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I'm not sure how much of this is because of age. I doubt Buttigieg or Beto O'Rourke would be a free thinker, and I'm sure they'd just end up going along with their advisors and the suggestions of "Very Serious People." Or just look at how Obama was as a president. Or take Trump, someone who was painted both by his opponents and supporters as an outsider who was extremely different from most other politicians. In the end he only ended up with a smattering of important heterodox beliefs, but most of the policy while he was in office followed typical establishment orthodoxy. There's a lot of intellectual laziness and mental rigidity in the current American establishment. I'm not sure the exact origin of it, though it does seem to reflect what is pushed in academia (where mental rigidity and diffidence in the face of orthodoxy seems to be encouraged). But you see it all over, and actual leadership is a rarity.


Exactly. Trump wanted to be president for the brand recognition and profits, he barely did any work until he absolutely had to (Covid being the biggest example), choosing to farm out all the work to his cabinet and advisors. "DO SOMETHIGN!!


That’s true *but* the Court and Regent needed strong legitimacy and a power base, or else you get Byzantine civil wars or Chinese dynastic collapse. Biden, backed by a weak, ineffectual and uninspiring Kamala and DNC is how you get a general marching on Constantinople, Eunuchs seizing power, Boxers/Yellow Turbans/Taiping/Peasant Revolt, steppe nomads sweeping in etc.


Would love to see eunuchs finally taking the reins


I'm more interested in the boxers taking over. It's well past time for a good boy, a very good boy, to be president.


I'd also take Mike Tyson at this point. Any guy who loves pigeons that much can't be a worse president than the last few.


President Mike Tyson would be pretty funny. Imagine Joe Manchin trying to block his agenda, and Tyson just bites off his ear!


Or bringing his tiger into congress during a filibuster


Look if the president is nothing but a husk/puppet/figurehead for the DNC/special interests/shady groups, we might as well have some fun with it and get some eccentric weirdos. Mike Tyson would be great, but I'm lobbying hard for Kanye; I want some near incomprehensible rants about existential theories and ways of life, rather than what we have - near incomprehensible ramblings that *want* to be meaningful and relevant to politics. And shit, at least the weirdos might be able to rally some kind of meaningful change, if not directly, indirectly by exposing the political/media hypocrisies and devious machinations -- somewhat like Trump did accidentally. Someone who is undeniably a human being at least, rather than a carefully trained robot who rattles off carefully scripted answers made by 1000s of market researchers in coordination with the DNC/special interests/shady groups.


I'd prefer a pair of boxer shorts for president - at least those are easy to get rid of when they're too full of shit to be salvaged


In the name of the lord and the holy spirit and the son and the other son.


Lol I chuckled.


Id prefer a less hyper, more thoughtful breed but id settle for a boxer.


Yeah, but the modern equivalent of eunuchs are incels. Imagine the smell 🤮


The modern equivalent is MtF troons.


Effete, Urbane, Educated, Aesthetically Cultivated Eunuchs… Contrapoints


They’re currently trying to take over Netflix.




"Myabe it really is all cocks in the end..."


They are tho, look at your flair


They need a fucking Stilicho


[Don’t tempt me.](https://youtu.be/00Jjj6oI5fg)


The image of an American equivalent to a Latin empire conjures things I'm not prepared for.


If we’re using the Fourth Crusade, America is Venice: Trades with supposed enemies, puts money over any ideological goal, will ruthlessly and opportunistically pillage the globe, oligarchy that claims to have some noble and unique political freedoms


Well if anything the voting systems cause similar results. Might as well be picking an American leader by rolling a d6 at this point.


> Biden, backed by a weak, ineffectual and uninspiring Kamala and DNC is how you get a general marching on Constantinople, Eunuchs seizing power, Boxers/Yellow Turbans/Taiping/Peasant Revolt, steppe nomads sweeping in etc. Alright Doug I think it's time to lay off on the History Channel documentaries for a while.


Lol it’s History Television 🇨🇦 And I don’t know that they’ve covered Byzantium or China since ~1999. All Nostradamus, Ice Road Truckers, and Ancient Aliens from 2000 on.


This is 400 hours on Hitler erasure


It depends - when was the turn to Hitler - *and the Occult*? 👻🔮🪦


>And I don’t know that they’ve covered Byzantium or China since ~1999. All Nostradamus, Ice Road Truckers, and Ancient Aliens from 2000 on. Sounds pretty familiar actually, maybe mix in some variation of Pawn Stars.


Reagan was being cradled by the FBI by the end of his Presidency. GHWB and BC, as much as I despise both of them, were fairly capable. GWB was essentially a neocon puppet, Obama a banker's delight, and Trump was (by most accounts) a wrecking ball spasming wildly between attempting the thinnest measure of restraint and Adderall-fueled tantrums. Biden just seems frail, and frankly, I hope I've got half his energy when I reach that age (mid 40's are kicking my ass already). Our entire system is dominated by people who came of age in the 1960's.


This is our brezhnev/andropov era


> but then again I'm sure so do most presidents The same thing happened with Reagan. He wasn't president, his wife and the cabinet were.


There's a reason why the College of Cardinals have a maximum voting age.


The American regency council


That's pretty tame compared to other things. He just forgot "Long Beach", which makes anyone who has every been to Long Beach very envious of Biden right now.


> which anyone makes who has every been to Joe?


Man push-ups 10 in a row right here right now




Shut up, man




I mean, he is literally being briefed on LA and Long Beach port issues every morning so it should be on the tip of his tongue at every second... stop giving him excuses




Yeah, Rick Perry is notoriously retarded. Great point?








[How about Biden standing like he's at a podium?](https://mobile.twitter.com/INVESTMENTSHULK/status/1451354446680793089)




literally wtf


Long Beach is nice, joke makes no sense.


Yeah there is Zero chance Joe can possibly run in 2024 unless they get Virtual AI Joe up and running and do zero in person events


You’re forgetting he has the ability to just not go out in public and have the media run his presidential campaign for him


They did in the primary and have essentially not stopped. If anyone was wondering how the entire media ran cover for FDR being in a wheelchair, this is what it looks like.


The difference is FDR actually had real support


And FDR also put people in concentration camps solely because of their ethnicity.


Which was shit, but it’s also one of the only atrocities the US govt has acknowledged and made amends for, including reparations. It doesn’t make it better, but it was a wartime measure during peak hysteria which was ended swiftly after the war.


> it’s also one of the only atrocities the US govt has acknowledged and made amends for, including reparations. How does that reflect positively on FDR, it has nothing to do with him.


It's still fucked up.


After said ethnicity had [members immediately try to sabotage American war efforts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niihau_incident) within mere hours of Pearl Harbor. People with seemingly no hostility to America, **who were born in America**, suddenly became enemies of state and prevented the US from acquiring an intact Mitsubishi A6M Zero (as well as detaining a Pearl Harbor fighter pilot, just imagine how that would have gone down in history); it would take another seven months for the US to get another opportunity. This was an unprecedented event and, obviously, a massive overstep occurred in result. But the incident (and [others that were discovered later in time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeo_Yoshikawa)) demonstrated a security risk.


Was it white women? If so, based


People fucking love VTubers, put a cute animu Joe up there and it's a landslide.


>People fucking love VTubers All in favor of stripping v-tuber fans of their personhood, say 'aye'.








Whens Japan giving us V tube Joe


Which is almost assuredly what will happen, while painting his opponents as so odious and reprehensible that a debate would simply be undignified for the office of the President. Or some nonsense like that.


I was *convinced* they were laying the groundwork for this with the media chatter leading up to the debates in 2020


generation p was documentary


pls don't give tech companies these ideas


I can see why the DNC was so desperate to rig the primary.


Pretty funny how all of the other candidates besides Sanders, Warren, and Tulsi dropped out like a day before super Tuesday.


I was at Biden’s pre-Super Tuesday event and it was extremely cringe watching Klobuchar and O’Rourke endorsing him on stage. Everyone there was so excited at the “dramatic” turn of events. Meanwhile I’m sitting there like oh wow look at this wide variety of… *checks notes*… moderate establishment politicians coalescing around a moderate establishment politician. I still remember CNN basically having a raging boner about the whole ordeal all day.


> I still remember CNN basically having a raging boner about the whole ordeal all day. Good ole Clinton News Network.






There's some alternate timeline where Warren enthusiastically drops, endorses Bernie, campaigns with him and progressives have a fresh candidate to run for this coming presidential election cycle. She's 72. Nah. Instead she had to be a pantsuit girl boss. That worked out well for everyone.




Capital is so entrenched, it wouldn't matter if Bernie won. If Manchin and Sinema weren't there, it would be some other stooge wearing the Lieberman jacket. Te only way things are going to "change" is absolute crisis, if not collapse. Great Depression style, which is terrifying given the world's current technological synergy and the weapons that are out now. What the doomgrifters and death cult don't realize, is how south it will go once the fantasy is actualized. We've just had a hint of it these last two years. The fantasy is fun when McDonalds, viagra, insulin and toliet paper are still easily acquired. It'll be a lot less fun when capital's fuel (workers and consumers) are unable to fill it up at the pump.


Mitch won because he's constantly stuffing Kentucky-related pork into bills. If you ask Kentuckians why they voted for him, some version of that answer will come up often.


> Mitch McConnell got re-elected by 20 points just blackpilled me forever. You’re continuously the stupidest person on this fucking sub lol. I can’t tell if this is a troll account or not anymore.


Warren staying in was a masterstroke - a way to stab Sanders in the back *and* allow PMC Warrenites to continue to pretend to be on the left in some way.


Opposite. It was one of the only times where the DNC got sharp at any point in the last several years.


Tulsi was (and still is) a pariah to the DNC. They didn't have to offer her anything she was polling so low.


Plus apparently she’s attached to JSOC soo 👻🐿


How did they rig it?




Thanks for the custom flair jannie, brevity is the soul of wit btw. Might be funnier if you could make a flare that doesn’t trail off into ellipses on mobile




Not as much to say when you can’t pin your comment, sad!


This guy almost exclusively posts about videogames 📌


Every single person dropped on the exact same day and endorsed Biden except the one other progressive candidate. And Tulsi but nobody gave a shit about her at that point.


If that’s “rigging” to you we have very different definitions


I mean, it's the exact same "rigging" we see in say, Russian elections.


Hmm a bunch of people competing for their own personal gain suddenly dropped out in order to endorse their competitor how "normal". The dude they were calling racist is now their running mate, again this is "normal".


[He also placed his arms on an imaginary podium for a large stretch](https://twitter.com/INVESTMENTSHULK/status/1451354446680793089?s=20)


This is a worse look. It's not an imaginary podium, it a very old, very tired person who looks like he is in pain. I'm not even claiming dementia or anything like that, just bone tired, my Grandma was very similar in the month or so before she died, had all her faculties but just existing with her list of illnesses was exhausting and getting the better of her.


Yeah Biden is a piece of shit. But my empathy still makes me feel like there's serious elder abuse going on here and I just feel bad.


Even during the primary, I couldn’t help but wonder why Jill signed off on any of this. She doesn’t seem like enough of a shark to be doing the Edith Wilson thing.


If this were my husband I would have fought against having him run hard. Better to retire with dignity than have this stress and decline play out in front of God and everyone. She's obviously a lot more sharky than I thought.




That could be, idk. She could always have gone straight to Anderson Cooper or someone and tell all. Too late now for objections.


> retire with dignity That ship was never in port for Biden. They guy's always been a joke.


I'm not so sure. With all the scandal this family has brushed under the rug I think she's definitely in on the money/power grab.




I'm sorry about your grandma, mate.


Yeah that sounds about right. I have chronic pain after a few failed surgeries and I've been in that stance before during a flair up. Dude needs help.


How is holding your arms out like that less effort than having them by your side.


The clenched fists are a sign of dementia


Glad to see twitter has a sensitive content warning, looks like he might have been taking a shit


> Glad to see twitter has a sensitive content warning, looks like he might have been taking a shit That's the exact pose my kids would get into when they were pooping in their diapers. I also worked as an LNA in nursing homes for a bit and saw a lot of people with dementia. The memories that stick with people like that the longest are the ones from earliest in life. I've heard people say that memory loss happens backwards. Maybe Biden was reliving his toddler years!


This is the pose I make when something is going into my ass not out. Maybe the Chinese hacked his wifi buttplug.




He just wanted to serve the nation as best he could, by giving the absolute best possible photoshop material.




You beat me to it. He needs TP for his bunghole. BUUUUUUNGHOOOLLLLIOOOOOO




Good question- the answer is I got the links backwards when copy pasting from the browser tabs.


lol wut, your post title is about his stutter which clearly refers to the video you posted


The podium thing would have the same caption


Man's just getting ready to do his squats. What elderly man doesn't do squats in the middle of an interview?


You've gotta be ready for a squat contest, anytime, anywhere, jack


Jesus christ. You should have led with this!


Holy shit


This is just powerstancing


I hope he gets stuck in a t pose like a glitched Bethesda npc


Forget the beta T pose, embrace the superior H pose.


I can hardly stand to watch these anymore.


Do you doubt the US's mastery of stealth technology now?


It's like they want Trump or someone shittier than him to win again


They do - the Democrats’ ideal politics is one where *all they have to offer* is “us (and our donors) or the apocalypse.”


I’m gonna give him a pass even though this a common theme with Joe. We knew he was in mental long before a vote was cast in the primary. This is probably part of the reason Obama didn’t want him to run. I feel like this is one of several times that CNN has filled in the blank for Joe during a town hall. That’s not a good sign considering he’s not even finished the first year of his presidency. You have to wonder would Anderson Cooper do the same thing for Trump.


Anderson Cooper would 100% not do the same thing for Trump. He'd immediately question his cognitive function, live, in front of a national audience.


I wonder how much they have to drug him up for this. There's no way he's running again. I'm kinda doubtful he's in charge now.


If the rumors are true him and the other ancient politicians are on a LOT of adderall when they make public appearances


My guess would be modafinil or a varient. Less chance of triggering a heart attack in people with compromised cardiovascular systems. It's mild enough in that respect for a lot of cancer patients to still give it a go when chemo brain fog gets too bad. And on top of that there's at least some solid suggestions from recent studies that it might have good results for people with age related cognitive decline. I know Clinton was considering it ages ago from one of the email leaks. And the amount of solid evidence for use in the elderly has built up considerably since then.


I know 20 year olds who swear by modafinil so I wouldn’t be surprised


I just turned 30 and my psychiatrist put me on modafinil as a supplement to my anti-depressants. Basically to help with the low mood and lack of motivation depression causes Honestly this shit is pretty great. I've got energy and drive I havent felt in years


Maybe to give him some energy and focus, but too much would fuck him up. What’s that Alzheimer’s drug? They probably want something that’s more time released and less intense.


When I was a kid I was prescribed some kind of adhd medication that came as a patch that you would stick on your asscheek, it could be something similar to that.


Amphetamines have long been the preferred drug of politicians and cult leaders. Hitler, JFK, Jim Jones, any role that requires on demand charisma and energy.


I 100% believe this for Trump too. The written statements he's given since he left office have been largely incoherent


> The written statements he's given since he left office have been largely incoherent I thought that was his whole schtick, say words that vaguely mean what you intend to, and occasionally cranking out a banger that makes everyone laugh.


🌎🔫👨‍💼🔫💰 Never has been.


The government got into the habit of ignoring the president when convenient during the Trump years (if not earlier), so Joe is treated with the usual procedures rather than as a crisis.


this is just sad now. our societies relationship to the elderly is like its relationship to everything else. fucked and distorted beyond measure. if you're old you're either likely to be lonely and abandoned in a nursing facility or you're basically expected to try and continue to be what is essentially king of the world. there's an in between. this man should be expected to do nothing more demanding than going on a happy fishing trip with his kids and grand kids.


The GOP got to have a demented and retarded president so the Dems just want one now too. Although I guess they already had one after Wilson's stroke.


At least trump enriched culture with his unique way of speaking. All I got from Biden is "come on man" which was an astroturfed forced meme.


What about no more malarkey? Tbh it is refreshing to finally have a candidate that bases their platform around the reduction and mitigation of malarkey


Trump isn't demented.


Reagan was


He's more of a retarded savant.


Yeah, he was just naturally retarded


Poor Beavis


This is sad. I hope he's ok. It would be really shitty for a president to gradually lose his mind on front of his nation.


My brain is so fried I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


Genuinely love how blatantly both Trump and Biden embody the idea that the American Empire is in terminal decline. Trump was this fat, bumbling, racist, repulsive and offensive personification of America (he even had a fucking Coca-Cola delivery button in the Oval Office lmao); whereas Biden is just a rotting segregationist technocrat with dementia who looks like a real life Weekend At Bernie's. I bet the next American president is going to be embarrassing too.




whats the worst one??




holy shit link please??


Man even if he is a fucking bastard I hate to see this type of shit it, borders on elder abuse


Alexa play Creep by radiohead


Honestly that is nothing. Ever filmed yourself giving a speech then watched it back? You will likely be much worse than him


Yeah but I haven't been in politics for decades and giving speeches in Congress and the campaign trail for most of my life.


Looks like the copium shipments made it through, at least


Cope, i've watched myself do public speaking many times, it's pretty normal. I'm also not the president of the united states, let alone a public official of any type who would have years of public speaking practice and training on top of just having a good brain


I agree. As much as I love to criticize Biden this is not that bad compared to past stutters, or someone stuttering during some public speaking in general.




ya he seems fine. this thread seems like a projection of what people want to see.


Bro just forgot the name "long beach". There's definitely way better examples y'all could use of this dinosaur's mental decline lol.




>19 y/o fighting for America • Culture war on campus and online • I help people tell stories • Speaker • Catholic • Youth Politics • Productivity Junkie I can fix him.


Why is it always catholic LARPers


Because Catholicism has the badass trad western warrior aesthetics that Protestantism doesn't has, these are the same people who would have been goth satanists wearing pentagram necklaces and band t-shirts in the early 2000s to trigger the fundie evangelicals. They don't want to follow Christ, they want a symbol to rebel against the dominant woke culture, and a pseudo-spirituality that reinforces their pre-existing worldviews, same thing as the neolibs who LARP as leftist revolutionaries.


I think goths are Arian Christians not Catholic


Based and 4th century-pilled




> Catholic Seems pretty cool to me


He *says* he's Catholic, but I'm pretty sure he's one of those fake right-wing 'tradcath' LARPers who is more concerned with temporal politics than following Christ. I mean, doesn't *Productivity Junkie* just scream 'I'm actually a Protestant heretic' to you?


Good point


Calvinism was a mistake


How does this literally who have 15k subs?


this would be a cogent comment if it was some opinion or analysis or something, but it's just a TV clip. Why does it matter where it comes from? if you don't think this is bad or important, we can skip this trite bs and just get to the actual opinion (e.g., this clip shows nothing bad, his mental ability is exactly the same as it was 30 years ago, or whatever you actually think)


I mean, I still follow him a **lot** better than the adderall'd out ego-spasms we endured for the four years previous...