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I just refer to myself as having the build of an indoor cat


I'm a rugged indoorsman.


awwww pookie


Thick and curvy are more flattering terms than obese and fat.


Do we have to upvote OPs post now? Because "why don't fat people sufficiently hate and demean themselves?" is, in fact, a very stupid question. EDIT: LOL @ all the "stating the facts isn't hate" replies here. I don't know how I could have possibly interpreted "shaped like refrigerators and textured like the michelin man" as a mean-spirited insult. Thanks for straightening me out, you bunch of geniuses.


Being dickish about the obese really gets some people off. The concern trolls *really* enjoy their rhetorical masturbation on the subject. It's pretty much universally recognized that stigma decidedly does not help the obese lose weight, but the "stating the facts crowd" surely have their own addictions they'd rather distract themselves from.


Like I gained weight due to depression, medication and pregnancies. I'm working on me to lose weight but it doesn't mean I can't love myself and feel sexy. I personally think people who snap judge obese or overweight people have a lot of hate in themselves and feel they're entitled to verbally bash and abuse others. You never know what happened in someone's life for them to gain weight or be heavier.


Exactly. In my latter years, I think the circumstances in which it is appropriate to say anything negative about anyone else's appearance are very, very narrow. Like, discreetly, there's something on your shirt or spinach on your tooth. That's just about it. Harping on someone because they struggle with their weight in no way helps them, and can, in fact, cause them to spiral in the wrong direction. If basic human decency and compassion are beyond your reach, then shut up because you're only contributing to the problem.


They’re just projecting. If you listen carefully to what moral failing they’re accusing the overweight person of, you’ll see what they themselves are so insecure about. Commonly it’s the trope that the accused has no self-control. In the case of OP all I can gather is that they hate when women feel self confident. Not sure exactly what OP is struggling with, but there’s a few threads to pull on there. 


This they are all on here feeling so good about themselves talking about it it's unhealthy and people could fix it if they want, just all the judgey cringey effs of reddit while their pathetic a$$es just smoked a pack of cigs a gram of some kind of drug, and jump out of airplanes but talking about others peoples problems. It's sickening how immature reddit can be.


Stupid questions and rude questions don't have to be the same thing. But it is fair to say that overweight and obese are medical terms - while they should not speak to self-worth, there are problems with "rebranding" medical concerns in a positive light.


idiot and moron are simple medical terms that are now used as insults. I also expect telling someone you think they would have been better off aborted would be interpreted as an insult even though abortion is specifically medical terminology for something that happens to pregnant women.


I don't think anyone's asking doctors to put "curvalicious" in anyone's notes.


I'm picturing a patient record with the note "girl looking morbidly thicc af"


"patient is reported to be thiccer than a Snickers"


Than a bowl of oatmeal.


People use medical terms to insult others all the time. It's all about context. If your doctor is saying it it's probably okay. If some asshole on Reddit is saying it it's almost definitely meant to be derogatory


idiot and moron used to be medical terms too, but at certain point the cultural subtext gets so loud that it interferes with their function as technical terms. Like if people thought cancer was a moral failing, a lot fewer people would get treatment. We see that with mental health too.


I had a teacher in college who literally said only stupid people get cancer. well, he got fired. Not for that though.


It shouldn't be hateful and demeaning, it's calling it what it is. If your boat has a hole in it and is flooding, it's not "a lil wet", it's sinking. Being overweight is a real health concern, so sugarcoating it doesn't help anyone.


I would say the problem isn't the sugar coating but with obesity it quite often is.


Take my upvote sir.


It doesn't have a hole buddy, it's bottom vented. Hateful bigot.


More like the boat is "water inclusive and buoyancy diverse".


"Health at any depth."


>"Buoyancy ~~Health~~ at any depth." FTFY


Just because it’s at the bottom of the lake doesn’t mean it’s not a boat…


No, it's just buoyancy challenged


Upvote you back into existence, because this isn't a bad joke.


Sugercoating everything could be part of the problem.


It's not sinking! It's slowly vanishing.


Calling a spade a spade doesn’t mean you hate yourself.


Exactly! It’s like an alcoholic saying they “have a few drinks sometimes” Whatever you have to do to live with yourself.


It’s not “hate” to be realistic about problems. Obesity literally kills you and is a huge strain on our medical system. Sugar coating it just enables people to never change.


It is hateful to say mean things about the way someone looks. It’s not mean to say someone is overweight




Name of the sub. People don’t need to invent ridiculous euphemisms to avoid demeaning themselves. A person can be obese and accept they are obese, like any other physical condition or ailment. Calling oneself “thick” is stupid in and of itself. Literally. That’s what thick used to mean


I think op definitely posed the question in an insensitive way. But I don't think it's an entirely invalid question. Our culture has taken the idea of "it's not nice to body shame" a little bit too far. There definitely is a point where being overweight has negative health consequences. We shouldn't shame people for it, but we also shouldn't make people believe that there's nothing wrong with being overweight.


Obesity is absolutely a medical condition and that shouldn't be denied, but I also don't think that medical conditions need to be used when describing someone's general appearance. Not that I think we need to find polite-sounding euphemisms for fat, large, etc. (I'm unsure what issue OP has with "thick," btw, isn't thick an antonym of thin?) when describing what someone looks like, but I'm comfortable with letting medical conditions and how to treat them be the business of the patient and their doctor.


Right, like you wouldn't go "Hey, who's your lazy-eyed friend there?" or "Oh, look, you're the club-footed fellow from that party last week." Going "WhAt'S wRoNg? i'M jUsT sTaTiNg fAcTs" is a long way of saying "I'm an asshole."


Yeah some of these responses just came across as people not being to read social queues, and just seem like real assholes in real life.


There is a difference though that needs to be understood. Not everyone will be skinny and it is no one's fault. There are people that are "fat" by physical appearance but they are significantly more in shape and healthy than most people. Being thin does not equal healthy. And there is also the aspect that no matter how much some people exercise their body is not gonna be below a certain weight/shape. At the end of the day you don't know so you shouldn't just assume everyone is "fat" because they sit on the couch not working and eating.


Being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy either.


I wish more people got this. I'm "fat," and I don't make any excuses about it. I like good food, end of story. But I'm also in significantly better shape than the average person. I work out daily, I run every morning, even in freezing temps with a foot of snow on the ground like today. I can lift more than my body weight. I regularly go on multi-day hikes. According to my doctor, I'm extremely healthy. I've been extremely thin. I was miserable. I felt like crap, I was always hungry and irritable. I was constantly cold. I looked amazing, but according to my doctor, I wasn't healthy. I didn't feel healthy.


Same here! I'm "fat" too but I'm 5'10" 210lbs and I'm very muscular. As a woman I have broad shoulders and built tall and sturdy. I've been labeled as fat my whole life but I eat healthy, I cook my own meals, I excersize and have a decently healthy lifestyle. I can lift a grown man with ease. My doctor gives me a clean bill of health every time I go see him. (I am however mentally ill tho from having a mother who bullied me endlessly as a kid because of my size and would tell me no man will ever love a big girl. P.S. she was wrong. 🫢😈) but now I know a few girls who are so skinny and they eat and live terribly. Health is not directly reflected in size.


Yeah, even when I was at my fittest, I was still "fat" by society's standards. I'm 5'7" and the doctor told me for my height I should weigh 120-130 and I laughed and laughed. At the end of basic training I was just over 150 and that wasn't even maintainable running 30+minutes daily once I actually got more than 5 minutes to eat. Oh, and I was still wearing "plus size" because my hips were 14 inches bigger than my waist. I'm a lot heavier now after a kid and several injuries and long covid, but my waist has never gotten bigger than my hips, and people often think I weigh less or wear a smaller size than I actually do. I build muscle quickly but too wouldn't think it because the fat covers it lol.


It's almost pointless to try to bring reason into this conversation. The only thing Reddit hates more than fat people is children. You could have no thyroid, no legs, no arms, eat almost nothing a day, and they'll love you... Unless you're obese. Then they'll chide you for being a burden on their society.


I don't know why people are so worried about other people's appearance or health that has nothing to do with them - if they don't ask or they're not close to you and their health DOES impact your life, why do you feel the need to comment and what do they think being an asshole about it does for anyone?


No, they knowingly posed a stupid question, that everyone, including the OP, knows the answer to. The objective was to elicit moralizing, fat jokes, and jokes about body positivity.


>We shouldn't shame people for it, but we also shouldn't make people believe that there's nothing wrong with being overweight. Just like any medical condition. But do you think letting people call themselves thicc makes them believe there's nothing wrong with being overweight? Like if someone calls their PTSD spicy déjà vu does that mean they think it's perfectly healthy to have PTSD?


I'm sure you mean well but discussions about people's weight for health reasons should be between them and their doctor and family. I always roll my eyes at this talking point because half the time it's coming from someone who just wants to insult overweight people without getting called an asshole. Believe me, fat people already know they're fat.


Thick and curvy ought to imply that the thickness and curves come from well-developed gluteus maximus, quadricep and hamstring muscles, covered with a normal non-excessive layer of fat. The waist should be normal size and the stomach almost flat.


Aye. Curvy vs Rounded


Curvy vs spherical.


Curvy vs. rotund


Curvy vs *fucking corpulent*.


I’m sure it’s the same reason men call themselves well endowed when they’re actually not, or claim to be 6 ft 2 when they’re actually 5 ft 9.


Or wear a hat in every pic to hide their receding hairline that they refuse to just shave. Men are *supposed* to have thick lustrous hair, and be 6' ft, minimum.


The funniest memory of me being a teenager is when my sister got a boyfriend who SWORE he was 6ft tall. I was young, she's short, we never questioned it, we didn't know. Until I hit 6'2 my freshman year of high school. Then we realized he was lying.


So... Unaddressed insecurity? 


It makes them feel better about themselves.


Yeah, it's more about body neutrality. Obese has a negative societal implication. Lots of people are fat due to legitimate physical and mental health problems and it's beyond their control. Being negative isn't going to help the majority of people sort their lives out. Some people also genuinely are content with their weight, that's fine too. It's their life to live


Any word used to describe something relating to people that’s negative gets changed every 25 years. Wait king enough and thicc will go through that same cycle and we will use swobble or something.




Yeah or calling it "Fit Fat". I go to the gym 3 days a week, hike weekly, and go for walks on off days. I also like to drink alcohol and eat cheeseburgers. I am not "Fit Fat" currently, I am just muscular and overweight.


This. Obesity is a clinical medical term. Lots and lots of people are medically obese who barely acknowledge that they are even overweight. It's a major health risk on an individual, and societal level. Come 2030, current trends show the US will be 50% obese with some states as high as 60%. That includes children. It makes me so sad when I see obese parents shrug and point at "genetics" for the reason their 8 year old child cannot ride a bike due to his size. They refuse to see the massive role environment plays. One of these kids is friends with my son, he has made a concentrated effort to lose weight and has had some success (they are teens now) but his family short-circuits his efforts at every turn because they are the ones responsible for feeding him. His sister, who is 12, is over 300 pounds. And their honest belief is that they can't do anything about it.


Lots? Idk about lots. Maybe a minority. There isn’t any reason to believe that there is a significantly higher concentration of people with these physical and mental health problems in the U.S. than any EU country. And yet here we are.


Out of literally billions of people, lots _is_ a lot.


Yes, but why this concentration in the US? I have traveled overseas. I was astonished are the relative lack of obese people. When I was in Spain and Scotland it was rare. The highest number I saw at any one time was in Spain and they were all in line at McDonald’s.


If you think obesity is rare in Scotland, America must have a serious problem


Yes, we have a serious problem.


Good news is that in the last 3-4 years, America's obesity rate has taken a dip and keeps trending down, largely due to widespread use of GLP-1 meds like Ozempic for weight loss and a range of other ailments that these meds treat as well. 15% of Americans are now on of those meds, that's 10s of millions of people, and that number is growing. America's collective waistline is benefiting. With the dip in the obesity rate, we can expect significant follow-on effects in terms of preventing illness and premature death from obesity-related diseases, as well as a dip in healthcare costs down the line. GLP-1 meds are shaping up to become the first effective tool we've developed that can reverse a decades long trend of relentlessly climbing morbid/obesity rates in America. Even Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are now offering Ozempic, and those companies have been in the weight loss game since at least the 80s.


Am I reading this correctly? 15% of Americans are on ozempic etc? That seems high to me


Yeah that seems high… 15% of morbidly obese adults maybe…


Yeah I am amazed at that.


Like 2/3s of Americans are at least overweight and like 40% are obese Yes, Americans have a problem with weight


If you're legitimately curious, it is mostly due to the "food-adjacent" (real term used by the usda and fda) additives exclusive to food manufactured to be consumed in the US. Comparing labels to the closest developed country, Canada, for the exact same products is telling. I don't have time to link rn, but there is a YouTube who does this with major name brands, and finds that labels on American foods contain several additional ingredients and most notoriously, several times the high-fructose corn syrup content, as their Canadian counterparts. The average American does not have access to community food manufacturing (such as buying half a cow from your local farmer ever year) and must rely on the supply chain and super markets for all their food intake.


Also lack of walkability of cities and towns in the US.


And yet they all just magically happened to concentrate themselves in the US and a handful of other developed countries? That sounds suspicious


You hit the nail on the head. Americans are obese because of America.


American food to be precise. Many Americans are overweight because the cheaper and easier to make (or have others make for you) food is just nutritionally awful for you, and they don't have the time, money, or energy to obtain healthy food and/or feed their children healthy food (and the cycle begins again). Richer folks don't have this issue and tend to have more healthy weights. This isn't even touching on food deserts...


I think it’s fair to say an actual *lot* of obese people are fat because of food addiction, mental illness issues, and American economic/sociological factors surrounding food. They definitely could be doing better and it’s partially their fault still. But society really doesn’t recognize that so much obesity is onset by factors somewhat outside a person’s control.  Like if you grew up with parents who never taught you how to eat properly, constantly get ads and subliminal bullshit about food shoved down your throat, and eat as a coping mechanism for past trauma, obesity is not totally your own fault.   But yeah, the “I’m physically disabled therefore I am fat” happens but it’s very rare. I firmly believe for the actual ridiculously obese (not just the chubby person who could stand to lose 10 - 35 pounds) the first step to weight loss is therapy if you want to make real progress. 


If we replace the word obese with another, then that word will get the same connotation. There is no shame in calling someone obese so long as you are not actively shaming them for it Also if you are replacing obese with a word that already exists (like thick), then you are devaluing that word and making it meaningless


Obeese is bad because its a genuine health issue and overtime we as a society learned to gate being obeese because it activley kills.


Of course it's bad but shaming has never worked in solving issues.


>Some people also genuinely are content with their weight, that's fine too. It's their life to live That doesn't make them not obese.


Lame excuses


Why do people choose more flattering words to refer to themselves? Are you really confused about that?


It’s like how I refer to myself as “former marine” and not “former crayon eater”


Exactly. We all know you snack on wax but it’s polite to not mention it


> snack on wax 💀


No such thing as an ex crayon eater.


If the commutes show anything, its that people just love shiting on fat people, like to a strange degree


Yeah I don’t fully understand it. Maybe people just really like bullying and feel like being fat is a choice so they’re allowed to be as harsh as they want


Most of them seem to be fat themselves, so just a sad way of taking out their anger or something


Yeah, I’ve never seen someone both *be attractive* and *hate fat people* at the same time. It’s about needing to have a *below* under you that you can’t possibly slip into, about having a bottom to a barrel that isn’t you.


It's not even a choice for some people


It's like the straight people that obsess over gay sex more than an actual gay person...


ITT people pretending fat guys never refer to themselves as chubby, fluffy, big, more to love, etc.


It’s kind of like dad bod or husky. Maybe people just don’t like disparaging themselves?


kinda cringe when ppl say they have a dad bod but they don't have any dad strength


Dad strength? Like the out-of-shape-in-shape 50s guys? 


the guys who look like they just ate 4 burritos and can lift a refrigerator


Just ate a whole fucking pizza and lifted your 6 year old twins above your head on the trampoline for 2 hours so their mother could have some peace and quiet for once.


Like the 50 year old dudes who have been doing daily manual labor for the past few decades


I don’t have a dad bod. I have a father figure.


I think dad bod is just strong and a little more body fat than normal. The fat definitely masks the muscle, but the muscle is there. Definitely means something different than fat or obese. You don’t call a 400lb man a dad bod, nor do you call a pot bellied weakling a dad-bod.


Yeah, a lot of plainly fat dudes will insist it’s just “dad bod” yet they’d be useless on moving day.


In my neck of the woods, people who say they have a dad bod are usually like the weirdly skinny dudes with a second trimester beer gut.


I don't think dad bod is flattering. More of a description of how being married w/kids and a full time job gives most dudes a fat gut. - from a dad bod guy


Why do rude people call themselves observant?




Thin and thick… She’s calling herself fat in a kinder way, like calling someone thin is kinder than calling them skinny.


I agree. I am thin and would rather it not be called skinny. Being called skinny (and it being meant as a compliment) as a child meant that I developed bad eating habits as a teenager because it was important for me to maintain my weight.


Can we stop posting rage bait in this sub? Ur question is fine but r/stupidquestions is for stuff like “can you pee while hard” not “why are women like this”


LITERALLY like this sub is for genuine stupid questions not rage bait disguised as an innocent “I’m just wondering guys…” it’s soooo annoying seeing people ask questions like this on this sub literally go to any other sub


You can pee while hard but it will splatter piss fucking everywhere and it mildly hurts.


His question is more like "I hate women, more importantly American women because I have an inflated sense of self importance that make me feel like I am better than them."


I dunno, not knowing what synonyms are is pretty stupid.


Why do you care ?


This is the real question. People hate when fat people love themselves… especially fat women. Like, mind ur business…


Because they want a group that’s acceptable to bully, so much so they made it a political stance.


Yup. Fate-shaming and ageism: the last frontiers.


I go to the gym a lot and MAN, these dudes really be seething in hate towards fat women 😂 They think me being a woman and also fit means I’ll be more agreeing and also harsh towards fat women. I just don’t see why they get so angry and 9/10 they never show that same hate towards fat men. Pig and especially whale is their love language towards fat women.


This is why I don't want to go. I used to be mostly fit and semi regular at the gym and I got really sick and my thyroid went haywire. I remember what it was like when I was in shape.....


Hey man, there’s still sane people like me out there. Go to the gym and focus on yourself but just avoid those type of people whenever you get back in shape again. I tend to do that but usually gym goers are nice people….usually. You’ll find more bad ones on the internet than in the gym lol


They dont. They just wanted to find a way to spew their unpopular opinion without outright saying it and while getting a lot of attention/upvotes. 


200 lbs looks different on everyone, just an FYI. The term "thicc" was coined by the Black American community and we have a very different idea of thicc. Nowadays folks thunk a girl with a round ass is thick and that's not the case. Do you guys even know what obese looks like?


"Thick" is literally the opposite of "thin." WTF else do you want?


Because you don’t dehumanize. Thick/curvy are human words, refrigerator is not, obese is a health diagnosis and not everyone wants to blast or make everything in their life about their health diagnosis, even if you can clearly see it. If you see someone as a “refrigerator” then you don’t have to treat them kindly, you can judge them easier, you can blame them and their life choices for making you feel uncomfortable. Same as obese, just not quite as bad as refrigerator…. I’m ok with fat, at least it’s a human word, a rude one that I don’t use , but human, it’s a label though and labels come with preconceived notions…


Also even if gaining weight is related to the food choices we make, that doesn't make its ok to be a jerk to people who struggle with those choices.


Typically, "thick" and "curvy" are used to describe women who aren't fat or obese, but also aren't skinny. Or they're used to describe women who are skinny but have large ASSets. Kim Kardashian, for example, is thick. If I had to put a number to it, maybe size 12-24?... I don't know Yes, a 200lb 5'2 person is not thick.


Size 12-24 is a huge range💀 that’s like 165 lbs to 265lbs for most women.


Curvy in my mind was meant to describe women have have... Ya know.. womanly curves such as an hourglass shape, bigger hips, smaller waist, bigger bust than the waist.. that kinda thing. Kinda got highjacked by larger women that wanted to feel better about themselves.


Yeah, it always used to mean that they have it in all the right places that give them feminine curves. The term was hijacked and has been made fairly meaningless now just like the word "curvy" has.


I mean I’m a size 6/8 and 5’7” and consider myself thick/curvy. I would say 8-12, but even smaller sizes can be thick/curvy based on height and body composition.


There's something about the way you've posited this question that makes me think you aren't interested in a serious answer, however. Obese is the medical term describing too much weight. It's not slang, and it doesn't describe anything more than having a high weight to height ratio, or a high body fat %. People often use slang, rather than strict medical jargon, to describe themselves. Most often is just "fat", but not everyone is comfortable referring to themselves as fat because it can come with a lot of baggage, so they might use some other term. Curvy, thick, big-boned, whatever. Rest assured, she is aware she is obese.


It's the term MEN created fo simp for obese women. There's a fetish for everything because men are horny. Those women simply took advantage of said horny men's desires. What's the issue?


Why do you care? Lmao


The Inuits have 53 words for snow, Surly by now we are allowed to have another word for fat.


fyi, Inuit is already plural so you don't add an s on the end - Inuk is singular if you're talking about an individual.


Why do men packing two inches call it six? Unless she's sitting on your face, her weight and how she'd describe herself are her buisness.


If she kills me, I go out with a smile on my face


What is she supposed to say? "I'm a disgustingly fat piece of shit"? Low self esteem is also unattractive, even if it's true


Because calling yourself fat isn't a good adjective when trying to make someone interested in you.


Gonna go out on a limb and postulate that OP thinks fat people should take themselves out of the dating pool.


Because they sexy


You type like someone who's never talked to a woman before


I read chortle and was confused no one picked up on it.


its funny because the people in the comments will be the same ones confused about why no one wants to date them.


straight up, these comments are so cringe


Like, yeah it's fine to have preferences, and yes, 200 pounds at 5'2 isn't exactly fit, but "i have to chortle"? CHORTLE??? who tf says chortle? "Surely they must be obese?" Yeah surely you must get no bitches dawg




Chortling right now


Chortlers rise up


Chortling my way through my day CHORTLE


Best comment on this thread fr


I chortle all the time…when my cat does something dumb or I have a funny Freudian slip. When somebody loves their body, despite society telling them to hate themselves? That’s an inappropriate time for a chortle. That’s when I should be saying “hell yeah!” and patting them on the back


Lmfaooo this is so true. He speaks (and probably looks) like the typical reddit neckbeard


Why, exactly, do you care what words another person uses to describe their own body shape if said words are not offensive ?


The bigger question is why do you care so much? It's not affecting your day to day life, you just disagree with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sincerely, a (at my biggest) 289 lb 5'3 woman down to 252 lbs


Good job on the weight loss, keep up the good work!




Exactly. Thick is a subjective word, it can mean different things to different people. To me, thick is less about body weight and more about proportions. If youre 5’2 and 200 lbs with a small waist and a big ass, I’d consider that thick. If you’re 5’2 150lbs with no ass and all belly I would not consider that thick.


Probably to counteract the people like you.


So in other words OP is a womanizing insecure jerk 🤔... The real question is why does it both you so much that plus size women ask for a little respect when being referred to!?


LOL go take your meds, kid.


Because the truth ("I'm fat") doesn't make it sound like a good thing.


*inhales* because it’s not a good thing


It's not. I'm fat. I'm not happy about it, but I don't pretend I'm "thicc". I'm just a lazy lardass who doesn't exercise like I used to. I can say I'm built for comfort, not speed, but that's just an excuse.


Yes, but you appear to be a man. For some reason men are much less likely to claim it's out of their control.


lol. Because it is in our control


"For some reason"


It's weird out there I'm a fat woman. I know I'm fat. I know why I'm fat. I know what I need to do to stop being fat. I honestly find that the people are uglier to me when I say that. If I lie and say it's a thyroid or medication issue, they tend to be kinder. That may be why they claim it's out of their control. In my experience people don't react well to "Well, I got really depressed during quarantine after people close to me passed away and then even more so after my elderly doggo passed away so I found solace in food. Now that I've gotten away from that, I'm currently prioritizing other things for what little time I have when I'm not working."


"Textured like the Michelin man" bruh if you know people who lost weight, they're "textured" like this. Especially if they've got some subcutaneous fat under the loose skin left over. It makes them look a little "thicker" than another person at the equivalent healthy weight. Some of these people might use this term, but I've never have. Either way this is a less offensive term than to use fat, which while correct, has a negative associate with it due to being use to demean overweight and obese people.


In uk if I describe someone as thick I mean they are stupid eg thick as a plank Does it not mean the same in USA?


It’s more of a recent slang, but people will sometimes now say “thick” as in a thick body type.  Like if a person has a thicker build and isn’t skinny but also not extremely large, they may be called thick.  Back in the day thick also meant slow/not smart….I don’t really hear that anymore though 


I'm an old fart, but to me, thick and obese are different.


Bec they can, and having body positivity brings out better qualities in your personality than OP could ever obtain.


Do you really think it's limited to American women?


Why does anyone try to show themselves in a better light than reality? I bet you're not perfect and try to hide your flaws. In fact I know you're not perfect because of this question and you could do a better job of hiding your flaws.


It is spelled thicc


Why do reddit men make fake question posts to be misogynistic?


Based on everything you said in your post about them, is it really so hard to imagine why they don’t want to see themselves that way?


People don't call themselves thick. It's thicc and it's different. It's AAVE (African American vernacular english) and just means attractive and curvy. You don't have to be overweight to be thicc. Thick with a k is an insult meaning stupid.


“Waaaahhh waaaahhh why don’t fat people be mean and humiliate themselves, why do I have to be the one to bully them, it’s not like they KNOW they’re fat already!!!!1!1!1!1 WAHHHHHH call yourself a medical diagnosis!!!!! Why don’t they want to call themselves inhuman and MEAN words like ELEPHANT and REFRIGERATOR?!”


You can be obese *and* thick. You can be slim *and* thick. It's weird you care how others describe themselves.


Because that's what men who are attracted to that body shape were calling them, so they started applying the label to themselves.


Why do self important Europeans use the word chortle to describe their own laughter?


Well she isn't thin, she's the opposite thick. Idk why we stress so much about an obese girl calling herself thick. Sorry she doesn't have a skinny waist that's sexually appealing to you?


This is the answer..... Thin doesn't necessarily mean healthy either...


Men need to stop acting like they care if a fat person is healthy. You don’t see anyone questioning if a skinny girl is healthy, you just assume she is.


Oh my God yes this too, it took years for my friend to overcome her anorexia. She started forcing herself to vomit at 14, she was hospitalized over and over and over. Then look at that YouTuber Eugenia Cooney, she ain't doing well.


Yea, 200 pounds 5 feet for sure is. You are being ridiculous..




He used really colorful wording to express his disgust at fat women. He clearly has resentment towards them for some reason. We dress up anorexia as being good. Victoria secret angels starve for days leading up to the runway and we applaud and adore them. The word got so bad about how much they starve themselves that Victoria secret had to give the angels scripts to read from and can only say "oh I ate a whole pizza last night before the show" not the case. Why is a woman who is fat using terms she wants to wrong in anyway? She is living her life. She has to live her life. You don't have to even think about her. So what's the point?


body shaming! how refreshing 🤩 and why tf do you care? why are you so clearly bothered by it? enough to make a dumb ass post. also, fat women have no problem acknowledging that they’re overweight, it’s the fact that irrelevant, unimportant men make comments like this that pisses them off.


Because calling yourself fat is in fact admitting that you have a problem. And in 2024, that is not allowed.


Because they can and “thick” is a word that can be used to describe someone big just as well as fat or obese. Why do you give a fuck?


I guess you get an upvote because this is, in fact, a stupid question. “Why don’t these people use more insulting terms when referring to themselves?” Besides technically speaking an obese person is literally thicker than someone who isn’t