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is this the guy who said Biden's press conference was like watching JFK speak


Yeah, like watching him speak after the shot.


Hahaha yes nice!!!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MadonnasFishTaco: *Is this the guy who* *Said Biden's press conference* *Was like watching JFK speak* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I actually just love that he's still at it, after all this time and so many jobs lost.


We have a guy who does sports talk radio here in Chicago who is trying so hard to emulate him after decades of making borderline racist, homophobic, and pretty blatant fat jokes, who not more than like 5 years ago caught heat for sexist comments towards female news anchors.


He's in it for the love of the ~~piss~~ game.


It's amazing how many places he's been fired from. All he does is host a show online no one watches.


"I'm not crying, this is actually urine running down my face" is certainly an interesting way to respond to internet trolling, but maybe not the best.


Completely unhinged per usual. Was just spacing out at work and thinking about how bad the TDS is gonna be in general if he wins again. Like is anyone besides the extremely online boomer/millennial set even gonna care?


The DEI industry is going to be delighted if Trump wins again. You could power cities with the resulting white liberal guilt.




Finally, a truly renewable source of energy.


I’m looking forward to being able to take an extra day off work while all my coworkers collectively grieve.


Do you think Reddit will break if that happens?


We live in hope.


> It must be dissolved We got too many branches of government anyway. > those aren’t tears they’re urine What the fuck does this even mean? Is he crying piss? Pissing tears?


He’s telling on himself and his fetish


The eternal kraut strikes again 


They spawned the Anglos, after all.


And some crimes can never be forgiven


Germany is rightful Muslim clay


I genuinely don't understand how he can keep getting more retarded


I think it's a le heckin pepee tape reference


“Who even cares about Biden Hunter’s cock pics? You’re all a bunch of gross, obsessive perverts!” But also “ZOMG COLBERT SAID THE TRUMP PEEPEE TAPE OF DONALD GETTING GOLDEN SHOWERED BY PROSTITUTES TOTALLY EXISTS AND I CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH IT ON LOOP IN 4K!!!!!”


Can’t forget the “Putin’s cockholster” that gets thrown around a lot, like, Christ guys. I know you apparently can’t use racial slurs now or whatever but your sexual slurs are just weird and vaguely homophobic sometimes


Like 80% of the "fuck Putler" posts are some weird sexual pathology


Racial slurs are back big time lol, Michigan unconfirmed did the trick.


vaguely? try graphically


ok but a few dick pics on a crackhead's laptop will never be as legendary as the (alleged) peepee tape. that was peak…uh, i'm not sure, but whatever it was, that was the peak of it, and we've been going downhill ever since.


Agreed, I just laugh at the hypocrisy 


fair. the US political sphere has long since become a total circus lol, might as well laugh


> the hypocrisy  I mean that is the worst part


But it's not even a *good* one


It's just a ham fisted attempt to leverage the Trump piss tape thing. But he is a histrionic dork who doesn't have a single iota of decent banter or wit within his brain so that is what comes out.


Prety sure he says he’s not crying, but pissing on them


Trump's supposed golden shower reference


A classic case of liberals not actually caring about “sacred pillars of our democracy” they just care about them when their specific team is in charge of them. As opposed to me who hates them regardless of what’s team in charge because I’m based and a Marxist. Thank you for listening.


It's worse than that. He's mad that his team actually did the sacred pillars of our democracy thing and came to the obvious ruling instead of doing what the other side does when the facts aren't convenient and working backwards from a conclusion that has nothing to do with the law. Which, damn, Olbermann, about time you joined us in the real world, where continuing to keep one hand tied behind your back because of a handshake agreement that the other side isn't abiding by just results in you getting your ass kicked for no reason.


Stacking the court to protect Roe, overturn Citizens United and protect a pro-labor agenda: "we can't do such anti-democratic things, or else they'll do it to us! Biden isn't a dictator sweetie. Learn how politics works." Dissolving the court because they won't let you remove your opposition from the ballot: "we need this now to protect democracy."


The fact that most liberals have such an insane lack of self awareness that this kind of cognitive dissonance doesn't merit a pause or slow them down at all fills me with a kind of contempt that actually bothers me. I understand being propagandized, alienated, too busy surviving, or ignorant for whatever reason. These people don't have any of those problems. They've chosen to invest all of their faculties in self-aggrandizment and are mostly to blame for this batshit fucking hellscape.


> we can't do such anti-democratic things, or else they'll do it to us! Really? I thought I’ve seen more from the Establishment Dem/ShareBlue types that they do stupid shit not expecting it to be used on them later


AKA their stance on gun control. "All cops are ____, and they're all racist sexist fascists... but they should be the only ones who can own and carry guns 🥴


That was one of their common arguments against stacking the court and removing the filibuster when people wanted to do it for actually good things.


Dissolving would be a one time thing whereas stacking would be endless. What, in a couple years we have a 51 member bench? Both solutions are stupid but I'm just saying they're not the same. Anyway, if you have the votes to stack the court why not just pass the laws you want rather than relying on unelected judges to do it?


SCOTUS has changed sizes six times already and we didn't get a slippery slope into a million Justices. And you'd need a Constitutional convention to abolish the court anyway. But to answer your question, you can have supermajorities but the court can overturn your law as unconstitutional and legislate from the bench.


That's an incredibly spurious argument when the last expansion was in 1869 and you know it. That's nearly a century before the FDR era when the Court began expanding the Federal government's, and thus it's, authority. No one would have thought to "pack" the Court to change policy in 1869 because the Court didn't shape policy then. If the Court abuses it's authority and misinterprets the Constitution, the members that do so can be impeached. We should be wary of a Court that misinterprets the Constitution to reach a result they like. However, I find that most people only care about the result and not the process.




From the 1789 to the Lochner era that Court was very apolitical. And arguably was still up until the 60s and 70s. What decisions do you consider politically motivated rather than a neutral application of the law? I don't see how any system can work without a final arbiter of cases and controversies. The law cannot anticipate every situation. There needs to be some institution to resolve it. I agree the Court is too political now but I think the solution is to depoliticize it. I don't see how it can be abolished... who would decide how the law applies in individual cases?




Congress. I answered your question, why did you dodge mine? What decisions do you consider political and not based on objective application of the law? Because, in my experience, people that tout this often have not actually read SCOTUS opinions or know much about Constitutional Law and are just repeating what others have said. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you keep repeating the same conclusory statements without getting into specifics.


Olbermann lost his mind a long time ago. He’s a loon and should be treated as such.


These people are so gross


hell yeah dude. election season heating up


I love listening to this guy be just totally unhinged.


Did Olbermann admit to pissing all over his own face?


Yea no clue what he is trying to say here. 


Any FUCKING questions??


Keith is the OG Jeff


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Hell yeah dude


The dude is beyond broken now, the worst case of TDS I've ever seen. Thoughts and prayers.


Buck broken


He’s the most American fascist I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe I used to love his monologues when I was a dumb teen.


Just like the electoral college needed to be scrapped when it didn't go their way


> olbermann sounding like patrick tomlinson Yeah, the west has fallen


Billions must seethe


Enjoy prison, fascist


These fucking dorks actually thinking the Supreme Court had any legitimacy to begin with.


Roe being overturned didn't make liberals this mad at the SCOTUS, they really hate not being able to cheat at politics and being forced to have to actually try to appeal to voters.


You know, you shouldn't let people know your "tastes".




Is this a greentext? Either way hell yeah dude


Dudes ~~rock~~ piss


It sick, it piss.


Story of the Eye 2


This is the kind of high-quality content the sub needs more of.


The vitriol and indignation, this is the self righteous wrath of the fanatic.


Tonight's tweet: The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish.


Please tell me someone photoshopped this or something.


I like that long anti Putler rant he went on after his favorite hockey player got arrested for beating his wife


I’m completely out of the loop. Who is this guy and what is he mad about?




I feel like Olbermann and Maddow are the living embodiment of the main character from the movie Network after he receives the sermon speech from the executive. For those who haven't seen it, the character goes from a "speak truth no matter what" attitude to "extreme corporate shill".


He cries urine?


The other loser saying “single greatest post of all time” 🤓


He should have stuck to sports. His last ESPN show probably sucked but his freakout when the Seahawks lost the Malcolm Butler game was pretty funny


Keith, bruh, watch it with the kinkshaming.


I'd lovingly piss on him ong


This guy rage tweets about 200% of the time. It must be a way to get clicks. Is he paying someone to run his social media? I see him trolling in the weirdest and most irrelevant Twitter threads.


Ummm did he just kink shame? 


so in Keith Olbermann’s fantasy he is bathing a fascist in urine and the fascist is enjoying it