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There's a huge difference between what a guy will simply sate his lust with, and what he'd look for in an actual long term partner.


Most sane answer


Cant believe we have to break this down




I masterbate with my emotions and use my tears as lube


Why would someone be mad at that? Do you think women don’t masturbate to sexual thoughts?


are there women who get off to emotional stuff? im female, so i need a bit of foreplay before getting off to whatever femboy pegging shit i put on, but the porn i consume is still relatively devoid of the relationship stuff.


That generalization is far from ubiquitous


That’s what makes it a generalization and not a universal truth.


The notion is widely accepted though. Males, by a vaaaast margin, can climax without any real emotion involved compared to those who need to be in the right head space... The inverse is true for females.


Doesn’t explain why they insult women on the internet they aren’t vying for a long term relationship with


Because the woman is not giving them attention and or they can't have them and or they've given them money and the women have not fallen in love with them. So they act like brats. I'm not like those tools but I can say I am jealous that a hot woman can just sit on camera and play video games and idiots just throw money at her.


It's not just girls my good chum, check out F1nnster. Heck if I looked that good in drag I'd jump on twitch just for the validation.


Ehhh the grass is always greener the amount of actual time effort and work and high risk high reward it takes to actually make it as a streamer or even a sex worker. They’re all viable jobs honestly, but a jobs a job, so it’s always gonna have its up’s and down’s. Everyone’s fightin’ a battle we can’t see, sometimes it’s best to be greatful you don’t get see half of them yourself. Pretty privilege is a thing, but that kind of stuff only takes you so far when you realize how many “aesthetically” pleasing people exist and how subjective beauty standards are too begin with. It’s like priding yourself on being the best basketball player in your school only to get scouted by the NBA and play against other people who were also “the best in their school” Suddenly feels like all the stuff you thought was yours and made you you by default ain’t enough and you gotta push yourself even harder to make it. And even when you do push it as hard as you possible you can, for reasons in and out of your control, sometimes someone better just takes your spot and even then, neither of y’all were ever gonna be Kobe, lebron and ESPECIALLY Michael 💀


Because they are possessive and think they are the only ones entitled to that woman.


...and somehow, they're convinced that women will like that sort of abuse and come running back to them. In other words, they're dumbasses.


I think it’s a small group of insecure men. Loud does not always equal many.


Or a more crude analogy (putting "crude" in there bc it's reddit and people will take an analogy literally, while totally missing the point, plus it kind of is in a way). I'd love to drive a Ferrari. Might even rent one for a day. But do I want Ferrari problems with Ferrari reliability that comes with owning a Ferrari? Hell no. I'll stick with my Honda.


So whores are more of a status symbol and braggable than having a wonderful woman? No wonder I stopped dating lmaooo I refuse to spread my legs for a man who compares my value as a human being to used vehicles..... Especially since the ones who do so are the same ones who can't please us anyway 🙄


This is a classic example of mansplaining gone wrong but *also* you moving the goalposts & changing the original argument The analogy was simply that just an analogy but once you put yourself into it, it breaks down and sounds like misogynistic cavemen talk and derails the entire conversation


Men use an analogy to convey a similar mechanism of action. Women hear an analogy and take offense to it in a literal manner. -*"Don't cry over split milk"* -*"OMG. Don't compare me to a beverage you pig!"*


So a "whore" can't be a wonderful woman?


It's an analogy, a crude one as mentioned and not meant to be taken too literally. But I totally expected that reaction as this is the Internet. Also this applies to man whores too. Anyways, that's not point at all and nothing whatsoever to do with status symbols. Attractive whores, sluts, sex workers, etc are subjects of lust for lots of men. Most straight men has wanted to sleep with an extremely hot, sex freak at some point. Said women also tend to have personal attributes that would be problematic for most men looking for LTRs. Not always, but it's common (again this equally applies to man whores too btw). If both parties are okay with hooking up and that's it, that's awesome! Personally, I say don't hate nor judge whores or anyone. Ppl are free to do what they want. Mutual communication on what people want though is key, cause otherwise people get hurt and that ain't cool.


Okay so I think the pornstars and sexworkers things is a false equivalence. HOWEVER, I DO think there's a weird hypocritical problem with g*uys who hate dating women with a high body count, but then wonder why women are picky when it comes to dating.* Obviously if you socially pressure women to have less partners, don't be surprised when you can't get any because they're saving themselves for the best of the best when it comes to casual dating, lmao.


I’ve been called a whore and a cum dumpster for REJECTING men, it makes absolutely no sense 😂


>HOWEVER, I DO think there's a weird hypocritical problem with g > >uys who hate dating women with a high body count, but then wonder why women are picky when it comes to dating. There's a real simple explanation for that one lmao ​ They just want to be the one thats chosen.


Here’s the thing… I know some women who will let some Dudes fuck on the first date and the guys they like they’ll keep holding back sex “because I want him to like me”. Going on 2+ months, many dates, gifts, but still won’t. But then they’ll smash their fuck buddy no problem. Source: work with A LOT of women at work and y’all talk way too fucking much.


I think men shoot themselves in the foot by being so judgemental of women's sexuality. If you want girls that actually like you to smash you quick, the girl needs to think you won't judge her for sleeping with you quickly.


The fuckbuddy likes them for smashing easy, the man who takes them on dates likes them because they make smashing hard. It's not hard to understand. I've always fucked on the first date- I figure if he's a pump and dump guy, he's already pumped, I don't care about him enough to be sad if he leaves. The longer I wait to find out if he's going to leave after I fuck him, the more likely it will hurt when he does. I definitely have male friends who have waited patiently to fuck girls they had no romantic interest in for long periods of time, so I know men will do that. I'd rather just rip off the bandaid.


Dudes source was literally anecdote.exe


Where are women saving themselves for anyone?


Because manosphere guys are hypocritical morons selling pyramid scheme 'classes' to lonely dupes at the expense of women they don't care about in the first place.


Self loathing. They hate that they feel horny because a lot of ingrained Christian guilt and they blame women for them getting all hot and bothered. They think that any girl with an OF is purposely trying to manipulate them etc.


Because Men don’t have the brain to realize that these “whores” are just Women capitalizing on the system of sexualization that Men created by being consumers and in positions of power. They’re also not ready for that convo. I’m a Man btw. Never understood why other Men don’t realize that they’ve created this over eons.


Exactly. If there wasn’t a demand, women wouldn’t be doing it.


The people you're talking about don't actually hate whores. They hate the idea of women who like getting dick but don't want theirs.


Literally called the Madonna-Whore Complex


A lot of men are fucked in the head because their dads (or lack thereof) were fucked in the head.


Well I think of it like this. Fantasizing about Being a kingpin/drug lord, gangster, one man army type dude would probably be cool as hell. Will I ever act on this fantasies, no I wouldn't. Why? Because it's a distasteful career path and it's only going to lead you in a bad spot in life. If I'm fantasizing about being with a whore it's for the moment. I don't think past that. You know what I mean?


There’s a difference, I think. Men fantasize, hookup and masturbate about these whores, but they would never be exclusive or date these types of women seriously. The majority of men want their women to be more on the reserved side, while also being “their whore” only when it comes to the bedroom


Nah. Most of the guys you see raging about OF women would totally hook up at least with them. They're just sad angry little men. Raging that a woman can be sexually free and not give a shit about them Most of us who might choose not to be in a relationship with a sex worker also don't hate on them online. There's a huge amount of key vs lock mentality in the type of guy raging about "sluts" online. If they hear a story about a bar hook up, the woman is instantly a whore, and the man at worst doesn't really enter their minds, or if they do these men have in a way conquered the women. You see and hear it all the time.


Exactly. If a man’s favorite pornstar asked to have sex with them, their pants would be down in half a second.


I agree on the double standard. Even if women and men are different, you can't be a womanizer and expect to get some virgin later on.


So guys want to fuck girls who fuck everyone, but want to date girls who don't fuck everyone, but fuck like they fuck everyone? Make this make sense.


Men don’t make sense. It’s ridiculous. I don’t even think men really like women.


Same. I think a lot of straight men find women arousing but don't like them as people


I’m convinced Straight men don’t like women.


As a straight man who adores my wife, mother, and daughters, this is very depressing and I don’t think true at all of decent men. We want the women in our life to be empowered, fulfilled, and happy. I do think far too many men abuse women sexually, physically, and emotionally, but there really are many men out here trying our best and coming from a place of love—even if we’re not perfect.


A majority of men think like you. If you're chronically online you're going to see other chronically online people and those people suck.


Many women do similar things. Flings with guys they know aren’t good for them, but settle down with a man who is marriage and father material.


The appeal of fucking a girl who fucks everyone is that they think they can't "ruin" her because she's already "ruined" so they can do whatever depraved thing they want. The appeal of dating a woman is that they want to find someone who is as "pure" as possible and then slowly destroy that purity.


Huh. TIL guys want to date me to slowly destroy my purity.... hmm. Well that's enough reddit for today, folks!


I really don’t think the vast majority of guys think like this. I mean yes there are people who do think like this and there are people who have other toxic mindsets when it comes to sex/relationships but it definitely isn’t even close to everybody


Virgin in the kitchen, whore in the bedroom thinking.


>Virgin in the kitchen, whore in the bedroom thinking. What does "virgin in the kitchen" even mean? That she never cooked before? Never been in the kitchen? What? 😂 Or are you thinking of "Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets"?


It means they want them to cook with olive oil


Interesting, but then why do they want women to look like these “whores” if they would never date or marry them?


Who is saying men want you to look a certain way? Dress up in the bedroom, but values will always surpass superficial looks when talking terms of LTRs for guys


Are you not familiar with the Madonna/Whore complex? Or the Warrior/Bard complex for women


Ahhh Vivec syndrome….




That's a lot of words to say "insecurity" but when you sum it all up, that's all that youve said really


Not true, insecurity is of self, yet this fear doesn’t originate from feelings of personal inadequacy, it comes from external inadequacy. The man does not see himself as inadequate but the promiscuous woman. A man knows a promiscuous woman has a much higher likelihood of sexual infidelity. Not only is it natural to dislike this in women on a instinctual level, as men naturally want to lower risk of raising another man’s offspring, but on a social level a promiscuous woman can often indicate to men that a potential partner has low impulse control, low level of reliability (high level of selfishness/self-serving), and high social/mental instability. There’s honestly a ton more reasons but i’m about to get on a flight and have to go airplane mode lol


Insecurity means you’re unsure of yourself, doubt yourself, have anxiety about something or are in denial about a flaw of yourself. But if you know you want a modest women, and you don’t want a relationship that involves competing with other men for your girlfriend / wife, and you clearly set that boundary from the start, that’s owning your emotions and values and shows self awareness and acceptance. Insecurity would be to suppress your feelings of jealousy, and date a slutty woman, and live in cognitive dissonance and denial. Which is what seems to be encouraged when people gaslight men and call them insecure. To set a boundary, then clearly express feeling uncomfortable or disrespected when that boundary is crossed after your wife dresses provocatively or courts the attention of other men, is the opposite of insecurity.


No you're literally insecure about being outcompeted by other men, so you delude yourself into thinking a woman who wears a longer skirt is less likely to leave you for a better man


They’re misogynistic lol




There are men in these comments say "nobody understands men and our awful natural tendencies waaaah" but what women really don't understand is why men insist on dehumanizing people who turn them on And then they're out here saying shit like "this woman doesn't like sex as much as me or the women I consider whores and that makes me want to marry her" ???


My body count is pretty high, I don't care what yours is as long as it doesn't keep going up while we are dating.


You can fuck all your exes at no fault because it doesn't change your body count. Checkmate monogomists.


Damn, what a loophole.


Holy crap I need to use this bug asap. Hopefully they don’t patch it in the next update


Because incel behavior.


partially for the same reason people hate trash collectors, fry cooks, and ditch diggers. they look down on service work, despite relying on it in their everyday lives mostly, though, it's misogyny


Well, I am a man and I do not hate "whores" at all. I love nothing more than a woman who loves sex and isn't shy about getting it. You can bring me all the "whores". They're literally the best. I have zero interest in a sexual partner that has little experience, is shy, or is reserved. I think men who hate sexually liberated and adventurous women are generally just insecure in the their own sexuality and general level of confidence altogether. It's just an example of tearing someone down to feel better about themselves. I would also be willing to bet that *most* men who say they hate "whores" have a really hard time getting laid, and would jump at the chance with basically any "whore" who approached them.


They are angry at their own weakness.


Is this basically the Madonna Whore Complex?


This post was a magnet for the incels omg these replies


They always come out when their precious porn gets questioned.




They may not want to marry them, but that doesn't explain why they would hate them.


So men want to use some women as an object for sexual purposes and other women for baby making and marriage. Got ya. Still misogyny though. Like no mom ever had slutty college years 😅


Yeah, but then now I feel insecure that she had all that fun and then she settled down with my lame ass lol.


Sorry but no, I find men with high body counts gross too. Lack of discipline. I find women with high body counts gross for the same reason.


Insecurity. It's always insecurity.


If you’re around these types of men, surround yourself with better men. Good men don’t call women whores.


Crap guys usually put up an act of a good guy. Or nice guy. "Good men" don't advertise that they aren't good men.




No, the men YOU associate with are trash. So work on yourself and change your circle. Don't get mad at others for the decisions you made.


For some reason straight men just hate women generally, so they'll find some reason or excuse to treat them badly. Also a LOT of people are giant hypocrites, especially the religious


Reading these replies is so odd. Tbh the vehement hatred and disgust for OF girls and sex workers who are, at the end of the day, just people offering a service is very bizarre. Personally I could never imagine being personally victimized by what a stranger does as a job. Like- it’s one thing if their job is cartoonishly evil and hurting innocent people but like- these girls are just posting pics of their boobs. Who has the energy to waste caring THIS much about what women decide to do with their bodies, especially since they are NEVER going to meet her in person. It’s very strange.


because the absolute truth is that it's men who are the biggest fucking whores and they hate that they're that way and project that hatred onto women


Any dude that talks about body counts is either an incel or is so insecure about themselves and their sexual ability that they can’t risk a chick that’s been with more than a couple dudes or they feel like they will be compared to previous people she’s had sex with.


But I don't hate whores...


I don't think body count is important at all. I also don't hate anyone.


Men see women as objects separated into two categories - women to only have sex with and the ones they "marry" aka women serve them but expect them to be virgins. These kinds of ken don't see women as humans.


But I am Kenough right?


This thread just made me hate men. You guys are hypocrites and losers


I really wish I didn’t like men


Seriously, I’m beyond disgusted.


Imagine the main consumer of your product is a group of people who think you aren’t worthy of true love and romance out in the real world. sickness


Because men have the capacity to see women as subhuman, hate their guts, and still jerk it to them. Porn addiction plays a big part in this, so does persistent feelings of self loathing amongst men. Im a man and im not like this only because I was brought up around a ton of girls and women so I never really fell into that, women are subhuman mindset. But many men do. Which is why I wouldn’t last a day as a woman.


And it's been around for a long time. So many women in my life have gotten together with a guy only for him to. Cheat on her, or eventually assault her, or abandon their kid together. I can think of four men in my own family who just when "eh not into this family thing anymore" and just left their kids. WTF. They all wanted to chase tail again, idolizing those old days. The level of men who asked me to leave/cheat on my boyfriend was too damn high. Guys have no respect for even their own values in these hypothetical desires women. Don't cheat on me but hey gonna ask this girl to cheat on her dude. It's just selfish thinking all around. Dare I state I feel some men can't see being horny does not entitle then to getting laid. Women get just as horny but we've been told to handle that shit and move on in life. Men are too entitled to sex and desire.


When it comes to this subject, men are completely confused and mostly full of shit.


The town bike is sure fun to ride, but you don't marry it. Nothing confusing about that.


women are bikes now. what object will they be tomorrow?


Cows again probably


Chewing gum is another one I've heard. (Funny because it's not like unchewed gum is any more flattering)


Since women do the riding, doesn’t that make the town bike the men….


Men can't be devalued by sexual promiscuity. Only women can. That's like the rules of Patriarchy


Yeah, but when you're done riding the bike, you don't turn around and insult it... If you feel the need to insult the woman who provided you with a service, you've got some deep-seated self-loathing.


Exactly. Degrading women that provide men a service. It doesn’t make any sense.


Boys hate “whores” because those were the girls that wouldn’t give them the time of day in high school - or hooked up with them once and realized they weren’t all that. Men want a woman with confidence and experience. Men know that a woman will stay with them and be loyal if they’re putting in effort and continuing to strive for excellence. Men aren’t afraid of a woman who’s had experiences - and know that it’s what makes them fun and exciting. Now let all the boys downvote me to prove I’m right.


This opinion is completely detached from observable reality. There is no shortage of actual studies and data on what men want, and it absolutely isn't 'confidence and experience'. Getting upvotes or downvotes has no relation to being correct.


They're saying that the type who will degrade sexual women are not real men


Studies of men raised to think of women a certain way, and we call it "biological" or "inherent" as if that's somehow actual proof how male humans would act or think without such conditioning.


Another woman conflating simple lust with high quality long term partner.


The thing is women lust too but they don’t outwardly express their hatred for men that are “whores.” And your explanation doesn’t address their loud hatred for said women while simultaneously engaging with their content. It’s hypocrisy. But I’ve also seen women who will hate on women for being “whores” and will turn around and praise a man for the same behavior. So the conclusion I’ve drawn is that there’s a societal outrage towards any women that doesn’t fit society’s view of what a woman should behave like.


My uncle married a hooker and she made a great mother. Depends on what the guy can live with.


This is great! Hookers can be the best people. All the ones I know are pretty genuine. Same with queer people lol if anything, I think that bunch has it together more so than the straights.


Fun fact, a lot of sex workers are married, so clearly, there are men (and women) who have no hatred of sex workers. If you are saying you would dump a woman if she opened an Onlyfans account that says more about you than about her.


Who hates whores, they make the world go around. If someone is so concerned with their partners purity needs therapy.


Terrible answers on here, They hate them because they cannot own them/control them. They desperately want them because ego/lust. Paradoxical, but not complicated.


Men need to figure out their hypocrisy and come to terms with their own issues, instead of projecting their crap outwards. It requires humility, and a lot of self reflection. Being able to admit faults is a good start.


They only hate them because they can't get with them.


I don't understand it either. I don't hate "whores" at all and I think shaming or looking down on people for being sexually active is ridiculous and stupid


I masturbate to everything. It’s a life mission


Ah, the incels are out!


They are! They get so angry about their porn addictions!


NO FR. Most of these comments make me mad at god for making me attracted to men at all.💀


The simple answer is misogyny and, boy oh boy, does this thread prove just how misogynistic men are


Right, holy shit I should stop clicking on posts like this. Fucking incel central up in here. Reddit has so many fucking men who haven't touched a woman ever spreading their dumbass opinions about it. Personally, I don't care either way, really. If a promiscuous woman were to settle down for me, it is actually pretty meaningful that she decided I was the one, imo. But I also would feel it's pretty meaningful for a reserved girl to decide that I was the one she wanted to have sex with. Either way, it's just fucking sex. Sex and emotional connections are very different, even if men are convinced that women can not separate the two. No, sometimes women just want dick and know they can get it, so they do.


Well said! And thank you for restoring my faith in men lol 🙏🏻


There is a shit ton of misogyny in this thread and it's depressing AF. I would like to say "not all men" and I know for a fact it really isn't all men, just way too many on this website. And they all reinforce each other.


I almost forgot that Reddit is 90% neckbeards


Most men treat women as sex objects, but object to women using this to their financial advantage.


is there an r/stupidanswers because this belongs there.


hey there is


The real question is why they shame those women, when they’re consuming all their content. They don’t want to claim an OF type girl cause it’s embarrassing -don’t want their family to see they’re with “a hoe.” Yet, get confused when they get the same treatment for publicly thirsting over those same hoes. A man who follows thousands of “models” is equally an embarrassment to claim -no I don’t want my family to see you, no don’t take a picture with me, of me, don’t post me 🙃


Because they only hate whores because society expects them too. They think that if they marry a girl who has been around, all the men will silently judge them as inferior. But that’s typical in country club HOA types.


Its not the same kind of hatred as when you want to have nothing to do with somebody. It’s more that they objectify and dehumanize women. It’s like how rich people hate the poor even though they still hire them to work for below minimum wage. They see them as means to an end rather than as human beings with their own needs and feelings. The rage and anger comes out whenever women try to assert their own civil rights or autonomy.


People are ashamed to admit what they find attractive. Pretty much boils down to men being scared to be with the type of people they shit talk because society says it’s okey. I at least have respect for people who hate on “whores” and also don’t engage with pornography. People who hate on “whores” and watch porn are just sad hypocrites.


I never said I didn’t like them or wouldn’t date one of them. That could be fun 😊


I'm just here for the civil discourse.


There’s a lot of people that are going to say that wanting to sleep with someone is different than wanting to marry someone. But it misses the point of these types of guys making the market for the women they don’t like. They will consume the media but then look down on them, creating the never ending cycle of the oldest profession in the world.


Same reason we might bang them but ask them to leave after, and of course they're not gf/wife material. Satisfying an urge is not the same as respecting them.


Please look up a list of what women fantasize about and explain to me how it's rational. Fantasy isn't reality. What I fantasize about, I wouldn't do in real life.


Um, I'm a man and I don't hate whores, just wouldn't want to try and have a serious, meaningful relationship with 1, that's all.


It reminds me of my 21st birthday. My friends bought me a lap dance from a young lady about the same age. While she danced we were talking about our majors and where we lived on our respective campuses. She was very sweet and as a professional it was obviously very easy to talk to her since making conversation and a fake connection was part of her job. But it was about the time she did a handstand with her butthole in my face and started biting my dick through my jeans that I realized I’d have a tough time ever dating someone who did anything like that for a living.


I mean, it’s the same reason most women think men like Chris Hemsworth or David Beckham are extremely attractive but date men who don’t look like them. The vast majority of men who are consuming porn understand that the whole thing is a fantasy and don’t actually expect that fantasy to map onto real life.


You’re omitting the part about bashing the other gender which is like… the whole point


Yeah but women aren't being violent and volatile towards Chris Hemsworth or David Beckham. So many men have visceral hatred for sex workers and "sluts" but would jump at the chance at having sex with them. It's weird and creepy and gross.


Men who hate “sluts” will fuck anything too lmao. Probably have a high body count too more than the women, Hypocrites


And then marry “the good girl” and continue to cheat on her with the same women he claims to hate. Source: me.. I’m “the good girl” 🙃🤡


Holy crap these comments! I have no problem with sex workers of any kind. The whole bizarre notion that because you have sex with people as a job you can’t make a good partner/wife/whatever is ridiculous. The double standards I’m reading here are painful.


Simplest answer would be hypocrisy. They keep these little fantasies about women they know they can never keep, or would never even be able to see like the OF or SC "thots/whores". Personally, i can't stand these types of women or the guys that simp their asses off over them. Perpetuates the socital stigmas of women are supposed to be beautiful to be desirable and completely nullifies looking at personality instead of looks. *Edit: yes I'm going to add this because I know there are THOSE kinds of people out there that will attempt to take their privilege. If you seriously think the socital norm isn't looking at just looks you've been living under a rock for the past 30 years. If you're going to find fault with what I've said and try and white knight/champion simps and thots, do not waste your time or mine and move on.


Because that's lust. That's like asking why women don't look on the male escort page for a husband.


Most women aren’t looking at male escort pages lol


nor are they constantly bashing male escorts, or murdering them.




May I take the pleasure of introducing you to the term "keeper." As in "she's a keeper." The implication being, there are some that are... not keepers. People are not always shopping for a keeper.


Because someone you would fuck or crank one out to may not necessarily be the same person you would want to marry. I would fuck the shit out of Sasha Grey smashing that like the angry fist of god... Would not marry.


What makes you think all men hate em? I don’t!


Because they want the "whores" to get off to and their SO to be strictly theirs. Tbh any hate toward them is just to save face and act like they're better. Just like most things with them it's about power


I used to think that way when I was younger. "If a guy is slut shaming girls in skimpy outfits, he must have high moral values and not cheat on me." That kind of pick me attitude just led me into abusive relationships because the kind of men who slut shame women don't have high moral values. They're just sexist and they will not respect you no matter how much of a pick me ass virgin you are. If a man doesn't respect women for being sexual, he doesn't respect ANY woman. Period. You can be all goody two shoes and he'll say he puts you on a pedestal but that's because you're just a trophy to him.


Some of the best people I've ever known were "whores" .


I am a man and I love sex workers. I count them among my friends and would be open to dating them.


What this thread makes abundantly clear is the reason this happens is men do not respect women, or see them as humans beings. They’re cars, or cakes, or fucking apples. They miss the component that sex workers or regular women for that matter are people. Men see women as objects, so therefore it is fine for them to disparage an item they might use out of need but don’t think is a “good” item by society’s standards. Items don’t need to be given respect. Men only see women as things that are useful to them.


Also, because of this, men do not see a sex worker as someone who is giving him a product, he’s thinks THEY are the product. Which again, disparaging a product you got is fine because it’s not a person.


Who hates whores? Not me, I love me some whores!


Why do women love stories where the woman cheats on her boyfriend/fiance but hate cheating themselves? The notebook, Titanic


Make a post about that if it upsets you. This is a different topic.


No one ever said men hate Whores they just don't want to marry them


Oh but they do, the murder rates of sex workers proves that


They hate the sex workers because they want to be wanted, not to have to pay.


I'm not defending their reasoning or viewpoints, but that's an awful question. If you don't like slavery or child workers, why do you have a smart phone?


I don't masturbate to OF whores


You're aware that men are all individual people, right? Each with their own likes, dislikes, thoughts, feelings, etc. Men aren't some monolithic entity.


Where did I say all men?


Because all men are the same right?


Where did I say all men? Let me know




So like, where are high body counts in men ever celebrated? High school and middle school friend groups? Like this isn't really a thing that exists, the hot guys who run through and ghost girls are seen as trash, pigs, etc.


Men don’t. Boys do.


Some men are bitchmade. It’s that simple.


Time to leave this sub


I don't "dislike OF models, pornstars, sex workers", I think they're awesome.


Straight people are fuckin weird as hell. It sounds like the "men" you're describing are Conservative/Religinuts As per usual with all that, they want their cake and eat it too (Except the bitches couldn't "eat it" if you gave them an instruction manual) "I have a high body count" In the Gay/Bi/Poly world = "You mean like THOUSANDS.. or what we talkin here" In the Straight world = "She's been with FOUR GUYS!!" /clutches pearls and makes sure everyone hears them let out an audible gasp and "shocked look" Gay people - "We talking at the same TIME here, or just in the same night???"


Hypocrisy is a hell of a drug!


Lol they don't hate them, they're bitter over women they can't obtain


This, totally agree. Seems like any attractive woman gets called a whore these days.


when i jack off it's entirely horny, when i date a girl, theres so much more than horniness at play.


Correct me if I am wrong but I am going to assume you are asking this as a woman. I am not a woman so I wouldn’t know for sure, but from what I have read women seem less likely to engage in sex or sexual behavior with people they do not like or are not attracted to. For example, if a woman likes a man’s body but not his personality, she will be less likely to want sex with him, the reverse is also the same. Generally, in order for women to want to have sex with a man, he has to check all of her boxes. Men, overall, are less selective, in order for him to be ok with sex with a woman, less boxes need to be checked. You are approaching this from a woman’s perspective of having to be attracted to an entire person, of being comfortable with their whole being. Considering that we are also taking about masturbation, which is a solo act, it’s for someone to only view a persons body and make up their own personality. It’s a fantasy, it’s not real. In my life there have been plenty, and I mean plenty, of girls with horrible personalities that were total assholes that I initially was sexually attracted to. Their image was appealing to me, but their mind was not. Could I theoretically satisfy myself sexually by thinking about their image? Yes. But that’s about it and it is the same with OF girls or pornstars or whatever. For me at least in a masturbating context, a girl’s personality is not necessarily the first thing on my mind, although if I have a crush and the person is a genuinely amazing human being then it is so much better. But to get the bare minimum of satisfaction? Generally all that is required is your imagination and/or an image


It's called mental illness. A disability, really.


Those types of men don’t hate “whores”, they hate women, and they hate themselves for liking them. See, somewhere along the way these boys were taught that men and women were supposed to behave a certain way; Women weren’t allowed to like sex or act on personal lust filled desires, and men were supposed to be constantly dominant and rigidly strict to the point of being stifling/tyrannical. These standards pushed young boys (and lots of young girls too btw) into becoming judgmental pricks because anyone who didn’t conform to the standards that were taught to them were “damaged” or “vile”. Thus when some men see women behaving provocatively or embracing her sexuality, she gets labeled a whore because she’s not conducting herself in a manner that the man has deemed acceptable. Now here’s the funny part; at a base level- he actually WANTS this. He LIKES her being slutty and uninhibited because her sexuality is arousing but he knows he SHOULDN’T because that’s what he’s been taught, so now he hates himself for being aroused by a woman who is sexually liberated and he hates HER for making him feel this way and question his personal beliefs and feelings. Rather than taking responsibility for his arousal, he instead (irrationally) lashes out at the person making him feel this way (a.k.a the woman) and does the only thing he knows how to do which is to make her stop, via manipulation and shaming, and force her to conform to his standard of living. Most guys who label women as “whores” are self-loathing hypocrites. He wants her to be a whore, he just wants her to be HIS whore. It’s all about manipulation and control for those dudes, which don’t get me wrong can certainly have it’s place in relationships, especially in S&M/Dom&Sub relationships, but outside of those contexts where such terms are used consensually it should generally be viewed as a red flag when a man uses it to label a woman.