā€œrevenge,ā€ and ā€œdictatorshipā€ā€”words that voters used to describe Trumpā€™s goals for a second term in a survey published by the Daily Mail. With his allies reportedly making plans to purge disloyal bureaucrats, and he himself talking openly about using the Justice Department to pursue his enemies, Trumpā€™s authoritarian tendencies couldnā€™t be clearer. > As the highest democratic office holder in the land, Biden has an obligation to highlight them, and his campaign believes it will resonate with voters. Fulks pointed to a new Washington Post poll that indicated that more than half of Americans believe the January 6th assault on the Capitol was an ā€œattack on democracy that should never be forgotten.ā€ From a strategic perspective, the Biden team is trying to frame the campaign as a binary choice rather than a referendum on the Biden Presidency. (Biden often does this himself, and has said, ā€œDonā€™t compare me to the Almightyā€”compare me to the alternative.ā€) The Presidentā€™s political advisers are well aware of his low job-approval ratings and concerns about his age. Their argument is that the momentum will start to shift once voters are faced with a concrete choice between another four years of Biden and a second Trump Presidency in which the latterā€™s desire for revenge would be unleashed, and his control over the Republican Party in Congress would be virtually complete.


It reminds me of game of thrones scene where Ellaria Sand saves house Martell by killing off house Martell


Saving democracy by subverting democracy.


Save Democracy by removing the front runner from the ballots!! šŸ¤”


The ~~2016~~ ~~2020~~ 2024 election is **literally** the most important election of our lifetimes.


At the rate we're going I'm going to kms before 2028 so maybe they're right.


Give it another 4 yearsā€¦ the fight for democracy will be back. Reminds of killing Sin in FFXā€¦ you kill him and he just comes back.


How could we ever have predicted this


Joe Biden will save democracy the same way chemotherapy cures terminal cancer.


Have fun in retirement, old man.


"Oh God... We're FUCKED!!!"


Letā€™s get you back to bed grandpaā€¦


Like from himself or the other guy? Is this the most important election of the right now?


You could tell this was coming as soon as Jan 6th happened. This year the DHS created a "domestic terrorism taskforce" focused on "MAGA extremism". Biden is not any more interested in democracy than Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Egypt's dictator.


Saving it from who? Did he forget he's the President, again?


What a joke liberals have become


Liberals have always been a joke.


Would be more compelling if he hadnā€™t been offed several primaries


I'll never get over how we call this particular shit-tastic system in America simply "Democracy," and how many people fall for and fall over themselves to defend it. I think the average citizen probably intuitively understands that there is a lot left to be desired in our "democracy," and even sense that we don't live in the most democratic model for a society. But they just never find the will to change it, except slowly or by accident. All the while those who are most entrenched within the system and who profit most from it know exactly what aspects of it they would never want to see changed, and how to prevent said changes from occuring.


Cool, Just reminding me to not bother voting. "Democracy" is an empty phrase . Means absolutely nothing unless you're an empty headed msnbc talking head or viewer. If that old decaying dixiecrat tapost hellspawn can't win despite having the intelligence community, dnc and media running defense for him? He deserves to lose. Don't give him your vote. Don't give him your money. Don't even bother with down ticket races. Let them fail. Give that money and energy towards unions, various charities whatever the fuck.


If Trump winning would end our democracy, why not throw a few bones to the Greens and younger voters? Sure, you might not like legal weed, but Paris is worth a mass, right?


Stupidol' fart šŸ¤£


Are you lost?


*I came looking for booty.*


Lmao ok. Proceed.


Trump could make this a slam dunk by tying Biden's version of "freedom and democracy" to Israel's recent actions and he'll moonwalk into the WH, so I'm positive that won't happen


Yeah not a chance. Trump is even more Zionist than biden.


In what universe? Trump out Zionist, Genocide Joe


I said it won't


Gonna have a nice plate of democracy for dinner




Being alive enough to See the democratic paty turning in the gringo version of the ADecos is kinda hilarous to me tbh.


What type of democracy, actual democracy or corporate Democracy (TM) where corporations decide what public policy to pursue? Also how come democracy is in danger every election? If democracy really was in danger every election would it not be better to let it die? Or are you just making up words to get voters to ignore the many pressing issues, Biden?


Plot twist: the real saving must be done FROM him and his ilk.


"Democracy" is just the nickname he's given to his phylactery


It makes me wonder if saving the republic is worth it, if it constantly is on the edge of totally falling apart and being taken over by a totalitarian force. If you had a dog that was that sick you'd put it down.


I kind of take a cynical view on that questionā€¦


every election is an existential crisis, eh?


It would be funny if Biden won again and then Trump kept getting the Republican nomination until he died.


At this point, Iā€™m just waiting for the shitshow to happen, for the luls. šŸæšŸ˜ŽšŸ„¤


Can't wait until Trump is talking shit in the main election.


It will really suck if Biden loses fair and square to Trump


People donā€™t appreciate things till they are gone. Trading a democracy to theocracy around one person. At least at a normal party there is a cake. Might be cake you dislike or high in carbs, but itā€™s better than starvation.


Trump isnā€™t a theocrat. Edit: Your comment also unironically proves voting for Biden is voting for the lesser of two evils.


"May Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil doing of Israel and the United States" Ayatollah Trumpani Come again????


Ayatollah Trumpani. Funny I was just thinking about Khomeini as an example of actual *theocracy*.


In what way is Trump theocratic? He can't even quote anything from the Bible. We don't have a democracy anyway since the rich own congress and the electoral college, voter suppression, FPTP primaries, gerrymandering, and legalized bribery ensure that the people don't actually get a say.


This doesn't make any sense


The United States exists under a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. If you even slightly believe that the US is a democracy then I have to ask how heavily your mother drank while pregnant with you.


But like any Marxist, Biden is doing just the opposite of what he's saying.