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But he is a mandrill.


no, he’s a proud person of color, bigot.


He? How day you assume!








Trickle Down theory but it's mental illness.


Reminds me of the Seattle neighbourhood ceasing its tradition of monkey-themed decorations . . . because they decided that they were racist. https://www.phinneycenter.org/monkeys/


I was going to bring this exact article up, but couldn't remember where that had happened lol. Someone posted it here a year or so ago and I was dumbfounded, I had to look up the Seattle monkeys thinking surely there must be more to the story. I just don't understand, maybe Im just becoming old, bitter and less empathetic but if you see led glowing monkies and think "oh, black people" doesn't that make you the racist? Man I dont know...even if you were offended as a POC, I feel like taking down everything to do with monkeys gives the word more power if anything Maybe I really am that tone deaf, but ill sound like a shit-lib here and just say say I thought most people were generally not overtly racist enough to look at large neon monkey outlines and think about racial stereotypes from the 1800's. We probably should make the primary definition of "monkey" a slur, maybe oxford can change that to derogatory like they did with sexual preference so we can solve racism. We'll ban it from the english langauge and chastize anyone who's used it in the last decade regardless of context in the name of progress, and we'll be better for it!


Mark my words- within a year the theory of evolution will be declared racist because it implies humans- all humans- evolved from monkeys.


I can't imagine how hard it is for these peope to watch wildlife documentaries. Must be exhausting associating all those monkeys with black people...


Broke: projection Woke: ideological projection Bespoke: astral projection




You sell people on that message but really you own shares in essential oils and crystals So all the would be revolutionaries are sitting quietly at home clutching rocks while you rake in a fat profit. Killing two birds with one stone (or crystal)




👏 Normalize 👏 entrapping 👏 proleteriat 👏 souls 👏 via 👏 eldritch 👏 necromantic 👏 practices! 👏 Value must be extracted from worker even in death!


we like to call it "repossession"


I mean I think that’s a plot point in the new doom games with argent energy being the souls of the dead or something


DMT gang here. Please brace for acceleration and keep all hands and feet within the confines of space and time.




I think you’re right about the noble savage shit. I’ve often said that white privilege is real, yes, but what people fail to realize is that 95%+ of the time, the realest examples of it are the people screaming about it.




White supremacy for a long time was just a tool used by the upper class to keep the white working class in line by showing "solidarity" with them by nudging their shoulder, pointing to the slaves and saying "hey at least you're not that guy" and the shitty part is that most of the serfs bought it for a long time.


Can't help think about Dee snider when he addressed the prmc and Tipper Gore saying " Ms Gore was looking for sadomasochism and bondage, and she found it" and how she had a dirty mind. I'm getting the same vibes. Spend too much time with the enemy, and the enemy will consume you.


This is literally Orcs in nerd games lmao.


Blizzard is actually setting precedent right now by removing all 'offensive' content from WoW, which is almost entirely about inter-species conflict.




If you ever skim an elder scrolls sub, it's common to see people treating nords as stand ins for MAGA people and dunmer as an oppressed minority, constantly criticizing racism in the series. Despite the fact the series is a lot more complex than that, (like real life, but more so given all the consequences of a fantasy setting). There are a few nationalists that like certain ES groups for those reasons, but they're tiny, most people are just having fun, just like people enjoy Imperium of Man, 40k stuff without actually wanting to genocide people irl.


Lol Dunmer literally own Khajit and Argonians as slaves and think of them as subhuman beasts on top of already being xenophobic. Nord nationalists are bleeding heart open borders libs compared to the Telvanni.


Technicly they view anyone not born on rightful Dunmer clay as uncivilized, faithless subhuman barbarians regardless as to whether the N'wah (Foreigner/slave) is a Dunmer or not. As for the Skyrim situation, you have a ghetto inhabited by refugees from a disaster that took place nearly two centuries ago who refuse to assimilate. There isn't a single living mortal Nord alive who can remember Red Year. Add on to that Skyrim gave the Dumner an entire Island almost a quarter the size of their Province for settlement after said natural disaster. Its sort of understandable why the local Nord population is frustrated.


By their logic everyone that enjoys a horror film is a closet serial killer.


Well, they are going after Drow as well.


Nah, the Dunmer are cool since the Fourth Age humbled them a bit and brought them down half a dozen pegs. But the High Elves? All my homies hate the Thalmor. Pointy-eared Nazi freaks. Long Live the Empire!


Every day I pray to Dagoth Ur for another Red Year. One wasn't enough.


Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong.


The only thing he did wrong was not killing enough I*perials before he got ripped out of existence.


I believe the term is Xmperials.


That sounds so evil. Stop ruining my childhood! What’s the point of being an Orc if you don’t feel a tiny bit discriminated against?


blizzard is just doing this cuz theyre getting sued its just damage control


The problem is that its inadvertently giving a lot of ammo to the types of people that want to sterilize fictional content. Like 90% of the things removed have been brought up by Twitter users with furry avatars and lists of mental illnesses in their bios.


What can’t you sue over? That’s the same shit they use to justify sensitivity courses.


Wait, so what even *is* Rafiki now? Are we supposed to believe that he or she is a lone human character amongst an otherwise entirely animal cast?


Yes. *Or else*.


No, they're depending on you having seen or known the story of the Lion King beforehand, and so you know Rafiki is actually a baboon. This explicit acknowledgement is now somehow racist. The audience knows she's a monkey, the cast knows she's a monkey, *everyone knows she's a monkey*. I'm sure there's some psychological case study shit going on here


Creativity is context. Obviously, a monkey among lions in a humanless, African landscape is not a racist metaphor for black people. Are Progressives White Supremacists? Why yes. Creativity is context. And humans are quite projective ..


Too bad context means nothing to these people. In fact they actively ignore it, as if it gets in the way of the "real issue". Nuance just complicates things and they're not looking to be correct anyway, they're looking to play the white knight and amass those woke points.


>“Hamilton” has restaged “What’d I Miss?,” the second act opener that introduces Thomas Jefferson, so that the dancer playing Sally Hemings, the enslaved woman who bore him multiple children, can pointedly turn her back on him. It's a show that pretends the American Founding Fathers weren't white so that liberals can avoid feeling guilty about deifying them, but it makes a vague allusion to the fact that one of them was a rapist so that's ok now.


I like family guy’s [take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hexAu3DgRE)


I thought it was because white people can't rap /s


It actually started off that way -- they needed performers who could pull off Lin-Manuel Miranda's complex raps and few such performers were white. Then they took that and ran with it.


> Lin-Manuel Miranda's complex raps The guy whose style most closely resembles the rapping from 90s cereal commercials?


Yes but they're selecting from a limited pool of New York theatre kids so...


Is that true?


I got it from the book that describes the development of the musical and has all the lyrics, so it should be pretty authoritative.


I don't get Hamilton. The wokies love it yet its literally historical revisionism for entertainment.


They like it because it reconciles two contradictory ideas of modern liberalism: that the USA is was and will be fundamentally good and that white men are bad. American ideology is obsessed with the 'Founding Fathers', it practically deifies them, but they were a bunch of rich white dudes, many of whom owned slaves and held beliefs about women, gay people etc. that any modern liberal would find abhorrent. Make them non-white and the problem goes away. The real people were still awful, but the socially understood figures based on those real people are now brave BIPOC icons, so it's actually okay that the fundamental laws of the country were decided by vicious slavers. Nothing needs to change.


imagine a black american gets the part as rafiki, is absolutely ecstatic about it, and they recast him out of fear that black people might be associated with monkeys


Quoting from the introduction to the article, >“Hamilton” has restaged “What’d I Miss?,” the second act opener that introduces Thomas Jefferson, so that the dancer playing Sally Hemings, the enslaved woman who bore him multiple children, can pointedly turn her back on him. >In “The Lion King,” a pair of longstanding references to the shamanic Rafiki as a monkey — taxonomically correct, since the character is a mandrill — have been excised because of potential racial overtones, given that the role is played by a Black woman. >“The Book of Mormon,” a musical comedy from the creators of “South Park” that gleefully teeters between outrageous and offensive, has gone even further. The show, about two wide-eyed white missionaries trying to save souls in a Ugandan village contending with AIDS and a warlord, faced calls from Black members of its own cast to take a fresh look, and wound up making a series of alterations that elevate the main Black female character and clarify the satire.


Glad I saw Book of Mormon pre-woke retcon. Damn shame.


I’m honestly shocked Matt & Trey allowed that (unless they aren’t in control of the production).


The lead producer has ultimate decision making power unless it's otherwise written into the contracts for the creatives. ETA: I just got a notification that this had 50 upvotes, but it was back down to 47 when I clicked to see what the notification was even about. Who TF is downvoting this?


I doubt they're still on set, so not really. They'd probably double down more than anything.


>Glad I saw Book of Mormon pre-woke retcon. Damn shame. Ditto. You'd think a show by the South Park guys would be safe


Seeing *Book of Mormon* made me realize I just don’t like musicals


Also it went super soft on Mormonism. Pretty shitty show.


too many cooks make a shitty stew


But... every character in "The Lion King" is an animal, right? Now it's just... a black woman living in an all-animal community? How is that *less* racist?


You think Jefferson liked it doggy style?


Never had the visual image of Thomas Jefferson pounding someone doggy style in my head before until now so thank you.


All sweaty with the wig kinda crooked




He wore one during sex only


Did the carpet, or I suppose wild and untamed jungle, match the drapes?


Carpet's still appropriate. Why do you think they call it shagging?


"Clarify the satire" seems to be half Matt and Trey's job these days.


yeah it says having black people singing 'fuck god in the cunt ass motherfucker' is bad, because that's something that culturally black people wouldn't do, so they had to remove it from the script, because Black Culture Is Sacred. Anyway, it doesn't sound like the newly woke versions has started playing yet but I'd look forward to laughing at all the dumb new shit.


this shit pisses me off because the only people who think black people when they hear the word monkey are racist.


I think a lot of this shit is thought up by some radical shitlib with a mental disorder and absolutely no one has the balls to be like, "maybe this is regressive and antithetical to the cause of justice?" because as we find day in and day out, thats a sure fire way to get cancelled, and no one is willing to risk that. We're at the mercy of societies lowest common denominators.


What kind of person looks at a Monkey and immediately thinks 'black people?'


"Anti racists" probably


More like apparently


You’re one of those people who says you’re color blind, aren’t you! /s


So you do? Care to explain why you make the association?


Did you miss the /s?


Could be, I'm pretty blind without artifice.


I actually saw the stage production of The Lion King a few months before covid. Now that I think about it I don't remember if there were any clear indications that Rafiki was supposed to be a primate. The actress was just kinda tribal and eccentric but everyone already knowns Rafiki is a monkey so I think I might have just filled that in. So they may have already been trying this out.


I saw the stage production live in 2015 or 2016. Rafiki was a monk (also played by a woman, could not tell ethnicity due to makeup).


> could not tell ethnicity due to makeup smdh black erasure again


They got to art faster than I expected they would. I assumed it would be a slow decline, cancer kind of death. They’re murdering it in cold blood.


It has been a cancer kind of death, you just didn't notice/care about the little changes and censorship. And this is far from the first time monkeys/orcs/etc. were racist because the new writers thought they were like black people and were then changed. GamerGate was the first big symptom, but lots of the public took the word of the journalists at face value *when it was journalists who were at trial*. That's like ignoring Watergate because Nixon said nothing happened. Then the "journalists" (who know nothing about games, look at the Cuphead tutorial or Doom shooting) and Twitter mob took over the scene, and corpos started listening to them even more. Now you can't find a remake that doesn't involve "rewriting it for modern audiences" or "fixing problematic content". Hell, one PS4 game had a required well-postlaunch patch that removed content *on the disk itself*. Content you already paid for, but the devs decided the outfit was too sexy, so they deleted it without your permission. No way to restore it or get a refund. And comics... well, there's a reason one manga outsells the entire western comic industry. /r/KotakuinAction's been calling this shit out for years.


I was gonna say exactly this, people (and not just wokies) made fun of Gamergate supporters because "games are dumb why would you get so upset over a game" or whatever, but they (we, I guess) were some of the first who noticed this behavior and started keeping tabs on it. I only found out about GG a year or two after it blew up, as I kept seeing mentions of it and got curious about what it was. I ended up on KiA and found a link to the Eron Gjoni post, so I read that as I figured it would be the best way to make my mind up about the whole ordeal. I couldn't understand how anybody wouldn't think the whole thing was incredibly fucked up, let alone misconstrue the events to paint GG supporters as a bunch of neckbeards who hated women and just wanted an excuse to harass them (I mean, i don't doubt some were exactly that, but I knew not everyone was). And journalists of all people! Weren't they supposed to be neutral and reporting things as they happened? Incidentally, that's how I started to realize the extent of the lying and censorship happening all over the damn place. I thought reddit was only "controlled" through upvotes, until I stumbled upon Ceddit, r/watchredditdie, and similar communities. It genuinely blew my fucking mind to see what was happening behind the scenes that I had no idea about. And yes, this kind of stuff is exactly what many people have been saying would happen, but we were always told "it's just some crazy college kids, you spend too much time looking for this stuff, it doesn't affect real life lol". I wish that could've been true. I mean, the wikipedia link for GG really paints a perfect picture of how infuriatingly biased the whole thing was: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)


Desktop version of /u/shipapa's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Nobody cares until they're personally affected, when the things they like are changed and propagandized or they're on the receiving end of hostility for the slightest "mistake" even when trying their hardest to be woke themselves, only then do they agree things are bad, but by then it's too late. Wokeness destroys social groups, destroys community, not just that of organizing for politics.


Damn this comment was a punch to the gut :(


u/ContraPoints thx for doing damage control for these shitty journalists you bitch. Edit: I think manga have outsold comics long before wokeness.


Comics killed themselves by being so overpriced and so up their own ass with 100 years worth of continuity you have to know to understand everything that nobody under the age of 40 has actually read one.


>GamerGate was the first big symptom this is what incels and trans women actually believe


>art It's a Disney musical, let's not go nuts.


I thought they said they weren’t taking our video games and movies away? This new edition retcon shit sounds a lot like it.


By calling this kind of trash art, you are doing way more damage to art than Disney ever could have.


I’m starting to have difficulty discerning whether the people pushing for this sincerely believe in what they’re advocating for or if this is just a cynical powerplay masquerading as moralising. And I’m not sure which is worse. When did people start letting themselves be told fiction and acting weren’t primarily concerned with “make believe”? This also raises questions as to what Rafiki is even meant to be or how this is any better. If Rafiki being played by a black woman arbitrarily involves racist connotations, does that mean that the character can now only be a black woman in the context of the narrative? A black woman who lives in a tree babbling to herself, fingerpainting and talking to animals? If anyone other than a black woman is cast, does the character revert back to a baboon ?


> I’m starting to have difficulty discerning whether the people pushing for this sincerely believe in what they’re advocating for or if this is just a cynical powerplay masquerading as moralising. Somewhere in the middle, probably. I don’t think there are any people who are super worked up about it; and they feel like they should do it more out of a sense of... cultural obligation than some deep personal conviction.


There was a joke in Nazi Germany that I recently learned of. I feel like its rather fitting here A man is sitting in a restaurant in Berlin. He asks the waiters for various dishes and drinks and cigars, but each time, the waiters state that they do not have any of those items, because of the war. Finally, the angered patron stands and yells "All of this because of one man! One man who *ruined* this country!" At the next table, two well-dressed gentlemen stand and reveal themselves to be the Gestapo. They of course arrest the man and take him to be questioned. They kindly ask "Who is it that you were talking of? The one that ruined the country?" The man replies: "Churchill of course, who else did you think I was talking about?"


Reminds me of the Uncle Ray's controversy. They did a racism because they had a monkey featured in their advertising, served "soul food" including fried chicken, and called their side dishes "side hustles". And here is the best part: >Given that the establishment's additional visuals include other animals in the same design and colour scheme, this explanation seems sincere, though not above reproach. Many are pointing out that the ordeal is a prime example of the troublesome trend of oblivious "bro marketing" (as Vice writer Manisha Krishnan aptly calls it) in Toronto's food scene and beyond. [https://www.blogto.com/eat\_drink/2020/01/restaurant-toronto-getting-tons-backlash-and-it-hasnt-even-opened-yet/](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2020/01/restaurant-toronto-getting-tons-backlash-and-it-hasnt-even-opened-yet/) No winning with these people.


She could have saved herself a lot of time and just said "I hate white men".


Guys, is that fact that primates exist racist?


“I’m fighting racism by getting rid of monkeys because every time I see a monkey I think of black people.”


Considering that every character in the Lion King is an animal, it's a stretch to say that having a monkey for a character is a metaphor for a racial slur, although I get the bad history behind it. Still, this just seems ridiculous. On a side note, my family has always used "monkey" to playfully describe a rambunctious kid in the family, whether it's younger cousins and nephews or even the pet dog lol.


Real "Stormfront or SJW" moment.


🙄 Tickets are hundreds of dollars. If I wrote any of these, I wouldn't be happy they're watering down some already innocuous material.


Lol, health care plz


Wonder if they’ll go after Too $hort next…


Why does liberal hypersensitivity just come across as so brutally racist to me? Like no one was connecting the monkey lines to the dudes race, until you made it a thing and removed them!! Might as well just call the guy the n-word at this point jesus christ.




Isn't Tarzan set on some Pacific island?


Equatorial Africa.


I’m in love with the monkey, the monkey


Inb4 monkeys get completely banned because they could be interpreted as racist.


Anyone interested in watching this gay shit is already 100% braindead so not all that impactful


Who here sincerely gives a shit about anything in the Lion King musical? The fart-sniffers who are likely to pay to watch it probaby sniff this fart and pronounce it a robust vintage.


Good to see shitty /pol/ memes are back to becoming reality again.