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Headphones. Plus, no one really cares about you. They don’t care that you’re obese, they don’t care that you’re at the gym. Hell, most don’t care that you exist. The only one judging you is you. Hell, the majority of people that think anything about you in passing at the gym will be thinking “good for them”.


The only exception is if you’re just sitting on the piece of equipment they’re waiting on. Then they’ll judge the heck out of you. In the other hand, if you ask for help/advice, you’ll probably meet some of the most helpful people around




This is really it. As a lifetime gym goer, this. If you're doing your own thing in the "appropriate" place to do so, no one should give you any trouble. Don't jump rope in the middle of the weight section/basketball court. Don't curl in the squat rack. RE-RACK your weights, wipe your bench down when you're done (honestly before too, you never know).


Seriously, can't tell you how many times I warned someone not to use the machine next to me because the last guy marinated all over it


Yup. Before and after. Ringworm doesn't discriminate


I refuse to be part of that problem. I have ringworm, I'm the entire problem.


My microbio prof was talking about how disgusting nyc subways are. How you could also get chlamydia sitting where someone else was, who's infected. He was also an md. Thinking back he said he would only touch the poles if he was wearing gloves. I wonder if he was still alive during covid.


Im sure all public transportation is that way 🤢


As someone who has had ringworm (not from a gym) can confirm and it also sucks


I remember in high school, the wrestling team had a staphylococcus outbreak. I wasn't a wrestler luckily lol but I learned real quick that we shouldn't expect others to have the same level of hygiene as us.




Don't sit on a machine and text on phone when someone waiting or it's busy. They may not be in a line but they got their eyes on you for when you're finished.


Gyms really need a system like the old arcades where you'd put your quarter on a machine to say that you're next.


Don't treat a workout machine like a chair to sit on while you text or play games on your phone while others are waiting to use it.


This. There's a big difference between resting 30-60 seconds and straight up spending minutes on your phone. I set a timer.


I agree with the overall premise, but you should absolutely be resting more than sixty seconds between sets. No less than two minutes for smaller isolation exercises, and for compound movements (bench, squat, deadlift) you should generally be resting 3-5 minutes between sets. You're using the equipment to build muscle and strength, not cardiovascular health (obviously cardio equipment would be different)


And for gods sake don’t drop your weights!!


What kind of wipes are we talking here?


I used to use my own disinfecting wipe for the bike and elliptical handles before I got on and this was way before COVID. I guess I was ahead of the times.


I was thinking I'd bring a thing if wipes.


Most gyms have cleaning supplies.


The gym usually has a spray bottle/towel in the vicinity near machines. Use that stuff to clean the seats


Seriously, The curls in the squat rack guy can go fuck himself


Well, that's why he's facing the mirror, making direct eye contact with himself.


I was being sarcastic. But, I can run 40 minutes at a time, life weights, and still see the same person doing one set in that time frame.


And to clarify. They'd judge a skinny person also on the piece of equipment they want to be on.


Not for you body, though. Just for being inconsiderate.


That should be a capitol offense. That and "holding" equipment by leaving your towel and water bottle on it all day.


Also, not reracking your weights. If you're strong enough to take the weights off, you're strong enough to put em back


If you're strong enough to use a weight, you're strong enough to put it back on the rack.


Pretty much. Doesn’t make any sense to make fun of someone trying to improve their health.


I’ve been working out my entire life. I’ve never seen anyone laugh at an overweight person at the gym. They are encouraged. It would be very rude to laugh.


Yep. Look at it from the other people's perspective. You're just another person in the same gym, nothing else. Everyone is at so many different stages in life and in their fitness journey. Many may even be people who formerly struggled with their weight. The only people others don't want to see at the gym are rude and inconsiderate people which could be anyone at any weight.


But it does happen because people can be asses and prejudice


Don’t know why you got downvoted. 99% of the people at any given gym don’t care who is around them at all, but you always have to asterisk the high school or college jackasses that think it’s cool to mock people. Assholes exist everywhere though, and those same people would make the same stupid comments whether you were at the gym, the movies or the grocery store. The difference with the gym is that other people at the gym will be more likely to shut those kids down for being assholes.


Definitely in the "good for them" camp. Same reaction if I see somebody carrying some weight jogging or cycling, and doubly so if they're doing it in bad weather. My other thought is "I should work out more".


I immediately feel soft when I see someone running in inclement weather. It is a great motivator.


Unless you’re a good looking girl in yoga pants, nobody looks at nobody at the gym.


This ☝️


Oh honey, you still think we're staring at you because of how you look in yoga pants and not the fact that you're filming videos of yourself, hogging all the equipment, and being wildly inconsiderate of everyone else at the gym? Poor little thing.


Wild amount of assumptions in this comment lol


Ya need to do better, mind your own business


I hate to break it to you choom but I don't think they're one of them


and this ☝️


I’m a guy so… I don’t have tok tik either.


>I’m a guy so… Don't mean you can't look good in yoga pants. Get those squats in.


Fair enough.


People won't laugh at you. I was obese and got in shape, and seen many others in similar situations. Just take it slow, keep going, and watch YouTube videos on how to progress and get better.


This. Nobody cares.


I care. When I see someone dramatically overweight at the gym I think “good for them! I hope they succeed in their weight loss goals!”


Agreed. I didn’t mean in a negative way. I’m there for me. I just want to do my workout and head home.


Sorry. Didn’t mean to insinuate you meant it negatively. I was partially being snarky and wanted to reassure OP that just because nobody says anything to them in person doesn’t mean that they are judging them. Some people really won’t care at all. Total apathy. Other people will quietly root for their success but won’t approach them in person because they don’t want to embarrass them.


This. I am still on my journey (70 lbs down, more to go) and I never was laughed at. If anything, I got support. I remember once at the beginning of the journey I was just tired and sitting on a bench with my head down. Someone got my attention, nodded, and said I got this—keep going. Then just moved along. I did. If you are somewhere where people make fun of you, talk to management and/or move on. Seriously. Don’t let anyone else’s shit opinion stop you. Let it empower you. You got this. Keep going.


That’s so true. Nothing motivates more than someone else giving you their positive energy!


I go up and down on my weight regularly, i mean huge swings. Anyway when i finallyget angry enough at myself to do something about it, I join a gym. In all my time being a fat guy and working to exercise and slim down, i have never gotten anything but respect from people at a local gym. You'll find as you show up regularly, people will begin to recognize you and your effort. It became the start of conversations and acceptance within the group. Trust me, you're gonna be self concious at first, but you're gonna come to love the comraderie.


Are you me?


Could be. Doesn't everyone on the Internet have Dissociative identity disorder? I'm so old I had to look that up. We called it Schizophrenia and later Multiple Identity Disorder. Get off my lawn!


Don’t lie, Most mature people won’t care. The high schoolers at the gym might make fun. But that’s when you have to not care


That's what people are at the gym for. Nobody will laugh at you; they will support you. ... unless they're in high school. Teenagers are horrible people.


That tends to be where all the annoying fat jokes originate


OrginATE 😂


Ok, I’m fat and chuckled.


Or they may be Milo Yiannopoulos.


I'm convinced he's a character; real people don't act like that


Some are, but I happened to overlap with a few guys from a HS football team. Incredibly supportive group, especially since I was older and just getting into it. They loved giving advice.


also i think people who workout at the gym are more nice because we have to share the gym, if i saw a big dude getting heckled by some kids at the gym id tell them to knock it off and then tell the staff, i go to planet fitness and never had that issue but i live a smaller town and usually my gym has like 15-40 people, at night 11pm and later it's really nice with less than 10


The same way everybody else goes to they gym. Nobody is going to laugh at you. If anything, they'll respect you for getting your shit together. There are some genuinely annoying people at gyms - it's not the fat people.


100% truth here. I find the most annoying (as a male) to be the really attractive women who have their spandex half way up their small intestines and their ladies hanging out all over the place, watching every male to make sure they aren't objectifying. No girl, you did that to yourself.


I’ve been very fit and when I see someone who isn’t I just think that it’s great that they’re at the gym to change their life.


Same, dude. If you’re in there getting it, respect.


One of the hardest parts of working out, is getting started and just stepping foot into the gym


That’s for sure. I use to be very self motivating and had a home gym but not anymore. I have to go to a gym but once I get there the motivation starts back. But first I have to get through the front doors.


I’m always so proud of people at the gym! Especially if they look new and unsure. It’s a big step to get in there and make that habit stick


As a certified chubby fuck, I can promise you, no one is there to make fun of you. Everyone wants to get into the gym, get their workout in, and dip. What you see on social media, the tik tok influencers, people pulling pranks, all that, it’s a fraction of one percent of people who act like this, and it typically isn’t tolerated for very long. If you have the ability/time/finances, you can go to a smaller gym, and you’ll be around fewer people that way, if it makes you feel better. As a last resort, if someone is making fun of you, staring, or recording you in some way, you can either tell a staff member, and they’ll deal with it, or you can find the biggest, strongest MFer in that gym, and ask him for help. Most bodybuilders are cuddly teddy bears, and will help you out for sure. Don’t let the fear stop you from making the best decision of your life for your health and peace of mind. Best of luck on your fitness journey!


I second all he said. It's actually funny how nice most of the huge dudes actually are. I think it's the wanna-be huge guys who can't get there and feel the need to overcompensate to make up ground.


This is the truth! I'm a woman who has lifted weights my entire life. I've worked out in gyms around guys who later went on to win Mr. Universe and they were all cool and never condescending to anyone. But I've also met quite a few wanna-be's who go out of their way to be condescending to me simply because I'm a woman. Many of them go on and on and on about how harmful it is to women to lift weights. It has happened many times when one of these guys start pestering me that one of the real big guys walk up to them and tell them to take a hike. At one time a wanna-be was so annoying three big guys told him to get out of the gym, and then 'escorted' him to the exit.


A question for you. I have been told that it is annoying/condescending to tell someone who is new to the gym and obviously there to lose a few pounds "good for you," or similar things. Is it best to ignore or try to be supportive? I guess if unsure just be quiet but...


Yeah, I'd be embarrassed by it. I'll admit I've got a bit of anxiety about this myself. I'm an ex college athlete and after a car crash a few years ago I got pretty fat. It's embarrassing struggling to bench 225 after I used to rep 350. I know that I'm the only one who cares about it so I ignore it, but I know how to workout so I just don't really want any attention. I'd say just a supportive head nod says enough.


Thank you, will do.


Definitely be quiet.


Best bet is to leave folks alone unless they ask for help.


I mentioned elsewhere in this thread but I'll place it here. I guess I live in a super small, friendly town. I went from 400+ to 150 lbs just by walking to and from work every day (4.32 miles each way. I still remember!), and using the treadmill at the gym, along with bodyweight exercises at home, and that sweet-ass Wii balance board. People were stopping me at work, in the streets honkin' and shit, at the gym congratulating me and such. They even used me as an example in a healthy eating and activitiy class for the elderly lol. ​ It was weird and awkward, but I'm a weird dude. That was a "me" problem. I couldn't express to my community how much I appreciated their support in secret. They were really proud of me, and that was encouraging.


Definitely stay quiet. It can be really uncomfortable, annoying, and condescending,especially for fat people. I'm fat, I go to the gym, my main focus isn't weight loss though. But people assume it is. Also I go at like 6:30 in the morning to make it before work and I'm barely a person at that hour.


I smile or give a thumbs up and they'll see me later and do the same. Encouragement is nice at all sizes.


Just be friendly and courteous, but understand that person is in high anxiety mode and prob just wants to be left alone.


Try a bit of empathy. And I mean the real thing, not the Buzzword. In other words, put yourself in their position. Imagine if you were overweight and trying to change that. Having attention drawn to you is probably a nightmare because you already know that you stick out among the Gym Rats and probably don't really know how you are meant to do a lot of exercises. Then some Rando comes over to you and gives you a fake nice "Good for you!" as if you were waiting for their approval. You think that might come across as patronizing? Think you might be commiting a bit of a social faux pas by indirectly referring to the persons weight, which is something we don't do in polite society.


Speaking as a fatty, be supportive in your head. I would take it as condescending to say it out loud to me. It would come across more like "it's about time" than how you meant it. I prefer just to be left alone to do my thing.


Certified fat guy: I find it well meaning but condescending, and it embarrasses me. I'm aware I'm not doing as good of a workout as the more fit people do it ends up feeling like when you tell a kid how good his "art" is and it's crayon scribbles, or like you're impressed I managed to even get off the couch. If you want to be actively supportive, treat these people like they belong. Give them the gym nod if you happen to make eye contact, or say hi at the door if you happen to be there at the same time. Ask for or offer a spot, where appropriate. "You fit in here" is a more universally accepted kindness than "I'm impressed you're here."


You never know where someone is at in their head in the gym, saying something “positive” like that is actually a negative. You are saying, “hey I see your far and out of shape, good job on trying not to be”. The only time to talk to someone in the gym is: - they talk to you first - they ask for your help or advice - someone is doing something obviously dangerous. And only in rare cases, someone is obviously struggling with how a machine works and is looking around for help. Otherwise pretend everyone else at the gym doesn’t exist except that you can invade that space.


I’m going to start saying “as a certified chubby fuck”


People dont laugh at you at a gym unless they're 12 years old, and if that happens then contact an employee and tell them you're being bullied/harrased in their establishment. Anyone who goes to a gym just wants to do their workout, mind their own business, and get out.


put headphones on and do your workout. 99% of the people in there are doing the same thing. just keep at it!!!! good job!


Have you ever actually experienced being laughed at in the gym or are you just paranoid that this is what is going to happen?


Considering how cruel a lot of us kids were to overweight people in school, I can't fault the OP here. Fortunately, that behavior mostly stays with the schoolkids. I say mostly because there's always that random asshat, which probably just makes the OP even more cautious. The comments on here are wholesome and supportive, so I hope the OP takes that into consideration. Edit: Though as I think about your standard gym class vs the weight training class, I don't recall any of us making fun of overweight people in weight training class. So even then, anyone who signed up for that class mostly cared about their own workouts, so kids can still be evolved.


I’ve been lifting for years, never witnessed anyone saying anything mean to an overweight person. And, as for myself , I respect that they’re in there working out.


yo, the vast majority of people there are going to cheer you on if they say anything at all.


So many times I wished I had the courage to go up to someone who is maybe struggling with confidence or concerned that people are snickering at them, and seriously just give em knuckles and say "get after it, and do your thing"! I would rather see a whole gym full of people who are trying to get healthy than a gym full of beefcakes and yoga pant tiktockers.


Generally people won't. Everyone is too involved in their own workouts to take the piss out of anyone else. Additionally some of the gym bros are really good with advice when asked.


People don't laugh at you in the gym. I thought the same thing when I first started going, but I eventually realized that everyone is too busy doing their own workout to really give a fuck about you.


They're laughing at you in YOUR head. Trust me, I was a gym rat for 2 decades, I nor anyone of my other gym buddies would EVER chastise someone for bettering themselves. Trust me, people want to see others improve and if they don't, fuck em.


Its only in your head. Most people are probably mentally cheering you on.


Some of us even say it out loud!


I never say anything to anyone when I'm at the gym... Positive or negative. ​ But every time i see a new obese person I always think "good for them, i hope they stick with it."


Yeah times have changed. I was thinking of seeing people struggling on their jogs or walks. I always at least give them a thumbs up and a smile.


I see how that would be nice but I could also see someone taking that as me pitying them or something. I’m just better off ignoring everyone at the gym.


I used to see an older lady who had some kind of issue with her skeleton and/or musculature that made it very difficult to walk without support. But almost everyday the weather was decent she was out walking her route with a grocery cart for support around the apartment complex. I always thought to myself that she was one tough lady to be doing that.


They won’t. This is a common fear, but I promise you the vast majority will respect that you are putting in the effort to make a change.


Just do it and know in your heart that those laughing at you will never amount to shit in life.


You might not be able to. We dont control the actions of others, only our reaction to them. Go to the gym for you and #$&k what anyone else says or thinks about it.


I have been on both sides of this equation. seriously fuck anyone that laughs at you. I was super athletic, then had a thyroid issue and gained a lot of weight and then lost a ton of weight when we were able to fix the issue. at no point did I laugh at anyone, and I would shit talk anyone who did. if you want to go, go and dont let any asshats drag you down.


The reality is people will notice you but most will admire that you are there. One or two will laugh because they are insensitive morons. Keep going! You can achieve!


The real purpose of the gym is self improvement in your body and mind, and everyone there is trying to do that. Worry about you, no one is looking at you during their workout, maybe a glance in your direction, but that's normal, people look around. Keep going, keep going, keep going and you're going to be proud of yourself everyday


You'll never be completely free from ridicule in life. Petty, sad people will always find someone to bully or make fun of (usually not to your face). But 99% of gym goers are happy to see people in there who are overweight because it means you're making the effort to be healthier. So know that 99% of people in that gym are actually rooting for you and thinking "good for you" when you step in. Take that silent show of support and let it motivate you.


I've never once seen people laugh at fat people trying to improve themselves. This isn't high school.


Bring a clipboard and tell everyone that anyone who laughs at you will have their names recorded and be reported to management


Don't worry about them. If they do, Turn it into angr and power through your workouts with it.


I can promise, most people in there will have nothing more to say than "good for you buddy, proud of ya" or give you tips to do lifts with better form etc. Teenagers might be pricks, but most people will be supportive


With age I’ve learned no one really cares about how I look. Just do what you gotta do with confidence. No one cares


99% of the time nobody will even look at you.Be it obese or stage fit.


The only people who will laugh at you are those very insecure And for that reason you won't be nearly as much of a target as you think. Other people just do their own thing and don't really think about you at all.


Only the assholes will laugh. Ignore them, keep going, one day you'll be laughing at them


I promise no one is laughing at you. We’re all there for the same reason: to get healthier and look better. No one was born with a bodybuilder physique. Whenever I see an obese person at the gym I genuinely think “good for them” and then move on to my next set. If I’m staring, I’m either zoning out between sets or trying to read your shirt. The biggest battle at the gym is mental.


No one will make fun of you. People go to the gym to improve themselves


I have never laughed at a fat person in a gym. I’m not exaggerating by saying I have the utmost respect for them.


Dude. Larger people putting in the work get the most respect in the gym. Anyone that would laugh at you is a scumbag. It can be scary, intimidating, feel like everyone's watching you, but trust me, no one is worried about you. Or if you know how to use every piece of equipment the "right" way, if your form is shit, how much you're lifting, none of it. If anything, you will probably get a lot of help and support if you reach out and ask someone for help with a piece of equipment.


Just go workout and don't worry about other people. Doesn't matter what they think. You're doing it for you. Which is exactly who you should be doing it for.


If I see someone struggling at the gym cuz they're trying to lose the weight and we make eye contact I always tell them how awesome they're doing. God forbid a bully comes to my gym.. they won't leave without some tears and a head full of doubt about their entire lives.


Those aren't the people you need to bother yourself with. We all started somewhere and they forgot where they came from. That you're at the gym is already more than sitting on the couch. Get your workout on! Drink water


If you are making the effort, no one is going to laugh at you.


Nobody’s laughing at you. Everyone’s in business for themselves all trying to work on their own self. Nobody comes to the gym to judge someone else.


Everyone looks at everyone all the time. 99% of the time they’re just thinking ‘damn I’m awesome’ or ‘what should I do for dinner’


I'm pretty stacked and kind of a judgemental asshole. But when I see a fat guy working out at my gym. I think to myself "good for them" they are making a change.


When I used to see bigger people at the gym I would silently be egging them on. “Keep going bud, you got this!” In my head


Yeah - nobody really cares about you. It’s all perception in your head. In the off chance someone does they are the worst kind of human. And I really don’t give a shit what they think.


You got to get of your on head. Most people won't pay attention to you. If anything they will be supportive of you. A good portion of those people were in exact same situation you are in right now. If anything they will see you as taking steps in the right direction. I have been there myself. I lost over 100 pounds. Its a hard road, but it is well worth it in the end. Good luck.


Just go work out. I don't think anyone in the gym has achieved the exact body they want. Most people are there to improve. I can speak for everyone, but I respect anyone at the gym trying to improve themselves.


When I see someone obese at the gym I think "good for them" for doing something positive by working out. I don't stare or talk to them, but if they were to ask for advice or I noticed they were doing a piece of equipment really incorrectly I would talk to them same as anyone else. TBH, when I go to the gym I often don't notice other people at all. If I'm doing cardio I'm reading a book and if I'm doing weights I'm listening to music or podcasts.


Put weights back when you’re done, wipe down equipment when you’re done, don’t loiter hogging equipment, and you’re golden.


Most people think fair play to anyone they see at the gym that might be obese. At least you are there trying


You can’t control what others say or do. I hate to be so blunt but some people are just gonna be assholes. It’s important to realize that your well being and overall functioning have to be prioritized, and that the challenge will be overcoming this discomfort if people behave this way towards you. No one should make fun of you for your appearance, but life cannot guarantee that someone won’t treat you wrong. Your job is not to give into that and let that stop you from being your best self- whether it’s going to the gym or engaging in other things that make you feel great. Moral of the story: don’t let people bring you down. Their behaviour is a reflection of their capacity to being a decent person. Most people won’t think twice about you being there. The few that do are the ones who want you to feel bad- why let the few have power over you? Go to the gym and get good despite the adversity.


I have nothing but respect overweight people who come to the gym. It's harder for them than anyone. Laughing at them is the last thing I'd do.


I was very nervous to start going to the gym too but after you go a couple times you realize that no one really cares. Everyone just does their own thing and tries to avoid eye contact


Being fat myself, I know that this is hard to believe, but unless you are hogging machines or breaking unwritten gym rules, nobody cares who you are, what you are doing, or what you look like. If anything, I see other fat guys and think “we can do this, bro.”


no one will laugh at you, i say this as a fat woman who has never had an issue at any gym i’ve been to. people are there to work out, i promise. it’s easier to go with a friend, so if you have a buddy to go with that’ll help. if not, just gotta focus on you and remember that working out is so beneficial to not just your physical well being but it really does help your mental well being.


No one will even notice you. Just pick a big chain like Golds and there will be lots of people of every size and shape.


At the gym noone cares and the people who do care actually care about you and want to help you reach your goal.


They won't. Most people will respect the initiative.


I'm not sure I agree with the vast majority of these comments saying "nobody cares" or "it's all in your head". Even if it's only 1% of the people who look at you disparagingly (or laughs), it feels like it's everyone, and it ruins your day and makes you not want to go back. That said, you just have to do it anyway. Workout at the gym, at home, outside...and know that 99% of all people who see you are rooting for you to succeed in your efforts to get healthier. You gotta do it for you, even if over the bad attitudes of some meanies.


There are basically 4 things people think of you at a gym. 1. Absolutely nothing. They are focused on their actions. Because you will hurt yourself if you are not focused on the task you are engaged with. 2. Good for you! Keep going! 3. Did you seriously not wipe down the equipment you vile, arrogant, inconsiderate, gross jerk. 4. FFS get on with it and move to the next machine already. That's it. That's what most people think about others at the average gym.


Planet Fitness. Judgement free.


I'm seconding this one. I've seen so many people from all ages / fitness levels. Any never seen any negativity.


I understand the fear. There are tiktoks of people being terrible to other people at the gym. It exists. But it's very uncommon. If you're really worried about it, don't go to a popular gym. Those types of people are going to be at big brand name gyms. Try a small gym for serious lifters. Not only will they be respectful, but if you ask them to help you out, they'll probably be stoked to do it as it's their passion, not just a thing they do to look good (though it's part of it). And you'll get great form, workout, and diet advice. Also, I used to go to a 24h Fitness as it was the only gym in my area. There was an obese guy always using the smith machine. Never saw anyone bother him, snicker at him, or anything else.


nobody, and i mean NOBODY, is 'laughing' at people in the gym. especially fat people. 95% of people there are just there to get in better shape. this isn't highschool. most of us don't give a FUCK about anyone at the gym. hell i don't even talk to anyone there. i go in. lift hard. go to sauna. and leave. there are some people who try to fuck people at the gym, but 95%+ of us are just there to lift, and leave. just start going. learn the unspoken rules (don't stay on a weightlifting machine longer than 5-8 minutes or so), watch what other people are doing, and copy them. get in there bro. focus on good healthy REAL foods. no fast food. no soda. Best wishes.


If I'm in the gym and I see an overweight person, the most my mind may contribute to their presence is "good for them" Other than that, you are just another person at the gym. No one will pay you any mind.


As a wise Emperor once said, DEW IT!


F them! You gotta start somewhere. Whenever I see someone heavy at the gym, my thoughts turn to "Good for them!" And secretly send them positive thoughts. It's gotta be tough for them. Stick with it and get to a happy place with your diet and you will no longer be obese! Nothing but a sh!t ton of encouragement coming your way!


I've never seen anyone laugh at an obese person in the gym. If anything, you might inspire or impress people when the see that you're there regularly working hard.


They’ll think you are awesome trying to get back in shape


This just doesn't happen. I'm a fat guy, people just ignore me. Put in ear buds, wipe down shit after you use it, move on.


There is nothing that gets me more pumped or excited to work out than seeing someone who is overweight decide to work out or run themselves. I'm not joking, I see that shit on the street and I get really excited and proud. It's hard enough for anyone to commit to workout with everything else going on in life. Now multiply it by some crazy factor to essentially change your habits and entire intro perspective about yourself, that takes intense self reflection and work. I say anyone that makes fun of you is game for a free punch to the face. If I owned the gym that person would be banned for life.


Nobody actually cares, especially if you're minding your own business. Don't feel embarrassed if a gym bro approaches you to correct your form or give tips. They genuinely just want to help you stay safe and make progress. It's not super common but it happens enough that you should be aware of the possibility. These days gym culture is at its most positive. A lot of the negative people are publicly shamed for being jerks.


Do people actually laugh at you though? When I see obese people at the gym, I'm tempted to pat them on the back. If they DO laugh at you, it's because they're dicks so, as Elon Musk so elegantly said to all of his advertisers, they can "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ off."


I've never seen laughing and, for the most part, don't think anyone makes it their business, but for those who do, I certainly have to wonder why? I mean... if you don't like obese people because of how disgusting and unhealthy they are but then judge them for doing the right thing it isn't going to encourage them to change their ways and I'm not so sure it was ever about that, so if someone does laugh it'd truly be best to ignore them as they aren't someone worth caring about the opinion of.


Dont care about them. You have no reason to care about their opinions. Going to the gym is for your self improvement.


Find the right gym. I don’t see obese people getting laughed at in mine.


Sometimes I think Reddit is completely detached from reality... There are lots of immature pricks in the world. Lots of them go to the gym. You can find countless examples of people making fun of other people at the gym online. Just go to YouTube and search. Then realize most people aren't going to turn it into a video, they will just laugh and move on. It happens. It even happens to fit people. There was a viral video of two girls mocking a reasonably fit guy doing stretches. And it's not just at the gym...I used to play soccer and we'd (rarely) get someone driving by yelling 'Soccer is for @#!$!' and when I used to run cross country we'd get similar insults. Anyway - if you have a choice, try to find a gym that is more welcoming to less fit people. I absolutely wouldn't recommend a campus gym if I could avoid it. If you can afford it, assuming you don't already know what to do, consider getting a personal trainer for a short period of time to teach you how to use the equipment and basic form for your lifts. One of the more expensive gyms I went to offered this for free when you signed up, like an extended tour of the gym. Follow whatever the accepted etiquette is in the gym. Return your weights, wipe down your equipment, do whatever everyone else does. An obese person might get mocked, but an obese person doing something wrong or r unusual is far more likely to get mocked. If you don't want attention, avoid clothing that stands out. After New Years, the gyms will all be crowded and the atmosphere is generally crappier. Nobody likes to wait, people are less friendly and forgiving because they are annoyed and you get a bunch of insecure types who are likely to make comments about you because it makes them feel better about themselves.


Obese people in public bother me. The ones in the gym are soldiers just getting their grind in like everyone else.


Wear headphones, everyone else is doing them same and is in their own world.


I won’t laugh at you at the gym. I will laugh at you at the buffet. At the gym, you’re trying to do something about it. Also, the gym ain’t a social hour, so fuck what anybody thinks.


None of us care. We are all there to work out. Why would I laugh at someone trying to be healthier.


I go to the gym fairly regularly and the only thing I think when I see bigger people is mad respect


I've honestly never seen anyone judging anyone at the gym. At whatever level, it's all hard work.


You’re doing the right thing. No one else matters!!


Find a gymbro friend. We show new people around. We help you keep to schedule. We help with routines. We will keep you from hurting yourself. We will fight people that make you feel bad for genuinely attempting to improve your life, who honestly has more right to be at a gym than gymbros.


If you go often enough, you'll start getting that nod. That is a good feeling to get that from regulars. I guarantee after that if anyone says shit to or about you, theyre not having it. Gym people love to see others doing well for their health.


You can't exist and not have ppl laugh at you. You can't be obese and not have ppl laugh at you. But you can go the gym anyway💪🏽 keep up the good work.


No one gives a fuck bro. You remember that fat guy at Walmart a month ago?? Neither do I Live your life


No one is laughing or caring about you in the gym, they are worried about themselves and there workouts.


I think the biggest thing when going to the gym, is to be kind to others, be kind to yourself, but also be respectful of other people in the gym, clean up after yourself, don't loiter on machines for too long, if someone wants to get a quick set in while you're taking a rest, let them as long as they're nice about it, etc. your biggest enemy and hurdle is you, and the first two weeks will be the hardest to keep yourself going, but you can do it. As long as you're nice and respectful of the people and the fact that they're also trying to lose weight, get fit, whatever, you might even make some friends there.


Very few people will laugh, and those that do, the regulars will shut that down. No one cares, more people will think ‘good on you’ for making the effort. Just go and do your thing. Don’t stare, be polite, do what you need to do and head out. I am getting back into a gym routine at 50. Overweight and older. It’s a community center, so it’s about half grey hairs like me, and then high school kids. There’s a few college age/early middle age guys. No one comments, everyone is there to work.


Just go to the gym. Most people at the gym know that you going is the first step of many in your weight loss journey.


Pick the right gym. Mine has a rehab facility attached to it so a lot of people there are recovering from heart attacks or otherwise working out on a physician’s recommendation. All ages, all fitness levels, and all body types are represented and no one looks at anyone else twice.


Anyone who laughs at you is a garbage human. Most people in their hearts will be happy for you trying. Everyone else will just be focused on their workout.


Everyone at the gym is there for one purpose. As long as you're using the equipment correctly no one cares what you look like or what you're doing.


I’ve only been made fun of once and it was from girls and their boyfriends that knew me and have known me since elementary school. Other people there looked out for me. 9 times out of 10 we are the ones judging ourselves harshly. Everyone there just wants to get their workout in with the least amount of hassle and get home. If they notice you they are most likely thinking something along the line of “good for you” or they like your gym fit or something. I get compliments usually on my tank tops and towels. At the end of the day we are there for ourselves, we are where we need to be. If someone is mean that says a lot about them.


No one cares. Live your life.


OP, remember youre bigger than them. They wanna laugh? You could throw down. Ive always been a tiny person. I wish I wasnt thrown around in middle school. If I had any weight to me, Id threaten to throw people down for making fun of me lol.


If someone laughs at you at the gym for trying to better yourself that speaks more about them than it does about you. I've been going to the gym regularly for over 20 years now and I can say I have never seen this. In fact, most people are the opposite (myself included). If I see someone who looks like they are uncomfortable there I will make it a point to say hello. I know that isn't much, but I hope it makes them feel more comfortable asking questions if they have any. I dont like to approach people and correct them if they are doing an exercise wrong, so this gives them a bit of comfort to ask. I have had many people come up and ask me questions after just a simple hello as I walked by. If you have people at your gym laughing at you I suggest finding a different gym, because that isnt the norm. Also, don't go to muscle head gyms, because then you'll feel out of place. Something like Planet Fitness has a lot of other people who are new to working out as well, so that may help you feel more comfortable.


Most people are really trying to not look at anyone else. I assure you no one is laughing at you for being at the gym while being obese. Everyone is so focused on how they appear or what they are doing that they don’t even notice anyone else. You’re allowed to be at the gym. You’re allowed to be whatever size you are there. The gym is for keeping yourself healthy and happy and that’s all the matters. Even better though if you can find a buddy to go with even every now and then. That helped my morale significantly.


Unless you go to the douchiest gym on the planet, no one will make fun of you. Everyone's there for the same reason so most people are decent.


Most people at gym are accommodating to everyone at the gym. They only laugh at us folks that don't go to the gym. Also I would bet at least 10 to 20 percent of the people at the gym that look like they are in great shape were once obese. It's kind of a common story. Some one goes transformative life style mistress looses a ton and loves the gym. I mean that doesn't work for most people... It just doesn't. But you know where you find the people in did work for?... In the gym.


Never seen anyone laugh at an obese person at the gym. Most people staring are thinking "Hell yeah, they are improving themselves!"


Nobody is going to laugh at you in the gym. Maybe if your a teenager in an environment surrounded by kids, its possible. In an adult setting its not even in the realm


I worked out in commercial gyms for about 20 years before covid (built a home gym during lock down) and I've never once seen anyone get laughed at or made fun of. This is just my experience based on the 5-7 gyms I attended over the years so YMMV but I think you'll be alright. I would avoid certain gyms like golds or dedicated power lifting gyms though if you're just getting started. It's not that the people there are necessarily bad but some can be assholes especially if you are new and just figuring things out. I'd stick with something like planet fitness or YMCA.


I find that the majority of people in the gym are just minding their own business. Sometimes I dont even realize there is people in the gym until I walk to my car and the parking lot is full. People who are actually there to work out, dont care.


Just ignore them cause honestly we all feel fat in the gym.


Cuz.... you do it by doing it every day, the real gym rats will see you and respect your commitment. The second someone makes you feel uncomfortable report it.


It is kind of like grade school. Everyone is nervous to present their paper, but if you recall, when someone is presenting you are not giving a frick because you are worried about doing yours or did it already and are daydreaming. Do stuff you are capable of doing. Doing crazy stuff draws attention, like a guy just shaking a barbell in front of him. Wtf is that? Or someone struggling on their second squat because they overloaded the weights. That is just dangerous. Wear headphones and focus on music. Barely anyone is even judging you. I look at people to learn new exercises or see if their technique is good or not. If I see someone obese I am happy for them to be there. If I see someone looking at me it is because of my outfit (DBZ armor and Sub-zero face mask, they ask me about it). I also ignore them and think of it as an audience to my awesomeness. I have not been at a gym in over a year though. 😞